Eid Moon Wars


Test Captain
Jan 2, 2010
Its usually a yearly issue in the UK.

Some Masjids follow Saudi regardless of any other data or view.

Some go around looking for the new moon by eyesight themselves.

Some use the scientific calendar.

In the UK it seems this year again people will be celebrating Eid on different days. I know of people in the same family who celebrate on different days because of the masjid they attend. A brother might be fasting while the other will not. lol

How is it in your country?

Is there a solution you can think off so all do Eid on the same day?

Personally I have to go with the masjid my family attends to keep the peace!
The time zone on the Moon is actually GMT/UTC. So using this as a reference, I think it is best that once the moon is sighted after the international date line, then Eid should be declared on the same day across the globe!
The time zone on the Moon is actually GMT/UTC. So using this as a reference, I think it is best that once the moon is sighted after the international date line, then Eid should be declared on the same day across the globe!

According to this, the moon cannot be sighted on Thursday, so Eid should be on Saturday. However numerous mosques in the UK have already declared Friday as Eid.

Same issue in Canada. Some mosques have already announced Eid on friday. Looks like it'll be a long weekend
Same issue in Canada. Some mosques have already announced Eid on friday. Looks like it'll be a long weekend

In Canada is due to sectarianism and do they offer you their reasoning for deciding on Eid day?

Its a power game- deciding Eid gives people power.

Do you feel this will continue in years to come or will it change once the elders move on and the youngsters take charge?
In Canada is due to sectarianism and do they offer you their reasoning for deciding on Eid day?

Do you feel this will continue in years to come or will it change once the elders move on and the youngsters take charge?

People love power and I don't see any change. I hope I am wrong but with so much politics, I don't see any change coming
So a lot of debate in the Middle East about Friday or Saturday Eid!
So a lot of debate in the Middle East about Friday or Saturday Eid!

Interesting, as usually Middle East have the same day.

It seems the Saudi scientific calendar which is used is wrong. Saudi astronmers have made their voices known.

Eid al-Fitr could begin on Saturday as the Shawwal moon is expected to be visible by the naked eye on Friday evening and not Thursday, according to astronomers in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.[

A moon-sighting expert has warned that there may be a "divided Eid" in the UK because of people following incorrect declarations when no visibility of the crescent is possible. Eid ul Fitr falls at the start of the month of Shawwal and, as with all Islamic dates, depends on a sighting of the first faint crescent of the new moon.

Muslim scholars, astronomers and members of the public will be out looking for the moon on the 29th day of the current month of Ramadan which for most will be Thursday, April 20. Astronomical forecasts of the moon's movements around the earth suggest there will be no visibility on Thursday but easy sightings with the naked eye are possible on Friday. That points towards Eid ul Fitr being on Saturday, April 22.

However, while the ruling bodies of Islamic nations have moon-sighting boards to set their country's key dates, there is no official nationwide system in the UK. It means some mosques and communities will look for the moon in British skies and some will follow reports from Saudi Arabia and other locations. Saudi Arabia's calculated lunar calendar is saying Eid will be a day earlier, on Friday, April 21.

Some people saying that for the first time Iran and Saudi will have it on the same day (new peace deal etc)

Might be a good thing if true. The security and safety of fellow Muslims should be the no1 priority.

However they should follow science.

Those in the UK who blindly follow Saudi really have no understanding of their religion. UK is more than 4000 miles away, makes no sense at all to follow a nation so far away and which is not in line with longitude.
Eid declared in the Gulf for Friday.
Eid declared in the Gulf for Friday.

Masjids of East London, Regents Park Friday too.

Green Lane Bham and others in the UK are Friday too.

Crazy, its impossible to see the moon tonight in the UK or Middle East.

No wonder the Muslims of the world are suffering, they cant even follow the Sunnah.
In Canada is due to sectarianism and do they offer you their reasoning for deciding on Eid day?

It's not the traditional sectarianism i.e. sunni, shia etc. More to do with specific masjids following either the scientific method, local sighting or global sighting. I guess the problem is unique to non islamic states where the government is not involved in these affairs.
It's not the traditional sectarianism i.e. sunni, shia etc. More to do with specific masjids following either the scientific method, local sighting or global sighting. I guess the problem is unique to non islamic states where the government is not involved in these affairs.

I think its sectarianism within Sunni.

Saudis fund many mosques in Europe and other lands. Those mosques simply follow them.

We are in 2023, we know when the Moon is visible(the image I posted above). Everyone should follow the truth which is evident.
I think its sectarianism within Sunni.

Saudis fund many mosques in Europe and other lands. Those mosques simply follow them.

We are in 2023, we know when the Moon is visible(the image I posted above). Everyone should follow the truth which is evident.

So are you suggesting it should be the scientific calendar method? It's not 100% accurate either. From your image Saudi shouldn't be able to see the moon but reports are they have declared Eid based on moon sighting.
So are you suggesting it should be the scientific calendar method? It's not 100% accurate either. From your image Saudi shouldn't be able to see the moon but reports are they have declared Eid based on moon sighting.

Saudi does as they please, the clue is in the name bro. The rulers were installed. They are wrong for sure but the people who celebrate Friday are not to blame in Arabia.

I would go with science and then follow the Sunnah to sight with the eye, both will end in the same result.

The UK's New Crescent Society does this and have announced no positive sighting tonight, so Eid will be Saturday in the UK for most. I follow their method.
Saudi does as they please, the clue is in the name bro. The rulers were installed. They are wrong for sure but the people who celebrate Friday are not to blame in Arabia.

I would go with science and then follow the Sunnah to sight with the eye, both will end in the same result.

The UK's New Crescent Society does this and have announced no positive sighting tonight, so Eid will be Saturday in the UK for most. I follow their method.

You are 100% correct and the New Crescent Society doesn’t just look for the sightings during the Eid period but throughout the year, they utilise the science and sunnah, best methodology in the world. It is well known that Green Lane notoriously is funded by the Saudis, their blanket statement is funny, they are doing it on Friday because of Daddy Sheikh, pure and simple, the public fund our authority and they need to do their due diligence. If anyone is in doubt they can put 2 and 2 together themselves but they are blinded by ignorance.
And the fight continues

You are 100% correct and the New Crescent Society doesn’t just look for the sightings during the Eid period but throughout the year, they utilise the science and sunnah, best methodology in the world. It is well known that Green Lane notoriously is funded by the Saudis, their blanket statement is funny, they are doing it on Friday because of Daddy Sheikh, pure and simple, the public fund our authority and they need to do their due diligence. If anyone is in doubt they can put 2 and 2 together themselves but they are blinded by ignorance.

I think Muslims in the UK should think carefully which masjid they attend. Saudi ideology has been around for a couple of hundred years, they make these rulings to ensure some sort of power over Muslims around the world.

Its a shame as I know of some families which will have separate Eids. Imagine one brother fasting while the other is eating Eid food. Bizarre.
But do we go with what each nation decides or when they see the moon? Back in the early days of Islam, there were no nation states.
I think Muslims in the UK should think carefully which masjid they attend. Saudi ideology has been around for a couple of hundred years, they make these rulings to ensure some sort of power over Muslims around the world.

Its a shame as I know of some families which will have separate Eids. Imagine one brother fasting while the other is eating Eid food. Bizarre.

This problem in the UK only exists amongst the pakistanis

It doesn't exist among the other ethnicities who on the basis of ummah community cohesion and unity will all celebrate eid tomorrow on Friday.

It's just these pakistanis maulvis who like throw spanners in the works
This problem in the UK only exists amongst the pakistanis

It doesn't exist among the other ethnicities who on the basis of ummah community cohesion and unity will all celebrate eid tomorrow on Friday.

It's just these pakistanis maulvis who like throw spanners in the works

Mazhar bhai, its impossible to sight the moon on Thursday evening. The Masjid I attend is also attended by White Brits, Black Africans, Turks, Albanians and others.
Challo let's not worry about the negatives.

Eid Mubarak and let's celebrate!
Eid mubarak to all.

Too much negativity on here about who’s correct.

The thing to remember we won’t be questionable on the day of judgement for celebrating with your local mosque. Enjoy the time with your family & friends.
Here in Norway, the last few years they have used some scientific method and announced Eid very early. I am not going to argue if it's correct or not, but it makes easier for employees and chool-children to apply for leave of absence. All communities celebrate on same day mostly.

Eid Mubarak to all! :)
Science followed by local sighting.

I had been reading that the Saudis have one of the best and most advanced methodologies for the sighting. Saudi Holy Mosques Masjid Al Haram and Masjid Al Nabawi have jointly said the moon was seen Thursday in Tumair and Sudair which is their main elevation points.

My cousin today was telling me however that they actually calculated it rather than seeing it. Which seems plausible if Pakistan or Morocco, 2 hours either side of Saudi could not sight it, how come only Saudi could? Which then boils down to this "advanced process".

But like the posters are saying, its not really worth arguing about, just enjoy the celebrations with your family and friends on whichever day it is. This is going to keep happening every year unless everyone comes to an agreement which is not going to happen.

Allah swt. knows best.
Seems a few did Eid on Friday and some doing today?
A bit random but for a historical dispute, we could head back to 1967 in Pakistan. The ‘moon sighting committee’ made up of the defence minister, a naval official and one member of the ulama had declared Thursday, 12 January 1967 as the day of Eid. Some religious figures protested. Rumours were circulated that the regime did not want Eid to fall on Friday in the superstitious belief that it bode ill for its future. Five figures of the religious establishment - including prominent figures Maududi and Ehtisham ul-Haq Thanvi - were imprisoned by the state for their displays of dissent.

Ayub Khan’s diary entry for 12th January 1967 is reproduced below. In the entry, Ayub demonstrates his commitment to Islamic modernism - i) the belief that Islam is compatible with modernity; ii) the stress on Islam’s ethical, rather than formalistic, imperatives; iii) the sense that the true spirit and intent of Islam had been stifled by the religious establishment who had encased Islam in outer ritualism.

In the final paragraph, we also see the paternalism that marked his regime. Ayub Khan - Sandhurst trained who spoke with a clipped English accent - shared some of the colonial stereotypes and like the colonial predecessors, thought he knew what was best for the masses.

"The central Ruet-e-Hilal committee headed by the minister of interior announced last evening that in view of the fact that the new moon had been sighted in Mardan, Malakand and Peshawar, the Eid will be observed throughout the country. This was repeated on the radio several times and also the information that Eid had been celebrated in several Middle Eastern countries and Afghanistan on the 11th should have satisfied anyone with any sense but the mischievous elements amongst our ulema looked for trouble. Starting with Ehtisham-ul-Haq and Maududi from Karachi they rang each other up all over the country that Eid should not be observed on the 12th as they were not satisfied with the government's declaration. I was rung up by the Pir Sahib of Dewal in the middle of the night and told this. In places, they sent men around on vehicles at night telling people on the loud-speakers not to observe Eid on the 12th.

You might say why these wretched people behave in such a manner and create mischief and division amongst people. The answer is simple, they want to run a parallel government in the country and exploit ignorance and innocence for political ends.

I am trying my best to bring about a situation where Islam, instead of being confined to rituals, rites, ceremonies, in other words 'mullahism', becomes a living philosophy of life. But it is quite clear that the ignorant and mischievous elements amongst the mullahs is not going to allow this to happen.

The result will be the same as happened with Christianity and with Islam in Turkey and several other countries. In disgust with the mullah, people will give up Islam in its true meaning and this will be a terrible tragedy.

It might well be said that it is my duty to bring home to the people the dangers of which this type of mullah is exposing us to. I would gladly do it but the trouble is that, though our masses are good and God-fearing, they are uneducated and ignorant. They are not yet ready to understand and accept a rational approach. They are, therefore, the perfect audience for the religious and political exploiters.”

PMD reveals likely date for Eidul Fitr​

The sighting of the Shawwal moon, marking the end of Ramazan, is likely on Tuesday, April 9, across Pakistan, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD).

According to PMD, the birth of the Shawwal moon is expected to emerge on the night of April 8 at 11:21 pm local time.

By April 9, the moon's age is expected to range between 19 to 20 hours, with an anticipated duration of moon sighting after sunset of more than 50 minutes on the horizon.

Clear skies are forecasted for most locations across the southern regions of the country, including Karachi, on April 9. However, northern areas may experience cloudy conditions during the moon sighting.

PMD said that if the moon is sighted on April 9, Eidul Fitr will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 10.

Eidul Fitr is a significant religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide, marked with prayers, feasting, and the exchange of gifts among family and friends.

As the auspicious occasion of Eidul Fitr approaches, Pakistanis are preparing for a potentially extended holiday period, with six days set aside for festivities and celebrations.

In 2019, the IT ministry introduced the lunar calendar to address concerns related to moon sightings and ensure uniformity in Eid celebrations.

Endorsed by the meteorological department, this calendar has become instrumental in determining the dates of various Islamic events, including Eidul Fitr.

Traditionally, Eid holidays commence a day earlier than the anticipated date to allow individuals ample time for preparations and to partake in the joyous festivities.

With the government contemplating a four-day holiday starting from April 9 (Tuesday) to April 12 (Friday), coupled with the usual weekend holidays on Saturday and Sunday observed by both government and select private offices, the total holiday period is expected to span six days.

Eidul Fitr holds immense cultural and religious significance for Muslims worldwide, marking the end of the holy month of Ramazan characterised by fasting, prayer, and reflection.

In Pakistan, the festival is celebrated with fervour, as families come together to exchange greetings, share meals, and extend acts of charity to the less fortunate.

Source: The Express Tribune
Hopefully, we don't see an Eid Moon War this time and all Pakistanis celebrate Eid on the same day.
The federal government has announced a four-day holiday on the occasion of Eid ul Fitr, starting from April 10.

As per the official announcement on Wednesday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif approved holidays from April 10 to 13.

Geo TV
As Eid may fall on Tues or Wed, I've booked both days off just to make sure and ended up booking the rest of the week off too. :)
Looks like eid will likely be on Wednesday 10th according to the pre calculated al qura calendar published by the saudis. This leaves more of a chance of a "united eid" this year with those starting on monday 11th fasting 30 days and those starting on tuesday 12th having 29. (in the uk)
Probably on 9th April, there will be Eid in Pakistan.
not possible bro. Unless you meant moon will be sighted on 9th.

Eid most likely according to reports to be wednesday or thursday
Shawwal crescent moon has not been sighted in Saudi Arabia on Monday, meaning that Ramadan will last 30 days this year, and Eid Al-Fitr will fall on Wednesday, April 10

Saudi Gazette
Shawwal crescent moon has not been sighted in Saudi Arabia on Monday, meaning that Ramadan will last 30 days this year, and Eid Al-Fitr will fall on Wednesday, April 10

Saudi Gazette

It seems most of the world’s Muslims will be celebrating on Wednesday. Nice to see .
Signs point to rare ‘same-day’ Eid

As multiple countries across the world decided to celebrate Eidul Fitr on Wednesday (tomorrow) after the crescent was not sighted on Monday, the Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee will meet in Islamabad today to spot the Shawwal crescent, giving rise to the possibility of a same-day Eid across the Muslim world.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Kuwait will celebrate Eid tomorrow, according to media reports in the Gulf-based newspapers. Similarly, Australia has also announced that Eid will be observed on Wednesday.

On the other hand, the central moon-sighting body will meet at the roof of the Federal Secretariat’s Kohsar Block in Islamabad, while meetings of zonal and district Ruet-i-Hilal committees will be held at their respective headquarters concurrently. If the committee manages to spot the new moon today, then Pakistan will also celebrate Eid with the rest of the world.

Ruet-i-Hilal Committee

In a statement on Monday, the committee requested citizens to share any information regarding sightings of the moon with the committees in their respective areas.

The meeting will be chaired by Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, and atten-ded by the members of the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee, as well as officials from the Meteorological Department, Suparco, and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Talking to Dawn, Maulana Azad said that extensive meetings and discussions have been held with clerics and religious groups across the country, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

All groups who had apprehensions with the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee in the past have been taken on board and it is unlikely that any cleric would form their private moon sighting committee, he said.

In the past, different parts of the country have observed Eid on different dates owing to differences in moon-sighting evidence and non-adherence to the Central Ruet-i-Hilal committee’s diktat.

Most notably, Peshawar’s Mufti Shahabudin Popalzai would often announce Eid in KP a day ahead of the rest of the country. In 2022, the country saw Eid being celebrated on three different dates in North Waziristan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the rest of the country.

A similar situation occurred in 2012, when the residents of the then-tribal areas celebrated Eid on Aug 18, KP announced Eid on Aug 19 and the rest of the country celebrated on Aug 20.

Muslim world

According to the UAE-based newspaper The National, a group of astronomers, court officials and advisers from the Emirates’ Islamic authority — gathered to observe the crescent heralding the start of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar.

“As the moon could not be sighted, Tuesday will be the 30th and final day of Ramazan this year,” it reported.

The Arab News, while quoting the Saudi Supreme Court, said that the Shawwal crescent was not sighted on Monday evening. Tuesday will be the final day of the holy month, it reported.

The Gulf Times reported that the Crescent Sighting Committee at the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in Qatar announced that April 9 will be the last day of the blessed month of Ramazan and that Wednesday, April 10, will be the first day of Eid.

According to Gulf News, “Australia has officially announced Wednesday as the first day of Eid Al Fitr, marking the end of Ramazan and the beginning of the month of Shawwal.”


Eid moon likely to be visible today​

There is a strong likelihood that the Eidul Fitr moon will appear in the skies on Tuesday (today), marking an auspicious end to the holy month of Ramazan.

Born on Monday night at precisely 11:21 pm, the moon will reach an age of 19 hours and 41 minutes by its sighting time in Islamabad.

Residents of the capital city can expect to catch a glimpse of the Eid moon for a fleeting ten minutes, with the moon sighting window spanning from 7:02 am to 7:31 am.

Similarly, other regions across the country are also gearing up for the sighting. In Azad Kashmir, the moon will be visible from 7:01 am to 7:30 pm, while in Quetta, the sighting window extends from 7:25 am to 7:54 pm.

Pasni will witness the moon from 7:29 am to 7:57 pm, and in Peshawar, the moon will grace the sky from 7:08 am to 7:37 pm.

Lahore residents can anticipate the moon to appear between 6:54 pm and 7:21 pm, whereas in Karachi, the sighting window falls between 7:15 pm and 7:42 pm.

Furthermore, the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee is scheduled to convene in Islamabad today to officially sight the Shawwal moon.

Chaired by Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, the committee will comprise members from various government bodies, including the science and technology ministry, the meteorological department, and the space and upper atmosphere research commission.

Contributions from zonal members representing Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, and Peshawar are expected to enrich the deliberations during the meeting.

In anticipation of the Eid festivities, the government has announced three-day holidays from April 10 to April 12 for offices with a five-day workweek, and a four-day break from April 10 to April 13 for those with a six-day workweek.

Source: The Express Tribune
Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 moon not sighted in India

If the crescent moon of Shawwal is sighted tonight in India, Pakistan, Australia, Singapore, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries, it will be a rare festive celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr on Wednesday, April 10, together with the Muslims in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Iran, USA, United Kingdom and other countries in the Middle East and West. However, if the Shawwal crescent is not sighted on Tuesday evening in these South Asian nations, chand raat in these countries will be on Wednesday, April 10 while Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on Thursday, April 11, 2024, indicating that Muslims here may observe a 30-day fast like their brethren in Middle East and West this Ramadan, instead of 29 days of fasting.

Source: The Hindustan Times
Eid Mubarak to all Muslims around the world
Shawwal moon sighted, Eidul Fitr to be observed across Pakistan on Wednesday

Shawwal moon sighted, Eidul Fitr to be observed across Pakistan on Wednesday

The Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee on Tuesday announced the sighting of moon for the month of Shawwal, saying Eidul Fitr will be celebrated across Pakistan on Wednesday (April 10).

The announcement was made by Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee chairman Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad.

In addition to committee members, officials from the Meteorological Department, SPARCO, Science and Technology sectors also participated in the meeting.

Separate meetings of zonal and district Ruet committees were also held at their respective regional headquarters.

Addressing a press conference after the central committee's meeting ended, Maulana Azad said moon-sighting testimonies had been received from Kohlu, Khyber, Sheikhupura, Kasur, Gujranwala, Karachi and other areas.

Following the conclusion of the Zonal Sighting of the Crescent Committee meeting, reports from Lahore indicate a cloudy evening, thwarting efforts to spot the crescent moon.

Despite eager anticipation and diligent observation, the elusive moon remained hidden behind the thick veil of clouds, disappointing many who had gathered in hopes of catching a glimpse.

Earlier, the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) had forecast that there were more chances for the sighting of Shawwal moon.

The met department had said weather across the country would be clear, hence it would be clear to sight moon here.

Source: Samaa News
For a while I thought our local Maulvis would go against the grain but thankfully they didn't. Eid Mubarak to everyone. May Allah bringing blessings to our families, our communities and our country's in my case UK and PK and to humanity.
Eid Mubarak everyone. Refreshing to see Eid being celebrated on one day across the World. While we cherish these moments, let's not forget our brothers and sisters in Palestine and their struggles
Fortunately no such moon wars on Eid Ul Azha
A meeting of the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee in Karachi has begun to sight the Zilhaj moon, according to the religious affairs ministry

This meeting is taking place at the Pakistan Meteorological Department building in Karachi with simultaneous zonal meetings in the provincial capitals and Islamabad.

A day ago, Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Court announced the sighting of the Zilhaj moon with the last month of the Islamic calendar beginning today.

The rituals of Haj will commence on June 14 with the Day of Arafat on June 15. Eidul Azha will be observed in the kingdom on June 16.

Source: Dawn News