Pakistan economy under the PDM government & now the caretaker administration


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Lets start this off.


While the Pakistan Stock Exchange and the rupee made a steep recovery, Moody’s Investors Service on Monday highlighted Pakistan’s “significant uncertainty over policy continuity” and falling foreign exchange reserves.

However, the New York-based credit rating agency forecast a stable outlook for Pakistani banks and estimated the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to remain between three and four per cent.

Commenting on the ouster of former prime minister Imran Khan through a no-confidence vote and the subsequent confirmation of Shehbaz Sharif as the country’s new premier until August 2023, Moody’s said that “the political upheaval reflects the volatility that besets Pakistan’s political environment and raises significant uncertainty over policy continuity, at a time when Pakistan is encumbered with surging inflation, widening current account deficits and declining foreign-exchange reserves”.

It said it was unclear how the new government would approach the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) programme during this interim period before the next election is called, prolonging the uncertainty around whether Pakistan would be able to secure financing from the IMF to bolster its foreign-exchange reserves, which have fallen to a level sufficient to cover only about two months of imports.

Forecasts stable outlook for Pakistani banks, GDP growth at 4-5pc in FY23

Meanwhile, it said the banks’ stable outlook was supported by an expanding economy and their sound finances and hence maintained a stable outlook for the banking sector (B3 stable).

Moody’s expected real GDP growth of between 3pc and 4pc for the ongoing fiscal year and between 4pc and 5pc for the 2023 fiscal year, with credit growth surpassing 12pc.

Pakistani banks successfully navigated the pandemic, although nonperforming loans (NPLs) remained high but broadly stable at around 9pc of gross loans, it said.

Profitability will rise moderately, with returns on assets to remain around 1pc to 1.1pc, supported by new business generation and gradually recovering net interest margins. However, investment gains are likely to be lower.

Dividend payouts are expected to rise this year, but earnings should be sufficient to keep capital at current, rather modest, levels. Pakistani banks will remain deposit funded and liquid.

These are credit strengths, but their high exposure to Pakistan government securities means their credit profiles are anchored to the low-rated sovereign. Operating conditions will be supportive for banks, despite new pressures. The Russia-Ukraine military conflict will pressure Pakistan’s current account deficit via higher oil prices, while rising inflation will weaken private-sector spending. Sharp increases in interest rates will also weigh on private-sector investment.

The GDP growth forecast is based on expectations of reform agenda and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) helps boost economic growth. Also, government support for specific sectors, such as a subsidy scheme for housing finance, and subsidised interest rates and partial credit guarantees for small businesses and agriculture, will also boost credit demand.

“Asset risk is mainly linked to banks’ high exposure to government securities. Pakistani banks’ exposure to government securities accounts for 45pc of their total assets and around seven times their equity, one of the highest levels among our rated banks globally. This exposure links their credit profiles to the sovereign’s. After a moderate rise in problem loans during the pandemic, we now expect these to stay around 9% of gross loans for the rated banks,” Moody’s said.

Loans to sugar, textiles and leather, and electronics sectors will be the most vulnerable. The phased introduction of the new IFRS-9 accounting standard containing stricter rules on loan-loss provisioning will likely increase provisioning needs.

Capital buffers will be stable but modest. According to data from the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), the banking sector’s capital-to-assets ratio stood at 6.3pc as of December 2021. The sector’s reported Tier-1 capital stood at 13.5pc of risk-weighted assets. “Once we risk-weight government securities at 100pc in line with the government’s B3 credit rating, however, tangible common equity (TCE) to adjusted risk-weighted assets drops to a modest 7.4pc for the rated banks,” it said.

The SBP has also introduced additional Shariah-compliant liquidity facilities for Islamic banks. Some pressure points remain but these will be manageable.

The introduction of a Treasury Single Account will lead to modest deposit outflows and Pakistan’s inclusion on the Fina*ncial Action Task Force’s (FATF) grey list of countries with deficient anti-money laundering regimes is being addressed with 26 out of the 27 actions required already completed.

Published in Dawn, April 12th, 2022
Last edited:
The National Assembly finally elected a new prime minister following over a month of political turmoil, narrowly escaping a constitutional crisis that threatened to pit the various arms of the state against each other. There is, however, a much bigger challenge awaiting the newly formed coalition government, headed by Shehbaz Sharif — how to revive a haemorrhaging economy.

That the economic crisis is dire is no secret — even the Supreme Court, while hearing arguments from all parties, questioned Shehbaz how he planned to tackle it. In response, the then opposition leader pointed to a "Charter of Economy", which he had presented in the National Assembly in 2018.

Undoubtedly, it will take much more than a charter to address the myriad of problems plaguing the economy — the looming current account and fiscal imbalances, depreciating rupee and inflation — all of which require an immediate response.

The new government will have to make some difficult choices to correct these external and internal imbalances. Given the nature, severity and speed of the crisis, the policies to correct these imbalances need to be put in place immediately in a way that the burden is not shifted to an already vulnerable population on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder.

This requires a balanced mix of policies, which on the one hand, correct these imbalances and on the other, compensate and protect the poorest of the country from the side effects. Therefore, the new government needs to develop a consensus on a minimum immediate economic agenda. This is particularly critical for at least three reasons:

It is a government of allies, each of whom has very different priorities, agendas and approaches towards the economy. The absence of a common economic agenda, therefore, can delay relief for the common man.
Given the serious political volatility, the government may choose prioritising accountability over the economy. This will further exacerbate the problems faced by citizens.
A government preparing for elections will be unwilling to take any economic policy measures that may cost votes. For example, it may opt to maintain the subsidies on petrol and energy prices from the PTI government's relief package to please the voter base and avoid taking the blame of adding to people's problems. This will, however, worsen the already deteriorating fiscal imbalances.
Keeping these challenges in mind, the following minimum immediate economic agenda for the new government is proposed:

Keep politics out of economics
The country has already seen much of politics, with the situation becoming increasingly volatile over the last year and a half. What the country and the market need now is stability.

While important, issues like accountability and controlling corruption can be put on hold until a fresh mandate is taken via elections. The political turmoil has already done a great deal of damage to the economy, adding to the sufferings of the public at large. The focus must now shift towards actions concentrated on improving the lives of the common man.

Make tackling inflation a priority
The government must think it has a tenure of 100 days only and avoid introducing any ambitious agenda of reforms and new programme rollouts. Its economic agenda must be focused on improving the lives of the common man immediately. In short, the government must make controlling inflation its number one priority.

According to data from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), consumer price index (CPI) based inflation stood at 12.72 per cent in March, compared to the same month in the previous year. It is important to note that this number may be underreported due to the ousted premier’s relief measures of freezing energy and petrol prices. Adjusted for this, the actual inflation may be higher — at somewhere around 15pc. Worryingly, the sensitive price index, which includes the prices of essential food items, was recorded at 17.87pc year-on-year in the first week of April, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics.

While corrective measures at a more fundamental level are essential to curb inflation, immediate action is warranted. The government can immediately put in place administrative measures to keep a check on the artificial price hikes of goods, particularly food products. It can also use district level price control committees to stem undue profiteering.

The district managers — the commissioners and assistant commissioners — must be strictly tasked and monitored to curb hoarding and smuggling of essential commodities. Random market visits of price monitoring officers to strictly implement official prices at the local level can help keep a check on artificial price hikes.

In addition to other drivers, a loose commitment to control prices and inflation will make it difficult to slow down inflation.

The newly formed government must, therefore, clearly convey and through its actions, prove that controlling inflation is its foremost priority and that it will not let anyone distort it. The online price control and monitoring system developed by the Pakistan Information Technology Board (PITB) can also be used to monitor artificial price hikes at district wholesale and local markets to achieve this goal.

Continuing existing social programmes that benefit people
The government must continue its predecessor's beneficial programmes. If anything, the country's most vulnerable population must be provided social protection in a more effective way. For example, cash payments to poor households may be made monthly, instead of quarterly — the latter may not be the best approach in a consumption smoothing programme.

While unpopular, the new government must also provide targeted subsidies instead of politically driven blanket subsides such as petrol price cuts that least benefit the poor. Cutting unproductive subsidies will be the new government's biggest challenge.

Complete the IMF programme
Pakistan has had a bumpy ride with the IMF Extended Fund Facility so far. The politics around the programme, deviations and departures from commitments and priors has already cost us much. The outgoing PM’s last relief package was virtually an exit announcement from the Fund, with talks on the seventh review in jeopardy yet again.

It may be an unpopular decision, but exiting the IMF programme at this point will further exacerbate economic woes. The country will find it very difficult to borrow from the international market, and amid the record high current account deficits, the Fund closure can increase pressure on the rupee.

Avoiding any populism, the government must therefore sit with the IMF. It may clearly communicate that as it is here for a very short term, it can only deliver on some of the doable conditions.

For example, a petrol and energy price freeze until June is not viable. The government must gradually open the price cap. On the other hand, the lender must be convinced that some of its proposals to control the fiscal deficit, such as a flat 30pc tax on the income bracket between Rs0.1 million to Rs1 million, are difficult to implement at this point in time.

Reconsider positions on policy issues, such as SBP amendment act
The government must understand that low and stable inflation is essential to improve living standards and attain sustainable economic growth. Only an effective monetary policy, with clear targets and the autonomy to apply required instruments, can deliver this. The SBP Amendment Act 2021 provides this opportunity.

Admittedly, the bill was presented and passed without taking the opposition on board. Based on its position taken as the opposition, the government must not act to reverse or revoke this bill. It will create huge economic policy uncertainty, which will affect the public at large in the decades to come. There is substantial margin for improvement in the law, but it is a step in the right direction. This also holds for other policies, such as flexible exchange rate etc.

To sum up, the new government may have come in after months of political turmoil, but its work is just beginning.

It must prioritise the provision of relief to the people of Pakistan. This will require a clearly defined minimum economic agenda, besides ensuring that the policies to achieve this agenda are put in place without further delay.

Regime is incorrectly being used here. Can you kindly change the word to 'tenure' or something else as regime has negative connotations attached to it and PDM is a democratically elected alliance that is currently in government
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has called an urgent meeting on Tuesday with leading economists, to discuss in detail the current dire economic situation facing the country.

The premier has called upon economists to aid in important decisions relating to economic and financial measures.

PM Shehbaz will be briefed on the existing fiscal situation of the country and be informed about the deficit and the current account.

Six-day work week

Soon after taking charge of the Prime Minister Office, PM Shehbaz announced a six-day work week for government offices. The offices would no longer have two days off.

Read President goes on sick leave ahead of Shehbaz’s oath

PM Shehbaz Sharif today reached the prime minister’s office at 8am, ahead of official office hours, and announced a change in the working hours of government offices. The offices are now to start their day at 8am instead of 10am.

The premier issued orders for the implementation of his announcements made in the National Assembly yesterday, especially public relief programmes.

Moreover, PM Shehbaz issued strict directives to monitor shops during Ramazan, to ensure the supply of quality and affordable goods. "Will not tolerate negligence,” the premier stated.

An order was also issued for immediate implementation for 10% increase in pension and raising minimum wage to Rs25,000.

During his introduction to the staff at the prime minister’s office, Shehbaz Sharif asked them to "brace yourselves to serve the people; will not anymore time in doing so”.

The premier furthered that honesty, transparency, diligence and hard work were his government’s guiding principles.

Shehbaz Sharif was elected as the 23rd prime minister of Pakistan, marking his return to power as premier, a pinnacle of his relentless efforts against the former government.

The PML-N clinched the coveted post after 174 lawmakers voted in Shehbaz's favour as Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf MNAs boycotted the election.

Read more China firm on friendly ties with Pakistan

"Our focus is on providing as much relief as possible to all Pakistanis by tackling high inflation & kick-starting the stagnant economy. Together we will make Pakistan a great nation, Insha'Allah. Pakistan Zindabad," he stated.

In his maiden address as prime minister in the National Assembly, Shehbaz announced an increase in salaries, pensions and the minimum wage for labourers.

PM Shehbaz also said the PTI-led government left the country’s economy in tatters with the current account deficit and other economic indicators “worsening”.
Regime is incorrectly being used here. Can you kindly change the word to 'tenure' or something else as regime has negative connotations attached to it and PDM is a democratically elected alliance that is currently in government

No it's regime change.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has called an urgent meeting on Tuesday with leading economists, to discuss in detail the current dire economic situation facing the country.

The premier has called upon economists to aid in important decisions relating to economic and financial measures.

PM Shehbaz will be briefed on the existing fiscal situation of the country and be informed about the deficit and the current account.

Six-day work week

Soon after taking charge of the Prime Minister Office, PM Shehbaz announced a six-day work week for government offices. The offices would no longer have two days off.

Read President goes on sick leave ahead of Shehbaz’s oath

PM Shehbaz Sharif today reached the prime minister’s office at 8am, ahead of official office hours, and announced a change in the working hours of government offices. The offices are now to start their day at 8am instead of 10am.

The premier issued orders for the implementation of his announcements made in the National Assembly yesterday, especially public relief programmes.

Moreover, PM Shehbaz issued strict directives to monitor shops during Ramazan, to ensure the supply of quality and affordable goods. "Will not tolerate negligence,” the premier stated.

An order was also issued for immediate implementation for 10% increase in pension and raising minimum wage to Rs25,000.

During his introduction to the staff at the prime minister’s office, Shehbaz Sharif asked them to "brace yourselves to serve the people; will not anymore time in doing so”.

The premier furthered that honesty, transparency, diligence and hard work were his government’s guiding principles.

Shehbaz Sharif was elected as the 23rd prime minister of Pakistan, marking his return to power as premier, a pinnacle of his relentless efforts against the former government.

The PML-N clinched the coveted post after 174 lawmakers voted in Shehbaz's favour as Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf MNAs boycotted the election.

Read more China firm on friendly ties with Pakistan

"Our focus is on providing as much relief as possible to all Pakistanis by tackling high inflation & kick-starting the stagnant economy. Together we will make Pakistan a great nation, Insha'Allah. Pakistan Zindabad," he stated.

In his maiden address as prime minister in the National Assembly, Shehbaz announced an increase in salaries, pensions and the minimum wage for labourers.

PM Shehbaz also said the PTI-led government left the country’s economy in tatters with the current account deficit and other economic indicators “worsening”.

Someone should remind him about the PML N Current Account Deficit in 2018.

However to defend him, i have heard that the bulk of Nawaz Sharif achievements are thanks to his brothers delivery as Punjab CM and that Shahbaz is a doer and knows how to get the best out of the Pakistani Bureacracy.
Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Miftah Ismail, also a former finance minister, on Tuesday informed Pakistan's budget deficit will hit Rs5,600 billion at the end of the ongoing fiscal year, a record high level, as he slammed economic policies of the ousted government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Addressing a press conference at his residence, Miftah – a key member of the PML-N whose president, Shehbaz Sharif, was elected the country's prime minister on Monday after the ouster of Imran Khan – said the previous government informed us that the country would face a deficit of around Rs4,000 billion.

"However, this deficit will balloon to Rs5,600 billion, which is by far the highest deficit in Pakistan’s history," said Miftah, who served as finance minister during 2018.

“If we add the Rs800 billion in supplementary grants, the deficit ends up at Rs6,400 billion,” he said, adding that out of Rs800 billion, Rs220 billion alone needs to be given to Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) while another Rs80 billion needs to be disbursed to Gencos to keep them afloat.

Tackling economic issues is one of the main, and most urgent, responsibility of the incoming government, as the South Asian country’s economy faces a number of issues on multiple fronts including a rising inflation rate and depleting foreign exchange reserves.

Terming the Rs373-billion relief package announced by then Prime Minister Imran Khan as a “landmine left for the newly formed government of Shehbaz Sharif”, Miftah said that PTI officials wrongly said that the package could be financed by the government.

“The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has not agreed on the said package, and we would have to renew negotiations with the international lender,” said Miftah.

Rejecting claims, Miftah said that the previous government never achieved a primary surplus.

The PML-N leader added that Pakistan’s trade deficit is expected to hit $45 billion this fiscal year, which is a record.

“Pakistan imports are going to hit a record $75 billion, whereas the country’s exports will reach $30 billion,” he said.

Miftah Ismail says KSE-100 Index 'going up at Shehbaz speed'

Miftah said that due to the rising current account deficit, foreign exchange reserves are declining. “Last month alone, forex reserves declined by $5 billion, which is the largest single decrease in foreign exchange reserves in the history of Pakistan,” said Miftah.

“Our government's top priority is to stabilise and increase the foreign exchange reserves,” he said.

Miftah said that in the coming fiscal year Pakistan needs to make payments of $30 billion, for which it is important to take the IMF on board.

Praising announcements made by Prime Minister Shehbaz, Miftah had earlier said that his government increased the pension of pensioners by 10% immediately, and also raised the minimum wage to Rs25,000.

Miftah added that markets reacted positively to Shehbaz Sharif's ascent to the PM House, as the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) posted massive gains, whereas the dollar, which was trading at 190 just days ago, has gone down to 182 against the rupee.
It will not be easy to clean up the mess created by PTI, the most incompetent government Pakistan has ever had.

Accusing the PTI government of leaving behind an unprecedented economic mess, including the highest-ever fiscal deficit of Rs6.4 trillion (slightly over 10 pc of GDP), finance adviser in-waiting Miftah Ismail said on Tuesday the new government would restart negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for balance of payments support.

“Stabilisation of declining foreign exchange reserves and increasing them is the most important thing,” he said. “Taking the IMF programme forward with mutual understanding is important.”

In reply to a question, he said that “we will take the existing programme forward and complete its three reviews”, which involve about $3 billion in outstanding disbursement, by September.

He was speaking at a hurriedly called news conference with former caretaker energy minister Senator Musaddiq Malik and former Sindh governor Muhammad Zubair.

Mr Miftah said the baggage left by the PTI government was such that all problems could not be overcome immediately, but at least the prices of items like wheat flour and sugar would be brought down immediately with the support of provincial governments.

“The Khan government has played havoc with the economy and lied to the nation that the relief package floated to save the government in its dying days is to be financed through additional revenues. In fact, it added to the fiscal deficit as there was no financing available,” Mr Ismail claimed.

“We will talk to the IMF immediately and negotiate. We will make our best efforts and hopefully agree things which are sustainable under the given circumstances,” he said.

“It is not possible to reduce inflation immediately because of the lag impact of the policies of fiscal and monetary expansion. First we will negotiate with the IMF and try to persuade them to ease the tough conditions so that the government could provide relief to the nation.”

He explained that the current account deficit (CAD) for the current fiscal year was estimated at $20bn — by far the highest ever. It meant Pakistan had to fund $6bn CAD on top of about $3bn debt repayments during the remaining period of the fiscal year. The financing needs for next year were estimated at $30bn.

“You need to finance this gap for which continuation of the IMF programme is necessary.”

He said the State Bank reserves currently stood at $11.3bn and unless there was an IMF programme, neither can there be assistance from friendly countries nor from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank nor the international bond market.

The former finance minister said he did not want to paint a doomsday scenario, but it was important to put on record what the PTI government had left behind and the numbers he was presented had been finalised by outgoing finance minister Shaukat Tarin and presented to the new coalition government by the finance ministry.

Fiscal deficit

He said the previous government had put the fiscal deficit limit at Rs3.990 trillion, but it had now been estimated at Rs5.6tr, which is by far the highest-ever breach.

But that’s not all, they also left behind another Rs800bn worth of supplementary grants, taking the total fiscal deficit at Rs6.4tr. This also included Rs373bn worth of ‘highly explosive landmine package’ of reducing petroleum and electricity prices and then freezing them for four months when international prices were going up, besides Rs220bn required for gas companies to avoid bankruptcy and Rs80bn by generation companies just to remain afloat.

He said the numbers were finalised when Mr Tarin was finance minister that expenditures would be around Rs8.7 trillion this year against budget estimate of Rs7.5tr. This, however, did not include Rs800bn of supplementary grants that took total expenditures to Rs9.5tr.

He said the total debt since prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan to Nasir-ul-Mulk amounted to Rs25tr, while more than 80 per cent of that amount was built up by the previous government in just four years.

Asked about the increase in petroleum prices, Miftah Ismail said while a decision would be taken after looking into the working paper of the oil regulator on April 15, it was important to be known why the previous government backtracked from its commitments. He wondered why the government suddenly announced another amnesty scheme to please their friends for future incomes and assets as well while all previous amnesties had been offered to whiten past assets.

Miftah Ismail said that in his first meeting with economists, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif decided to hold two separate meetings with agriculturists and businesses to reverse the food import trend, which cost $8bn in buying sugar and wheat alone. On the other hand, the country used to export both products when PML-N was in power.

He said he would push for privatisation of Pakistan Steel Mills and Pakistan International Airlines while protecting their employees and offer power distribution companies to the provinces.

He said all-out efforts would be made to contain the deficits and criticised the PTI for reneging on commitments made to the IMF by offering an amnesty scheme for industrialists.

Published in Dawn, April 13th, 2022
Ehsaas Kafalat Program, which used to give 14-18K RS to the eligible families has been terminated,

Replaced by Benazir Card which will give aways 4-6K RS.

Ehsaas koi Bhooka na soye, terminated.

Citizen Portal, terminated

Interest Free Loan, terminated.

Kamiyab Jawan Programme, terminated.

5 RS relief Per unit, terminated.

Sehat Card has been stopped in Punjab..
[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]
Ehsaas Kafalat Program, which used to give 14-18K RS to the eligible families has been terminated,

Replaced by Benazir Card which will give aways 4-6K RS.

Ehsaas koi Bhooka na soye, terminated.

Citizen Portal, terminated

Interest Free Loan, terminated.

Kamiyab Jawan Programme, terminated.

5 RS relief Per unit, terminated.

Sehat Card has been stopped in Punjab..

[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]

Camp offices increased, free food for media, diplomatic passport for a bhagora. These crooks are even worse than i thought.

Gimmick alert
Miftah has said that the only wage increase for the workers was the one announced already by IK. Is this true [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION]
Ehsaas Kafalat Program, which used to give 14-18K RS to the eligible families has been terminated,

Replaced by Benazir Card which will give aways 4-6K RS.

Ehsaas koi Bhooka na soye, terminated.

Citizen Portal, terminated

Interest Free Loan, terminated.

Kamiyab Jawan Programme, terminated.

5 RS relief Per unit, terminated.

Sehat Card has been stopped in Punjab..

[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]

Sehat Card stopped in Punjab way before the VONC

This was a sham program which was never going to work. All done by PTI to try and gain some votes in the next elections. Even the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) Cardiac Centre has stopped implanting stents for the last over one week as the vendor has refused to provide stents due to non-payment of bills of over Rs100 million.

I've broken down the failed program in detail in the Imran Khan performance thread. This has nothing to do with the economy.

Also, I've detailed why certain reliefs provided by Khan's government had to be cut back because they are against IMF program. He is trying to jeopardize the nation by trying to win a few votes. IMF categorically asked him how we was financing these relief programs and his finance team had no answers.

Sensible steps being taken by the new government to secure the economic future of Pakistan rather than worrying about the next election and trying to build up support by ruining our economy
Sehat Card stopped in Punjab way before the VONC

This was a sham program which was never going to work. All done by PTI to try and gain some votes in the next elections. Even the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) Cardiac Centre has stopped implanting stents for the last over one week as the vendor has refused to provide stents due to non-payment of bills of over Rs100 million.

I've broken down the failed program in detail in the Imran Khan performance thread. This has nothing to do with the economy.

Also, I've detailed why certain reliefs provided by Khan's government had to be cut back because they are against IMF program. He is trying to jeopardize the nation by trying to win a few votes. IMF categorically asked him how we was financing these relief programs and his finance team had no answers.

Sensible steps being taken by the new government to secure the economic future of Pakistan rather than worrying about the next election and trying to build up support by ruining our economy

And [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] is saying that the sehat card has hasnt stopped. So who is lying?
Got the govt but immediately sat on a potato when SS came to know that Rs.33-40 subsidy going on Petrol a catch 22 for psychopath criminal murderer money launderer tax evader
Ehsaas Kafalat Program, which used to give 14-18K RS to the eligible families has been terminated,

Replaced by Benazir Card which will give aways 4-6K RS.

Ehsaas koi Bhooka na soye, terminated.

Citizen Portal, terminated

Interest Free Loan, terminated.

Kamiyab Jawan Programme, terminated.

5 RS relief Per unit, terminated.

Sehat Card has been stopped in Punjab..

[MENTION=138254]Syed1[/MENTION] [MENTION=1269]Bewal Express[/MENTION] [MENTION=21699]Pakpak[/MENTION]

filthy rats is what they are.

They will get what's coming to them one day, all of them. S.cum.
And [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] is saying that the sehat card has hasnt stopped. So who is lying?

My brother and his wife work in Pakistani hospitals for months in a year. They have told me how unbelievably successful its been and how many older people give prayers to Khan. This is direct from my family, never mind the countless other stories I've heard
My brother and his wife work in Pakistani hospitals for months in a year. They have told me how unbelievably successful its been and how many older people give prayers to Khan. This is direct from my family, never mind the countless other stories I've heard

An amazing scheme that gave the poor the same treatment as the of the great Welfare achievements in our history
And [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] is saying that the sehat card has hasnt stopped. So who is lying?

No one is lying. It hasn't been stopped by the government. Hospitals have stopped accepting Sehat cards because the previous government lacked the funds to run such a program. It was a sham program to begin with and its only purpose was to win votes from basic gullible people like yourself.

As mentioned in my earlier post, I've already made a detailed post about the failings of this program in a different thread. The program was destined to fail. Major hospitals weren't accepting Sehat cards from day one as the prices for procedures were too low and not agreed with private hospitals. Furthermore, what is actually covered under the card and what people have been told is covered are too completely different things.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for you to comprehend such basic things
My brother and his wife work in Pakistani hospitals for months in a year. They have told me how unbelievably successful its been and how many older people give prayers to Khan. This is direct from my family, never mind the countless other stories I've heard

For every story you've heard of how successful this has been, there's a story of how this card has failed the people. Stop spreading needless propaganda over a failed scheme
already addressed. It's not a lie. It can only happen once budget is announced. This is how Pakistan works. People who have spent their entire life living abroad would obviously not understand

Apparently the PM of Pakistan did not either. I guess he just wanted the accolades. He should announce, oh sorry everyone, no raises yet. Fazul mein credit lanay ki aadat hai isko.

Also, the excuse of "people who have spent their entire life living abroad" is getting old. We have family (majority of mine is there), investments, etc. in Pakistan.
Reducing Pakistan’s economic growth rate forecast for current fiscal year by almost one per cent, the World Bank (WB) on Wednesday said the last ditch energy subsidies by the outgoing government put an additional burden on budget and threaten the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme.

“The financing of the price cuts or subsidies can create an additional burden on the fiscal budget, threaten the ongoing programme with the IMF, and limit the use of the fiscal budget on other, more productive projects”, said the World Bank ahead of the IMF-WB Annual Spring Meetings beginning early next week.

While launching its latest ‘South Asia Economic Focus Reshaping Norms: A New Way Forward’, the bank’s Chief Economist for South Asia Region Hans Timmer said these subsidies were ‘unsustainable and ineffective’ and advocated that right prices should be charged to consumers and redistributed to poor households.

The bank noted that Pakistan had earlier followed its agreement with the IMF to remove tax exemptions and increase the tax on fuels. However, rising energy prices domestically and challenges from political opposition forced the government to offer electricity and fuel price relief in February. “While these measures can help reduce fluctuations in domestic prices, also constitute a direct burden or hidden liability on the government’s budget, which could increase fiscal vulnerabilities going forward”.

South Asian region faces worsening supply bottlenecks, rising inflation, says report

“GDP growth is expected to slow to 4.3pc in FY22 (against 5.6pc last year) and to 4pc in FY23”.

In January, Pakistan’s GDP growth was put at 5.2pc which has since been changed. This comes amid monetary tightening measures that began in September 2021, high base effects from the previous year, and continued high inflation eroding real private consumption growth,” the bank said.

Talking about the region, the bank said growth in South Asia, already uneven and fragile, will be slower than previously projected, due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine and persistent economic challenges. As such, it projected the region to grow by 6.6pc in 2022 and by 6.3pc in 2023. The forecast for 2022 has been revised downward by one percentage point compared to the January projection.

Countries in South Asia are already grappling with rising commodity prices, supply bottlenecks, and vulnerabilities in financial sectors. The war in Ukraine will amplify these challenges, further contributing to inflation, increasing fiscal deficits, and deteriorating current account balances, said WB Vice President for South Asia Hartwig Schafer.

The bank noted that one of Pakistan’s challenges in the current environment was its energy subsidies, which were the largest in the region. Inflation is expected to rise in all countries in 2022 and reach double digits in Pakistan and Sri Lanka before subsiding in 2023. In Pakistan, high inflation has pushed the real lending rate briefly into negative territory in 2021. But a series of monetary tightening measures lowered inflation expectations, and the real lending rate has been positive since the end of 2021.

On the fiscal side, accumulated government debt in Pakistan during Covid-19 pandemic may lead to fiscal consolidation measures, which can face political resistance. General government debt has reached over 70pc of GDP.

It noted that Pakistan experienced the mildest exports contraction in the region in 2020, and the recovery led by the textile sector was also the most rapid. Pakistani goods exports fell 54pc year-over-year in April 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Since late 2020, the textile sector, which makes up more than 60pc of total goods exports, has led the recovery.

Published in Dawn, April 14th, 2022
No one is lying. It hasn't been stopped by the government. Hospitals have stopped accepting Sehat cards because the previous government lacked the funds to run such a program. It was a sham program to begin with and its only purpose was to win votes from basic gullible people like yourself.

As mentioned in my earlier post, I've already made a detailed post about the failings of this program in a different thread. The program was destined to fail. Major hospitals weren't accepting Sehat cards from day one as the prices for procedures were too low and not agreed with private hospitals. Furthermore, what is actually covered under the card and what people have been told is covered are too completely different things.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for you to comprehend such basic things

So your saying its stopped because funds were stopped a few weeks ago but people were using it until a few days ago until the uncertainty took place. He is saying it never stopped at all. And you are claiming that neither is lying. So 2 contradictory positions but are telling the truth. I apologise
already addressed. It's not a lie. It can only happen once budget is announced. This is how Pakistan works. People who have spent their entire life living abroad would obviously not understand

I was born and raised in Pakistan. My parents and brother still spend swathes of a year working in Pakistan.
For every story you've heard of how successful this has been, there's a story of how this card has failed the people. Stop spreading needless propaganda over a failed scheme

Only the pathetic Patwaris are calling it a failed scheme.

Probably because they couldn't pull it off since their grubby hands were all over the money
Regime is incorrectly being used here. Can you kindly change the word to 'tenure' or something else as regime has negative connotations attached to it and PDM is a democratically elected alliance that is currently in government

Agreed with the negative connotation for the word regime. However it's definitely not a democratically elected government.
This 12 legged imported govt won't work they are all at sea every day PM gets up and then pays a courteous visit to all allies to ensure they are happy and jolly
SS has realised its a complete mess working with 12 legs
Agreed with the negative connotation for the word regime. However it's definitely not a democratically elected government.

Yes, it is. I don't think you understand how representative democracy works. Might want to google it and read up on it before you comment something like this again.
Only the pathetic Patwaris are calling it a failed scheme.

Probably because they couldn't pull it off since their grubby hands were all over the money

Why did the scheme stop working then? Here are news articles from April 3rd that show hospitals stopped accepting Sehat Cards during PTI's rule

and here's one explaining the issues with the failed scheme
So your saying its stopped because funds were stopped a few weeks ago but people were using it until a few days ago until the uncertainty took place. He is saying it never stopped at all. And you are claiming that neither is lying. So 2 contradictory positions but are telling the truth. I apologise

Already addressed. Posted articles from April 3rd while PTI was still running the government showing that most hospitals had stopped accepting Sehat Cards due to non-payment from the government.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday chaired a high level meeting to discuss the country's current economic situation wherein he directed his economic team to formulate an economic reform strategy on an emergency basis.

The premier stated that the government was taking urgent measures to achieve economic stability. He directed his economic team to take critical measures for the economic uplift of the public, including countering inflation.

The finance ministry provided a detailed briefing to PM Shehbaz who expressed his concerns over worrisome economic indicators.

The meeting was attended by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leaders, including Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Ahsan Iqbal, Miftah Ismail, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Zubair Umar, Ayesha Ghaus Pasha, Tariq Mahmood Pasha, Bilal Kiyani and other senior officers.

On Tuesday, the prime minister called an urgent meeting with leading economists to discuss in detail the current dire economic situation facing the country.

The premier called upon economists to aid in important decisions relating to economic and financial measures.

Shehbaz was briefed on the existing fiscal situation of the country and informed about the deficit and the current account.

The PM had earlier said the PTI-led government left the country’s economy in tatters with the current account deficit and other economic indicators “worsening”.
Yes, it is. I don't think you understand how representative democracy works. Might want to google it and read up on it before you comment something like this again.

As you suggested, it reads - "a system of government in which all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them."

so what laws have PDM passed?
LOL what? hahahahaha

This is gold.

Platinum mate, just your mind ain't there yet - if you think after the events that happened and how the institutions have been involved in ousting the government, that we have any form of a 'democratic government' then sadly you need to open your eyes
Platinum mate, just your mind ain't there yet - if you think after the events that happened and how the institutions have been involved in ousting the government, that we have any form of a 'democratic government' then sadly you need to open your eyes

Man you're too funny. Your reply to my point showed your lack of knowledge of Pakistani politics.

either way, i'll humor you. How is there any difference between how Imran Khan was made prime minister to how Shehbaz Sharif has been made prime minister?
Man you're too funny. Your reply to my point showed your lack of knowledge of Pakistani politics.

either way, i'll humor you. How is there any difference between how Imran Khan was made prime minister to how Shehbaz Sharif has been made prime minister?

the OBVIOUS is - there was an election! See your eyes are closed. Why's PDM running from that?
useless talking to a wall. you never wanna admit you're wrong. Khair, to each his own

oh bhai. You don't understand the basics of politics. Imran Khan won one seat. You probably didn't even vote for him. To be elected as prime minister you need majority in the parliament. Imran Khan didn't have that either. He needed coalition partners to be elected as prime minister.

It is those same coalition partners that voted for Shehbaz Sharif to be prime minister.

The people who vote for the prime minister are elected in/voted in by the masses during the general elections. People do not vote for a prime minister it is their representative that does.

I hope you now understand how Shehbaz Sharif is a democratically elected prime minister just like how Imran Khan was.
oh bhai. You don't understand the basics of politics. Imran Khan won one seat. You probably didn't even vote for him. To be elected as prime minister you need majority in the parliament. Imran Khan didn't have that either. He needed coalition partners to be elected as prime minister.

It is those same coalition partners that voted for Shehbaz Sharif to be prime minister.

The people who vote for the prime minister are elected in/voted in by the masses during the general elections. People do not vote for a prime minister it is their representative that does.

I hope you now understand how Shehbaz Sharif is a democratically elected prime minister just like how Imran Khan was.

Bro honestly I think you weren't of age last elections. You clearly have no idea what happened. Imran Khan made history by winning FIVE seats.

NA-53 (Islamabad) Imran defeated former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
NA-35 (Bannu) he won from MMA candidate Akran Durrani
NA-243 (Karachi) he defeated MQM-P Ali Raza Abidi
NA-95 (Mianwali) he defeated PML-N candidate Obaidullah Shadikhel.
NA-131 (Lahore) he won against PML-N leader Khawaja Saad Rafique.

Please stop, you just posting for the sake of arguing.
Bro honestly I think you weren't of age last elections. You clearly have no idea what happened. Imran Khan made history by winning FIVE seats.

NA-53 (Islamabad) Imran defeated former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi
NA-35 (Bannu) he won from MMA candidate Akran Durrani
NA-243 (Karachi) he defeated MQM-P Ali Raza Abidi
NA-95 (Mianwali) he defeated PML-N candidate Obaidullah Shadikhel.
NA-131 (Lahore) he won against PML-N leader Khawaja Saad Rafique.

Please stop, you just posting for the sake of arguing.

OMG. It doesn't matter in the end he has one seat. PEOPLE don't vote for Prime Minister's the elected representatives do. It is the same elected representatives who elected Imran Khan as Prime Minister that elected Shehbaz Sharif.
Already addressed. Posted articles from April 3rd while PTI was still running the government showing that most hospitals had stopped accepting Sehat Cards due to non-payment from the government.

But Major is saying it never stopped, so Someone is lying and as both of you lie alot, probably both.
oh bhai. You don't understand the basics of politics. Imran Khan won one seat. You probably didn't even vote for him. To be elected as prime minister you need majority in the parliament. Imran Khan didn't have that either. He needed coalition partners to be elected as prime minister.

It is those same coalition partners that voted for Shehbaz Sharif to be prime minister.

The people who vote for the prime minister are elected in/voted in by the masses during the general elections. People do not vote for a prime minister it is their representative that does.

I hope you now understand how Shehbaz Sharif is a democratically elected prime minister just like how Imran Khan was.

One seat? Another lie. Are you determined to humiliate yourself on every post.
Subsidy on fertilisers been taken away by Showbaz not to mention the hike in sugar and ghee
One seat? Another lie. Are you determined to humiliate yourself on every post.

Are you telling me that in our democracy any politician can hold more than one seat? My god, I've understood why PTI fans are so angry its because they don't have the basic understanding of how our democracy and politics works.
But Major is saying it never stopped, so Someone is lying and as both of you lie alot, probably both.

So you completely ignored the news articles from 3rd of April that reported the program being stopped due to lack of funds. I believe I posted various articles not just one.

Can you tell me who was leading the government on 3rd of April?

lol. Don't run off now.
Are you telling me that in our democracy any politician can hold more than one seat? My god, I've understood why PTI fans are so angry its because they don't have the basic understanding of how our democracy and politics works.

You said he won one seat. He won all the seats he contested and in the biggest provinces. I didn't make the system. You lied
So you completely ignored the news articles from 3rd of April that reported the program being stopped due to lack of funds. I believe I posted various articles not just one.

Can you tell me who was leading the government on 3rd of April?

lol. Don't run off now.

I don't care for the article. Show it to Major. And then decide who is lying
I don't care for the article. Show it to Major. And then decide who is lying

I knew you'd run off.

Can you answer my question though. Who was leading the government on 3rd of April when hospitals stopped accepting Sehat Cards?
You said he won one seat. He won all the seats he contested and in the biggest provinces. I didn't make the system. You lied

Don't avoid the question now. Can Imran Khan or any other politician for that matter hold more than one seat in the assembly?

How many seats does he hold now? Is it more than one?
You've been exposed haven't you? Won't answer a direct question. Run along now.

Who is lying you or [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION]? You said I has stopped and Major is saying no one stopped it. One of you is lying and on this occasion its you.
So PDM distributed the ministries all cronies are back Rana Murderer Sanaullah Law Min., Ahsan Fake Aristotle Interior Min., Rana Tanvir Def. PROD, khwaja Rangbaz Def Min, Maryam Frog info Min, Ayaz Pitho IT Min, Raja Rental Speaker NA,
OMG. It doesn't matter in the end he has one seat. PEOPLE don't vote for Prime Minister's the elected representatives do. It is the same elected representatives who elected Imran Khan as Prime Minister that elected Shehbaz Sharif.

Thanks Captain Obvious. You passed poli science 101 👏 👏 Everyone knows how the basics works, just wanted to expose your subtle lies (again).
Thanks Captain Obvious. You passed poli science 101 �� �� Everyone knows how the basics works, just wanted to expose your subtle lies (again).

Everyone but you it seems. Well you and a few others who don't think that Shehbaz Sharif is a democratically elected prime minister but can't seem to come up with an answer as to why not considering Imran was elected in the same fashion.
Successive governments commenced their tenures by endlessly criticising the economic policies and delivery of their predecessors and projected themselves as a messiah who would lead the nation towards prosperity and better days. This rhetoric has been in vogue for decades, the present government, too, commenced its current tenure on the same note.

For the nation and its people this rhetoric is meaningless. It sours relationships and is of no interest to the general public. What the public expects is immediate results and not meaningless rhetoric. The public, in fact, demands the new government address their issues and bring about quantitative and qualitative change in their lives.

The mature approach would be that the successor government takes the ownership of the data of the last government and uses this as the benchmark to improve things. The incumbent government could make a start and bring around a paradigm shift in mindset and in comprehending public issues and acting upon it with a professional and mature approach. It has inherited the following scorecard that the PTI government has bequeathed to it:

Pakistan Key Economic Indicators (as on 12 April 2022)
Currency (Rs/USD) 182.2
Stock Market (Points) 46407
GDP/Annual Growth (%) 3.9
Unemployment Rate (%) 4.4
Inflation Rate (%) 12.7
Interest Rate (%) 12.2
Balance of Trade (MPKR) (-620633)
Current Account to GDP (%) (-0.6)
Government Debt to GDP (%) (-8.7)
Government Budget to GDP (%) (-7.1)
Consumer Confidence (points) 39.4
Corporate Tax Rate (%) 29.3
Personal Income Tax Rate (%) 35.3
Export FY 2021 (BUSD) 25.3
Export FY 2022 (9 months/BUSD) 23.3
Import FY 2021 (BUSD) 56.4
Import FY 2022 (9 months/BUSD) 46.5
LSM growth FY 2021 (%) 14.9
FDI FY 2021 (BUSD) 1.9

That there is still a lot of room for improvement insofar as these figures are concerned is a fact. The government needs to deliver on its promises on rising inflation in particular.

(The writer is former President, Oversees Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022
Who is lying you or [MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION]? You said I has stopped and Major is saying no one stopped it. One of you is lying and on this occasion its you.

Neither of us is lying. Your comprehension skills leave much to be desired it seems
So Major says it wasn't stopped, your saying it was already stopped and neither of you is lying:O:O:

Yes, hospitals are continuing to accept Sehat Card after the new government resolved the issue. There was a temporary stop as a result or the previous government not being able to meet its commitments. Not rocket science, is it?
Man you're too funny. Your reply to my point showed your lack of knowledge of Pakistani politics.

either way, i'll humor you. How is there any difference between how Imran Khan was made prime minister to how Shehbaz Sharif has been made prime minister?

Your usual replies here sound like those youtube and facebook trolls. Trying so hard to defend crooks is never an easy task, we understand that. Imran was elected by the nation, while Shehbaz Sharif had to unite all chuur parties and snatch the Premier seat by ghuuskhoori of judiciary (their usual way of running politics). Its funny how you keep referring to democracy when it's not the people who brought Shehbaz not so Sharif in.

Are you confident that if there were to be elections today these chuur mafia will get more votes than Imran Khan? We all know all your crook supporters ke "Taangein kaaptei hai" just by the mention of word people voting and elections :) The tsunami of people coming out to voice this terrible drama is obvious, come election time whenever it may be, Imran Khan will sweep the floor with these chuurs, even rigging won't help this time.

Between when are you heading to Lahore airport to welcome another bhagora Sharif? Make sure you folks take the red carpet and haar-phool with you, need him here this time so all crooks can be thrown behind bars for good this time.
Yes, hospitals are continuing to accept Sehat Card after the new government resolved the issue. There was a temporary stop as a result or the previous government not being able to meet its commitments. Not rocket science, is it?

But Major said it was never stopped but your saying it was stopped a month ago. Are you lying or is he?
But Major said it was never stopped but your saying it was stopped a month ago. Are you lying or is he?
[MENTION=135038]Major[/MENTION] was talking about whether it was stopped by the current government or not. He was right in saying that the current government never stopped the Sehat Card Program. I was talking about the program overall including the previous government and I was correct in saying that hospitals stopped accepting Sehat Card due to non-payment from the previous government.
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Your usual replies here sound like those youtube and facebook trolls. Trying so hard to defend crooks is never an easy task, we understand that. Imran was elected by the nation, while Shehbaz Sharif had to unite all chuur parties and snatch the Premier seat by ghuuskhoori of judiciary (their usual way of running politics). Its funny how you keep referring to democracy when it's not the people who brought Shehbaz not so Sharif in.

Are you confident that if there were to be elections today these chuur mafia will get more votes than Imran Khan? We all know all your crook supporters ke "Taangein kaaptei hai" just by the mention of word people voting and elections :) The tsunami of people coming out to voice this terrible drama is obvious, come election time whenever it may be, Imran Khan will sweep the floor with these chuurs, even rigging won't help this time.

Between when are you heading to Lahore airport to welcome another bhagora Sharif? Make sure you folks take the red carpet and haar-phool with you, need him here this time so all crooks can be thrown behind bars for good this time.

Pray tell, how many seats did PTI win in the 2018 general elections? Are those seats sufficient to form a government? If not, then how did Imran Khan manage to form a government in 2018?

I don't want to be rude but honestly, you know nothing about the political system of Pakistan. Imran Khan wasn't brought in by the people in 2018 either. It was via the same "chor parties" that he was voted in as Prime Minister. People in Pakistan do not vote for a Prime Minister. I've given basic lessons on how democracy in Pakistan works earlier in this thread please read that before replying to me. I can't keep educating simpletons.
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Pray tell, how many seats did PTI win in the 2018 general elections? Are those seats sufficient to form a government? If not, then how did Imran Khan manage to form a government in 2018?

I don't want to be rude but honestly, you know nothing about the political system of Pakistan. Imran Khan wasn't brought in by the people in 2018 either. It was via the same "chor parties" that he was voted in as Prime Minister. People in Pakistan do not vote for a Prime Minister. I've given basic lessons on how democracy in Pakistan works earlier in this thread please read that before replying to me. I can't keep educating simpletons.

The usual rhetoric of choors. So what do you think about one family playing musical chair with the political party and Pakistan? Can you give an example of successful democracies of any other country where same family members have shared Premier positions of the country by taking turns? O you are so going to struggle to give a fitting example here :)

Also you didn't answer, if electoral votes happened today between PTI, PPP and Noon, who will win? O wait now you corrupt mafia don't refer to PPP and Noon as separate parties, what a joke.
Miftah Ismail said that in his first meeting with economists, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif decided to hold two separate meetings with agriculturists and businesses to reverse the food import trend, which cost $8bn in buying sugar and wheat alone. On the other hand, the country used to export both products when PML-N was in power.

He said he would push for privatisation of Pakistan Steel Mills and Pakistan International Airlines while protecting their employees and offer power distribution companies to the provinces.

This would be good if PDM can do this. However it seems unlikely.
The usual rhetoric of choors. So what do you think about one family playing musical chair with the political party and Pakistan? Can you give an example of successful democracies of any other country where same family members have shared Premier positions of the country by taking turns? O you are so going to struggle to give a fitting example here :)

Also you didn't answer, if electoral votes happened today between PTI, PPP and Noon, who will win? O wait now you corrupt mafia don't refer to PPP and Noon as separate parties, what a joke.

I'll address all your questions after you answer the ones I asked in my post. I don't know why PTI followers are running away from discussions and questions. Everyone seems to be hell bent on changing the subject when asked questions that will reveal their hypocrisy.
I'll address all your questions after you answer the ones I asked in my post. I don't know why PTI followers are running away from discussions and questions. Everyone seems to be hell bent on changing the subject when asked questions that will reveal their hypocrisy.

Changing the subject? Yet you avoid all queries I have asked and expect responses in return. You simply have been avoiding why people in Pakistan support family based politicians when it is a democracy. Remember I used the term democracy so do make sure you follow up criminal families running the show with logic, though there is none but let's hear you out :)

PTI popularity has grown over years and how it was formed and came to power has no merit against the question I have asked you multiple times about family dynasty, and no surprise there has been no response and only "lols and first reply me and other excuses"
Changing the subject? Yet you avoid all queries I have asked and expect responses in return. You simply have been avoiding why people in Pakistan support family based politicians when it is a democracy. Remember I used the term democracy so do make sure you follow up criminal families running the show with logic, though there is none but let's hear you out :)

PTI popularity has grown over years and how it was formed and came to power has no merit against the question I have asked you multiple times about family dynasty, and no surprise there has been no response and only "lols and first reply me and other excuses"

I asked the questions first in my post and you replied to my post asking further questions without addressing the ones I had asked.

I think it's only fair for this discussion to continue that you address the questions asked first and then put your own questions forward.

With regards to PTI's popularity, I suppose we shall see during the next general elections which I believe should be next year.
The economic situation is Shahbaz headache now. The no confidence move have allowed PTI to significantly improve its support base across Pakistan at all levels of society without the constraints of being in power during a period of significant global economic change.

PTI must now be very thankful to PDM.
The economic situation is Shahbaz headache now. The no confidence move have allowed PTI to significantly improve its support base across Pakistan at all levels of society without the constraints of being in power during a period of significant global economic change.

PTI must now be very thankful to PDM.

This is very true. PDM made a huge mistake and I think PML-N made an even bigger mistake. PPP and the likes can sit back and push the electoral reforms while not being in the limelight as the economy continues sinking