Indian school book brands Khomeini as 'one of world's most evil men.’


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Sep 11, 2023
Teaching kids at school to hate people in India is exposing Modi's Islamophobia.



An Indian publishing house has issued an apology following backlash over a sixth-grade school textbook including Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, as one of the “most evil men in history.”

The listing of Khomeini's name sparked criticism from India's Shia Muslim community, who hold him in high regard as a religious leader and Islamic scholar.

This perspective sharply contrasts with the sentiments of many Iranians, especially the younger generation, who view Khomeini as a dictator responsible for the regime’s egregious and numerous human rights abuses.

Videos often show young Iranians tearing Khomeini’s images out of textbooks, setting fire to his photos or trampling on them– and in some cases, replacing his images with that of former monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.

The description in the Indian textbook, which caused outrage stated that: "During his reign, [Khomeini] did many evil deeds. He used to kill people who didn't believe in 'Allah'. People had to face brutality even if they listened to music. He was the culprit behind the Iranian revolution (1979) and also the Iran-Iraq war, making him responsible for the deaths of millions of people."

The controversy, fuelled by India’s Muslim community, gained further traction when the “Khomeini For All” X page tweeted about the book, stating that the "Indian publisher insults Imam Khomeini…We urge authorities to take swift and stern action. Failure to do so will provoke community outrage." The group running the page called for action from the Meerut and Delhi police against the publishers.

Following the 1979 revolution and with the help of a non-legitimate referendum, Khomeini and those close to him created the Islamic Republic in Iran.

Khomeini’s subsequent rule was marked by suppression of political dissent, the establishment of a theocratic government with no civil liberties, and the initiation of purges targeting political opponents and intellectuals.

The early years of the Islamic Republic saw the execution of former government officials and army leaders, with 1981 marked by a particularly brutal massacre following a Fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini. The period targeted a wide range of political opponents and is remembered as one of the darkest chapters in Iran’s modern history.

The mass killings of political prisoners in 1981, which extended into early 1982, were methodical and have been categorized as crimes against humanity by countries like Canada. These acts were part of a larger strategy to consolidate power by the newly established Islamic regime, which publicly listed the names of the executed and defended its actions in face of international criticism.

Following the onslaught of criticism over the book by India’s Muslim groups, Acuber Books International issued a statement, saying that they will “rectify [the] error swiftly and unequivocally.”

“It has come to our attention that labeling him among the ‘most evil men in history’ is not only inaccurate but also deeply offensive to many individuals and communities,” the letter received by Kashmir Observer states.

He was a saint. Put a fatwa calling for the murder of Salman Rushdie.
The most hilarious aspect of all of this the book is written in English.

As for Khomeini being the most evil, boy was Mountbatten demoted! 🤣
Not going to sit well with thousands of Ahle Tashi Muslims in india who revere him.
Khomeini is evil, he arrogantly ruined Salman Rushdie's life for the simple crime of writing a novel. For those who complain about islamophobia in the West before 9/11, you can trace the root cause of it back to this man.
From which state or district is this school textbook published? That is missing from the article. India has no business in Iranian internal politics.

That being said, this Iranian regime is quite unpopular among youth. I hope Iranians kick out these useless Mullahs who are nothing but a nuisance for their people and for the middmm PM e East, a major regional threat.
From which state or district is this school textbook published? That is missing from the article. India has no business in Iranian internal politics.

That being said, this Iranian regime is quite unpopular among youth. I hope Iranians kick out these useless Mullahs who are nothing but a nuisance for their people and for the middmm PM e East, a major regional threat.
He is not current one but the founder was a good friend of India actually book was for some private schools in Delhi and UP..
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Khomeini is the supreme leader of his public. I don't think he is evil, he is just straightforward and takes no nonsense.
Khomeini is the supreme leader of his public. I don't think he is evil, he is just straightforward and takes no nonsense.
Issuing a fatwa calling for the murder of an individual is not evil?
Issuing a fatwa calling for the murder of an individual is not evil?
Fatwa is a pretty serious thing for Iranians. They are most religiously active guys I guess in the Islamic world. Not everything you head is true. Just like similar stuff happened in other countries as well.
I'd agree he was pretty evil but to name him one of the "Most evil people of the world" seems stretching it a bit.

The default in most of these should be to start with obvious Chaplin moustached guy. The second on the list there seems to be Kim il Sung which is fair enough by conventional wisdom I guess.

Stupid to be teaching sixth grade kids such non-contextual history though. My fourth grader daughter can handle a lot more nuance and accept that different people can have different views on a subject.

Storm in a teacup though. Apparently, NCERT has denied it's an official textbook. Must be some of the nonsense published by gimmick publishers.
Why are we discussing Urdu and Hindi language here?

Please stay on topic.
From Islamic POV attempting to lead people towards hellfire by writing misleading fiction based on the prophet SAW is more evil.
So what Khomeini did was justified because Rushdie wrote something derogatory against the Prophet of Islam? And then you cry about Islamophobia?
But as a neutral, born and bred brit, doesn't freedom of speech supersede religious beliefs

I was giving the Islamic perspective seeing as we are talking about Khomeini who was leader of an Islamic state. I didn't give my own view as I was trying to stay neutral as you said.
I would love to see the full list on the pages of the book.

Based on the first 2 pics:

Islamic bogeyman - check
China bogeyman - check

Others could include:

British bogeyman?
Pakistani bogeyman?

He was a saint. Put a fatwa calling for the murder of Salman Rushdie.

I always wondered why so many Indians are ignorant of history , politics & the world generally. I put it down to lack of good schools & Bollywood fantasies but if this is what is taught in school books , they are being brainwashed by the state like little minions .

Fatwa is an opinion , most Muslims don’t accept this esp as he was from a minority sect . He called for the death penalty , more Hindu RSS have called on killing people than the history of Iranian republic .

What about the various characters in Hindu history?
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I put it down to lack of good schools & Bollywood fantasies but if this is what is taught in school books , they are being brainwashed by the state like little minions .
These words are so funny coming from a person who's country's literacy rate is barely above 50%, people in glass houses and stones and all that you know
more Hindu RSS have called on killing people than the history of Iranian republic .
Yes, RSS has killed more people than Islamist extremists, it was the RSS who were responsible for terror attacks in Paris, Madrid and New York :inti
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I always wondered why so many Indians are ignorant of history , politics & the world generally. I put it down to lack of good schools & Bollywood fantasies but if this is what is taught in school books , they are being brainwashed by the state like little minions .

Fatwa is an opinion , most Muslims don’t accept this esp as he was from a minority sect . He called for the death penalty , more Hindu RSS have called on killing people than the history of Iranian republic .

Hindu RSS is trying to establish Akhand Bharat spanning the entire world by flying its saffron flag across all the world monuments and buildings.

Hindu RSS is waging wars on other countries and taking over their lands.

Hindu RSS is trying to brainwash western kids into joining their fold and fight against the Malechas.

Yes. Hindu RSS is what the world should be worried about. They are the biggest threat to the world.
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I would love to see the full list on the pages of the book.

Based on the first 2 pics:

Islamic bogeyman - check
China bogeyman - check

Others could include:

British bogeyman?
Pakistani bogeyman?

Markhor informed its actually the North Korean dictator, I assumed its Mao considering his history with India but doesn’t seem like it.

Personally this would be the list:
1.Genghis Khan
What about the various characters in Hindu history?
I think you mean Ravaan.. he is considering to be evil in ways to an extent where every year during Dussera majority Hindus burn his effigies(and his brothers)… so you don’t need a textbook to tell you that considering that is the book (Ramayana) more Indians would had read than this textbook.

Ravan was somewhat considered as a demon but respected for his dedication before that.
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Fatwa is an opinion , most Muslims don’t accept this esp as he was from a minority sect . He called for the death penalty , more Hindu RSS have called on killing people than the history of Iranian republic .

Tell that to @Cpt. Rishwat who says Rushdie's murder is perfectly justified according to Islam. o_O
What an irony the same text books will praise Modi as the savior of humanity. LOL
I have made a wild guy but I am sure there would be one in future if not there yet. As you already are familiar with Godi media and Modi favored Bollywood.
You do realize Pakistan names’s its missiles on brutal invaders like Ghauri Ghazni right?

This is not an official textbook of the Education department..
Stupid to be teaching sixth grade kids such non-contextual history though. My fourth grader daughter can handle a lot more nuance and accept that different people can have different views on a subject.

We should also question the usefulness of the term 'evil' as an explanatory term. In the end, by explaining everything with this one word, nothing is explained.

The point is brought home by the historian Ian Kershaw in his masterful two-part biography of Hitler:

"evil is a theological or philosophical, rather than a historical, concept. To call Hitler evil may well be both true
and morally satisfying. But it explains nothing. And unanimity in condemnation is even potentially an outright barrier to understanding and explanation...I personally find Hitler a detestable figure and despise all that his regime stood for.
But that condemnation scarcely helps me to understand why millions of German citizens who were mostly ordinary human beings, hardly innately evil, in general interested in the welfare and daily cares of themselves and their families, like ordinary people everywhere, and by no means wholly brainwashed or hypnotized by spellbinding propaganda or terrorized into submission by ruthless repression, would find so much of what Hitler stood for attractive – or would be prepared to fight to the bitter end in a terrible war against the mighty coalition of the world’s most powerful nations arrayed against them."
You do realize Pakistan names’s its missiles on brutal invaders like Ghauri Ghazni right?

This is not an official textbook of the Education department..
Yes because India naming its missiles after Gods of hell fire is proper puts everything into light.
Yes because India naming its missiles after Gods of hell fire is proper puts everything into light.

How are they the same? One is mythological revered figure, done nothing against any other religion?

Also i recall it being just fire, not sure about hell..(could be wrong but i remember only fire tales).
English medium schools print their books in English. Duh!!

It’s good to see Sunni Pakistanis still showing solidarity with the Shias of Iran.
Its good to see hindus of india promoting unity amongst different islamic sects…
Quad is Ilhana Aoc etc… guess you meant Quaid.

Aurangzeb ,Ghauri, Babar are considered more evil than Mr. Jinnah
Every Pakistani is considered evil for many indians on this forum, going by common feelings they have..
How are they the same? One is mythological revered figure, done nothing against any other religion?

Also i recall it being just fire, not sure about hell..(could be wrong but i remember only fire tales).
How are they the same? Who said they are the same? I was just pointing out you seem to have a problem with naming a weapon after a brutal invader, but pass when a missile is named after a a deity whose sole role is to destroy life through fire.

It is irrelevant whether one is a myth or not, the intention and symbolism count.
How are they the same? Who said they are the same? I was just pointing out you seem to have a problem with naming a weapon after a brutal invader, but pass when a missile is named after a a deity whose sole role is to destroy life through fire.

It is irrelevant whether one is a myth or not, the intention and symbolism count.
I think you are confusing some other fire God to the Dharmic or Hindu one..

Agni is revered and even Hindu marriages are done around Agni, agni is not a god of destruction but light and fire..
Every Pakistani is considered evil for many indians on this forum, going by common feelings they have..
1 Billion ppl bro, more chance of Indians knowing Babar Azam / Wasim Akram/ Akhtar than Pakistani leaders like Mr. Jinnah/ Iqbal
1 Billion ppl bro, more chance of Indians knowing Babar Azam / Wasim Akram/ Akhtar than Pakistani leaders like Mr. Jinnah/ Iqbal
I don’t get it, naming a weapon after “Justin Beiber” would make it any better?
thats surprising, thought an old divisive zealot religio-nationalist would be right up modern indias street, or maybe its a case of familiarity breeds contempt.
I think you are confusing some other fire God to the Dharmic or Hindu one..

Agni is revered and even Hindu marriages are done around Agni, agni is not a god of destruction but light and fire..

Ghauri Ghaznib is also revered.

To be honest I will not get into the Hindu God side of things, but a nuke called Agni, detonating above ground level, creating a destructive wave of energy oliberating life for miles and miles, within milliseconds, impedes life for generations, wrapped in a fire ball, absolutely 100% personifies the meaning of Agni - Fire

This just goes to show everyone what India were thinking when they were naming their missiles as there is no correlation to light (nuclear winter) or creation (pure destruction) with a nuke - so why name it Agni and not say, Kama? (Rhetorical question).
I think you are confusing some other fire God to the Dharmic or Hindu one..

Agni is revered and even Hindu marriages are done around Agni, agni is not a god of destruction but light and fire..
As kalam mentioned, missiles are named after the 5 elements(akash, prithvi,agni ) and gods
Stay on topic guys. This thread is not about Pakistan or india's nuclear weapons and their names.
I have made a wild guy but I am sure there would be one in future if not there yet. As you already are familiar with Godi media and Modi favored Bollywood.

So the PM of India favours Indian movie industry, why is that a problem?
Esp for pakistanis?

Indians have voted Modi to power and are likely to do it again.

I don't see why it bothers pakistanis so much.
How are they the same? One is mythological revered figure, done nothing against any other religion?

Also i recall it being just fire, not sure about hell..(could be wrong but i remember only fire tales).

Hindus have a god of hell fire? From when?
Every Pakistani is considered evil for many indians on this forum, going by common feelings they have..

If every pakistani supports secession of Kashmir from India and supports the armed secessionist terrorist movement in India and calls them freedom fighters, what will be the reaction of any patriotic Indian?
Tell that to @Cpt. Rishwat who says Rushdie's murder is perfectly justified according to Islam. o_O

That's not what I said though. My words were "From Islamic POV attempting to lead people towards hellfire by writing misleading fiction based on the prophet SAW is more evil", and that was in response to someone saying issuing the fatwa was evil.
If you have a bilateral relationship with a country, you can't label their former supreme leader as evil. India's anti-Muslim campaign has been badly exposed over the years, and now India is on a mission to take revenge from Muslims of the past.
Issuing a fatwa calling for the murder of an individual is not evil?
so what about all of the political assassinations that have taken place? What about the killing of thousands of innocent individuals? How does issuing a fatwa against 1 person make him one of the most evil people ever?
so what about all of the political assassinations that have taken place? What about the killing of thousands of innocent individuals? How does issuing a fatwa against 1 person make him one of the most evil people ever?
Because he is obsessed with Muslims.

He will go around putting garlands on the necks of BJP hate speakers and lynchers.

There is no reasoning with these blinkered types.
If every pakistani supports secession of Kashmir from India and supports the armed secessionist terrorist movement in India and calls them freedom fighters, what will be the reaction of any patriotic Indian?
Way to put a spin on it..
Kashmir is disputed. Might is right.
Pakistan has no power to fight india hence 370 article being abrogated.
Its no secret, indians hate muslims and pakistanis too. Why hide behind something not remotely connected to it.
They are all evil. But it's all relative. What a stupid text book to teach that when India needs better relations with Iran.

On the other hand , all Pakistanis from Mohammad bin Qasim to Imran Khan should be portrayed as the ultimate embodiments of evil in all Indian textbooks. With Nawaz Sharif, the only exception.
Way to put a spin on it..
Kashmir is disputed. Might is right.
Pakistan has no power to fight india hence 370 article being abrogated.
Its no secret, indians hate muslims and pakistanis too. Why hide behind something not remotely connected to it.
Irony alert.

Why don't RSS/BJP apologists just admit the truth? You hate India more than anyone else.

Clearly you are ashamed to represent right wing nationalism I guess. Some freedom, ashamed to be a BJP/RSS supporter so you find solace among Pakistanis.
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Irony alert.

You are hiding behind a Pakistan forum despite Indians hating Pakistanis?

Why don't RSS/BJP apologists just admit the truth? You hate India more than anyone else.

Clearly you are ashamed to represent right wing nationalism I guess. Some freedom, ashamed to be a BJP/RSS supporter so you find solace among Pakistanis.

Dear Prah, i am as far away removed from what you have written as Hinduism is from Islam…

I am critical of Pakistan and Muslims, becase i am one and live amongst them.

Feel free to believe what you want, im not here to appease you nor anyone else….
Way to put a spin on it..
Kashmir is disputed. Might is right.
Pakistan has no power to fight india hence 370 article being abrogated.
Its no secret, indians hate muslims and pakistanis too. Why hide behind something not remotely connected to it.

For pakistanis Kashmir is disputed, for Indians its a inalienable part of our country.

Indians hate some Muslims, no doubt.
What about Akbar then?

All of them. Akbar was the same. Later in his life he had delusions of grandeur hence he founded a new religion.

Tell me one thing, why do subcontinental Muslims get sensitive about these wine drinking, opium addicted invaders who had hundreds of women in their harem?

Just because they professed to follow Islam? Just because they oppressed other religions?

They surely weren't ideal Muslims.
What about Akbar then?
He was one of the biggest saints of all.

The siege of Chittorgarh (23 October 1567 – 23 February 1568) was the military expedition of the Mughal Empire under Akbar against the Mewar kingdom that commenced in 1567 during which the Mughals successfully captured the fort of Chittorgarh after a hard-pressed siege which lasted for several months.

After capturing the fort on 23 February 1568, Akbar ordered a general massacre of Chittor's population in which 30,000 Hindu civilians inside the fort who were largely non-combatants were slaughtered. After the mass slaughter, many women and children were enslaved followed by desecration of many Hindu and Jain temples on Akbar's order. Akbar who earlier gave a religious colour to the conflict by declaring it as a Jihād, subsequently proclaimed the conquest of the fort as the victory of Islam over infidels. The Mughal soldiers who died in the combat were hailed as Ghazis by Akbar
And before you ask for authenticity, all of that is documented in Akbar's own biography named 'Akbarnama' written by his own courtyard Abul Fazl.
All of them. Akbar was the same. Later in his life he had delusions of grandeur hence he founded a new religion.

Tell me one thing, why do subcontinental Muslims get sensitive about these wine drinking, opium addicted invaders who had hundreds of women in their harem?

Just because they professed to follow Islam? Just because they oppressed other religions?

They surely weren't ideal Muslims.
Thanks finally you acknowledged the reality of Akbar and also the fact that they were no ideal muslims to represent Islam so a little question why the muslims in India are bearing the brunt for their actions?
Thanks finally you acknowledged the reality of Akbar and also the fact that they were no ideal muslims to represent Islam so a little question why the muslims in India are bearing the brunt for their actions?

No one in India are bearing the brunt of their actions.

Problem starts when some Muslims in India start treating these guys as heroes. Starts eulogising them. Give their rule as an example of how 15 per cent Muslims in India can dominate or annihilate Hindus because some 1000 years back these invaders managed to rule India.
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No one in India are bearing the brunt of their actions.

Problem starts when some Muslims in India start treating these guys as heroes. Starts eulogising them. Give their rule as an example of how 15 per cent Muslims in India can dominate or annihilate Hindus because some 1000 years back these invaders managed to rule India.
What percent of Indian Muslims treating them as heroes?
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For pakistanis Kashmir is disputed, for Indians its a inalienable part of our country.

Indians hate some Muslims, no doubt.
Of course you will say that, were we under any illusions otherwise. Both countries claim the same, it is an inalienable part of them. Unfortunately, Might is Right, and the usurping buffons that run Pakistan have only themselves to blame for what has happened.

Pakistanis hate some hindus too, no doubt.
Hard to quantify. But the clergy and politicians mostly do so.
Every Indian politician provoke religious divide in India, be it Modi or from any religion.

Since no one in India is able to tell the percentage of Muslim revered the past occupier rulers as heroes then why use that to create divide.

I highly doubt that majority of Muslim care much about any of the past rulers.
Every Indian politician provoke religious divide in India, be it Modi or from any religion.

Since no one in India is able to tell the percentage of Muslim revered the past occupier rulers as heroes then why use that to create divide.

I highly doubt that majority of Muslim care much about any of the past rulers.

So you want a survey among 200mn Muslims?

When their political and religious leadership eulogises these rulers, its bound to create issues.