Baby girl born with 14 fingers and 12 toes hailed as an incarnation of Hindu goddess.

Cricket Warrior

Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 12, 2023
A baby born with a total of 26 toes and fingers has been described as the incarnation of a Hindi goddess.

The little girl was born in Bharatpur, in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan and has seven fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Her parents reportedly believe she is the manifestation of Dholagarh Devi, a popular local deity who has a temple close to the baby's birth.

A statue of the goddess depicts her as a young girl with multiple arms. Doctors, however, called the baby's condition a 'genetic anomaly'. The child's mother, 25-year-old Sarju Devi, is said to be extremely happy.

It is usually inherited, with a 50% chance of it being passed on to a child if a parent has an extra finger or toes. Last year also in India, another baby sparked disbelief after it was born with an extra pair of legs and arms.

The tot has been hailed a 'miracle of nature', and has even been compared to a reincarnated version of God. The baby was delivered at the Shahabad Community Health Centre in Hardoi, a district in the north of country Uttar Pradesh, with locals reportedly flocking to the hospital to see the multiple-limbed goddess first-hand once news of the birth spread.

It is a blessed child but of course there is no logical reason for it being incarnation of anyone.

Lets hope the doctors ensure this wont be a problem in her health going forward. Hopefully they use medical principles over religious ones.
Feel sorry for a country that is ready to hail anyone as a God or Goddess.
Better to hail the kid as a Goddess than mock her. Every girl child born in Hindu household is called Laxmi. She is supposed to bring prosperity.

Hopefully she should get medical attention and correct the deformity.
Feel sorry for a country that is ready to hail anyone as a God or Goddess.
In current circumstances, Pakistanis should be the last people on earth who should feel sorry for Indians or Bharat
Let me get this straight.

A genetic deform is hailed as divinity?

Random mutation at work.
I myself have met a person with 1 extra finger in each hand. Sir Garfield Sobers was born with 1 extra finger in each hand which were surgically removed.
I myself have met a person with 1 extra finger in each hand. Sir Garfield Sobers was born with 1 extra finger in each hand which were surgically removed.
Hrithik Roshan also has an additional finger on one of his hands, making it a total of 11 fingers.
Wow! With 2 thumbs in one hand, what a punch he could deliver to his opponent. :ROFLMAO:
He belongs to a remote village. Once he settled in my city, a doctor once recommended him to surgically remove them. But he was far too scared to undergo the procedure.
He belongs to a remote village. Once he settled in my city, a doctor once recommended him to surgically remove them. But he was far too scared to undergo the procedure.
Yeah, it's true that the thought of removing any part of your body can be quite scary for anyone.
If Hindu's believe she is the incarnation of a Goddess then let that be their business. Only thing is don't force this crap on those who believe in Abrahamic religions with the "ghar wapsi" thing they are on about these days.
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I don't see anything wrong with attributing extra fingers or toes to divinity. Everyone knows there is a popular goddess with eight arms, this miracle birth could be a sign that the goddess still touches the land of Bharat.
Better to hail the kid as a Goddess than mock her. Every girl child born in Hindu household is called Laxmi. She is supposed to bring prosperity.

Hopefully she should get medical attention and correct the deformity.
Polydactyly or the condition where a person may have more fingers or toes than normal is a genetic anomaly. It cannot be treated. Sometimes this condition is also associated with other physical or intellectual anomalies. I hope this poor kid doesn't have any of those.
That's a pathetic comment. The girl is suffering from a genetic defect. Nothing funny about it.

She'll be fine. Modern medical science will ensure that she'll function like any other normal human being when she grows up.
I don't see anything wrong with attributing extra fingers or toes to divinity. Everyone knows there is a popular goddess with eight arms, this miracle birth could be a sign that the goddess still touches the land of Bharat.
Bharat is blessed.