H4L 666 - 5 Star Review


Tape Ball Regular
Feb 5, 2005
Just received my new H4L 666 and on first impression - im well pleased. I really liked the 666 profile when i initially saw it and decided to take matt up on his forum offer.

I asked him for a 5 star, 8 -10 grains, 2.8-2.9, with a slightly thicker oval handle. I received exactly what i've asked for - probably more 2.9 ( i dont have a scale, but picks up fine). I haven't played with the bat yet - so i cant comment on that - however, the quality and the finishing really are top notch.

Service - matt was terrific to deal with. Replied to all messages in a timely manner. Posted the bat exactly when he said he would. I got the bat within 4 days in Canada (that is record time). This is also the first H4L in Canada.

I will update this thread once i use the bat - in the mean time, enjoy the pics.









Allah Hu Akbar! This bat is phenomenal! I really don't have words to describe how good this bat looks in the pictures above. If it is looking that good in pictures then I wonder how good it will look in person!

For its weight it looks quite massive, did you by any chance measure its edges ?
I agree with Uzair miyyan. Bat does look brilliant and hopefully it will perform as well as it looks.
I agree with Uzair miyyan. Bat does look brilliant and hopefully it will perform as well as it looks.

thank you. i've been playing with this for the last 3 weeks now and is easily my favorite bat at the moment. it really is between this and my thruxton as match bats. The BAS is not far behind.
thank you. i've been playing with this for the last 3 weeks now and is easily my favorite bat at the moment. it really is between this and my thruxton as match bats. The BAS is not far behind.

Is the middle position on Thruxton same as this one?

Also another question for you that what makes this H4L a good bat? What is there which is not in any other bat which you have? (Pardon me but after doing assignments over the past few weeks I have gotten in that groove :( )
well the only major difference i find is that the middle is alot bigger on this then my other bats. the oval handle is slightly thicker, which i asked to be made that way, so it grips alot better for me. and its powerful, ping, whatever you want to call it. i hit the ball alot harder with this bat, when compared to the others. it doesnt even have that many grains etc. i've spent alot of time knocking it though, and i think it will only open up and get better.
Sounds great then! The shape does look impressive! I mean the sweetspot seem to be very well extended throughout the bat till mid or just above toe. So I would say it would be a great bat for front foot as well!

Ah okay, no wonder the handle looked thicker than normals to me.

Did you get a chance to measure the edges?

Do you know how much time would you have spent knocking this bat?
Also if you had to choose one bat among Krakatoa, Thruxton, BAS, MB LE, Kook, Evo, Predator, CA Gold....(Oh God I have lost the counting, how many bats do you have ?! :O ;-) ) then which one will it be?

The ultimate one!
bat edges are 33.5 according to the bat maker..i've spent probably about 4 hours knocking with a mallet.

and if i had to choose then it would be between the H4L and the Thruxton. In it's prime, the CA Gold was an amazing bat. i'll show you a close up of it sometime. it has about 16 grains, more then half are heartwood.
34 mm for 2.9, not bad eh.

4 hours?!?! Are you a insan or a jinn? All of my bats are not even knocked for 4 hours :))

But you haven't seen prime of H4L or Thruxton so I'm sure they will do well specially Thruxton.
beautiful bat MASHALLAH and again I am starting to think about that number of grains theory ???
not sure I read about it so much here at pp and other related forums and even some bat makers give it so much importance so what really matters ???
Mashaallah CG bhai looks excellent bat!

The profile looks amazing and the grains aren't that bad in my opinion. I wonder why you get all the bats that go like bullets?

Hamay bhi koiy dey dain.;-)
Mashaallah CG bhai looks excellent bat!

The profile looks amazing and the grains aren't that bad in my opinion. I wonder why you get all the bats that go like bullets?

Hamay bhi koiy dey dain.;-)

i think most bats do go like bullets on this forum - people probably dont spend enough time knocking/preparing them OR they're techniques just dont to the bat justice.

what i meant to say is yes grains look nice, some bat makers even grade there willow based on appearance. however at the end of the day it really depends on how it taps up & feels in your hands. this bat and my grey nicolls dont have many grains and a few blemishes but they perform really well.
i think most bats do go like bullets on this forum - people probably dont spend enough time knocking/preparing them OR they're techniques just dont to the bat justice.

what i meant to say is yes grains look nice, some bat makers even grade there willow based on appearance. however at the end of the day it really depends on how it taps up & feels in your hands. this bat and my grey nicolls dont have many grains and a few blemishes but they perform really well.

Is that based on mallet test or have you practised or used it yet?
Grain are just for appearance to be honest. I have seen Grade 1s which don't look great but they play really well.

Some bat makers grade bats based on appearance whereas some grade on performance such as M&H.

So I would say main thing is how it feels in your hand and how it performs.
Beautiful, simple, massive profile! Wish more batmakers would stick to the basics (hint hint GM with Luna :) )
Actually those Luna aren't that bad for its weight. Since they are scooped more of the meat has gone in the middle where the spine is, hence, edges look a bit thinner on them. Luna is basically derived from traditional shape, thin edges meaty spine/middle
So to be honest this really kills the concept of buying a bat online because end of the day you cant really test the pick up before it is delivered.

Isnt it ?
yes - and the irony of it all is that i didnt pick this up before i bought. nor did i pick up the BAS, or my NB's. I trusted someone else too.
It does but for us who live in North America for example, we don't have an option to be honest. We have to take the batmakers and seller words.

I have 7 bats and expect one none of these bats where hand selected by me but yet Allah (SWT) has been kind to give ones which feel good in my hand.

Also I believe that if a bat doesn't feel well in the beginning it will start feeling good in your hands as you use :)) This has happened with me with Bubber Sher.
thank you. i've been playing with this for the last 3 weeks now and is easily my favorite bat at the moment. it really is between this and my thruxton as match bats. The BAS is not far behind.
No worries. Bro to be honest, I never want to use or try other peoples bats because I feel I always have much bats then others (good lookers+performers) but ur bats mashallah look better then other I've seen and am sure they play very well. I would be happy to have any of ur bats in my kit especially ur top 3 thruxton, blaster and H4L.
No worries. Bro to be honest, I never want to use or try other peoples bats because I feel I always have much bats then others (good lookers+performers) but ur bats mashallah look better then other I've seen and am sure they play very well. I would be happy to have any of ur bats in my kit especially ur top 3 thruxton, blaster and H4L.

Thank you - your collection is impressive. To be bad we can't do trades.

ca_gold bhai, how is this bat going for you? I must say I have really fallen in love with this bat and the Excel as well. Are H4L bats any good?

this is a fantastic bat. i've only used it in the nets and it has a really really good middle. im back in school now - so wont be playing much. if your interested in buying this (practically new) talk to CD to get in touch with me.
Wanted to bump this one up as well and ask how is the bat treating you? It looks a treat!!