England and Wales now minority Christian countries, census reveals


ODI Debutant
Oct 7, 2010
UK Census 2021 results

One of my geekiest guilty pleasures is awaiting census data, always find it fascinating, to see whether the changes I think I've observed are borne out in the data.

UK census released its first data, and quite unsurprisingly this country is getting old, and given this is the first census that fully covers the post-financial crisis, post covid, post increasing social alienation of the last decade i don't find it particularly surprising that population growth is slowing.

Key points from census
  • The total resident population of England and Wales stood at 59,597,300 on census day, March 21 2021, up 3,521,388 from 56,075,912 a decade earlier – an increase of 6.3 per cent.
  • An estimated 51 per cent of the population was female and 49 per cent male, compared with 50.8 per cent female and 49.2 per cent male in 2011.
  • Some 18.6 per cent of the population were aged 65 and over, up from 16.4 per cent in 2011, while 23.1 per cent were aged under 20, down from 24 per cent.
  • Tower Hamlets saw the biggest percentage rise across the decade (up 22.1 per cent), followed by Dartford (20 per cent), Barking & Dagenham (17.7 per cent) and Bedford (17.7 per cent).
  • Kensington & Chelsea saw the biggest percentage fall in its population (down 9.6 per cent), followed by Westminster (6.9 per cent), Ceredigion (5.8 per cent) and Copeland (5 per cent).
  • North Norfolk had the highest proportion of people aged 65 and over on census day 2021 (33.4 per cent), followed by Rother (32.4 per cent) and East Lindsey (30.4 per cent).
Any interesting insights/trends about Pakistani British population?
latest data release shows england and wales now less white and more godless than ever before:

perhaps the greatest collapse in ethnic self-identification in this country is the erosion of english self identity


with nearly a sixth of the country now either asian, black or mixed


and the number of Christians falling below 50% for the first time in more than a thousand years, and the number of non-religious people growing to more than a third for first time in the country's history.


proportions of British Pakistanis grows from 2% to 2.5%, only ethnic minority group falling is ethnic carribeans

detailed map showing breakdown by area here

i was surprised by the first data point tbh, as an ethnic minorty I've always self identified as British, but understood why a lot of white people would identify as english first, but this seems to be a huge change.
England and Wales are now minority Christian countries, according to the 2021 census, which also shows that Leicester and Birmingham have become the first UK cities to have “minority majorities”.


The census revealed a 5.5 million drop in the number of Christians and a 1.2 million rise in the number of people following Islam, bringing the Muslim population to 3.9 million. The changes equate to a 17% fall in the number of Christians and a 44% increase in the number of Muslims. It is the first time in a census of England and Wales that fewer than half of the population have described themselves as Christian.

Meanwhile, 37.2% of people – 22.2 million – declared they had “no religion”, the second most common response after Christian. It means that over the past 20 years the proportion of people reporting no religion has soared from 14.8%.

The archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said the census result “throws down a challenge to us not only to trust that God will build his kingdom on Earth but also to play our part in making Christ known”.

He added: “We have left behind the era when many people almost automatically identified as Christian but other surveys consistently show how the same people still seek spiritual truth and wisdom and a set of values to live by.”

The chief executive of Humanists UK, Andrew Copson, said: “One of the most striking things about these census results is how at odds the population is from the state itself. No state in Europe has such a religious setup as we do in terms of law and public policy, while at the same time having such a non-religious population.”

Analysis by the Guardian shows areas with a higher proportion of people from ethnic minorities are also more religious. And places with a higher proportion of white population also have a bigger proportion of people with no religion. The places with the highest numbers of people saying they had no religion were Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent and Rhondda Cynon Taf, all in south Wales, and Brighton and Hove and Norwich in England. They were among 11 areas where more than half the population are not religious, including Bristol, Hastings in East Sussex and Ashfield in Nottinghamshire, most of which had relatively low ethnic minority populations.

The places with the lowest number of non-believers were Harrow, Redbridge and Slough, where close to two-thirds of the populations are from minority ethnic backgrounds.

The slump in religion and emergence of minority ethnic populations as a combined majority in whole conurbations in England and Wales is revealed in data about the ethnicity, religion and language of close to 60 million people gathered in a snapshot census on 21 March 2021. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) cited differing patterns of ageing, fertility, mortality and migration as possible reasons for the change in religious profile of the countries.

Across the two countries, 81.7% of the population is now white, including non-British, down from 86% in 2011, 9.3% is Asian British, up from 7.5%, 2.5% is Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean-African and African, up from 1.8%, and 1.6% are other ethnicities.

Ushering in a new age of city-wide “super diversity”, the ONS data showed 59.1% of the people of Leicester are now from ethnic minority groups, a big change since 1991, when black and minority ethnic people made up just over a quarter of the city’s residents. Leicester’s Asian population first became well established after 20,000 people settled in the east Midlands manufacturing city after expulsion from Uganda in 1972.

Minority ethnic people also make up more than half the population in Luton (54.8%) and Birmingham (51.4%), the UK’s second largest city where 20 years ago seven out of 10 people were white. Since the second world war, Birmingham’s population has grown with immigration from the Caribbean and south Asia, as well as Gujaratis who had been in east Africa.

The mixed-race population grew by half a million people to 1.7 million over the last decade, but the rate of increase was slower than for the previous decade.

The census deputy director, Jon Wroth-Smith, said the figures showed “the increasingly multicultural society we live in” but added that despite the rising ethnic diversity “nine in 10 people across England and Wales still identify with a UK national identity, with nearly eight in 10 doing so in London”.

The figures will present a fresh impetus to policymakers to tackle embedded racial inequalities, which mean black and minority ethnic people are 2.5 times more likely to be in relative poverty and are falling faster and further below the poverty line in the cost of living crisis, according to the Runnymede Trust, a race equality thinktank.

While there have been significant improvements in the educational attainment of almost all ethnic minority groups in recent years, median weekly earnings among black Caribbean male employees were 13% below white British men in 2019, with Pakistani and Bangladeshi pay 22% and 42% lower, according to research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

The census revealed a substantial fall in Christian religious adherence. Islam, by contrast, is increasingly widespread, from 4.8% or 2.7 million people in 2011 to 6.5% and 3.9 million people in 2021.

Humanists and secularists seized on the figures as proof of the need for an overhaul of religion’s role in a society that has bishops of the established Church of England voting on laws and compulsory Christian worship in all schools that are not of a designated religious character.

“It’s official – we are no longer a Christian country,” said Stephen Evans, the chief executive of the National Secular Society. “The census figures paint a picture of a population that has dramatically moved away from Christianity – and from religion as a whole. The current status quo, in which the Church of England is deeply embedded in the UK state, is unfair and undemocratic – and looking increasingly absurd and unsustainable.”

The census did not ask people whether they were Church of England, Catholic or any other denomination, but the findings are likely to indicate shrinking congregations for the established Anglican churches of England and Wales. In 2018, the British Social Attitudes Survey found only 12% of British people were Anglicans, down from 40% in 1983.

Dr Adam Rutherford, the president of Humanists UK, said people should not think a decline in religion equated to an “absence in values”.

“We might be living in a more values-driven society than ever before,” he said. “Surveys show, for example, that around three in 10 British adults have humanist beliefs and values, and it’s a trend we’ve seen growing in recent years.”

Humanists say they trust science over the supernatural, base their ethics around reason, empathy and concern for humans and other sentient animals and that in the absence of an afterlife, “human beings can act to give their own lives meaning by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same”.

This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits.
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Not surprising. Radical liberalism is rising in UK.

But, good news is Islam is also rising and it can negate radical liberalism.
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This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits. This is the future of India too if Congress comes back and remains in power for 10 years.

Is it the decline of Christianity that you are sad to see?

If so then you can perhaps help the figures and massage the pain of native brits by moving back to India and perhaps you can also help stop 10 years of Congress rule that way.

Or perhaps you can encourage people to attend their churches and have more kids.

If it is the increase in Muslims that makes you sad I can only suggest joining the EDL
This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits. This is the future of India too if Congress comes back and remains in power for 10 years.

A large reason that the native Brits (or whites if you want to speak plainly) are declining in number is that many of them emigrate also. Australia and USA population is made up of a lot of former Brits, not to mention plenty move to Europe as well. Maybe we should appeal for them all to come back and boost the white population numbers.
This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits. This is the future of India too if Congress comes back and remains in power for 10 years.


If native Brits become conscious about Christianity and nationalism, Indians may struggle to migrate to UK.

Check what Christianity has to say about idolatry.
Not surprising because more and more people are identifying as atheists these days. Christianity as a whole is in decline in most western countries.
This is a sad trend being replaced at grassroots with militant atheism and white supremacy.
This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits.

What pain ? The immigration policies were made by there own legislations. The countries they invaded and looted there wealth , were done forcefully.
There's millions of white east Europeans and balkans who have moved to the UK.
Possibly in future you will see large number of ukranianians settling due to their own country being completely ruined by war .
There is large numbers of indians coming as students and in future graduates , Filipinos, Hong Kong people as well.

It will be a big ask in the future to keep community cohesion with so many people and groups.
It is not surprising when you look at the state of churches in the UK. They are mostly empty.

Good news that Islam is rising. That is all I care about.
There's millions of white east Europeans and balkans who have moved to the UK.
Possibly in future you will see large number of ukranianians settling due to their own country being completely ruined by war .
There is large numbers of indians coming as students and in future graduates , Filipinos, Hong Kong people as well.

It will be a big ask in the future to keep community cohesion with so many people and groups.

That's why there was lots of promotion for Ukrainian refugees..
It is not surprising when you look at the state of churches in the UK. They are mostly empty.

Good news that Islam is rising. That is all I care about.

Churches have been empty for a long time. When Church was separated from politics , it ruined the society , and it was push towards Godless society.

Same thing happened with Islam. When politics was removed from religion , it changed from khilafat e Rashda to kingship.
Churches have been empty for a long time. When Church was separated from politics , it ruined the society , and it was push towards Godless society.

Same thing happened with Islam. When politics was removed from religion , it changed from khilafat e Rashda to kingship.

Islam is not declining like Christianity.

Khilafah is gone and corrupt rulers are in power. But, people are still practicing.
white flight from london is staggering, i could see it with me eyes but the numbers are staggering. theres vast portions of some boroughs which have contiguous populations of >70% asians.

interestingly only about 1% to 2% of these areas identify as being Pakistani, the ratio identifying as indian however is significantly higher, which is interesting.
Islam is not declining like Christianity.

Khilafah is gone and corrupt rulers are in power. But, people are still practicing.

Individually people are Muslims , but the whole structure is of kufr.

Islam is not a name of few rituals , it is making divine laws as supreme. Only Allah has authority to make laws , not humans. Without this Islam is just a body lacking spirit.

Without power Islam cannot be implemented. I can give several examples if the posters here want.

Yes , Islam is not decreasing because it is different from other religion like hinduism , sikhism , Christianity . In other religions most people read there books but do not believe that those books are to be followed in daily lives , In Islam 100 % Muslims even the people indulging in major sins will always say that Quran is 100 % words of God.

No Muslim will contradict , where as in other religions a lot of people are not convinced those are 100 % divine. orin pure form.
Churches have been empty for a long time. When Church was separated from politics , it ruined the society , and it was push towards Godless society.

Same thing happened with Islam. When politics was removed from religion , it changed from khilafat e Rashda to kingship.

Christianity was always going to decline. It hasn't got a solid foundation. Christians have been changing their religion to fit the changing times. While Islam has remained constant despite fierce criticism from the liberals.

Also, Christians that I know don't even live a Christian life. Bible is just a book for them. While for us Muslims, Islam is a way of life and Quran is a guide on how we should live our lives.

So, no wonder, Islam is growing while Christianity is declining. Honestly speaking, Christians have made Christianity an absolute joke of a religion over the past two millenniums.

If native Brits become conscious about Christianity and nationalism, Indians may struggle to migrate to UK.

Check what Christianity has to say about idolatry.

Christian apologists in UK are more worried about Muslims and atheists who poach members from them. Hindus are least of their concern. They are not converting any native Brits.
Europe should and must maintain their identity. I fully understand if native brits are mad at the situation in their land. They are not only losing their culture, but they are slowly becoming minority in their own land.
Europe should and must maintain their identity. I fully understand if native brits are mad at the situation in their land. They are not only losing their culture, but they are slowly becoming minority in their own land.

Do you want less Indians in UK then?
London, Birmingham now all minority white British cities.

London still a majority white city as 15% of the population is now non-british white, mostly poles, romanians and albanians. 21% of population is asian, and 13% black.

the changes over the last decade have been fairly staggering, with the boroughs of newham, brent and Redbridge averaging over 65% non-white populations.

think more needs to be done to avoid ghettoisation in London espeically, mixed neighbourhoods are cool, but when i see areas with >80% non-white ethnic homogeneity i think that's a worrying trend. ghettoisation tends to portend worsening economic outcomes for areas.
Muslims making headlines... it's such a broadchurch of ethnicities that it such statistics are meaningless. Loads of Afghan and Syrian refugees, East London makes up the bulk
Europe should and must maintain their identity. I fully understand if native brits are mad at the situation in their land. They are not only losing their culture, but they are slowly becoming minority in their own land.

I can see it where I live. Tons of Modi supporters here now arriving in droves..really need to look at visa policies with the Modi regime
I can see it where I live. Tons of Modi supporters here now arriving in droves..really need to look at visa policies with the Modi regime


It is funny that some Indians are suddenly feeling concerns for "native Brits". They are also contributing to native Brits becoming minorities (by migrating in big numbers).
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It is funny that some Indians are suddenly feeling concerns for "native Brits". They are also contributing to native Brits becoming minorities (by migrating in big numbers).

One of the reasons why I have repeatedly affirmed I want control of immigration. As a native Brit, I don't approve of being swamped by Indians arriving in droves pretending to be students or techies, and hopefully these same Indians on this site professing sympathy with native Brits, will also appreciate mine and Priti Patel's views on this.
There's a social joke going round.

With the majority of African and Arabian countries out of the Football World Cup, England is the only majority Muslim country left in the World Cup!

This is very sad to see. I can truly understand the pain of native Brits.

I think you're confusing race with religion. Dont worry White people are still the vast majority.

The issue here is religion has shrunk, Christians have declined and faith is very low for many Brits.

The reason is the British land heavily promotes liberalism and materialism while criticising religion. This stems from school, to work, to TV, Radio, etc etc.

Its sad to see as good Christians built this land.
Do you want less Indians in UK then?

As long as the native Brit’s are close to 80% of the population, I will be okay with it. Britain is for British people. It’s the natives in that land that make Britain unique. They should maintain that cultural identity.
As long as the native Brit’s are close to 80% of the population, I will be okay with it. Britain is for British people. It’s the natives in that land that make Britain unique. They should maintain that cultural identity.

Define a Native and define British.

Also how far do you go back to be a native and who made this rule, you?

Finally, what is the cultural identity of Britain.

This should be very fun to read. :wg
<b>Why Nigel Farage is wrong about London being 'minority white'</b>

In a widely seen video on Twitter former UKIP leader Nigel Farage claimed that new census figures showed that "London, Birmingham and Manchester are all now minority white cities".

He is referring to figures released on 29 November, based on the 2021 Census, which included ethnicity breakdowns for local authorities in England and Wales.

The census is a huge exercise carried out every 10 years by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) - people are compelled by law to fill in their census forms.

Mr Farage is wrong in most of his claim.

If you add up the 33 local authorities in Greater London for the five ONS categories of white people:

• English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
• Irish
• Gypsy or Irish Traveller
• Roma
• Other

It turns out that 53.8% of Londoners said they were white in 2021 - so a white majority.

In 2011, this figure was 59.8%.

Looking at the first category of people identifying themselves as white, so English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British, this accounted for 36.8% in London.

In 2011, this figure was 44.9%.

There were some local authorities in London in 2021 with below 50% identifying as white.

They were Newham, Brent, Redbridge, Harrow, Tower Hamlets, Ealing, Hounslow, Barking and Dagenham, Hillingdon and Croydon.

Manchester, which is a single local authority, had 56.8% identifying as white - so a white majority.

In 2011, this figure was 66.7%.

Those who identified as white English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British stood at 48.7%.

In 2011, this figure was 59.3%.

Birmingham had 48.6% identifying as white - so a white minority - Mr Farage was right about this city.

In 2011, this figure was 57.9%.

Those who identified as white English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British stood at 42.9%.

In 2011, this figure was 53.1%.

Other local authorities with less than half of people identifying as white were: Slough, Leicester and Luton.

The ONS has issued a statement criticising "misleading statistical claims" that white people are now a minority in London and Manchester.

<b>Religious changes</b>

Mr Farage also claimed that "only 46% now identify as Christian".

He is right about that. There were 27.5 million people who answered the voluntary religion question on the census saying they were Christian, which is down 5.8 million from the previous census in 2011.

The other big change in the religion category was people identifying as having no religion, which had increased by 8.1 million to 22.2 million people.

Mr Farage ended his Twitter video by saying:

"The ONS now say in future they will not ask the nationality or birthplace of those taking part in this census... in future they want to hide the true figures from you... it's a scandal."

He appears to be referring to the next census. If that happens, it will be in 2031, but nothing has been decided about that census, including whether it will be conducted at all.

The ONS told Reality Check: "These claims are simply not true. We published the latest country of birth statistics from the census earlier this month and our latest migration estimates last week.

"We are reviewing the best methods to produce estimates of the UK population as part of our transformation of population and migration statistics making the best use of all available data."

"Using new methods, we intend to produce our next estimates of the non-UK born population in 2023."

Europe should and must maintain their identity. I fully understand if native brits are mad at the situation in their land. They are not only losing their culture, but they are slowly becoming minority in their own land.

Yea too many Indians always looking to jump ship and get the heck out of india at first opportunity. In US and Canada it’s even worse with bindi wearing gangs invading nice neighborhoods causing white flight into suburbs
As if they were ever majority Christian countries to begin with.
Define a Native and define British.

Also how far do you go back to be a native and who made this rule, you?

Finally, what is the cultural identity of Britain.

This should be very fun to read. :wg

You are not a British if your only a second, third, fourth generation immigrant to Britain.
You are not a British if your only a second, third, fourth generation immigrant to Britain.

Coming from an Australian white person whose ancestors wiped out the natives.

Ill wait for someone with any credibility and understanding to explain.
You are not a British if your only a second, third, fourth generation immigrant to Britain.

lol, who told you this? the cut off seems rather arbitrary. shame tho, i personally couldn't think of someone more aussie than andy symonds, but by ur criteria, he's.... well I'm guessing u have some weird idea of what he was too.
Will be interesting to see how much having no religion has increased in the ethnic minority communities.
Coming from an Australian white person whose ancestors wiped out the natives.

Ill wait for someone with any credibility and understanding to explain.

Yeah my ancestors dominated and suppressed your ancestors, but you can't change who you are and you can't ever be British.
Although I am born in Hong Kong, I do not consider myself Chinese. I am a Pakistani. Similarly, I see a lot of Pakistanis in the UK calling themselves British or Brits but you guys are Pakistanis. There is no point hiding one’s origins.
You are not a British if you’re only a second, third, fourth generation immigrant to Britain.

a. This is untrue

b. Many Brits have some form of dual or multiply layered identity (and not just immigrants), they are still as British as any other Brit.
Although I am born in Hong Kong, I do not consider myself Chinese. I am a Pakistani. Similarly, I see a lot of Pakistanis in the UK calling themselves British or Brits but you guys are Pakistanis. There is no point hiding one’s origins.

I think it’s not particularly your business on this occasion and it’s really up to British people and British Pakistani people to decide on their own sense of identity.
Good to see the rise of secular values in the UK. Hopefully, we see the secularization of Asian societies as well in the coming decades.
Although I am born in Hong Kong, I do not consider myself Chinese. I am a Pakistani. Similarly, I see a lot of Pakistanis in the UK calling themselves British or Brits but you guys are Pakistanis. There is no point hiding one’s origins.

Hong Kong is a place full of immigrants and ex pats so it doesn't really have a national identity. Everyone is classed in their racial groups.

But for most countries there is a difference between ethnicities and nationality.

I mean a white guy could move to Pakistan and be considered a Pakistani - he wouldn't be considered a Punjabi/Balochi/Pashtun though.

I could move to Turkey and be called Turkish but I wouldn't be a Turk.

In Britain if someone is born here then they are British - they would however look a bit silly if they referred to themselves as celts, cornish, Scots (Scottish is ok) etc etc.
great to see people who have trouble with immigrants integrating and integrating themselves telling brit paks they aren't British
[MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION] no point wasting your breath, this point has been brought up before.
Well then you would be wrong.

No it is you who is wrong, and has shown themselves not to understand what Britishness is.

I am equally concerned by the idea that someone who lives in Australia might not consider, for example, Asian Australians and African Australians to be Australian. Can you clarify your position on this point?
No it is you who is wrong, and has shown themselves not to understand what Britishness is.

I am equally concerned by the idea that someone who lives in Australia might not consider, for example, Asian Australians and African Australians to be Australian. Can you clarify your position on this point?

I've already asked him and he ducked it, from his comments in this thread it seems [MENTION=732]Gilly[/MENTION] has serious racial hangups.
No it is you who is wrong, and has shown themselves not to understand what Britishness is.

I am equally concerned by the idea that someone who lives in Australia might not consider, for example, Asian Australians and African Australians to be Australian. Can you clarify your position on this point?

For you James I will clarify my position.

I'm a fifth generation Australian and this poster has on several occasions posted that I'm not an Australian but european and true Australians are only the aboriginies.

I applied the same logic here.

Can you clarify your position?.
One of the reasons why I have repeatedly affirmed I want control of immigration. As a native Brit, I don't approve of being swamped by Indians arriving in droves pretending to be students or techies, and hopefully these same Indians on this site professing sympathy with native Brits, will also appreciate mine and Priti Patel's views on this.

As long as the native Brit’s are close to 80% of the population, I will be okay with it. Britain is for British people. It’s the natives in that land that make Britain unique. They should maintain that cultural identity.
Largest set of immigrants are Indians:)) Wonder why they're leaving shining India?
For you James I will clarify my position.

I'm a fifth generation Australian and this poster has on several occasions posted that I'm not an Australian but european and true Australians are only the aboriginies.

I applied the same logic here.

Can you clarify your position?.

My position is that you are an Australian.
Seeing as your parents were 4th generation, do you not consider them Australian?
The below comments IMO are racist.

They are not racist at all, going by [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION]'s own logic of aboriginals being the one true Australians. If Gilly can't be Australian then neither can KingKhan be British, he will always be a Pakistani. Fact.
Yeah my ancestors dominated and suppressed your ancestors, but you can't change who you are and you can't ever be British.

Not true. Your ancestors were sent to a land because they were convicts. They never set foot in the sub-continent. They only dominated each other in prison.

If you have a British passport, you are a British citizen. Its simple.
They are not racist at all, going by [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION]'s own logic of aboriginals being the one true Australians. If Gilly can't be Australian then neither can KingKhan be British, he will always be a Pakistani. Fact.

Where did I state he cant be Aussie? I was referring to his own warped logic.

Do you consider yourself British and also what faith?
Largest set of immigrants are Indians:)) Wonder why they're leaving shining India?

England should do everything in their means to maintain their numbers and culture. Accepting immigrants is fine. But not at the cost of losing religious, racial and cultural identity.
England should do everything in their means to maintain their numbers and culture. Accepting immigrants is fine. But not at the cost of losing religious, racial and cultural identity.

What are you suggesting? Please clarify.

Are you suggesting only White, Christian immigrants are allowed in? Otherwise how you would stop people choosing their faith or culture?
England should do everything in their means to maintain their numbers and culture. Accepting immigrants is fine. But not at the cost of losing religious, racial and cultural identity.

Do you realize that the very name of England comes from immigrants. Immigrants also brought the English language with them. Its not like the original people vanished, however as the Anglo Saxons were the elites the local people adopted there culture and language.

The new immigrants coming to England will not replace the English elite, so there is no threat to England's cultural identity.
Why are Indians here so pressed?

Truly mind boggling that the Hindu Nationalist here are sad.

These people consider Islam a foreign religion in the subcontinent as it originated in the Middle East. The fact that it has been there for 1,400 years does not matter to them. Yet they are mourning the decline of Christianity which also originated in the Middle East, because it has been in England for about 1,500 years.
It does not matter if the population of Christians goes down to 0%, the Christian period is still part of the heritage of England and Wales. That will never change. Same for the rest of Europe.

Europeans are no longer pagan, yet the pagan heritage of Europe is still there's. So the same way if they are no longer Christian, the Christian heritage will remain part of there culture.
England should do everything in their means to maintain their numbers and culture. Accepting immigrants is fine. But not at the cost of losing religious, racial and cultural identity.

Again, why are you guys so pressed?
England should do everything in their means to maintain their numbers and culture. Accepting immigrants is fine. But not at the cost of losing religious, racial and cultural identity.

Agree with you bro. This is why I stand alongside my two other native Brits, fudge brownies Suella and Priti in stopping the tide of immigration from India. We don't want to see temples preaching holi and other foreign festivals on our streets, all temples should be seized by the authorities and reconverted into churches where the natives can practice their culture and faith.
It does not matter if the population of Christians goes down to 0%, the Christian period is still part of the heritage of England and Wales. That will never change. Same for the rest of Europe.

Europeans are no longer pagan, yet the pagan heritage of Europe is still there's. So the same way if they are no longer Christian, the Christian heritage will remain part of their culture.

Well said.
[MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] as a Christian, why do you feel the UK is seeing a huge decline in Christianity? Is it the faith, which no longer makes sense to many or is the culture of the nation where God is just a personal idea?