Pakistani F-16s Intercepts Spicejet plane after DGCA India Goof-up [September 2019]


First Class Star
Mar 17, 2016


Pakistan scrambled two F-16 fighter jets and intercepted a SpiceJet plane as the passenger aircraft was making its journey to Kabul last month after a goof-up by the Indian aviation regulator, which assigned it an electronic code of a military aircraft.

The safety of the plane and 120 passengers onboard were put in jeopardy on September 23 as the plane was visible to Pakistan radars as an Indian Air Force aircraft, when the memory of Indian airstrikes in Pakistan’s Balakot in March was still fresh. Following this, two F-16s intercepted the plane to verify its identity, said an official of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Detail -

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">#Indian</a> agencies sent a commercial jet with 126 passengers onboard assigned with a military code into <a href="">#Pakistani</a> airspace, as a <a href="">#FalseFlag</a> op for <a href="">#Pak</a> AirDef to shoot it down & start a war!<br><br>But an alert <a href="">#PAF</a> sent 2 F-16s to escort it out of <a href="">#Pak</a> airspace.<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Khuram Malik (@kmaliikk) <a href="">October 19, 2019</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">In feb 2019, after <a href="">#PAF</a>’s daring daylight strikes as part of <a href="">#OpSwiftRetort</a>, there were reports <a href="">#IAF</a> might use a civilian airliner as cover to conduct a bombing raid in <a href="">#Pakistan</a>.<br><br>Just as Israeli AF used a Russian jet as cover in strikes on <a href="">#Syria</a>.<a href=""></a></p>— Khuram Malik (@kmaliikk) <a href="">October 19, 2019</a></blockquote>
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Look at NDTV
They’re trying to make it look like it was pakistan’s fault. Smh

Is that why a DGCA official was suspended?
And why did the Indian officials thank pakistan for being sensible then??

Does it mean IAF put the life of citizens in danger, just for their own benefit? If Yes, then i haven't seen such lower thinking from any country. This is shameful.

Thank God, Pakistan once again showed some sanity and they didn't shoot down the plane.

Let's see how our Indian members are going to Defend this cheap tactics :)))
So Modi's hindutva India deliberately attached a military call sign to a passenger jet so that Pakistan would shoot it down and then war will break out. Offering 100+ of your own citizens as sacrificial lamb, only a nazi wannabe like Modi can do it. Sadly for this pateechar insaan PAF is alot more professional than their stupid IAF and do not shoot first and ask questions later, otherwise we would be shooting down our own helis like they did in Feb.
I would wait for further reports to come through before commenting on it. For now benefit should be given to Indian Govt. that this did not happen on purpose.

On flip side, being a mistake by IAF clearly shows not only they are incapable in the air but also incapable and negligible logistically. From a population of 1.6 billion people the ones representing IAF can't be the best ones to represent them.
Amid heightened tensions between India and Islamabad after the abrogation of Article 370, a Kabul-bound SpiceJet aircraft from New Delhi was reportedly intercepted by Pakistan Air Force’s fighter jets and escorted until it entered Afghan airspace, last month.

According to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) officials quoted by NDTV, there was confusion over the “call-sign” assigned to the Boeing 737 aircraft when it entered Pakistani airspace prompting the interception.

The incident occurred on September 23 when SG-21 flight took off from Delhi to Kabul with at least 120 passengers on board.

According to an ANI report, Pakistan Air Force’s F-16 fighter jets intercepted the SpiceJet aircraft and signalled the pilots to lower its altitude and report to them with the flight details.

Once the SpiceJet pilots identified themselves as a commercial airliner, the PAF fighters allowed it to continue its flight and escorted it till the flight entered Afghan airspace.

SpiceJet has not commented on the incident so far.

Pakistan had on July 16 opened its airspace for all civilian traffic, removing the ban on Indian flights that were not allowed to use a majority of its airspace since the Balakot airstrikes in February.

Air India was the major victim as several international flights to and from India were affected since the Indian Air Force (IAF) strikes on a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terror camp in Balakot on February 26.

Then again, days after the revocation of Article 370, Pakistan closed its airspace partially, hours after it decided to downgrade diplomatic relations with India.

Three out of 11 routes between India and Pakistan were reportedly closed.

Following this, on September 7, Pakistan denied President Ram Nath Kovind the permission to use its airspace to travel to Iceland.

Later on, Pakistan also denied Prime Minister Narendra Modi the permission to use its airspace to travel to New York.

The Ministry of External Affairs regretted the decision of the Government of Pakistan to deny overflight clearance for the VVIP special flight for a second time in two weeks, which is otherwise granted routinely by any normal country.

Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson, Raveesh Kumar in a press briefing said that Pakistan should reflect upon its decision to deviate from well established international practice, as well as reconsider its old habit of misrepresenting the reasons for taking unilateral action.
This isn't funny.

The RSS extremist government in India is putting the lives of innocent passangers at risk to further their own deluded dreams of conquest.

Pak Air Force is highly proffesional and arent stupid enough like the IAF to shoot down a non-military target.

The sad thing is people of India will try to defend this too.
This isn't funny.

The RSS extremist government in India is putting the lives of innocent passangers at risk to further their own deluded dreams of conquest.

Pak Air Force is highly proffesional and arent stupid enough like the IAF to shoot down a non-military target.

The sad thing is people of India will try to defend this too.
It’s worse
They’re trying to say it was pakistan’s fault

How do our RSS Indian nationalists on PP feel about this?
It's amazing how many details Indian media is intentionally leaving out. Or not, since almost all of Indian media are Modi lackeys.
If this is true makes you wonder whether the so called terrorist attack on the Indian soldiers in J&K was actually an inside job for Modi? Lets also not forget the timing was also convenient for Modi.
It’s worse
They’re trying to say it was pakistan’s fault

Yes this was their aim. PAF to strike the target out of fear, the world hates Pakistan, sanctions, blacklisted, nukes arent safe etc. Then the great Hindutva army which the world hasn't seen the likes of before will walk into Azad Kashmir and take it with their eyes closed.

But they woke up.

Im just looking forward to the RSS supporters to defend this on this thread. Should be gold as usual from them.
If this is true makes you wonder whether the so called terrorist attack on the Indian soldiers in J&K was actually an inside job for Modi? Lets also not forget the timing was also convenient for Modi.

India's Gen Hooda has admitted the explosives were taken from their own stash and it's not possible to bring so much explovises from across the border.

India is not Israel, the RSS government is as smart as as donkey playing chess. The false flag only led to a tree terrorism and humiliation so the genuises have come up with this bright idea to have innocent passangers killed. Jai Hind.
The first ever terrorist attack carried out on a commercial airliner was carried out by Indians. (Flight AI82).

Don't be surprised if India resort to such terror tactics again.
Either they did it on purpose or just completely incompetent.

And with their recent track records its hard to tell which.
Once again the professional PK Air force shows the Hindutuva low lifes willing to sacrifice innocent people for political ends.
It was a mistake by the aviation official. And he got fired rightfully. Where does RSS and Hindutva come in this ? You people are really getting desperate now.
It was a mistake by the aviation official. And he got fired rightfully. Where does RSS and Hindutva come in this ? You people are really getting desperate now.

Because your media saying it's Pakistan fault. Care to elaborate?
it was a mistake!!!

how long has this guy been working there, are we sure he wasnt paid off.

Something is not right, i have never heard of this before anywhere in the world.

Stupidity and dangerous by indians.
The first ever terrorist attack carried out on a commercial airliner was carried out by Indians. (Flight AI82).

Don't be surprised if India resort to such terror tactics again.

I was going to post this. Indian agencies are masters of false flag operations.
It was a mistake by the aviation official. And he got fired rightfully. Where does RSS and Hindutva come in this ? You people are really getting desperate now.

would this mistake have been admitted had that airliner been shot down?
Why is the Indian media making up lies?

That’s two questions I expect our RSS members to fudge.
indian people should know that, whenever they are going to fly over Pakistani airspace, watch your back, becoz you are bait for modi govt ....
That's a really bad look for India.

Surely they weren't using their citizens as bait?
That's a really bad look for India.

Surely they weren't using their citizens as bait?

I've heard most of the passengers were Afghans going back home, they were just using them as sacrificial lambs. It's a really clever ploy by india, if Pakistan fell for the bait then India could use it to further antagonize Afghanistan against Pakistan.
I've heard most of the passengers were Afghans going back home, they were just using them as sacrificial lambs. It's a really clever ploy by india, if Pakistan fell for the bait then India could use it to further antagonize Afghanistan against Pakistan.

The more you read this, the more shocking it is.
These people are clowns.

They are a danger for the peaceful future. Right now, they (The Muslim Killer Modi and his 5ft Nazis) are bigger threat to peace than Talibans/Other terrorist trash.

They are desperate. Pakistan should be extremely careful.

And an obligatory Thanks to Mr. Jinnah.
This was deliberate. Rogue Modi's government used own plane and civilians as a bait for Pakistan to shoot it down before UN General Assembly.

This can never be a mistake. It was done precisely to set up the war or start of conflict that takes eyes off Kashmir.
Another embarrassment. This has been a pretty poor year so far for IAF. :inti

It was an IAF call sign that was mistakenly assigned to a civilian airliner by the DGCA. It is not the IAF's fault.

The ignorance of some Indian posters is legendary!
Someone needs to understand the sequence of mistakes happening logistically at Indian side.

In February they shot down their own helicopter that had multiple causalities including civilian. Still to date some posters casually mention that it was an error and heads have rolled for this mistake. Surely, more than that should happen, surely the catalogue of launching strikes needs provision changes, surely the panicky / untrained people should not be at the helm of decision making responsibilities.

Now, this incident. This looks really bad on India. For a country that big and such a turmoil relation with Pakistan surely this was not just another mistake after Feb. If it is then Indian airspace is unfortunately not logistically correctly setup and needs investigation into its operating manual from external authorities.

If they are truly not capable of doing their jobs then I suspect these mistakes could become a norm in the coming future.
It was an IAF call sign that was mistakenly assigned to a civilian airliner by the DGCA. It is not the IAF's fault.

The ignorance of some Indian posters is legendary!

You can't make such big blunders.
This was deliberate. Rogue Modi's government used own plane and civilians as a bait for Pakistan to shoot it down before UN General Assembly.

This can never be a mistake. It was done precisely to set up the war or start of conflict that takes eyes off Kashmir.

There is a standard protocol that most air traffic control administrations follow when faced with an aircraft with a suspicious call sign in their territory. First an attempt is made to establish radio contact with the aircraft and if that fails, the air defence is asked to scramble and intercept the suspicious aircraft.

After the Korean Air 007 incident, most administrations the world over are careful. Shooting the aircraft down is only the very last resort, unless of course, it happens to be flying over a lawless war zone like MH 17 was.

And if the Modi government wants a war with Pakistan they have a million and one reasons to start right away. Sending a civilian plane full of innocent passengers to get shot over Pakistani territory is not at all required.
The first ever terrorist attack carried out on a commercial airliner was carried out by Indians. (Flight AI82).

Don't be surprised if India resort to such terror tactics again.

Pretty sure they were Canadian citizens, AI182.

It also wasn't the 1st terror attack on a commercial airline.
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There is a standard protocol that most air traffic control administrations follow when faced with an aircraft with a suspicious call sign in their territory. First an attempt is made to establish radio contact with the aircraft and if that fails, the air defence is asked to scramble and intercept the suspicious aircraft.

After the Korean Air 007 incident, most administrations the world over are careful. Shooting the aircraft down is only the very last resort, unless of course, it happens to be flying over a lawless war zone like MH 17 was.

And if the Modi government wants a war with Pakistan they have a million and one reasons to start right away. Sending a civilian plane full of innocent passengers to get shot over Pakistani territory is not at all required.

Please name a few? Shouldnt be difficult if there are milliions reasons!
Modi is hell bent on starting something with Pakistan that would make it appear as if Pakistan is the aggresor. Pakistan must act smart and not fall for it, it is good ploy by IK to expose Modi as a fascist, previous government wasn't even capable of doing that.
Pretty sure they were Canadian citizens, AI182.

It also wasn't the 1st terror attack on a commercial airline.

What many people do not know, is there was a second attack on the day when IA182 was blown into pieces. A second bomb intended for Air India Flight 301 exploded at the Tokyo airport killing two baggage handlers instead.

It was the first ever terrorist attack, because the attack was coordinated by a political group, International Sikh Youth Federation.

The attack was the first plot to target two planes at the same time too. Till this date, AI182 is the second largest terrorist attack in terms of fatalties after 9/11.

If a British born Pakistani is caught in a terror attack, the fact is the individual is of Pakistani origin, right? Well the same applies to the Canadian, they were of Indian origin.
What many people do not know, is there was a second attack on the day when IA182 was blown into pieces. A second bomb intended for Air India Flight 301 exploded at the Tokyo airport killing two baggage handlers instead.

It was the first ever terrorist attack, because the attack was coordinated by a political group, International Sikh Youth Federation.

The attack was the first plot to target two planes at the same time too. Till this date, AI182 is the second largest terrorist attack in terms of fatalties after 9/11.

If a British born Pakistani is caught in a terror attack, the fact is the individual is of Pakistani origin, right? Well the same applies to the Canadian, they were of Indian origin.

What happened was bad. I just corrected a couple of inaccuracies in that earlier post.
A. Those Canadian Sikhs (Khalistanis) were Indian-origin, not Indians.
B. Wasn't first terror attack on a commercial plane, simple search tells me there have been other outfits who have attacked planes before this.
What happened was bad. I just corrected a couple of inaccuracies in that earlier post.
A. Those Canadian Sikhs (Khalistanis) were Indian-origin, not Indians.
B. Wasn't first terror attack on a commercial plane, simple search tells me there have been other outfits who have attacked planes before this.

The first to use 2 airliners, thus was the first terror attack. In exactly the same way the second airliner in 911 confirmed the attack was a terror attack, and not an accident. Don't forget AI301.

The previous incidences you refer to were political attacks carried out mainly by single people at single targets. When these Sikh Militants targeted TWO planes at the same time, it was terror.

Like I said, not many people know this, and I understand Indians not wanting to associate themselves with such realities, but it is what it is.
The first to use 2 airliners, thus was the first terror attack. In exactly the same way the second airliner in 911 confirmed the attack was a terror attack, and not an accident. Don't forget AI301.

The previous incidences you refer to were political attacks carried out mainly by single people at single targets. When these Sikh Militants targeted TWO planes at the same time, it was terror.

Like I said, not many people know this, and I understand Indians not wanting to associate themselves with such realities, but it is what it is.

Is there a new definition of terrorism? How does it matter 2 airlines or 1 airline, once they target innocent passengers that is terrorism for me. Even intention is enough. I don't get that 9/11 analogy, do you mean to say that had there been only 1 airline crash that day it wouldn't have been a terror attack? Can't investigators find the difference between accident and terror attack? Based on watching 'Mayday (Air Crash Investigation)' TV series investigating teams appear quite capable.

I am a simple man, relying on wiki here.

What do you mean by political attacks? I don't get it, neither the 2 planes, 1 plane difference. From that list quite a few Palestinian organization have done the same, an African group, Lebanese, even an anti-Castro group.

Can't speak for others but I am aware of the Kanishka bombing. A real pity the Canadians have failed to convict more of those terrorists. Many Indian citizens must have died in that event, so it is in our country's interest to bring the guilty to justice.
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Is there a new definition of terrorism? How does it matter 2 airlines or 1 airline, once they target innocent passengers that is terrorism for me. Even intention is enough. I don't get that 9/11 analogy, do you mean to say that had there been only 1 airline crash that day it wouldn't have been a terror attack? Can't investigators find the difference between accident and terror attack? Based on watching 'Mayday (Air Crash Investigation)' TV series investigating teams appear quite capable.

I am a simple man, relying on wiki here.

What do you mean by political attacks? I don't get it, neither the 2 planes, 1 plane difference. From that list quite a few Palestinian organization have done the same, an African group, Lebanese, even an anti-Castro group.

Can't speak for others but I am aware of the Kanishka bombing. A real pity the Canadians have failed to convict more of those terrorists. Many Indian citizens must have died in that event, so it is in our country's interest to bring the guilty to justice.

Sorry pal, but you are not the first to try and defend this hideous terrorist crime carried out by Indian extremists. This crime has been through the Canadians courts and sentences passed out. You are way late to the party my friend.

BY the way how old are you? Do you remember the PLO hijackings? On TV?
Sorry pal, but you are not the first to try and defend this hideous terrorist crime carried out by Indian extremists. This crime has been through the Canadians courts and sentences passed out. You are way late to the party my friend.

BY the way how old are you? Do you remember the PLO hijackings? On TV?

Show me where I defended the terrorists? Don't make blatantly false allegations, there should civility in discussions.

The trials were done but some of the conspirators escaped scot-free, more should have been convicted.

I am not old enough, all these incidents were before I was born.
I am not old enough, all these incidents were before I was born.

Then you will never understand or experience the difference.

Technically there is no difference between a political and terrorist attack other than one has more mileage in the political sphere than the other, but just citing the recorded news here.

I am not making any false allegation, you were just oblivious to the news and learned about it in this thread. You were not alive or aware at the time, I was.

Of course you go ahead defend and hypocritically defend India my all means, but the rest of the world knows better.


What a bait.

Thank god PAF handled it professionally...

Otherwise it could’ve been a disaster.
What happened was bad. I just corrected a couple of inaccuracies in that earlier post.
A. Those Canadian Sikhs (Khalistanis) were Indian-origin, not Indians.
B. Wasn't first terror attack on a commercial plane, simple search tells me there have been other outfits who have attacked planes before this.

Some posters in their attempt to add salt to news forget that,

A canadian citizen cannot be a indian citizen ad there is no dual citizenship law in India.

Secondly a brit pakistani can be both as dual citizenship is allowed.
Massive mistake by DGCA. The guy has been fired and a potential disaster averted.

Good on the Secretary of civil aviation for calling up his pakistani counterpart and thank him.
Massive mistake by DGCA. The guy has been fired and a potential disaster averted.

Good on the Secretary of civil aviation for calling up his pakistani counterpart and thank him.

thank PAF again, they didnt shoot it down. IMO, they have shoot it down and ask questions later.
Absolutely have no doubt about Modi using false flag to start a war.

If this lunatic can kill his own poor soldier to win an election then what are few Afghani on a Indian plane? Worth nothing.
If India wants a fight then just say so! To India even their people travelling on commercial airlines are subjects to be used as propaganda to encourage war. Pak military is professional and mature, we won't murder innocent people.
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If it was a Congress government, I would have easily accepted goof up because people do make blunders at times.

Do I trust these RSS folks in power?? Absolutely NOT! These folks are overly obsessed about isolating Pakistan and ANYTHING can be expected from such mentality. Imagine if God forbid someone decided to fire at the plane considering what had happened in would have been a disaster and Indian govt would never acknowledged the blunder.

Thank God Pakistan Air Force acted responsibly ONCE AGAIN
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