Need new bat for my son!!!!!!


Jun 5, 2012
::afridi Hello brothers this is my first time on pakpassion. I joined pakpassion because it's a community where i can let out my opinions cricket and other stuff... In the nets like a month ago my son nasir' bat broke. It was an AS sting which I bought from pakistan. It had excellent ping and the english willow was superb but unfortunately he didn't like it but I still made him use it as I had bought it such a long way. So one day his cousing used it in the nets and it broke into two pieces. He was heartbroken. So I told him that I would get him a new bat soon. I recommended Gray-Nicolls as it was my favourite brand and nearly the whole world knows about it. He took a long time to listen and agree but eventually he did. He is 12 years old and 13 next month, he is taller than my wife who is about 5''7 so he has a lot of power and can pick up heavy bats but i'm going to make him get a lighter bat. So brothers out there I really need your help to pick the meatiest, thickest, sweetest and lightest bat from the options below(he uses SH):
-Gray Nicolls Oblivion 4 star
-Gray Nicolls Powerbow 4 star
-GM Halo 606
-GM Flare 606
-GM icon 606
also brothers please give your opinions on how long each bat might last as he's an all round attacking player but mainly plays strokes. Please take into consideration that he will take care of the particular bat and will tape it up etc...
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If u mind spending 12000 rs, get him a mb bubber sher, it is a great bat. Great edges. Or a ca huge edge 5 star or 3 star. Those will be great bats for you according to your requirements. But from your options, get a gm halo 606
i'd never ever recommend you a gm bat........i have 4 gm bats. halo icon epic luna
not satisfied with any of those.......their balance and looks are great but they don't play as good as other massive brands do.....the ball response and ping are really not up to the standard.....
if he's an attacking batsman then powerbow 4 star would be perfect......but i'm an attacking batsman and i have both powerbow and oblivion, but i prefer oblivion because it has a very good pickup and provides a very good and easy swing.......i mean when trying to hit aerial shots......
a lot of people would like meaty bats for attacking game play, but they'd always miss out on a point that it's always difficult to swing a meaty bat as compared to a well balanced bat......