The Mother of All Coincidences.

Technics 1210

Test Debutant
Feb 27, 2019
A Church of England priest in the UK has been barred for 12 years for allegedly making Anti-Semitic remarks. We all know the score in the West, burn the Qur'an and it is encouraged under Freedom of Speech/Expression, but say something against the Jewish community, or against Isreal, and you are cancelled.

Anyway, here is the point. One of the comments made by the Priest was a link to an article - 9/11 The Mother of All Coincidences. [You can Google the article]. The priest was also entertaining the notion that Isreal was behind 9/11,

Would the Priest have been barred had he said/linked to any of the following:

  • WW1 - The Mother of All Coincidences
  • WW2 - The Mother of All Coincidences
  • Vietnam - The Mother of All Coincidences
  • Iraq - The Mother of All Coincidences
  • Afghanistan - The Mother of All Coincidences

You get the idea.

Moreover, if the Priest has said Islam/Muslims were behind 9/11 as opposed to terrorists were behind 9/11, would he have been barred?

The answers are a resounding no.

Now this thread is not about 9/11, but rather the daylight hypocrisy of the West which claims to promote free speech/expression for all, but this case is unique, in that, a link to an article can now get you cancelled/barred in the West!

It's time the West and its disciples stop perpetuating the lie that the West stands up for equality and freedom!

Here is the story in full :

He is entitled to have a view different to the US view on the subject or any subject.

Not sure how this is racist/antisemitic when he mentioned a 'county' not a religion or race.

Netanyahu himself said 911 was a good thing for Israwl.

Poor vicar's reputation hammered or giving his view. Proves who really contorls the west and its not Christians.
There is indeed massive hypocrisy.

It is obvious there are certain agendas. They have the entire media in their pocket to advance those agendas. Anyone who goes off-script can get canceled out or even assassinated.