Narendra Modi, Netanyahu, Macron, Biden, Geert Wilders. Who in your opinion needs to be banished from the world of politics for a safer world?

Which in your opinion should be kicked out from politics forever?

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The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
Evil genius is a term that we use to express shrewd and cunning politicians. Chanankya and Machiavelli are the prime names that occur to your mind. But they are infinite other names that were not only evil geniuses but also a ulcer for world peace.

Currently the names like Narendra Modi, Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu, Emmanuel Macron, Hilary Clinton, Le Penn, Geert Wilders etc are some of such names that justify the above notorious qualifications.

So who in your opinion is the worst among them and who you would have wished to kick out from the arena of global politics.
Israel has the most hardline right-wing government in its history led by Netanyahu who's never shown any inclination he's serious about creating a Palestinian state. He opposed the Oslo Accords which gave Palestinians limited self-rule and the Gaza disengagement.
People don't realize but Machiavelli was better than Chanankya. The political science students could affirm this.

Chanankya was just a advisor while Machiavelli was much more than that.
I think Chanakya was a big deal. He was a clever strategist and advisor in ancient India, especially when it came to making the Maurya Empire. His smart moves in politics made a lasting impact. That's why I believe Chanakya was a major player in history.
I think Modi and Netanyahu both follower of Chanankya ideology and a headache for their neighbor countries must be removed from politics for the welfare of their own country and the wider world.
Netanyahu, Geert wilders and Modi should be the ones to be taking break from politics. They are based on hate towards a specific religion only.
Netanyahu, Geert wilders and Modi should be the ones to be taking break from politics. They are based on hate towards a specific religion only.

And why you think that is the case?

Why all of them hate only that religion and not any other?
And why you think that is the case?

Why all of them hate only that religion and not any other?
you are right. Religious violence is increasing day by day and there is no specific religion to talk about here.
you are right. Religious violence is increasing day by day and there is no specific religion to talk about here.

With said those 3 guys are bonded by their hatred for one specific religion. So my question is, why only that specific religion and not the other ones. I mean there is nothing common between Modi, Netanyahu and wilders. They are from different georaphical locations, separate culture, language, upbringing etc etc. For people from such diverse backgrounds to unite just for their hatred for one specific relgion (as per your admission) ..we need to address the elephant in the room and understand the reason behind it. Hatred dont born in air and mostly ingnite from something and that somthing is what I am trying to figure out. Let me know if you know the answer...will wait.
There's also a counter argument that all countries should be led by extremists so that they can finally either roll their sleeves up and duke it out, or come to terms with learning to negotiate with the other.
There's also a counter argument that all countries should be led by extremists so that they can finally either roll their sleeves up and duke it out, or come to terms with learning to negotiate with the other.

Extremism is a reaction. No one is born extremist straight out of his mother's womb. That is why I said we need to address the elephant in the room and understand what drove these leaders towards extremism. However, no one is willing to answer that, including OP.
There's also a counter argument that all countries should be led by extremists so that they can finally either roll their sleeves up and duke it out, or come to terms with learning to negotiate with the other.
Interesting argument in that case we need to change the soft leadership of South Korea against North Korea and of Maldives against India. 😁
Was gonna say Imran, but thankfully, we Pakistanis successfully banished him through a VONC and he never came back. Pakistan is abit safe from his habit of inciting religious intolerance now.

As for the rest of the leaders mentioned. Every leader looks at the best interest of there own country, so it makes no sense banishing anyone of them.

You think the Israel cause vanishes? Israel is here to stay, whether we accept it or not because UK and its citizens created it. Nethanyahu will be replaced by another leader that will protect its cause.
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With said those 3 guys are bonded by their hatred for one specific religion. So my question is, why only that specific religion and not the other ones. I mean there is nothing common between Modi, Netanyahu and wilders. They are from different georaphical locations, separate culture, language, upbringing etc etc. For people from such diverse backgrounds to unite just for their hatred for one specific relgion (as per your admission) ..we need to address the elephant in the room and understand the reason behind it. Hatred dont born in air and mostly ingnite from something and that somthing is what I am trying to figure out. Let me know if you know the answer...will wait.

Atleast you admitted that all three leaders are extremist. Thats a start.

Now, from muslim pov, we might thing that people from your religion are the problem for us? You see, you are calling Islam the problem, but what if from there POV its your people that is the problem?
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Was gonna say Imran, but thankfully, we Pakistanis successfully banished him through a VONC and he never came back. Pakistan is abit safe from his habit of inciting religious intolerance now.

As for the rest of the leaders mentioned. Every leader looks at the best interest of there own country, so it makes no sense banishing anyone of them.

You banish Nethanyahu, you think the Israel cause vanishes? Israel is here to stay, whether we accept it or not because UK and its citizens created it. Nethanyahu will be replaced by another leader that will protect its cause.
At one end you are happy with IK(an innocent chap) exit from political scene in Pak and then on other side you feel that Netanyahu's exit won't do any good because he would be replaced with some other person just make us realize how faulty is your argument.
No need to pretend, just say it that you Islam is the reason and calling it the elephant in the room.

Atleast you admitted that all three leaders are extremist. Thats a start.

Now, from muslim pov, we might thing that people from your religion are the problem for us? You see, you are calling Islam the problem, but what if from there POV its your people that is the problem?

You are reading it wrong which is surprising for a veteran and erudite poster like yourself. I am simply playing devil's advocate here. I simply want to know why they specifically hate that religion only and not other ones? Not sure why it is so difficult to understand.

Whether I think these 3 people are extremists or not is irrelevant as I am no body.
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At one end you are happy with IK(an innocent chap) exit from political scene in Pak and then on other side you feel that Netanyahu's exit won't do any good because he would be replaced with some other person just make us realize how faulty is your argument.
you misread.

Netanyahu is leading Israel who believe that their state should exist, whoever replaces him will defend the honor of Israel and have it recognized.

Meanwhile, Imran is not fighting for Pakistan's existence, its existence is not disputed. Imran is spreading religious intolerance and has used populism to his side.

Imran's exit will change the PTI dynamics, just like how Zardari's exit with change PPP's dynamics.
You are reading it wrong which is surprising for a veteran and erudite poster like yourself. I am simply playing devil's advocate here.I simply want to know why they specifically hate that religion only and not other ones? Not sure why it is so difficult to understand.

Whether I think these 3 people are extremists or not is irrelevant as I am no body.

Netanyahu's issue is not with Islam. Muslims like to paint this picture so that more muslims feel the need to be offended. Netnyahu's issue is with Palestinians which includes muslims and christians. He doesnt want Palestine to exist and capture more area for Israel (that is a seperate debate). Its Israel vs Palestine issue, not Muslims vs Jews. This Muslim vs Jews thing was mostly spread by our mullahs.

Modi on the other hand has discriminated against Muslims as we know from the Gujrat riots. He is the leader of a secular India, but we know how him and his govt at state level and pm level treated both groups differently.

Wilders is not important, he isnt some major leader.
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Atleast you admitted that all three leaders are extremist. Thats a start.

Now, from muslim pov, we might thing that people from your religion are the problem for us? You see, you are calling Islam the problem, but what if from there POV its your people that is the problem?
Lets get to the point.

Muslims have had problems in Europe,

Muslims have had problems in India,

Muslims have had problems in China, names like Mohammed is banned there, along with the Quran being supposedly re-written by the Chinese,

Muslims have had problems in the US.

Muslims have had problems in African countries like Nigeria, Cameroon etc,

Muslims have had problems in Sri Lanka

Why do you think Muslims have had issues in multiple countries? Is there something in Islam that is causing this?

Surely this kind of issue is not happening with other religions like Islam worldwide.

Are ppl in the above mentioned locations other than muslims who live there, just bad?

P.S. I am talking religion here, so no need to bring race into the equation, as Islam is the religion that is under scrutiny in various different countries by various different races of people so it is not a racial issue imo.
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I'm surprised Xi Jinping and Mohammed Bin Salman aren't options.
They are not bad leaders.

Bin Salman is a leader of Saudi Arabia first. Not a Muslim ummah leader. He needs to do whatever protects his country in long term.

The mostly outranged bunch are those that go to cinema and concerts in the country that they live, but are offended now if Saudi's get similar entertainment in there country.
Lets get to the point.

Muslims have had problems in Europe,

Muslims have had problems in India,

Muslims have had problems in China, names like Mohammed is banned there, along with the Quran being supposedly re-written by the Chinese,

Muslims have had problems in the US.

Muslims have had problems in African countries like Nigeria, Cameroon etc,

Muslims have had problems in Sri Lanka

Why do you think Muslims have had issues in multiple countries? Is there something in Islam that is causing this?

Surely this kind of issue is not happening with other religions like Islam worldwide.

Are ppl in the above mentioned locations other than muslims who live there, just bad?

P.S. I am talking religion here, so no need to bring race into the equation, as Islam is the religion that is under scrutiny in various different countries by various different races of people so it is not a racial issue imo.
make a seperate thread, because this thread is about world leaders.

Its a valid argument you raised and yes Muslims do share some blame but depends upon context in each country
They are not bad leaders.

Bin Salman is a leader of Saudi Arabia first. Not a Muslim ummah leader. He needs to do whatever protects his country in long term.

The mostly outranged bunch are those that go to cinema and concerts in the country that they live, but are offended now if Saudi's get similar entertainment in there country.
I suppose bad is a matter of opinion

Of course Netanyahu is pretty toxic. Virtually a terrorist.

But MBS had his political opponent Khashoggi butchered in a Saudi embassy and involved Saudi Arabia in a brutal war in Yemen that led to thousands of deaths.
Xi Jinping authorised mass confinement and brainwashing of Muslims in Xinjiang and keeps threatening to invade Taiwan which has asked for nothing but to be allowed to live in peace.

The rest of the list are all varying degrees of politicians who are on the political position they espouse because it earns them votes - Macro, Modi, Biden etc. don't compare with the above bunch.
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I suppose bad is a matter of opinion

Of course Netanyahu is pretty toxic. Virtually a terrorist.

But MBS had his political opponent Khashoggi butchered in a Saudi embassy and involved Saudi Arabia in a brutal war in Yemen that led to thousands of deaths.
Xi Jinping authorised mass confinement and brainwashing of Muslims in Xinjiang and keeps threatening to invade Taiwan which has asked for nothing but to be allowed to live in peace.

The rest of the list are all varying degrees of politicians who are on the political position they espouse because it earns them votes - Macro, Modi, Biden etc. don't compare with the above bunch.
Modi the butcher, Biden the backer of Palestinian massacre and Macron, the criminal behind unrest in african countries cant be spared by any means.
Netanyahu's issue is not with Islam. Muslims like to paint this picture so that more muslims feel the need to be offended. Netnyahu's issue is with Palestinians which includes muslims and christians. He doesnt want Palestine to exist and capture more area for Israel (that is a seperate debate). Its Israel vs Palestine issue, not Muslims vs Jews. This Muslim vs Jews thing was mostly spread by our mullahs.

Modi on the other hand has discriminated against Muslims as we know from the Gujrat riots. He is the leader of a secular India, but we know how him and his govt at state level and pm level treated both groups differently.

Wilders is not important, he isnt some major leader.

What are the things his govt did at state and national level to treat muslims differently?
Bro are you really that naive or acting? Forget about Gujrat massacre. There are BBC's and others documentaries on it.
Ok so lets bring out the facts. How was Modi responsible for gujrat riots? It started after muslims burnt a train in Godhra. And Godhra in the past was known for hindu muslim riots. When Godhra train burning happened, Modi was just a few months old as CM. He called for army and the very next day Army did a flag march. Modi can be blamed for not being able to prevent the riots, but that doesn't make him a butcher. At best a not able administrator.

I want facts which justify the word butcher for Modi.
Ok so lets bring out the facts. How was Modi responsible for gujrat riots? It started after muslims burnt a train in Godhra. And Godhra in the past was known for hindu muslim riots. When Godhra train burning happened, Modi was just a few months old as CM. He called for army and the very next day Army did a flag march. Modi can be blamed for not being able to prevent the riots, but that doesn't make him a butcher. At best a not able administrator.

I want facts which justify the word butcher for Modi.
Plz read it.
Ok so lets bring out the facts. How was Modi responsible for gujrat riots? It started after muslims burnt a train in Godhra. And Godhra in the past was known for hindu muslim riots. When Godhra train burning happened, Modi was just a few months old as CM. He called for army and the very next day Army did a flag march. Modi can be blamed for not being able to prevent the riots, but that doesn't make him a butcher. At best a not able administrator.

I want facts which justify the word butcher for Modi.

Is there any evidence that Muslims caused the Godhra train fire?

Wikipedia says cause of the incident was an accident/disputed.


The cause of the fire is disputed.[2] In 2003, the Concerned Citizens Tribunal concluded that the fire had been an accident.[18][19][20]

Several other independent commentators also concluded that the fire itself was almost certainly an accident, saying that the initial cause of the conflagration was never conclusively determined.[21][22] Historian Ainslie Thomas Embree stated that the official story of the attack on the train—that it was organized and carried out by people under orders from Pakistan—was entirely baseless.[23] Scholar Martha Nussbaum has also challenged this narrative, stating that several inquiries have found that the conflagration was the result of an accident rather than a planned conspiracy.[24]
Netanyahu should be banished. He is propped up by the Americans and is responsible for one of the cruelest massacres of children in world history.
So Modi is a butcher because some supporter of his party gave a death treat to someone who called him a butcher?
Well ample evidences on it on internet if you are willing to search it objectively. To name a few, his entrance to US was banned before his PMship, also he failed miserably in defending himself against this crime when confronted by Karan Thapar.
Is there any evidence that Muslims caused the Godhra train fire?

Wikipedia says cause of the incident was an accident/disputed.

That inquiry commision was appointed by the then railway minister, Lalu Yadav who openly says that muslims are his votebank. It was declared null and void by Nanavati Commission looking into entire gujrat riots. Many culprits were caught and sentenced by the court.

But how does it all give any justification that Modi is a butcher? In fact riots almost stopped under his watch, when they were regular before his term as CM.
Well ample evidences on it on internet if you are willing to search it objectively. To name a few, his entrance to US was banned before his PMship, also he failed miserably in defending himself against this crime when confronted by Karan Thapar.
His entrance in US was banned means he is a butcher? By that logic, he is not a butcher because same US lifted the ban. Right?

He did not want to talk about something which he has explained so many times, makes him a butcher? Modi is on record that hang him if it anything proved. When Media wanted to apologise for preventing the riots, he said why be satisfied with an apology, he should be hanged if it is proved that he was behind the riots.

I want facts which prove that he is a butcher.
That inquiry commision was appointed by the then railway minister, Lalu Yadav who openly says that muslims are his votebank. It was declared null and void by Nanavati Commission looking into entire gujrat riots. Many culprits were caught and sentenced by the court.

But how does it all give any justification that Modi is a butcher? In fact riots almost stopped under his watch, when they were regular before his term as CM.

Why is Lalu Yadav's inquiry commission wrong but Nanavati Commission's right? The "vote bank" argument doesn't make much sense. Are you saying Lalu Yadav would purposefully lie?

Accident in a train can happen considering 3rd world countries often have things unmaintained.
Why is Lalu Yadav's inquiry commission wrong but Nanavati Commission's right? The "vote bank" argument doesn't make much sense. Are you saying Lalu Yadav would purposefully lie?

Accident in a train can happen considering 3rd world countries often have things unmaintained.
You can believe whatever based on your ideology. Let us assume that Nanavati commision was wrong, and Lalu Yadavs was right. So how does it prove Modi is a butcher? This point if completely orthogonal.
They are basically softer version of religious kings we had in history.

Not even close ro the evil kings that majority of people consider “Great”
There is a reason why US banned Modi. Saying that he was a few months old as CM is a poor argument. Happened under his watch, he had the police to call in and control what was happening.

When a full riot takes place, it doesnt take 1 day to control things, it takes only a few hours.

Modi has done great work for the economy of India and in the foreign relations area, but lets not pretend and defend his actions for the Gujrat Riot plz
They are basically softer version of religious kings we had in history.

Not even close ro the evil kings that majority of people consider “Great”

Time periods matter. 500 years ago, things were far more cutthroat. Modern day is a different period.
There is a reason why US banned Modi. Saying that he was a few months old as CM is a poor argument. Happened under his watch, he had the police to call in and control what was happening.

When a full riot takes place, it doesnt take 1 day to control things, it takes only a few hours.

Modi has done great work for the economy of India and in the foreign relations area, but lets not pretend and defend his actions for the Gujrat Riot plz
Yep no doubt on that.
Time periods matter. 500 years ago, things were far more cutthroat. Modern day is a different period.
No we always have a choice to call out Kings and their expansion as rutheless but we chose not to due to our bias.

You don’t even condemn Turkey for being outside its borders with an army.
They are basically softer version of religious kings we had in history.

Not even close ro the evil kings that majority of people consider “Great”
Infact, calling them out can get a person alot of criticism.
I think there is no bigger ulcer than Netanyahu at the moment. He should be hanged for his war crimes.
Why is Lalu Yadav's inquiry commission wrong but Nanavati Commission's right? The "vote bank" argument doesn't make much sense. Are you saying Lalu Yadav would purposefully lie?

Accident in a train can happen considering 3rd world countries often have things unmaintained.

Lalu Yadav commission was thoroughly compromised and the Gujarat High court ruled the commission as being unconstitutional.

How come not one person could escape from the bogie after the fire? The train was not moving.
Time periods matter. 500 years ago, things were far more cutthroat. Modern day is a different period.

Ofcourse, lets absolve those who committed atrocities because timeline matters. Or rather its more agreeable to your thoughts.
There is a reason why US banned Modi. Saying that he was a few months old as CM is a poor argument. Happened under his watch, he had the police to call in and control what was happening.

When a full riot takes place, it doesnt take 1 day to control things, it takes only a few hours.

Modi has done great work for the economy of India and in the foreign relations area, but lets not pretend and defend his actions for the Gujrat Riot plz

Gujarat riots were a result of Godhra massacre. Muslims burnt alive 60 Hindus thinking it will scare the Hindus from voting in the elections. Hindus retaliated.

Hindu Muslim riots have been happening for centuries. It may happen again.

Modi was denied a visa because of two reasons:

1. He was under investigation that time.

2. There are reasons to believe that the then ruling dispensation in India lobbied hard to have Modi banned from most western nations.

In 2012 Modi was acquitted by courts. In 2013, US ambassador met Modi and invited him to US.
2. There are reasons to believe that the then ruling dispensation in India lobbied hard to have Modi banned from most western nations.

Correct, My Italian Ammayi Sonya was a driving force behind it, speaking with Hilary Clinton at the time to make sure CM Modi doesnt get to visit the US, if I am not mistaken.

It is awfully awfully funny when you see Indian leftists, pseudo secularists and Pakistanis only talk about the Gujarat riots but won't raise a peep about muslims burning down a train carriage of innocent hindus.

The good old; do as we say but not as we do..

Life doesn't work like that unfortunately, every reaction has an opposite reaction, Karma will always find you, you can run but can't hide, its the law of the universe, don't matter what religion you are...
There is a reason why US banned Modi. Saying that he was a few months old as CM is a poor argument. Happened under his watch, he had the police to call in and control what was happening.

When a full riot takes place, it doesnt take 1 day to control things, it takes only a few hours.

Modi has done great work for the economy of India and in the foreign relations area, but lets not pretend and defend his actions for the Gujrat Riot plz
If US was right in banning Modi, then it was also right when it lifted the ban. You cannot have it both ways.

The banning happened because of india based lobbies. Or do you really think US is the upholder of human rights that it bans and unbans people based on guilt and innocence?

He asked for army and police from neighbouring states the very day the riots broke out (28th Feb). It was not criminals, but common people who were involved in riots, that is why it was so difficult to control it without more reinforcement. Even in the worst case, Modi can be accused for not being able to stop the riots as swiftly as possible. That doesn't make him a butcher.

A butcher is someone who orchestrates the killings. Why would someone fax the army and neighbouring states for more police force the very same day the riots broke, if that person was orchestrating the riots?
If US was right in banning Modi, then it was also right when it lifted the ban. You cannot have it both ways.

The banning happened because of india based lobbies. Or do you really think US is the upholder of human rights that it bans and unbans people based on guilt and innocence?

He asked for army and police from neighbouring states the very day the riots broke out (28th Feb). It was not criminals, but common people who were involved in riots, that is why it was so difficult to control it without more reinforcement. Even in the worst case, Modi can be accused for not being able to stop the riots as swiftly as possible. That doesn't make him a butcher.

A butcher is someone who orchestrates the killings. Why would someone fax the army and neighbouring states for more police force the very same day the riots broke, if that person was orchestrating the riots?

Notice the pattern here ... US ban = Evidence, US un-ban = not evidence, Supreme Court verdicts = no evidence but BBC Report = Evidence, Acts of one of the most corrupt Indian politician Lalloo Yadav = Evidence and so on.

Essentially its like this.... "we will continue to hang on to anything that suits with our agenda come what may"
Better for the world is a second degree problem, first each one of you should determine what's best for your own country. If Biden goes or Modi goes or Macroon goes, I wonder what impact it would have on Pakistani junta. Unless you actually believe that Pakistan is a land of honey and gold and it's the foreign leaders who are holding you back. Assuming that's the case as that seems to be premise of the post, then shouldn't you guys be figuring out who is the best to lead Pakistan to deal with these foreign goons rather than hoping that all of them get extinct?
Better for the world is a second degree problem, first each one of you should determine what's best for your own country. If Biden goes or Modi goes or Macroon goes, I wonder what impact it would have on Pakistani junta. Unless you actually believe that Pakistan is a land of honey and gold and it's the foreign leaders who are holding you back. Assuming that's the case as that seems to be premise of the post, then shouldn't you guys be figuring out who is the best to lead Pakistan to deal with these foreign goons rather than hoping that all of them get extinct?
We are talking about a safer world here, and i guess for that the exodus of above leaders could do wonder but still some problems will persist.
My straight answer is Modi and Netanyahu

Will you be able to substantiate your opinion with some facts? If so start by answering this simple question that I have asked multiple times but not one single poster has even responded so far:

What is the worst thing that has happened since Modi became a PM in 2014 and What is the approximate casualty figure due to that ?
There was nobody called Chanakya. There is no historical evidence that such a person even existed !

All those stories about Chanakya are folklore
Modi, how can somebody that short and ugly be a leader, it may be a reflection on their population but come on
Modi, how can somebody that short and ugly be a leader, it may be a reflection on their population but come on

This is so endemic in Pakistan society. Recently there was a tv show were Ramiz Raja was mocking fun of Viv Richards bcoz of his skin color !
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This is so endemic in Pakistan society. Recently there was a tv show were Ramiz Raja was mocking fun of Viv Richards bcoz of his skin color !

Modi is just ugly though regardless of colour, basically a rat in uniform
Think Modi is better looking than Shehbaz Sharif, Nawaz or Zardari

Bug anyways how does looks matter anyways. Your handsome good looking PM bankrupt ur country and made you guys slaves of IMF !
It's a bit weird how pakistani men are obsessed with Imran's looks, never really seen it with a political leader before
Lets get to the point.

Muslims have had problems in Europe,

Muslims have had problems in India,

Muslims have had problems in China, names like Mohammed is banned there, along with the Quran being supposedly re-written by the Chinese,

Muslims have had problems in the US.

Muslims have had problems in African countries like Nigeria, Cameroon etc,

Muslims have had problems in Sri Lanka

Why do you think Muslims have had issues in multiple countries? Is there something in Islam that is causing this?

Surely this kind of issue is not happening with other religions like Islam worldwide.

Are ppl in the above mentioned locations other than muslims who live there, just bad?

P.S. I am talking religion here, so no need to bring race into the equation, as Islam is the religion that is under scrutiny in various different countries by various different races of people so it is not a racial issue imo.
Because Muslims are spread worldwide and are massive in population. Some bad eggs are always going to be present everywhere in every majority/minority.

Do you think people of other religions never cause any problem where they live?

There are a lot of Islamic countries where other religions are in extremely few numbers. Like in Pak, there are only 800 registered Jewish families in a population of over 26crore.
These names are just puppets of underlying ideals of hatred. If they will go, the same ideas will bring new names to replace them.

But Netanyahu and his goons are extremely despicable. Wilders doesn't boast as much power as social media shows. People from Netherlands are in better position to tell us how much influence does he have there.