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Ethnic enclaves in the west poisoning the society


T20I Debutant
Apr 18, 2018
I just joined a new company and my most of my team members are Hong Kong Chinese. I personally have a very favourable view on Chinese as many of my friends and my girlfriend belong to the ethnic group. Do note that none of my friends are Hong Kong Chinese but they are from the mainland, mainly North of China or born canadians. This difference is important for those who know their "asians".

Anyway coming back to the topic, I recently joined the team and have been having a rather unique time. To give a bit of context, I have worked with other companies in Canada where most of my team was mainly white, and i had a great experience working with them.

However, my experience with my current team has been downright horrible.

My manager is some constantly stressed out dude, who cusses under his breath all the time. He has a strong chinese accent when he speaks, and is extremely rude and disrespectful. Goes without saying that my training experience was horrible and it was badly planned and rushed through. It even made me hesitate to ask questions, and even doubt myself at times.

He also makes snide remarks on the indian colleague we have in our team as well who in my opinion is a gentle soul.

My first thought was that they are all born Chinese who probably immigrated to Canada recently but to my utter shock i found out that most of them did their high school or university in Canada.


their english is so terrible, their accents are thick, their mannerisms are so not canadian and are completely insufferable. The core reason is because they all live in Markham - which is an ethnic enclave. There is nothing Canadian about them. Your neighbours are Chinese, the schools you go to - the kids all there are chinese. The mall there looks like straight out of 90s china. Its sickening to see. Because this made me realize how bad it would be with other ethnic enclaves like Brampton, Bradford etc.

There is a reason why Nordic countries made sure to diversify each of their dwellings by law so that this does not result in mini chinas, mini indias, or mini Pakistans. I want to know the thoughts of my friends from UK and Canada and other parts of the world, do you think ethnic enclaves are a necessary evil? How are they even formed in the first place? And would you suppor their removal in your country? I know i would.
I am in Toronto for 20 years. Came here in 2005.

I must say Toronto was wonderful till about 2018-2019. There were enclaves then too but it wasn't that bad and people got along just fine.

I think that is no longer the case. There are now more groupings. Indians like to stick with their own, Filipinos like to stick with their own, Sri Lankans like to stick with their own etc.

This issue has worsenened under Trudeau because he allowed a sudden increase in immigration. Too many new people were allowed in too fast. These people haven't really embraced Canadian values as they are new to Canada.

I used to enjoy working/studying in Canada because it felt like Canada. I now have to be mentally prepared for third world behaviors.

I think solution is to reduce immigration and let the existing people assimilate. Implement and enforce strict laws so that people don't face discriminations and other issues.
I am in Toronto for 20 years. Came here in 2005.

I must say Toronto was wonderful till about 2018-2019. There were enclaves then too but it wasn't that bad and people got along just fine.

I think that is no longer the case. There are now more groupings. Indians like to stick with their own, Filipinos like to stick with their own, Sri Lankans like to stick with their own etc.

This issue has worsenened under Trudeau because he allowed a sudden increase in immigration. Too many new people were allowed in too fast. These people haven't really embraced Canadian values as they are new to Canada.

I used to enjoy working/studying in Canada because it felt like Canada. I now have to be mentally prepared for third world behaviors.

I think solution is to reduce immigration and let the existing people assimilate. Implement and enforce strict laws so that people don't face discriminations and other issues.
Its actually very jarring to see third world behaviour being so pervasive all of a sudden in Canada. I guess it was always there in pockets but the immigrant population boom has worsened the situation. Downtown Toronto and mid town is still white but immigrants have literally taken over cities in Markham, Brampton, Richmond Hill and Scarb. Its crazy that these cities have one main ethnic group dominant. Is this what you call as multi-cultural?

What makes me wonder more is how these cities even became ethnic enclaves? Like did all punjabis one day decided to buy land in brampton or Chinese in Markham? Can you give me some insight on this?
Its actually very jarring to see third world behaviour being so pervasive all of a sudden in Canada. I guess it was always there in pockets but the immigrant population boom has worsened the situation. Downtown Toronto and mid town is still white but immigrants have literally taken over cities in Markham, Brampton, Richmond Hill and Scarb. Its crazy that these cities have one main ethnic group dominant. Is this what you call as multi-cultural?

It was always there but it wasn't this bad 5-6 years ago. Things have become full-blown third world. We are seeing things like car thefts, break-ins, murders, shootings, robberies, frauds etc. These were rare in the past.

Situation isn't as bad as it is in USA but it is pretty bad by Canadian standard. Canada was always a quiet, peaceful, and safe country until recently.

What makes me wonder more is how these cities even became ethnic enclaves? Like did all punjabis one day decided to buy land in brampton or Chinese in Markham? Can you give me some insight on this?

High and unchecked immigration is the culprit. Canada admitted more people than they could handle. It contributed to job crisis, housing crisis, worsening healthcare, higher crimes etc.

Canada used to have a strong immigration system until Trudeau happened. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry started to come and visitor visas were handed out like candies. Many fraudulent people converted those visitor visas into fake asylums etc. System became a big mess.

Add to that, Trudeau implemented many soft laws which allowed criminals to get bails faster. Criminals are committing crimes, getting bails, and committing crimes again.

Entire mess happened due to poor leadership.
I have always lived in a white area just because those tend to be the more high value, although we did start getting quite a few Pakistani familes moving in where I lived at my last residence. I quite enjoyed it in a lot of ways, but can imagine it would be like living in a mini Pakistan in places like Bradford or Luton. What's the point? Might as well live in Pakistan in that case.
These Chinese seem like good people. Rather than mock them help to fuel their anti Indian fire.

If I know a person holds anti Indian views then I feel like we have something we can work with and discuss and other differences can be easily overlooked.

Mocking Indians - no matter if it's in a Canadian accent or thick Chinese accent is a positive personality trait.
These Chinese seem like good people. Rather than mock them help to fuel their anti Indian fire.

If I know a person holds anti Indian views then I feel like we have something we can work with and discuss and other differences can be easily overlooked.

Mocking Indians - no matter if it's in a Canadian accent or thick Chinese accent is a positive personality trait.
.... And this is how India was dragged in out of no where for no apparent reason for a out of context subject.
.... And this is how India was dragged in out of no where for no apparent reason for a out of context subject.

Indian is just an umbrella term for south asians in most white countries. I think this argument has been made by Indians themselves when pointing out all restaurants abroad are described as Indian. So tv shows mocking thick accents in the past ( not allowed these days) would not really distinguish between Sri Lanka, Pakistani or Indian.
WRT to the other areas detailed in the OP these areas aren't just ethnic enclaves, they are usually "enclaves" formed by people of a lower socio-economic background.

You can't solely blame immigrants ( as the OP is doing) for living in ethnic enclaves. What makes the area an enclave? it is not like that these were empty areas that immigrants chose to populate. The reality is that white people moved out as they moved up the ladder and could afford to go somewhere else. The Chinese or Indians or Pakistanis who came then naturally want their tastes reflected in the area, they will build shops, places of worship, convenience stores to reflect their tastes. Then when the next batch of immigrants come that area will become their go to place because everything they need is already there.

This manager of yours is likely born to parents who worked 24/7 and didn't have time to show him the wider Canadian society. They worked to put their kid through school. Now after one generation he is managing the sons of other immigrants. That's honestly pretty decent progress.

It is likely that the kids of your Chinese colleague will be able to move up the ladder and move into a different area and become more Canadian.

It seems you have created random metrics to judge how Canadian someone is ( basically you mean how close to being white they area) as their is no objective measure of Canadian mannerisims, rather than appreciate the journey this man has been on.
WRT to the other areas detailed in the OP these areas aren't just ethnic enclaves, they are usually "enclaves" formed by people of a lower socio-economic background.

You can't solely blame immigrants ( as the OP is doing) for living in ethnic enclaves. What makes the area an enclave? it is not like that these were empty areas that immigrants chose to populate. The reality is that white people moved out as they moved up the ladder and could afford to go somewhere else. The Chinese or Indians or Pakistanis who came then naturally want their tastes reflected in the area, they will build shops, places of worship, convenience stores to reflect their tastes. Then when the next batch of immigrants come that area will become their go to place because everything they need is already there.

This manager of yours is likely born to parents who worked 24/7 and didn't have time to show him the wider Canadian society. They worked to put their kid through school. Now after one generation he is managing the sons of other immigrants. That's honestly pretty decent progress.

It is likely that the kids of your Chinese colleague will be able to move up the ladder and move into a different area and become more Canadian.

It seems you have created random metrics to judge how Canadian someone is ( basically you mean how close to being white they area) as their is no objective measure of Canadian mannerisims, rather than appreciate the journey this man has been on.

Agree. Most immigrants I see in the UK start off in lower income areas, some of them move out, some prefer to stay where they are because they like living among their own. I believe this is even more true in USA where generally areas are split by ethnicity, so you will have white areas and Latino areas or black areas. Even the whites probably started off in their own enclaves split by different European communities like Italian or Polish or Irish. After 200 years they have probably outgrown this, and you imagine the same will happen in Europe as well.
Indian is just an umbrella term for south asians in most white countries. I think this argument has been made by Indians themselves when pointing out all restaurants abroad are described as Indian. So tv shows mocking thick accents in the past ( not allowed these days) would not really distinguish between Sri Lanka, Pakistani or Indian.
The Chinese never like to mingle. They usually stick to friebds from their own provinces, leave alone the country as a whole.
Grow up it's a free world anyone can go wherever they want. You're complaining about one ethnic minority forgetting that you yourself are an ethnic minority, who's to say the Chinese aren't pointing fingers at you and your friends? Desis need to seriously lose this inferiority complex 'Canada isn't Canada anymore' you're not even Canadian yourself, leave the country if you really want to keep Canada as Canada.