Indian student in UK carries drunk woman to his flat, assaults her; gets 6 yrs in jail

Bhaag Viru Bhaag

Senior Test Player
Aug 20, 2013
An Indian student in the UK who was captured on CCTV carrying a woman home to rape her has been sentenced to six years and nine months in jail.


CCTV footage of an Indian student carrying an "intoxicated" woman in his arms to his room before raping her has gone viral. Preet Vikal, 20, also took a 'trophy photograph' of the victim in his bed before attacking her, The Daily Mail reported.

He admitted rape and was sentenced to six years and nine months in a young offenders' institution, the BBC reported.

The engineering student carried the girl to his room after meeting her outside Cardiff club in the UK in June last year, reports said. Preet Vikal encountered the "hopelessly intoxicated" woman outside a music venue in the Welsh capital and took advantage of her vulnerable state, the court heard.

Prosecutor Matthew Cobbe said Vikal and the victim, who did not know each other, went out with separate groups of friends.

The CCTV footage played in the court showed Preet carrying the victim in his arms and later across his shoulders at around 4am. He then laid her on the ground and lifted her to her feet, the video shows. As they passed the Blackweir pub, the victim was walking but leaning heavily on Vikal.

"She was bleeding. She found her clothes folded, got out of bed and got dressed. The victim asked for the defendant's Instagram address and once she left, she messaged him asking him if they had sex, and if so, whether they had used protection, "prosecutor Matthew Cobbe said.

"The answer she had was that yes, they had, but they had not used protection."

The court heard that Vikal sent the picture to a friend later that day and said in the chat that he had "forgotten" to use a condom.

After learning about what had transpired, the woman reached out to the police and Preet was arrested on the same day. He gave a prepared statement claiming the victim had been a "willing participant".

The prosecutor said it was clear the victim was too drunk to consent to sex. But Vikal pleaded not guilty before he finally admitted the rape on the day of trial.


Louise Sweet, mitigating, said her client was "a real shining star", The Daily Mail reported.

"Coming from a village north of Delhi, he is a young man who worked extremely hard, so much so he won a scholarship to support his study in engineering. He was the first of his family to go to university, the first of his village to go overseas and study. He was fulfilling his dreams to come here and those of his parents," Louise Sweet said.

Detective Constable Nick Woodland from South Wales Police told the BBC: "Stranger attacks such as these are extremely unusual in Cardiff but in Preet Vikal we had a dangerous individual.He took advantage of an intoxicated and vulnerable young woman who became separated from her friends."

According to police, an "extensive" trawl of CCTV led to Vikal being identified and arrested. Vikal will serve two thirds of his sentence in custody and the remainder on licence.
What happens after he's served his sentence? You would like to think he gets deported, we don't need these type of lowlives in this country.
What happens after he's served his sentence? You would like to think he gets deported, we don't need these type of lowlives in this country.

People with the same criminal mentality are supporting this guy on social media. They are blaming the girl for getting drunk. Good to see he got the punishment so early. It would have taken more than 5-7 years to punish him in India. :inti
People with the same criminal mentality are supporting this guy on social media. They are blaming the girl for getting drunk. Good to see he got the punishment so early. It would have taken more than 5-7 years to punish him in India. :inti

I don't know why anybody would make excuses for him. The girl being drunk doesn't mean he gets a free pass to rape someone. Maybe the supporters are reflecting their own loser mentalities, perhaps that would be their best shot at getting laid as well.
He committed a crime and got the punishment he deserved. Full stop. Why doesn't everyone leave it at that?
The lowlifes are the ones who bring the rapist and his victim's nationality, religion etc etc into where these things don't belong.
He committed a crime and got the punishment he deserved. Full stop. Why doesn't everyone leave it at that?
The lowlifes are the ones who bring the rapist and his victim's nationality, religion etc etc into where these things don't belong.

umm why not? Rape is not a small crime, its a very major crime and such things should be reported in the news so that people are vigilant.

You want that ok he made a mistake, so just brush it underneath the carpet and move on.

Doesnt work that way. Journalists and newspaper are required to report this, so that if this becomes a big issue that students from a particular country are involved in such acts, than maybe limit the scholorships to a few places.

Your issue is that why did the news channel even cover this, and there should be censorship. Your post imply this, which is again wrong and creates more problems in future.

So the guy who raped a girl is not the lowlife, but the people that mentioned INDIA are the lowlife?

Seriously? Indias name being dragged is more of a concern for you than the crime that Indian committed?
People with the same criminal mentality are supporting this guy on social media. They are blaming the girl for getting drunk. Good to see he got the punishment so early. It would have taken more than 5-7 years to punish him in India. :inti
let me guess, nationalism... An Indian being caught in the act that will insult India and their country, thus, blame the victim for it.
Looks like our pseudo secular had an agenda when he made the thread. He doesn't really care about the incident or how an innocent girl was raped. It's about the apparent section of ppl who support this criminal, must be BJP supporters :inti:
The guy was a muslim pretending to be hindu.

He belongs to the same gang setting up cardboard tubes and stones on railway lines.
Looks like our pseudo secular had an agenda when he made the thread. He doesn't really care about the incident or how an innocent girl was raped. It's about the apparent section of ppl who support this criminal, must be BJP supporters :inti:

so you have no issue with the rape?

Plz tell us, who as an OP would had been acceptable for you for this to be posted and for you to atleast condemn what took place.
The guy was a muslim pretending to be hindu.

He belongs to the same gang setting up cardboard tubes and stones on railway lines.

i ended up asking [MENTION=2099]Cricket[/MENTION] joshila that were Indian trains that bad that they can be derailed by a cardboard box and a pebble. The guy never answered cause it meant accepting the Nation's trains were not good.

Just went on twitter and was surprised how people were defending this crime
so you have no issue with the rape?

Plz tell us, who as an OP would had been acceptable for you for this to be posted and for you to atleast condemn what took place.

I thought you would be able to figure out that I was condemning the act when I mentioned the words innocent victim and criminal.

Next time I will put it in bare simple form so you can figure it out without much trouble.

Ofcourse I condemn what happened, it's just too bad the OP doesn't, his intentions are different clear to see.
umm why not? Rape is not a small crime, its a very major crime and such things should be reported in the news so that people are vigilant.

You want that ok he made a mistake, so just brush it underneath the carpet and move on.

Doesnt work that way. Journalists and newspaper are required to report this, so that if this becomes a big issue that students from a particular country are involved in such acts, than maybe limit the scholorships to a few places.

Your issue is that why did the news channel even cover this, and there should be censorship. Your post imply this, which is again wrong and creates more problems in future.

So the guy who raped a girl is not the lowlife, but the people that mentioned INDIA are the lowlife?

Seriously? Indias name being dragged is more of a concern for you than the crime that Indian committed?

He is a rapist and his act deserves condemnation. His nationality, religion etc are completely immaterial. Rape deserves universal condemnation , irrespective of the nationality of the rapist

Typical nonsensical and obnoxious post from you, bringing irrelevant issues like nationalism into it.
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He is a rapist and his act deserves condemnation. His nationality, religion etc are completely immaterial. Rape deserves universal condemnation , irrespective of the nationality of the rapist

Typical nonsensical and obnoxious post from you, bringing irrelevant issues like nationalism into it.

ok, so what should be the title? A student who is not from UK but is overseas has been involved in rape?

Why would nationality not be mentioned? Basically, you want his identity be hidden and not be broadcasted.

Identities are hidden when a child is involved, this is an adult. The purpose of mentioning these details is so that the public (law makers, govt and people) are aware of this. If there are more crimes from people belonging from India than maybe the scholorships should stop..

Your issue is nationalism. I pointed this out in the Indian railway accident thread. The first thing you did was boasting about how far the Indian railways had come, instead of being outraged by the accident.

Funny you dont have such issue of being identified as muslim, hindu or Indian in other threads.
ok, so what should be the title? A student who is not from UK but is overseas has been involved in rape?

Why would nationality not be mentioned? Basically, you want his identity be hidden and not be broadcasted.

Identities are hidden when a child is involved, this is an adult. The purpose of mentioning these details is so that the public (law makers, govt and people) are aware of this. If there are more crimes from people belonging from India than maybe the scholorships should stop..

Your issue is nationalism. I pointed this out in the Indian railway accident thread. The first thing you did was boasting about how far the Indian railways had come, instead of being outraged by the accident.

Funny you dont have such issue of being identified as muslim, hindu or Indian in other threads.

The headline is from an India news site.
He is a rapist and his act deserves condemnation. His nationality, religion etc are completely immaterial. Rape deserves universal condemnation , irrespective of the nationality of the rapist

Typical nonsensical and obnoxious post from you, bringing irrelevant issues like nationalism into it.

Funny, you do not sing this tune when your boy Modi and his party invoke religion (aka Muslims) to describe and ascribe tragedy and crime. Why are you concerned now? Is it because a Hindu was caught hook, line, and sinker and made an example of?

Move on. A test of your own medicine as they say.
One of the hundreds of incident daily in UK where a drunk & vulnerable girl gets molested. Not sure why OP suddenly decided to create a thread on this.
What happens after he's served his sentence? You would like to think he gets deported, we don't need these type of lowlives in this country.

Good plan. Start with Asian Grooming gangs first and deport those low lives into the caves where they crawled from.
One of the hundreds of incident daily in UK where a drunk & vulnerable girl gets molested. Not sure why OP suddenly decided to create a thread on this.

Because this is a big story.

You can check other threads on Grooming etc which we have.

Nothing sudden about this.

Someone's life has been wrecked by a rapist. Show some empathy.
Good plan. Start with Asian Grooming gangs first and deport those low lives into the caves where they crawled from.

They do get deported. One of the reasons I am expressing the hope this low life will also be thrown out of the country once he's finished his jail sentence, where he'll probably end up suffering the same fate as his victim ironically.
Because this is a big story.

You can check other threads on Grooming etc which we have.

Nothing sudden about this.

Someone's life has been wrecked by a rapist. Show some empathy.

I have complete sympathy for her but there are regularly more hineous crimes reported in UK. Cases like illegal immigrants taking advantage of drunk girls...raping and killing them is on a rise in UK.

Atleast in this case there is no life lost. That girl was drunk and this village idiot took advantage of her. She even asked him next day if they had sex and whether they used protection. Had that guy lied saying yes he did use protection, perhaps she wouldn't even gone to the police.

This case is nothing compared to Sarah Everald, Rhys Bennet, Rebaz Mohammed, Steven Green etc. etc. etc.

I was hence bit surprised what prompted OP, sitting in India, to randomly open thread on this :13:
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ok, so what should be the title? A student who is not from UK but is overseas has been involved in rape?

Why would nationality not be mentioned? Basically, you want his identity be hidden and not be broadcasted.

Identities are hidden when a child is involved, this is an adult. The purpose of mentioning these details is so that the public (law makers, govt and people) are aware of this. If there are more crimes from people belonging from India than maybe the scholorships should stop..

Your issue is nationalism. I pointed this out in the Indian railway accident thread. The first thing you did was boasting about how far the Indian railways had come, instead of being outraged by the accident.

Funny you dont have such issue of being identified as muslim, hindu or Indian in other threads.

In this thread I began by saying that the rapist deserved his punishment. And in the thread on the railway accident too, I began by extending my sympathies.

Not my problem if you are unable to read or suffer from selective understanding. Also not my problem if you have a nerve that is constantly itching to bash Indians.
Except for OP, not a single post from Indians that focuses on the Indian scholarship rapist. All of them are more concern with why the word Indian has been used even though this Indian rapist is not a national or pr holder but there on scholarship.

Infact, all of them are saying that billions of crimes happen in a day, so this should be ignored. Thats how little rape is for them, and they dont understand that if a guy who was nurtured in India and goes to a foreign land and rapes people by getting them intoxicated, maybe the problem stems from his home country and is much deeper.

Had the label of Muslim been used, than it would had not been there concern or would had never said, oh 100 other crimes take place.

Blind Nationalism makes you defend heineous of crimes.
I have complete sympathy for her but there are regularly more hineous crimes reported in UK. Cases like illegal immigrants taking advantage of drunk girls...raping and killing them is on a rise in UK.

Atleast in this case there is no life lost. That girl was drunk and this village idiot took advantage of her. She even asked him next day if they had sex and whether they used protection. Had that guy lied saying yes he did use protection, perhaps she wouldn't even gone to the police.

This case is nothing compared to Sarah Everald, Rhys Bennet, Rebaz Mohammed, Steven Green etc. etc. etc.

I was hence bit surprised what prompted OP, sitting in India, to randomly open thread on this :13:

What does this case have to do with any of those other ones you mentioned?
Except for OP, not a single post from Indians that focuses on the Indian scholarship rapist. All of them are more concern with why the word Indian has been used even though this Indian rapist is not a national or pr holder but there on scholarship.

Infact, all of them are saying that billions of crimes happen in a day, so this should be ignored. Thats how little rape is for them, and they dont understand that if a guy who was nurtured in India and goes to a foreign land and rapes people by getting them intoxicated, maybe the problem stems from his home country and is much deeper.

Had the label of Muslim been used, than it would had not been there concern or would had never said, oh 100 other crimes take place.

Blind Nationalism makes you defend heineous of crimes.
There is a reason so many rapes happen in India on a daily basis. Only people with the same mentality can defend them or try to divert the topic by attacking the OP.
Am I the only one thinking 6 years is way too lenient for the monster? He is 20 and will be 26 when he is completely free again.
Just 6 years? That's a shame. Anyways, I hope terrible, terrible things happen to this jerk in prison.