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Arrest Lucknow Girl’ trends after woman thrashes cabbie, breaks his phone on busy street


First Class Star
Dec 12, 2010
#ArrestLucknowGirl The case against the girl was lodged after the police initially booked the cab driver and his two friends for breach of peace, an action that drew a lot of criticism on social media. The road rage incident took place on July 31.

Identified as Priyadarshini, the girl is a resident of Kesari Kheda in Krishna Nagar, Lucknow.

While slapping the cabbie on a busy Awadh Nagar street, the girl had alleged that the driver was driving at a high speed and she narrowly missed being run over. She has been booked on the charges of committing or attempting to commit robbery, causing hurt and loss.

In the viral video, the woman can purportedly be seen crossing the street and stopping in front of the car. She then opens the driver`s door and drags him out and starts slapping and hitting him while pulling him by the collar. The driver can be heard requesting bystanders to call policewomen to the spot.

However, she continues to assault the driver and even flings his phone on the ground. A bystander who attempts to intervene also gets a slap from the woman.

The video generated outrage on Twitter with one user posting: "First of all how can she cross the road when vehicles are moving? Isn't that her fault and how can the police allow this? And pls support students too #ArrestLucknowGirl."

Another microblogger said: "See was trying to suicide...she came in front of moving traffic.. if cab driver wouldn't control he was gone for killing chanrges.. girl should be given tough lesson."

A few people also asked that the girl be shown no leniency because of her gender. One person tweeted: "Hope there is no leniency shown because of gender. This was an unwarranted, unprovoked act. Kudos to the guy for showing restraint. That must have been very hard."


I remember when they used to say "how can he slap". Guess times have changed and now we're all wondering "how can she slap".
Sadly thats a failure of society in todays world. Specially in Sub continent:( taxi driver being beaten up in front of a traffic cop and crowd. Hardly anyone came to his rescue. Would it be the same if change the gender? Would it be the same if it was someone driving a Honda city? This is cruel #ArrestLucknowGirl
She's been ripped to shreds online and that should make sure she faces the law. That cop deserves some blame for just standing there and letting it happen. I can understand the public not getting involved as this kind of public thrashing is usually meted out to a guy who misbehaves with a girl. So many of them who didn't see the whole incident might have been confused. In her interviews she also tried that angle claiming he'd threatened to abduct her....
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I'm actually surprised he just let her go on slapping him, he could at least of got a hold of her wrists and restrained her. She was jumping like a little monkey to generate more slap power.
I'm actually surprised he just let her go on slapping him, he could at least of got a hold of her wrists and restrained her. She was jumping like a little monkey to generate more slap power.

Any action from him can double the whooping he was getting. Public will not think twice to manhandle the cabbie if he takes any action to protect himself.
I'm actually surprised he just let her go on slapping him, he could at least of got a hold of her wrists and restrained her. She was jumping like a little monkey to generate more slap power.

The cab driver was a muslim. The last thing the poor dude wants is online propaganda saying "aggressive muslim thug manhandles/molests innocent hindu woman on the street". Already a few right wingers were struggling whether to support the man because of their anti women stance or to support the woman because of their anti muslim stance.
Any action from him can double the whooping he was getting. Public will not think twice to manhandle the cabbie if he takes any action to protect himself.

IN one sense that is a good thing in that at least there is a sense that beating on women is not ok in Indian society, but a woman needs to understand that restraint works both ways.
Yeah I saw the video. What a piece of low life **** this woman is.

And in an interview she said, I have heart disease, kidney disease, lung disease, blood sugar, high cholesterol and whatnot.

And someone commented, “Bhagwan kareh isko ye sab disease real mein hojaey.
I genuinely hope all women of India have the same guts that this lady has.

I know she looks like the villian in the video but we all know what women of India (and the rest of the sub continent) go through. There is a deep background behind her aggression.
I genuinely hope all women of India have the same guts that this lady has.

I know she looks like the villian in the video but we all know what women of India (and the rest of the sub continent) go through. There is a deep background behind her aggression.

Listen to her deep background lol, poor cabbie was just earning his bread and butter😡
I genuinely hope all women of India have the same guts that this lady has.

I know she looks like the villian in the video but we all know what women of India (and the rest of the sub continent) go through. There is a deep background behind her aggression.

And what’s the fault of the cab driver?

I think the only reason he was arrested and she roams free is because, she is a Hindu, and he is a Muslim and he is the weaker party between the two.

Salute to his bravery for not hitting her back, if it was me, should would be in hospital.

And the shameless girls is wearing a mask at home.
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His cab isn’t exactly a 5 series so I can understand her disappointment to be fair.