There are many ‘Hussain Obamas’ to be taken care of in India, says Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma


Senior T20I Player
Aug 22, 2018
Post of the Week
There are many ‘Hussain Obamas’ to be taken care of in India, says Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma

Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has caused a stir on Twitter for saying that India has many “Hussain Obama” (sic) to be taken care of in response to a question of whether the Assam Police would arrest former U.S. President Barack Obama.

The tweet comes a day after Mr. Obama said that India may “pull apart” if the rights of the religious and ethnic minorities are not upheld. “If the [U.S.] President meets with Prime Minister Modi, then the protection of the Muslim minority in a Hindu majority India is worth mentioning. If I had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi, who I know well, part of my argument would be that if you don’t protect the rights of ethnic minorities in India, there is a strong possibility that India would at some point start pulling apart,” Mr. Obama told CNN ahead of the Modi-Biden meeting in Washington.

Mr. Obama’s comments were met with backlash by many leaders, including BJP vice-president Baijayant Jay Panda, who said it is preposterous to see the former U.S. President “pander to the anti-India crowd, lecturing India in the same breath as China for its atrocities in Xinjiang”.

Mr. Sarma joined in criticising Mr. Obama, when he responded to a journalist, who asked in a seemingly derisive tweet whether an FIR been filed in Guwahati yet against Mr. Obama for hurting sentiments, and whether the Assam police would go to Washington to arrest him.

The tweet by journalist Rohini Singh was an apparent reference to the deplaning and arrest of Congress leader Pawan Khera by the Assam Police after he used “objectionable words” targeting Mr. Modi.

“There are many Hussain Obama (sic) in India itself. We should prioritize taking care of them before considering going to Washington. The Assam police will act according to our own priorities,” Mr. Sarma responded. The tweet was a reference to Mr. Obama’s full name, which is Barack Hussein Obama II.

Several people on Twitter noted that the Assam Chief Minister’s derogatory remark came just a day after Prime Minister Modi told the American press that there was no question of discrimination in India on the grounds of caste or religion.

Responding to a question at a joint press conference with U.S. President Joe Biden after their comprehensive deliberations, PM Modi also strongly defended India’s record on democracy and his government’s performance and human rights.
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What a timing from this guy! He proves it beyond doubt that whatever feku is doing in US these days is just for what he does best, event management.

sanghis remain what they are, deeply insecure and hateful of Muslims.

This guy has basically tarred all Muslims in India with one brush.
So Barack is no longer my friend Barack.
Here is his tweet which was a reply -

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">There are many Hussain Obama in India itself. We should prioritize taking care of them before considering going to Washington. The Assam police will act according to our own priorities. <a href=""></a></p>— Himanta Biswa Sarma (@himantabiswa) <a href="">June 23, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Bombed 6 Muslim Countries": Nirmala Sitharaman Takes On Barack Obama

New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday defended Prime Minister Narendra Modi from questions surrounding the treatment of Muslims in India and his answer on the subject during a press conference in the US.

Accusing the Congress and other opposition parties of raising "non-issues, without data" in the face of electoral defeats, she also lashed out at former US President Barack Obama, questioning his comments on Indian Muslims because the US under his rule had "bombed six Muslim-majority nations".

"The Honourable Prime Minister himself, in the press conference in the US, has said how his government works on the 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas' principle and doesn't discriminate against any community. But the fact remains that when people join in this debate and highlight issues which are non-issues in a way," Ms Sitharaman said at a news conference.
Lol, the charade starts. Lackeys coming to the rescue of their supreme leader.

It's all too predictable. If the feku is all that powerful that he is portrayed to be by his minions, why does he need protection from every obscure comment?
If only this Nirmala concentrated on what she is supposed to do, most of Indians would have been better off than what they are now.

This pathetic mud slinging on a former US prez may get her some brownie points from her master though.
Opinions of former presidents don’t matter. Obama is just trying to stay relevant. His time has come and gone. When he was president he couldn’t do anything about Modi. Now he is talking. Too late I suppose.
Assam seems like a tin pot state.

Even the extreme posters on PP are from Assam.

They generally seem to have a problen with muslims.
Assam seems like a tin pot state.

Even the extreme posters on PP are from Assam.

They generally seem to have a problen with muslims.
Assam's biggest problem is Sarma, their CM who not only has got nothing between his ears and the one who threatens to file defamation suits on his rivals at slightest pretext but also an old Muslim baiter.
Opinions of former presidents don’t matter. Obama is just trying to stay relevant. His time has come and gone. When he was president he couldn’t do anything about Modi. Now he is talking. Too late I suppose.

Obama was paid by Anti India groups for criticizing Modi....mostly by Canada based Khalistan groups
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Modi and Biden‘s silence is felt by people in India and the US whose rights are being abused. <a href=""></a></p>— Amnesty International (@amnesty) <a href="">June 23, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Opinions of former presidents don’t matter. Obama is just trying to stay relevant. His time has come and gone. When he was president he couldn’t do anything about Modi. Now he is talking. Too late I suppose.

Why would he need to do anything about Modi when he was president? India is a huge market which can offer rich rewards regardless of who the leader is over there. That is all that matters.
Opinions of former presidents don’t matter. Obama is just trying to stay relevant. His time has come and gone. When he was president he couldn’t do anything about Modi. Now he is talking. Too late I suppose.

umm yes they do, especially if they have a nobel prize aswell.
umm yes they do, especially if they have a nobel prize aswell.

Peace prize doesn’t indicate any intellectual merit. As a former POTUS, his statements will always make headlines. Anyways, I have always had high regards for the man.
Peace prize doesn’t indicate any intellectual merit. As a former POTUS, his statements will always make headlines. Anyways, I have always had high regards for the man.

peace prize means he warrants opinion and if anyone ever gets nominated for Nobel prize, the past winners opinion is also considered