Member Interview : Genghis81


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
Question: Why the name genghis, and I assume 81 because you were born 1881?
The name Genghis came about from school, when a teacher started calling me Genghis, because of my last name Khan. A few other friends went along with it … and so it was. 81 as probably all have guessed is the year I was born (whether its 1681, 1781, 1881 or 1981 I’ll leave that for you to work out )

Question: If you were chairman of the PCB, what would be your 3 main priorities?
My top priorities would be :
1. To improve the youth structure and scouting procedures so that we can find and nurture our future stars.
2. Improve domestic cricket. They have got to start attracting crowds to the games and start promoting teams. Maybe they should cut down on the number of teams playing, because the standard is not that great when there are numerous teams competing.
3. Improve standard of pitches in Pakistan. This will help in a couple of ways. It will obviously help in improving techniques of our players, and will help in separating the top players from the average players.

The improvements with the national team should follow on as a result of these changes.

Question: Your views on the ICL and IPL?
Honestly, I am not all that excited about it. I have no affiliation to any of the teams, as I don’t support players, I support Pakistan. I can see how Indians would still have some interest because they can obviously support the team based on its location. I will watch the games if they are on, but its not like I will look through the TV Guide to see when the Daredevils are playing their next game.

As a spectacle, I think it will be good for cricket in India and obviously for the players who will make some good money out of it. But as an outsider, I would rather watch a hard fought test or one day series.

Question: Who was Pakistan's greatest ever wicketkeeper and why?
I have only been following cricket since the early 90s so I can only base my decision on what I have seen. To chose from, I have Latif, Moin and Kamran. To me, Moin was the best of the lot. As a keeper, he was reliable and would do some great work behind the stumps. He was a fighter with the bat and so often he came in down the order and played some crucial knocks. He was also a part of some memorable wins for Pakistan including the World Cup, so obviously he stick out for me. Latif was probably technically a better keeper but as a batsmen he lacked a bit. Kamran when he entered the scene, appeared to have it both, the keeping and the batting, but his keeping has of late been awfully poor and his batting still has plenty of flaws.

Question: Are you anything like Genghis Khan in personality or attitude?
I hope not. I am generally quite a subdued character. Even when playing sports, I am competitive and like to talk a lot and motivate, but I do not get aggressive.

Question: Who are/were your all time favourite batsman and bowler?
Brian Lara and Wasim Akram without a doubt.

In any other era for West Indies cricket, Lara would have been a champion of a champion team instead he ended up becoming a champion of a mediocre team. It was a pity the team he had to carry was so sub-standard, but even then, he did lead them to some astonishing wins on his own. He was so pleasant to watch and I loved the battles he had with the Aussies.

Akram was a master with the ball. The greatest ever left handed bowler, and with that quick arm action, he was deceptively fast. You knew when he had the ball in his hands, a wicket was just around the corner. The fact that almost all players during the 90s rate him as the hardest bowler they had to face, speaks volumes for his skill. As a captain, I really enjoyed how he led the team and won the C&U Series in 96, and who can ever forget those two balls in the 92 World Cup.

Question: All time most favorite cricket match which excited you the most?
As a Pakistani fan, there have been plenty of memorable matches. So many times where we were headed for certain defeat and have pulled off miraculous wins. It’s hard to find one game which excited me more than any other but if I was to decide, it would probably be the 3rd Test in the India-Pak Series 2005. Pakistan needed something special in Bangalore, and it came in the form of Younis Khan. While YK’s big double century was what set up the win, it was a combined effort from all the batsmen and bowlers to pull off a surprise last day win when everyone thought the game was destined for a draw. The one day series that followed was also one of the best series I can remember watching. For a team that many people said was the weakest Pakistani team to tour India, to come back as champions was a great team achievement.

Question: Your favorite city in Australia?
Brisbane, obviously because that’s home for me. Aside from Brisbane, I really like Perth. Melbourne and Sydney are good too for a holiday, but I couldn’t live there for an extended period.

Question: How has the life been in the house considering the contrasting performances of IND and PAK in the recent past?
Well I have been keeping a low profile as of late. Its no fun boasting about wins over Zimbabwe and Bangladesh, when India has just beaten Australia in a one day series. All my cousins went to the India-Aus 2nd ODI final at the Gabba, so they have been going on about it ever since.

Question: Who do you think is the Genghis Khan of 2008? and what are your thoughts about this modern Genghis?
Genghis Khan is generally portrayed as a merciless ruler. One who killed anyone in his path to conquest, creating mountains of skulls. The closest to Genghis would probably be someone like George Bush. Although Genghis probably had half a brain.

Question: What do u think about the ban which pcb put on Akhtar. Akhtar deservs it?if yes, then for how long?
Shoaib has been asking for it for a long time, and I think it was only a matter of time before an extended ban was going to come. The down side in this whole saga is that it was probably one of the most minor offences which lead to the final tip of the iceberg. I think we will almost certain see him back, but frankly I think he has had way too many chances to sort himself out, but he keeps coming back with the same old attitude.

Question: Whats ur fav dish.
If you asked me this question about 5-6 years ago the answer would have been pizza or pasta. While I still enjoy my Italian food, nothing quite beats a nice Nihari with Turkish bread.

Question: Not many will know this but your only link to Pakistan is that some of your cousin live there, you've only been to Karachi once (i think) but essentially you are an Indian (both parents are Indian and married to an Indian). Then why are you one of the most ardent Pakistani fan?
It’s not really that odd and I have been to Pakistan 3-4 times not once. I’ve never lived in India either, so my only affiliation to India is that my parents and wife are from there. My father and grandfather are Pakistani supporters (obviously not as mad as me). When I moved to Australia from Saudi, I really didn’t know much about cricket at all, and Pakistan and the windies were the team touring here, so these two have been my favourite two since. Most of my friends then were Pakistanis too, so it was quite natural that I was going to support them.

Question: Name your current Pak IX and World IX?
Pak XI
Sohail Khan

World XI

Question: Your fav and worst Indian player/s and reasons for both?
Favourite would have to be Irfan Pathan. As much as I despise his celebrations, he is a top player and I like how he fought to win his place back in the team. Worst is a given … Sreesanth hands down.

Question: Considering the current news of Akhtar, do you believe that they should have kept his initial drugs ban in the first place?
I always said he should have been banned when him and Asif tested positive. If they had banned him then, he might have come back more positively rather than coming back with the attitude that he could get away with anything.

Question: Considering the Aussies have lost two CB series back to back to much lesser opponants (Eng and Ind), Do you think these are sign of the times for the decline of Aussie cricket (particularly in ODIs) or Ponting's loosing his touch?
Not really. Both the Ashes lost and the loss to India in the C&U series were a result of good cricket from the opposition. Its good to finally see some teams pushing the Aussies, because that’s what makes for entertaining cricket. I still think the Aussies will be on top of test cricket for another decade at least. Their cricket structure all the way down breeds success.

Question: Match Fixers - Love them or hate them? Careful how you answer this...;)
Love’em for sure. For those that don’t know I play indoor soccer in a local league here with a bunch of Pakistani and Indian bros. We have aptly named our team the Match Fixers. Just recently we won the Div 1 finals!

Question: Yours both parents and wife are Indian but you support Pakistani Team. Do you support India when they are not playing against Pakistan. Also on a country basis, hope it doesnt happen again but if there is a war(not a cricket match) between India and Pakistan, will u support India, the country...
Being a Pakistani supporter, I have to be like a real Pakistani and support the opposition when they play India. Its not that I hate India or anything, its probably more so that I enjoy having a few jokes with my wife and cousins when they lose. As for a war, I would pray that it never happens, but if so, and it is a war based on religion, than I would definitely support Pakistan.

Question: Since you support Pakistan team whereas in the same house there are your close family members supporting India(your cousin, Wife), do u wanna share some funny incidents or some funny story related to this. Will be intresting to read it
I think us Indian and Pakistani supporters are all used to the same old arguments. They always tell me that we have never beaten them in a WC match, whereas I always like to pull out the for and against record. I like to tell my wife that I will make a Pakistani supporter out of our 1.5 yr old son, but she says it will never happen. Might have to compromise and let him support the Aussies! 

Question: Who is your favourite league player and what is your favourite memory as a league fan
My favourite rugby league player was little Alfy Langer. He was a little fellow with a big heart. He would throw himself into the big boys and brought down some of the biggest men in league in quick time. In attack, he had the best little grubber kick ever and we scored so many tried off his magical play.

I’ve had some great memories as a League fan, with some great Origin Victories (Coyne’s try, Alfy’s magical comeback, Billy’s try) and 6 Premierships. Again its hard to pick, but for me the top one of them all would probably be the time we won the season in Kevin Walters final season. It was such an emotional game, and not many gave us a chance that year as we had lost Alfy, but there were some great finds that season, and to see Walters with the trophy gave me goosebumps especially after he had lost his wife that year.

Question: Where do you see Pakistani cricket 10 years from now?
I see plenty of hope. There are some good young players we have seen come through recently in the Zimbabwe and Bangladesh series, and I hope sooner rather than later we start once again seeing all international teams touring Pakistan. If the competition is there, Pakisani players will continue to improve. Pakistan will always be filled with talent, but to transform that talent onto the international scene is the difficult part. It is just frustrating sometimes to see the same failures to continue to make it back into the team, and I hope we start finding the right combinations and start sticking with them.

Question: Do you read? If so, what?
Not much of a reader anymore. Other than PakPassion and the newspaper!

Question: Do you watch TV? Is so, what type of shows? Whats your fav?
Don’t watch a lot of TV other than a fair bit of sports. I did watch Prison Break. Heroes and Lost for a while, but it starts getting a bit boring after the first season.

Question: Do you watch movies? If so, what kind?
I used to watch a fair few movies but ever since the little one came along, haven’t seen all that much. But I do enjoy a bit of comedy, action.

Question: Whats your favorite type of food? Fav dish?
Already answered.

Question: List three things that you love about PP?
I love the contrasting members that form it. It makes for some exciting conversations. Also great to see so many supporters from different country forming part of the forum, it keeps it interesting.
The commentary threads are great for keeping up with cricket scores and getting a true feeling of the matches when you can’t watch it.
Finally the articles that are written by members are top quality and much better than what you will find in other cricket websites.

Question: List three things that you would like to be improved about PP?
I guess one thing which would be nice to have is a bit more information about all members in PakPassion. Obviously more prizes would be great too! Also with this being a Pakistani website, I would also like to be able to find some information on Pakistan the country. Some pics of the landscape, places to visit, things to do, etc.

Question: Your favourite holiday destination?
Been to Europe, US and around most of Asia, but still believe that we are pretty fortunate here in Australia to have some of the most picturesque lanscape. Great beaches, breathtaking mountains, luscious rainforests. Frazer Island is my favourite spot, the largest sand island in the world.

Question: 3 Negative and Positive things about Australia?
Negatives - Foreign policies, including going to war with Iraq
- Cronulla riots
- Aboriginal people of Australia. Just the sadness that many of them are still not doing enough to improve their image.
Positives – The people. Barring a few, most are friendly.
- The sporting craze
- Natural Beauty

Question: Do you think quality of cricket has gone down compare to 10-20 years ago?
In a way, yes. With the number of games being played all year long, so often teams are short of players due to injury or just resting and it does take away from the contest.

Question: Do you get winter in Australia during May-September? (Sorry I dont know this )
Definitely, starting to get a bit chilly already here. We get snow as well in a few of the mountains around Tasmania, Victoria and NSW

Question: Your favourite Actor and Actress of all time?
Favourite actor would probably be Johnny Depp. Actress would be Halle Berry.

Question: What brought you to Australia?
We moved as a family to Australia from Saudi Arabia in 92. We came for a holiday to Sydney in 90 and loved the place.

Question: Have you gotten into other sports since being in Australia? If so, which ones?
I was always into soccer, but since I came to Austalia I became an ardent Socceroos fan. Cricket was new to me too, but I guess I was always going to get into it here. Rugby League and tennis are also two sports which I enjoy watching and playing. I spent some time in WA and Victoria, and while they tried to convince me to get into AFL, it just wasn’t my game.

Question: Can Pakistan start and maintain something like the IPL?
Probably not. I am not the accountant at the PCB, but I doubt they will have the cash that some of these IPL franchises have been throwing around. At best I think Pakistan could have a team forming part of the IPL (similar to Lahore Badshahs in the ICL).

Question: What are your views of India as an indian muslim?
I think it is not as great as a lot of people portray it, but likewise it’s not as bad as some people think it is either. The Muslim population in India unfortunately are not as well off as the rest. Again I think using discrimination as an excuse is not always valid. India has improved in many ways as to how it treats its Muslim population, but still has a long way to go. Incidents like Gujarat has left a bad impression of India and it’s attempt at becoming a tolerant and peaceful nation, but with the young population in India, I see hope.