Is Britain ready for their own version of FoxNews?Andrew Neil to lead new right-leaning TV channel


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
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Andrew Neil is leaving the BBC to lead a rival news channel backed by the US group Discovery, which aims to bring the talk-radio spirit to UK television viewers “underserved and unheard by their media”.

GB News, a right-leaning station with Mr Neil as its chair and top presenter, plans to launch early in 2021 with a mission to rattle the BBC and upend the norms of British current-affairs broadcasting.

“GB News is the most exciting thing to happen in British television news for more than 20 years,” said Mr Neil, who has been one of the BBC’s leading political presenters and was the founding chairman of Rupert Murdoch’s Sky TV in 1988.

“We will champion robust, balanced debate and a range of perspectives on the issues that affect everyone in the UK, not just those living in the London area.”

Although GB News is still to raise the $55m-$65m it is seeking to fund the station, the backing of Discovery and the signing of Mr Neil give the project a big boost in the race to launch. As lead investor, Discovery has pledged roughly a quarter of its fundraising target.

Mr Murdoch’s News Corp is also exploring options for a conservative video news service in the UK, led by the former CBS and Fox News executive David Rhodes. But it has yet to reveal its plans, with the branding and distribution strategy still being hotly debated internally.

Both projects see a gap in the UK market for pugnacious, presenter-driven programming that has proved to be lucrative for US cable channels such as MSNBC and Fox News, which earlier this summer became the most-watched US channel in prime time.

GB News will be available to 96 per cent of UK households through Freeview, Sky and Virgin Media. It will be fighting for a slice of UK advertising spending on television, which was in sharp decline even before the pandemic.

While it plans to hire close to 100 journalists and producers, GB News will depart from the format of rolling-news channels such as BBC News and Sky News. By offering a range of political perspectives through the day, it believes it will meet Britain’s impartiality rules for broadcasting, which are stricter than those of the US.

The channel is founded by Andrew Cole and Mark Schneider, two businessmen who made their careers in the telecoms and media industry, often working with John Malone’s Liberty Global telecommunications company. Nicknamed the “cable cowboy”, Mr Malone is Discovery’s biggest shareholder and sits on its board.

Mr Cole, a Liberty board member, has said he founded GB News to challenge the BBC “and other biased incumbent news channels”. “GBN will rock the market,” he said on his LinkedIn page. “Investor response has been excellent.”

The founders see the channel as being different from Fox News, not least because the politics of some of its hyper-charged presenters would have limited appeal in the UK.

But the anti-establishment ethos of the channel could provide a home to rightwing mavericks such as Nigel Farage, particularly in programmes with presenters from both extremes of the political spectrum.

GB News’ management team includes chief executive Angelos Frangopoulos, the former head of Sky News Australia, and John McAndrew, the former executive editor of Sky News, who will oversee news and programming.

The investment is a relatively small bet for Discovery, a US-listed media group which operates dozens of channels in the US, Europe and Asia, including a new channel in Poland. The founders of GB News hope it will establish a national-news model that could be exported to other markets in Europe.
Its high time Britain launches a Fox News type right wing channel. BBC/Sky news is jurassic and not the voice of silent majority.
not surprising, despite being a low quality right wing rag, the daily mail is probably the most popular uk news sites with visitors from all over the world, gb news will be the same, one outlet to cater to a very large, potentially international, audience.
not surprising, despite being a low quality right wing rag, the daily mail is probably the most popular uk news sites with visitors from all over the world, gb news will be the same, one outlet to cater to a very large, potentially international, audience.

Cue race riots, and emboldening of right wing fascists.
Its high time Britain launches a Fox News type right wing channel. BBC/Sky news is jurassic and not the voice of silent majority.

Fox News is garbage. I expect this channel to be garbage also.
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Its high time Britain launches a Fox News type right wing channel. BBC/Sky news is jurassic and not the voice of silent majority.

Bring it on. British Pakistanis are a combative breed and will be able to hold their own in an atmosphere of suspicion and hostility should Trumpian rabble rousing become more widespread in the UK. I expect the milder and more 'integrated' ethnics who might be mistaken for Pakistanis will be targeted by right wing bullies.
With left wing gaining so much momentum recently across the world, there's need of right wing in the system in my opinion. A balance between left wing and right wing policies will lead to a stable system.
With left wing gaining so much momentum recently across the world, there's need of right wing in the system in my opinion. A balance between left wing and right wing policies will lead to a stable system.

Although I'm in favour of a right-wing tv to create balance

But left wing isn't exactly gaining momentum if you look at the world...
Although I'm in favour of a right-wing tv to create balance

But left wing isn't exactly gaining momentum if you look at the world...

In US, left wing policies are abused by various groups of people. If you take it to extreme, both right and left wings are equally dangerous imo.
Britain is going to the dogs

Its not just race and discrimination

Its a class issue as well the poorer are getting poorer and the rich and elite are living it large.

This pandemic has shown up those division lines people on foodbanks, free school meals and marcus rashford , people in work poverty working more as less as slaves amazon uber etc etc , property prices rents out of the roof , inflation rising , cost of living very expensive , facilities infrastructure amenities service provided council rapidly deteriorating and massive cuts .
Nhs not fit for purpose its a misnomer that its free , individually people pay thousands in taxes and stealth taxes to the government.
Education standards decreasing for poorer areas , basically govenment doesn't want working class people at university or to better themselves, university aspirations are a far dream for many poorer children who wants to get in 50/60 thousand debt with no guarantee of a job at the end of it , too much competition, firms able to hire people from.abroad pandemic effecting future jobs many job losses.
Schools forcing woke culture , same sex education on school children.

Deep down the quality of life , the stress free existence isn't there anymore in the UK.

Even crime and generally speaking society in UK has become worse and uglier. No more the days I remember where you could leave your front door open or your bike on the porch.

If I'm honest they way uk is now if my grandad came today instead of 1965 , he would said nah and been on the first flight back to pakistan Lol

I'm really considering leaving uk and moving to pakistan and taking my kids and wife , its a big risk and jump , but I generally believe England is finished and even Europe on a whole they are heading towards a fascist nationalist route and I don't wanna end up like a Bosnian or a jew in 1940s europe , the rotten division lines are already there in society.
" really considering leaving uk and moving to pakistan and taking my kids and wife , its a big risk and jump , but I generally believe England is finished and even Europe on a whole they are heading towards a fascist nationalist route and I don't wanna end up like a Bosnian or a jew in 1940s europe , the rotten division lines are already there in society."

Should really consider it if Nazis don't kill you
Than there's a problem of assimilation in 2-3 gen it's likely that generations will lose whatever Pak heritage/religion they had

And if they end up getting into religious places they're usually radical cults instead of being an actual religious place that teaches humanity

So on both ends of the extreme it's bad..
This is a truly horrible idea. The Tory party has been hollowed out and dominated by the hard right and its fascist allies. This development will make it worse and we will end up like USA but with lower living standards.
With left wing gaining so much momentum recently across the world, there's need of right wing in the system in my opinion. A balance between left wing and right wing policies will lead to a stable system.

No! A strong centre leads to a stable system.
No! A strong centre leads to a stable system.

the centre has been blown apart, not because you need a tangible centre to exist, but because the extremes have become polarised that there is no exchange across the centre.

we live in a era of people with crazy certainty over their political convictions, and if there is any precursor to intolerance its a lack of questioning of ones own beliefs.

as someone who sits on the right of the political spectrum i had hoped as a youngster that the liberal values i believed in would promote open discussion and lessening of the impact of the perturbations across political discourse.

somewhere along the line something has failed miserably, and not only have u got people divided across a polarised political specturm, but across the polarisation of the hyper certain and the totally insouciant.
90% of media outlets are left leaning and many of them are far left. They all have an agenda. It only makes sense to have right leaning news channels to bring some parity.
Any European nation would see popularity in such channels. Remember the Nazis, WWI, WW2 or the colonistion, ethnic cleansing for many people around the world was done by white Europeans. There is a real problem with people of no colour . Of course many are great humanatrians too.
"They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Donald J Trump :trump
If the Brexit (and Trump) wins were graciously accepted by the Remainers/Democrats, then we'd be living in a less polarised political sphere. The fact that the left did everything possible to overturn said results is the reason why were are in this mess.

Nigel Farage had his own slot on LBC radio and news, but the station turned extreme left (with James OB) lashing out at his own colleagues with Remainer propaganda that LBC started losing listeners. Talk Radio was born.

Now the same is happening with TV, and when you don't give a platform to the right wing, they will go elsewhere, hence this new TV station. We are talking millions of viewers who do not represent the far right.

This is the irony of it all, if the establishment try and shutdown unwanted opinions; those opinions will go elsewhere.

Oh, Gab is getting millions of hits now. Trump has started posting on the social platform, and the app, is not available via the App store/Google Play - it's widely available as a download via websites.

You reap what you sow.
90% of media outlets are left leaning and many of them are far left. They all have an agenda. It only makes sense to have right leaning news channels to bring some parity.

The written media isn’t.

The Guardian, Independent and Mirror are left wing but the Mail, Telegraph, Times, Express, and the Sun certainly aren’t.
Also don't confuse impartial with balance.

BBC may be impartial but they are not balanced in their reporting on Brexit. They apply their own spin.

SKY may be impartial but never report on Israel's actions but report the nation as victims.

Every media outlet has an agenda.
"They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Donald J Trump :trump

He had a point just not articulated properly, however this is a different situation. In Europe this type of mentality has existed since the Crusades, to this day. Everyone has the right to their views, some I agree with, others I despise. Far left is just if not more dangerous, as they often hide their agendas.
He had a point just not articulated properly, however this is a different situation. In Europe this type of mentality has existed since the Crusades, to this day. Everyone has the right to their views, some I agree with, others I despise. Far left is just if not more dangerous, as they often hide their agendas.
Sugar quoted Knife
Oh I wish people frame this quote on thier living rooms...
Sugar quoted Knife
Oh I wish people frame this quote on thier living rooms...

Sleepy old man Joe has alreadly proven this to the world. He claims to be a man of peace but his policies of warmongering in the past and now as POTTS are clear to see. Please try to make your own points instead of knicking soundbites from CNN like Lebron does with the ball off opponents.
Sleepy old man Joe has alreadly proven this to the world. He claims to be a man of peace but his policies of warmongering in the past and now as POTTS are clear to see. Please try to make your own points instead of knicking soundbites from CNN like Lebron does with the ball off opponents.
Btw Biden isn't far-left
If he is far left than god have mercy on us...
Care to explain what exactly are you talking about here? :kohli
Btw Biden isn't far-left
If he is far left than god have mercy on us...
Care to explain what exactly are you talking about here? :kohli

Biden is fake warmonger. He has many supporters who are far left nutters.

Im saying you should write what you feel on the subject so we can have a proper discussion. :inti
Biden is fake warmonger. He has many supporters who are far left nutters.

Im saying you should write what you feel on the subject so we can have a proper discussion. :inti

I'm in favour of a right-wing tv to create balance

Don't know/care enough about Britiain to write essays...
But if someone wants to open a RW channel what's the problem it's a free, democratic country
Honestly I love this Neill guy!

While dumb American news shows were trying to "cancel" him scared to invite him cause he talks fast and they can't match a decently intellectual guy because they themselves are pretty dumb and hacky to say the least
Relying more on thier feelings than actual facts

Than the old british guy straight out of Victorian era novels with his posh accent came pulled out his cigar and schooled the fool like never before... Andrew Neill you're the GOAT
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