Pakistani girls’ school stages mock beheading as cleric vows vengeance on France


Test Debutant
May 8, 2010
A girls’ religious school in Islamabad staged a mock beheading in front of its young students as a cleric preached that Muslims would exact vengeance on France – and on the West in general – for “insulting” Prophet Mohammed.

A woman in full face veil uses a scimitar to behead an effigy in front of hundreds of assembled students, many holding signs sporting protest slogans, in video posted to the official Facebook account of Jamia Syeda Hafsa, a Pakistani girls’ seminary, last week.

The disturbing scene and excerpts of a fiery sermon that accompanied it have since been picked up by Muslim-skeptical English language outlets, at least one of which claimed the effigy is of French President Emmanuel Macron, though there is no evidence in the video that this is the case. Macron has come under fire from Muslims around the world for his government’s recent efforts to crack down on Islamic extremism following the beheading of history teacher Samuel Paty last month by a Chechen Muslim immigrant.

Video of the beheading is set to a song that lyrically vows to “grind into dust” those who draw the Prophet Mohammed and declares beheading to be the only fitting punishment for insulting him. The grisly pageant was accompanied by a sermon in which the female cleric vowed vengeance on the enemies of Islam, especially France.

“So far only one of your brethren has gone to hell,” the cleric declared, adding that “we will never stop until we exact vengeance for your insult” – presumably the obscene cartoon drawing of the Prophet that Paty reportedly showed his class as part of a lesson on free speech.

“You started this, but we will finish it,” she continued, asking if it was “possible” for France to “insult our prophet and retain the glory of Paris.”

Nor did she spare France’s allies, vowing a larger revenge in what seemed to be retaliation for the ongoing ‘war on terror’ that has left Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan in ruins. “Along with France, all enemies of Muslims will need to understand the flames you spread to us in the East will now reach you in the West,” the cleric said.

“If you let us be in peace you’ll be able to live in peace. Your peace is tied to ours,” she proclaimed.

While the effigy beheaded in Islamabad may not have been Macron, the French president has been enthusiastically “mutilated” in effigy elsewhere. A massive protest outside the French embassy in Dhaka included an effigy-burning, and a small group of Muslims burned photographs of the leader outside the French embassy in Moscow on Friday.

Macron’s crackdown on radical Islam has polarized Muslims and non-Muslims alike, with some feeling it’s too little, too late and others seeing it as an-all-out war on Muslims. The president acknowledged that caricatures of Mohammed like the one published by satirical outlet Charlie Hebdo in 2015 might be “shocking” but has vowed to protect freedom of speech in France – at least when it comes to displaying politically incorrect cartoons.

Despite its inflammatory content, the video apparently did not violate Facebook’s policy on inciting violence, even though it included a direct call for Muslims to “spill their blood” defending the honor of the Prophet.

And Pakistanis complain why the country is on the FATF.

The state of Pakistan has long surrendered itself to extremists. You will never see the Pakistani state condemning the destruction of Hindu temples or the forced conversions of minority girls or the killing of Ahmedis. Not a single condemnation ever!
The exact same headline and article has already been discussed on PP last week. The article is a week old, and there's a mutlipage page thread on it. It's the thread where some users claimed beheading is just an Islamic phenomenon.
There is a thread on it from a week ago. People were saying it’s not pakistan. So I guess we have proof now.
This is happening in the capital Islamabad and then people wonder why Pakistan is on the FATF.
Those kids are probably innocent and are just following instructions and have no clue what’s going on.

So while it is scary in terms how they will turn out when they grow up, it is not a matter of immediate concern.

The clerics or whoever were behind it are probably/ definitely illiterate folks who have no idea or seen/travelled outside of Pakistan and seen the outside world. This is what they have been brought up with.

While it is again scary it is somewhat expected.

However what is or will be the biggest concern is the educated folk with probably white collar jobs/businesses and probably live honest lives and are outstanding citizens will come and defend, downplay and give this a new spin as it is business as usual or totally normal
Wow. I saw this video. Those students are very passionate. Better to redirect that passion towards science, country, fighting corruption and empowering women. I have utmost respect to teachers because they can change many people's life but not like this.
Yes same. You burn the effigy of someone you disagree with ( eg Modi's effigy) or you behead a dummy of someone who hurt your sentiments.

There is difference between these two. Burning a effigy is a form of protest no one actually goes and burns Modi whereas you can see here teacher explaining the subtle art of beheading people brainwashing students to repeat the same. These are extremist teachings which needs to be curbed.
There is difference between these two. Burning a effigy is a form of protest no one actually goes and burns Modi whereas you can see here teacher explaining the subtle art of beheading people brainwashing students to repeat the same. These are extremist teachings which needs to be curbed.

This is also a form of protest. No one is actually beheading the french president.
This is also a form of protest. No one is actually beheading the french president.

People who burn effigies of Modi dosent necessarily want him to be burned alive.

These people exercise beheading of effigies not as a form of protest but as form of punishment that they believe should be exercised on anyone who blasphemes.

Pakistan is a dangerous state for people who aren't sunni. Incidents like this affirms this notion every time.
People who burn effigies of Modi dosent necessarily want him to be burned alive.

These people exercise beheading of effigies not as a form of protest but as form of punishment that they believe should be exercised on anyone who blasphemes.

Pakistan is a dangerous state for people who aren't sunni. Incidents like this affirms this notion every time.

How do you know they don't want him dead? Modi was just example. Point was that burning effigy is normal practice and is as healthy as beheading a dummy. as long as no one is being harmed.

When greg chappell's effigy was being burned when he had dropped ganguly, and his opinion was asked, he said as long as people are not burning him, it is ok.
How do you know they don't want him dead? Modi was just example. Point was that burning effigy is normal practice and is as healthy as beheading a dummy. as long as no one is being harmed.

When greg chappell's effigy was being burned when he had dropped ganguly, and his opinion was asked, he said as long as people are not burning him, it is ok.

People are murdered in Pakistan for blasphemy all the time. That's the difference.
I consider school is not a place where students learn how to behead people. What you do outside of school premise is a different thing and also I don't know any school where students are thought how to burn effigy for any reason
I consider school is not a place where students learn how to behead people. What you do outside of school premise is a different thing and also I don't know any school where students are thought how to burn effigy for any reason

ok, your issue is that such expression of dissent should not be taught in school. you agree with the method of dissent.