Blue print for Pakistan selectors & selection committees


Post of the Week winner
Sep 4, 2015
Post of the Week
Why Selectors?

The role of Selectors is one (if not THE) most roles in Cricket. Their military equivalent is that of Brigade commander who is acutely aware of the fighting fitness and capability of his troops and able to provide personnel which fit into any tactical or strategic scenarios which the military might face.

The role of selectors in a simple phrase is “Forever Pursuit of Excellence”.

What Skill-set?

In order to perform their job, a selector needs to have the basic traits:
  1. Years of Playing experience in diverse conditions and diverse circumstances​
  2. Deep understanding of Pakistan Domestic Cricket, its “unique” culture and chaotic structure​
  3. Keen understanding of the Game of Cricket and particular understanding of ebbs & flows (within sessions). T20 is shortened and fast paced so contrasting them with sessions (longer format) let’s call them phases.​
  4. Keen eye for Talent but with the ability to scrutinize and separate youngsters with the ability to work hard and adapt.​
  5. Ability to gauge basic mental toughness & mental resilience​
  6. Ability to engage in intense (civil) discussions and to articulate & defend your point of view​
  7. Ability to look at the issue from the point of view of someone who is disagreeing with you​

What disqualifies a Selector?
  1. IF you are unwilling to travel throughout Pakistan OR spend time to actually watch players​
  2. IF you are unwilling to self-critique and learn lessons from your own decisions​
  3. IF you are unwilling to take responsibility for your decisions​
  4. IF you are affected by stats and numbers without bothering to look at the person, performance and circumstances behind the numbers​
  5. IF you are easily swayed and influenced by the Media​
  6. IF you will crumble in the face of pressure​
  7. IF you seek the limelight & popularity​

What is your Job as a Selector?

The top-tier of your Job to select 15 players for a given format in consultation with the Coach, Captain and Team Management is probably the easiest but the most visible. Your choices will be limited in terms of roles and specifics dictated by others. You need to study the roles dispassionately and supply the “best suited personnel” from the supply line. Your job is also to have a detailed understanding of the shortcomings of those who did not get selected for this Tier, to have direct interaction with them, tell them why they didn’t get selected and to share feedback with Coaches (at their respective) levels to ensure that they can put a plan together to address the shortcomings.

The next-Tier will have less visibility but your job is to select 25 players for a given format for A-Tours with an aim to fulfill the roles (in the higher Tier) with players who are “there or thereabouts”. Your job is to select players who you think can grow and enter the higher Tier Or at least make the players already in the next Tier uncomfortably. Your job is also to have a detailed understanding of the shortcomings of those who did not get selected for this Tier, to have direct interaction with them, tell them why they didn’t get selected and to share feedback with Coaches (at their respective) levels to ensure that they can put a plan together to address the shortcomings.

The next-Tier will have even less visibility but it’s your opportunity to shine! Your job is to select 40+ Players throughout the country and keep a keen eye on their progress and prospects. A young tearaway 16 year old from Karachi should be on your Radar as soon as he emerges and you can follow his progress

National Selection Committee?

Because when you look at all of the above, it is not possible for a single person to handle it. The minutes of each interaction of the selection committee should be mandatory published in Urdu because your audience is not the Foreigners but citizens of Pakistan.

You should also appear in front of a (hostile) Media and explain your decisions.

The job for the National committee is to also interact with and guide the various provincial/regional committees operating underneath them.

Provincial/Regional Selection Committees?

They job is to regularly interact with and work under the guidance of National committee and present reports. Their meetings minutes should be mandatory published in Urdu.

Term Limits?

Each Selector should have a term-limit of 2 years to be able to learn the job and apply his/her thinking. A 1-year extension performance-based extension can be granted by the PCB but no more. There would not be any knee jerk firing or dismissal of the committee or selectors based on disastrous results. After the expiry of the term the selectors would be free to reapply and willing to go through the entire selection and compete with the rest of the applicants. The decision to select of the selectors and the chairman should be transparent and minutes should be mandatory published in Urdu.

This system will need a few cycles (8 year minimum) to bed down and reach grassroots stability. For the period of 8 years the tenure of the sectors and committee must be constitutionally protected from being fired. Let the personnel and the committee function despite dire and atrocious results, let the concept bed it, the bad apples will be weeded out by the system.

It is natural for a selector to push for selection from his/her region based on regional Bias or natural familiarity. This occurs in every system in one way or another.

However, there should be an independent review system to investigate consistent misreporting. This is to address undue and unjust “hyping of certain players” which are being projected without merit. This review system should be independence, transparent and all reports made public. This is the safety valve in the “Pakistani Selection System” which can be called upon to explain maverick selections (e.g. Azam Khan), its not the Job of Azam Khan to explain his selection but the job of the selection committee to standup to scrutiny!


Idea Credit: Flat_Track_Bully

American Baseball has a tradition of “scouting” going back 100 years. This is a professional setup with a specific job description, remuneration package and a career track. Pakistan with its limited financial muscle cannot afford to replicate the “American Baseball model”.

However, the PSL franchises & PCB can afford to pay a consultancy or discovery fee for a scout who unearths an unpolished gem beyond the Domestic System and this can include eligible players living outside of Pakistan. This model can be extended to cover the computer-aided scouting model which can be of assistance in the Pakistani system. Specific guidance should be issued on how to:
  1. Capture Data specific to a Player (with special examples)
  2. Format the Data (with special examples)
  3. (Upload) or Furnish to PCB or PSL Franchises

The PCB upon receiving the data should make it available to the Selection committee to review and make recommendations.

PSL Selection?

It’s private and NOT your concern!
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They need a network of 100-200 scouts spread across the country watching all the amateur matches along with domestics.

A selector is only worth the information he has available to him.

They should also have the power to give a player a place in a domestic team if they see potential.

We need to look beyond domestic cricket because the cupboard is bare.
They need a network of 100-200 scouts spread across the country watching all the amateur matches along with domestics.

A selector is only worth the information he has available to him.

They should also have the power to give a player a place in a domestic team if they see potential.

We need to look beyond domestic cricket because the cupboard is bare.
Is the scouting model financially sustainable for Pakistan ?
Great post. Pakistan desperately needs to modernize their selection policies. No more picking players off vibes and feels
Just by selecting players on merit, PCB can achieve wonders even with low budget.
Is the scouting model financially sustainable for Pakistan ?

Financially sustainable? It's pocket change considering labor is so cheap in Pakistan. I am sure their hospitality budget would still be larger.

It's the best way to get an outreach beyond domestic cricket.
End the nepotism-based selection, and bring merit. Groom players from a young age like U19 players. Stronger domestic structure.

Dream for PCB but yeah, possible.
Financially sustainable? It's pocket change considering labor is so cheap in Pakistan. I am sure their hospitality budget would still be larger.

It's the best way to get an outreach beyond domestic cricket.
The only financial incentive I can realistically think of is what I described in the post. Pakistan is effectively bankrupt