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Hazrat Khalid ibn Walid (R.A) , why he never get the recognition from westerners


Tape Ball Regular
Mar 1, 2017
The General who was never defeated. Brilliant military strategist and a General who always fought ahead of his soldiers. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) gave him the title "Saif Ullah" meaning Sword of Allah after he successfully brought Muslims out of the clutches of death at the battle of Mauta. Leading the fights against the apostasy after the death of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) brought back order of Islamic Caliphate back to Arabia.

Attacked and shattered the two super powers at that time Persia & Rome. Hazrat Khalid's fame as a brilliant General preceded his presence to all parts of Persia & Syria. Expanded the boundaries of Islamic Caliphate during the times of Hazrat Abu Bakr & Hazrat Umar (R.A). Fought 100+ battles. Khalid Bin Walid was the greatest military commander in the history of mankind.

the question remains, why he never get the recognition from westerners .
Greatest General in history. Never lost even defeated the Prophet(pbuh), before he embraced Islam.

I loved how before battles, one soldier from each side would battle in the middle. So many volunteered for Khalid(RA), almost every time they killed the enemy.
I gather Khalid ibn al-Waleed's (RA) military strategy and tactics are/were taught at Sandhurst.

He was always vastly outnumbered but never lost a battle. IMHO, he is without doubt the greatest military general in history.

My order would be:
1)Khalid ibn al-Waleed
2) Taimur
3) Subutai
[MENTION=139595]Ab Fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=147179]Ahmed216[/MENTION], [MENTION=145569]Angrez Pakistani[/MENTION], [MENTION=140154]Arsalan Pro[/MENTION], [MENTION=30537]asadee[/MENTION], [MENTION=153216]asdfgh[/MENTION], [MENTION=136113]Barragan[/MENTION], [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION], [MENTION=151861]Colorblind Genius[/MENTION], [MENTION=144048]Crescent[/MENTION], [MENTION=130786]crick fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION], [MENTION=154697]davidba90[/MENTION], [MENTION=139316]daytrader[/MENTION], [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION], [MENTION=36958]Energy[/MENTION], [MENTION=135332]ExplicitAI[/MENTION], [MENTION=136456]FreakCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=135312]GreenKhan[/MENTION], [MENTION=134927]hafizexpress[/MENTION], [MENTION=156946]hafsaahad[/MENTION], [MENTION=140439]IndoorCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION], [MENTION=60967]Justcrazy[/MENTION], [MENTION=144160]khadoos[/MENTION], [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION], [MENTION=155529]legglance[/MENTION], [MENTION=136255]MachoKhan[/MENTION], MenInG, [MENTION=151350]Mesozoic[/MENTION], [MENTION=153220]MHN1293[/MENTION], [MENTION=156801]Mirpuri Don[/MENTION], [MENTION=43051]Mobashir[/MENTION], [MENTION=134382]Mp812[/MENTION], @MWH, [MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION], [MENTION=17]Officer Barbrady[/MENTION], [MENTION=156930]pakfan54588[/MENTION], [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION], [MENTION=139964]Rathore[/MENTION], [MENTION=131856]saabir[/MENTION], [MENTION=148136]Sadozai[/MENTION], @Saj, [MENTION=152181]Samir Alam[/MENTION], [MENTION=83056]shahidafridi123[/MENTION], [MENTION=130419]shah_1[/MENTION], [MENTION=51509]Shaka81[/MENTION], [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION], [MENTION=136921]shujaatraza[/MENTION], [MENTION=8966]speed_thrills[/MENTION], [MENTION=142879]Stumper[/MENTION], [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION], [MENTION=141306]sweep_shot[/MENTION], [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION], [MENTION=143167]Teshi98[/MENTION], [MENTION=151969]The lone Ranger[/MENTION], [MENTION=137726]todfod 11[/MENTION], [MENTION=8316]triam[/MENTION], [MENTION=141713]Tulha46[/MENTION], [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION], [MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION]

tagging everyone, hope someone knows about some book or documentry on him from westren writers.
[MENTION=139595]Ab Fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=147179]Ahmed216[/MENTION], [MENTION=145569]Angrez Pakistani[/MENTION], [MENTION=140154]Arsalan Pro[/MENTION], [MENTION=30537]asadee[/MENTION], [MENTION=153216]asdfgh[/MENTION], [MENTION=136113]Barragan[/MENTION], [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION], [MENTION=151861]Colorblind Genius[/MENTION], [MENTION=144048]Crescent[/MENTION], [MENTION=130786]crick fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION], [MENTION=154697]davidba90[/MENTION], [MENTION=139316]daytrader[/MENTION], [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION], [MENTION=36958]Energy[/MENTION], [MENTION=135332]ExplicitAI[/MENTION], [MENTION=136456]FreakCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=135312]GreenKhan[/MENTION], [MENTION=134927]hafizexpress[/MENTION], [MENTION=156946]hafsaahad[/MENTION], [MENTION=140439]IndoorCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION], [MENTION=60967]Justcrazy[/MENTION], [MENTION=144160]khadoos[/MENTION], [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION], [MENTION=155529]legglance[/MENTION], [MENTION=136255]MachoKhan[/MENTION], MenInG, [MENTION=151350]Mesozoic[/MENTION], [MENTION=153220]MHN1293[/MENTION], [MENTION=156801]Mirpuri Don[/MENTION], [MENTION=43051]Mobashir[/MENTION], [MENTION=134382]Mp812[/MENTION], @MWH, [MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION], [MENTION=17]Officer Barbrady[/MENTION], [MENTION=156930]pakfan54588[/MENTION], [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION], [MENTION=139964]Rathore[/MENTION], [MENTION=131856]saabir[/MENTION], [MENTION=148136]Sadozai[/MENTION], @Saj, [MENTION=152181]Samir Alam[/MENTION], [MENTION=83056]shahidafridi123[/MENTION], [MENTION=130419]shah_1[/MENTION], [MENTION=51509]Shaka81[/MENTION], [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION], [MENTION=136921]shujaatraza[/MENTION], [MENTION=8966]speed_thrills[/MENTION], [MENTION=142879]Stumper[/MENTION], [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION], [MENTION=141306]sweep_shot[/MENTION], [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION], [MENTION=143167]Teshi98[/MENTION], [MENTION=151969]The lone Ranger[/MENTION], [MENTION=137726]todfod 11[/MENTION], [MENTION=8316]triam[/MENTION], [MENTION=141713]Tulha46[/MENTION], [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION], [MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION]

tagging everyone, hope someone knows about some book or documentry on him from westren writers.

What I found unique was how your tagging was based on alphabetic order how did that happen lol.
What I found unique was how your tagging was based on alphabetic order how did that happen lol.

easy brother, click on the forum option on PP site. in bottom you will see everyone with alphabetic order .
[MENTION=139595]Ab Fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=147179]Ahmed216[/MENTION], [MENTION=145569]Angrez Pakistani[/MENTION], [MENTION=140154]Arsalan Pro[/MENTION], [MENTION=30537]asadee[/MENTION], [MENTION=153216]asdfgh[/MENTION], [MENTION=136113]Barragan[/MENTION], [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION], [MENTION=151861]Colorblind Genius[/MENTION], [MENTION=144048]Crescent[/MENTION], [MENTION=130786]crick fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION], [MENTION=154697]davidba90[/MENTION], [MENTION=139316]daytrader[/MENTION], [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION], [MENTION=36958]Energy[/MENTION], [MENTION=135332]ExplicitAI[/MENTION], [MENTION=136456]FreakCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=135312]GreenKhan[/MENTION], [MENTION=134927]hafizexpress[/MENTION], [MENTION=156946]hafsaahad[/MENTION], [MENTION=140439]IndoorCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION], [MENTION=60967]Justcrazy[/MENTION], [MENTION=144160]khadoos[/MENTION], [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION], [MENTION=155529]legglance[/MENTION], [MENTION=136255]MachoKhan[/MENTION], MenInG, [MENTION=151350]Mesozoic[/MENTION], [MENTION=153220]MHN1293[/MENTION], [MENTION=156801]Mirpuri Don[/MENTION], [MENTION=43051]Mobashir[/MENTION], [MENTION=134382]Mp812[/MENTION], @MWH, [MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION], [MENTION=17]Officer Barbrady[/MENTION], [MENTION=156930]pakfan54588[/MENTION], [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION], [MENTION=139964]Rathore[/MENTION], [MENTION=131856]saabir[/MENTION], [MENTION=148136]Sadozai[/MENTION], @Saj, [MENTION=152181]Samir Alam[/MENTION], [MENTION=83056]shahidafridi123[/MENTION], [MENTION=130419]shah_1[/MENTION], [MENTION=51509]Shaka81[/MENTION], [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION], [MENTION=136921]shujaatraza[/MENTION], [MENTION=8966]speed_thrills[/MENTION], [MENTION=142879]Stumper[/MENTION], [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION], [MENTION=141306]sweep_shot[/MENTION], [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION], [MENTION=143167]Teshi98[/MENTION], [MENTION=151969]The lone Ranger[/MENTION], [MENTION=137726]todfod 11[/MENTION], [MENTION=8316]triam[/MENTION], [MENTION=141713]Tulha46[/MENTION], [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION], [MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION]

tagging everyone, hope someone knows about some book or documentry on him from westren writers.

There is of course the famous book - Sword of Allah which is written by A Akram.

I don't know any books from a western perspective.

The latter episodes of the magnificent "Umar" series by MBC detail some of the battles he fought particularly the battle against Musailama the liar. It's a great production and I would definitely recommend it.
In the west they downplay his achievements, but both the superpowers at his time were still strong, with huge manpower and resources. Khalid(RA) tactics, Muslims will to fight and the Islamic system which was far more caring to the people saw both of these powers fall. Within a few decades Muslims expanded at a rate never seen before and never seen since.
from Quora :

Khālid ibn al-Walīd is not known in the West because our history is heavily Euro-centric and ignores much of what happened in the remainder of the world.

Military historians, including those at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, consider Khalid one of the great commanders of history.

Khālid ibn al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah al-Makhzūmī (Arabic: خالد بن الوليد بن المغيرة المخزومي)‎‎; who was born in 585, and died in 642, most commonly known as Khalid ibn al-Walīd, was an army commander under the first two "Righteous Caliphs," Abu Bakr and Umar ibn Khattab.

He was also a Companion of Prophet Muhammad.

Khalid ibn al-Walid (Khalid son of al-Walid) was from the Meccan tribe of Quraysh. His clan initially opposed Prophet Muhammad. But once he converted, Khalid rose rapidly due to his military skills.

As a military commander

Prior to his conversion, he was a vital part of the Muslim defeat at the Battle of Uhud by those opposing Muhammad. After, Khalid converted to Islam, and he participated in various military actions for the Prophet, such as the Battle of Mu'tah, which was the first clash between the Eastern Roman Empire and Islam.

Khalid ibn Al-Walid reported that the fighting at Mu'tah, was so ferocious, that while fighting, he broke nine swords. This earned him the title ‘Saif-ullah' meaning "The Sword of Allah." Khalid took command after Zayd ibn Haritha, Jafar ibn Abi Talib, and Abdullah ibn Rawahah, senior commanders, were all struck down and killed in the ferocious fighting.

After Muhammad's , Khalid took command of Medinan forces for Caliph Abu Bakr in the Ridda wars, pacifying all of Arabia, and bringing the fractious and rebellious Arab tribes into line.

Khalid also overran the Sassanid Empire's Arabian client Kingdom of Al-Hirah. Khalid then went on and crushed Sassanid Persian forces during his conquest of Sassanid Iraq (Mesopotamia). He was later moved to command the western front to drive the Romans out of Syria and conquer the Roman Arab client state of the Ghassanids.

Umar and removal from field command

Tension between Khalid and Caliph Umar, ultimately led to his removal from command. Most historians believe Umar regarded him as a possible threat as a rival, and wanted to assure that he had no army base of power. Though relieved of high command, Khalid nevertheless remained the strategist for the Islamic armies arrayed against the Byzantines during the early stages of the Byzantine–Arab Wars.

Under his command, Damascus was captured in 634 and the key Arab victory against the Romans at the Battle of Yarmouk in 636 was due to his brilliant and unorthodox strategy. This battle led to the conquest of Roman Bilad al-Sham (Levant).

Despite all this in 638, he was dismissed from all military services by Umar.

Khalid fought around 200 battles, both major battles and minor skirmishes as well as single duels, during his military career. (Most military historians credit him with 110 major battles, and 90 skirmishes and duels) Khalid was undefeated against all foes, Romans, Persians, other Arabs, Turcomens.

Khalid is considered by most military historians to be one of the finest commanders in history.

History Collection calls him:

“Khalid ibn al-Walid was Islam’s first great military commander and one of the greatest of all-time.

The Great Unknowns: 6 of the Best Military Commanders You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Edward Gibbons, in Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire said of Khalid:

“to Roman sorrow, there was no finer cavalry commander in history than he.”

James Julius Norwich said in Byzantine Empire: A History From Beginning to End:

“The Byantines remembered Khalid well after his destruction of the Imperial Army at the Yarmouk valley.”

There is no military historian, eastern or western, who does not believe that Khālid ibn al-Walīd is one of the great military commanders of history. He, the great Mongol General Subatai, Lord Nelson, Wellington and John Churchill are among the few great commanders in history never to taste defeat.


Byzantine Empire: A History From Beginning to End by James Julius Norwich

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbons

The Sword of Allah: Khalid Bin Al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns by Ibn Kathir
[MENTION=139595]Ab Fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=147179]Ahmed216[/MENTION], [MENTION=145569]Angrez Pakistani[/MENTION], [MENTION=140154]Arsalan Pro[/MENTION], [MENTION=30537]asadee[/MENTION], [MENTION=153216]asdfgh[/MENTION], [MENTION=136113]Barragan[/MENTION], [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION], [MENTION=151861]Colorblind Genius[/MENTION], [MENTION=144048]Crescent[/MENTION], [MENTION=130786]crick fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION], [MENTION=154697]davidba90[/MENTION], [MENTION=139316]daytrader[/MENTION], [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION], [MENTION=36958]Energy[/MENTION], [MENTION=135332]ExplicitAI[/MENTION], [MENTION=136456]FreakCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=135312]GreenKhan[/MENTION], [MENTION=134927]hafizexpress[/MENTION], [MENTION=156946]hafsaahad[/MENTION], [MENTION=140439]IndoorCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION], [MENTION=60967]Justcrazy[/MENTION], [MENTION=144160]khadoos[/MENTION], [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION], [MENTION=155529]legglance[/MENTION], [MENTION=136255]MachoKhan[/MENTION], MenInG, [MENTION=151350]Mesozoic[/MENTION], [MENTION=153220]MHN1293[/MENTION], [MENTION=156801]Mirpuri Don[/MENTION], [MENTION=43051]Mobashir[/MENTION], [MENTION=134382]Mp812[/MENTION], @MWH, [MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION], [MENTION=17]Officer Barbrady[/MENTION], [MENTION=156930]pakfan54588[/MENTION], [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION], [MENTION=139964]Rathore[/MENTION], [MENTION=131856]saabir[/MENTION], [MENTION=148136]Sadozai[/MENTION], @Saj, [MENTION=152181]Samir Alam[/MENTION], [MENTION=83056]shahidafridi123[/MENTION], [MENTION=130419]shah_1[/MENTION], [MENTION=51509]Shaka81[/MENTION], [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION], [MENTION=136921]shujaatraza[/MENTION], [MENTION=8966]speed_thrills[/MENTION], [MENTION=142879]Stumper[/MENTION], [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION], [MENTION=141306]sweep_shot[/MENTION], [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION], [MENTION=143167]Teshi98[/MENTION], [MENTION=151969]The lone Ranger[/MENTION], [MENTION=137726]todfod 11[/MENTION], [MENTION=8316]triam[/MENTION], [MENTION=141713]Tulha46[/MENTION], [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION], [MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION]

tagging everyone, hope someone knows about some book or documentry on him from westren writers.

I saw a documentary on him on YouTube by some American academic. It was fascinating and combined with his views on Hazrat Umar ( RA) made it a must see.
Greatest General in history. Never lost even defeated the Prophet(pbuh), before he embraced Islam.

I loved how before battles, one soldier from each side would battle in the middle. So many volunteered for Khalid(RA), almost every time they killed the enemy.

Prophet of God who has an army of Angels behind him will lose to an ordinary man. Nice story.
Prophet of God who has an army of Angels behind him will lose to an ordinary man. Nice story.

There was wisdom behind that outcome (battle of Uhud). Please read about it here: https://www.withprophet.com/en/the-battle-of-uhud…a-divine-test-for-the-hearts.

Lessons and morals we learn from the battle of Uhud

The scholar Ibn Qayyim summarized the most important lessons from the battle, saying, “The Muslims learnt the bad effect of disobedience, due to the actions of the archers. Had it not been for these defeats, the believers would not have realized the bad consequences of sin.”

“War makes a true believer and a lying hypocrite clear. Allah (Glorified is He) say, {Allah will not let the believers stay in the state they are: He will set the wicked apart from the good} [Surah Al-Imran: 179].”

“If the Companions were not tested by being overcome, lowered and humbled, and with defeat and humiliation, they would not have attained greatness and victories. Allah (Glorified is He) says, {For sure, Allah helped you at Badr when you were utterly weak} [Surah Al-Imran: 123], and says, {…and on the day of Hunayn when your numbers made you proud, but they did you no good} [Surah Tawba: 25].”

“Allah (Glorified is He) allocated for His faithful slaves a particular level in the place of honour (paradise). They will not be able to enter this level except by experiencing difficulties and triulations.”

“Continuous good health, victory and riches make people oppressive and rely on material means, and not Allah.”

“The Messenger of Allah’s dream came true. Moreover, his wisdom as a leader and his bravery as a warrior were clear in this battle. Furthermore, his (peace be upon him) foresight and his calculation of the risks and vigilance needed, along with his mercy with the Companions and Muslims, adhering to the truth and righteousness, his patience in withstanding difficulties, and his reliance on consultation were all clear in this military operation.”
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[MENTION=139595]Ab Fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=147179]Ahmed216[/MENTION], [MENTION=145569]Angrez Pakistani[/MENTION], [MENTION=140154]Arsalan Pro[/MENTION], [MENTION=30537]asadee[/MENTION], [MENTION=153216]asdfgh[/MENTION], [MENTION=136113]Barragan[/MENTION], [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION], [MENTION=151861]Colorblind Genius[/MENTION], [MENTION=144048]Crescent[/MENTION], [MENTION=130786]crick fan[/MENTION], [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION], [MENTION=154697]davidba90[/MENTION], [MENTION=139316]daytrader[/MENTION], [MENTION=51465]DeadlyVenom[/MENTION], [MENTION=36958]Energy[/MENTION], [MENTION=135332]ExplicitAI[/MENTION], [MENTION=136456]FreakCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=135312]GreenKhan[/MENTION], [MENTION=134927]hafizexpress[/MENTION], [MENTION=156946]hafsaahad[/MENTION], [MENTION=140439]IndoorCricket[/MENTION], [MENTION=137142]JaDed[/MENTION], [MENTION=60967]Justcrazy[/MENTION], [MENTION=144160]khadoos[/MENTION], [MENTION=43583]KingKhanWC[/MENTION], [MENTION=155529]legglance[/MENTION], [MENTION=136255]MachoKhan[/MENTION], MenInG, [MENTION=151350]Mesozoic[/MENTION], [MENTION=153220]MHN1293[/MENTION], [MENTION=156801]Mirpuri Don[/MENTION], [MENTION=43051]Mobashir[/MENTION], [MENTION=134382]Mp812[/MENTION], @MWH, [MENTION=113824]Nikhil_cric[/MENTION], [MENTION=17]Officer Barbrady[/MENTION], [MENTION=156930]pakfan54588[/MENTION], [MENTION=2016]Rana[/MENTION], [MENTION=139964]Rathore[/MENTION], [MENTION=131856]saabir[/MENTION], [MENTION=148136]Sadozai[/MENTION], @Saj, [MENTION=152181]Samir Alam[/MENTION], [MENTION=83056]shahidafridi123[/MENTION], [MENTION=130419]shah_1[/MENTION], [MENTION=51509]Shaka81[/MENTION], [MENTION=46929]shaz619[/MENTION], [MENTION=136921]shujaatraza[/MENTION], [MENTION=8966]speed_thrills[/MENTION], [MENTION=142879]Stumper[/MENTION], [MENTION=136729]Suleiman[/MENTION], [MENTION=141306]sweep_shot[/MENTION], [MENTION=149166]Technics 1210[/MENTION], [MENTION=143167]Teshi98[/MENTION], [MENTION=151969]The lone Ranger[/MENTION], [MENTION=137726]todfod 11[/MENTION], [MENTION=8316]triam[/MENTION], [MENTION=141713]Tulha46[/MENTION], [MENTION=132715]Varun[/MENTION], [MENTION=139649]WhenSultansBowled[/MENTION]

tagging everyone, hope someone knows about some book or documentry on him from westren writers.

Any Western historian knows about the greatness of Khalid ibn Al Walid RA. There are multiple videos on YT about him. As for being mentioned in books then I'm not very acquainted with books to know how much he's been mentioned. Nobody can deny his stat sheet.
They don’t mention him enough, because he smashed them to bits from genesis to revelations
Greatest General in history. Never lost even defeated the Prophet(pbuh), before he embraced Islam.

I loved how before battles, one soldier from each side would battle in the middle. So many volunteered for Khalid(RA), almost every time they killed the enemy.

In which way did he beat the prophet pbuh? I had never read about this before, I do want to find a good book on this extremely unique individual and hero/warrior of Islam