Two Muslim women stabbed, called ‘dirty Arabs’ in Eiffel Tower attack


Senior Test Player
Aug 30, 2012
Post of the Week
Two Muslim women were 'stabbed repeatedly' under the Eiffel Tower amid rising tensions in Paris after the beheading of a teacher last week.

French police have arrested two female suspects following the suspected racist attacks, which were allegedly accompanied by the words 'Dirty Arabs'.

Those in custody are described as being white women of 'European appearance', who now face 'attempted murder' charges, said city prosecutors.

It follows the gruesome killing of 47-year-old teacher Samuel Paty last Friday by a refugee Islamist terrorist after cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammed were shown to a secondary school class on freedom of speech.

President Emmanuel Macron is working on a bill to address Islamic radicals, who authorities claim are creating a parallel society outside French values.

But members of France's five million plus Muslim community have complained of 'Islamophobia' caused by a clampdown on mosques and Muslim organisations.

The victims of the attacks have been identified as French women from an Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger.

Kenza was stabbed six times and ended up in hospital with a punctured lung, while surgery was carried out on one of Amel's hands, said an investigating source.

No information was initially released about the attack on, leading to uproar on social media, where confirmed images from the scene circulated.

A chilling video records screaming as the stabbings are carried out on Sunday evening. Police confirmed the incident had taken place last night.

A statement from Paris Police read: 'On October 18, at around 8pm, the police intervened following an emergency call from two women wounded by knives on the Champs-de-Mars' – the Field of Mars by the Eiffel Tower.

A source at the Paris prosecutors' office confirmed on Wednesday: 'An investigation for attempted murder has been opened in connection with the stabbings.'

One of the victims wore a face covering, but it was not clear whether this was because of the Covid-19 pandemic, or for cultural or religious reasons.

Kenza told Liberation newspaper: 'We were a family, five adults in all and four children. We had gone out for a walk. At the level of the Eiffel Tower there is a small rather dark park, we took a little tour in it.

'As we walked, there were two dogs that come towards us. The children got scared. My cousin, who was veiled, asked the two women if it was possible to keep their dogs with them because the children were afraid.'

The dog owners refused to put their animals on a leash, and a furious argument followed – one that included racist insults.

At around 8pm, the two women with the dogs then allegedly pulled out a knife, and launched themselves at Kenza and Amel.

'One of the two took out a knife, she slashed me on the skull, on the back on the ribs and there was a third blow on the arm,' said Kenza. 'They then attacked my cousin.'

Witnesses say they heard smears including 'Dirty Arab!' and 'Go home to your own country'. 'Call the emergency services, she stabbed him,' was also heard.

Two local shop workers then intervened and held one of the attackers down until the police arrived. The second suspect was arrested later.
Yo I was about to post this, learned about it from Tiktok. I'm not suprised, France is one of the most bigoted countries in the world and the French culture is full of arrogance, no matter what variation whether it's France French, Quebecois, Walloon or Romand. Just something about it that breeds arrogance and bigotry.
Yo I was about to post this, learned about it from Tiktok. I'm not suprised, France is one of the most bigoted countries in the world and the French culture is full of arrogance, no matter what variation whether it's France French, Quebecois, Walloon or Romand. Just something about it that breeds arrogance and bigotry.

Remember having a strangely bad experience in France during a short stay. Didn't know about this.
Remember having a strangely bad experience in France during a short stay. Didn't know about this.

French people have always had a very elitist and snobbish culture, ironically they accuse Americans of being arrogant yet the French are just full of themselves. It's a narcissistic culture quite the polar opposite of Germanic/Anglo cultures which tend to be more humble and down to earth. A good example is Macron and Trudeau's body language and facial expression, it's like they're in love with themselves and that's actually very typical of French people from my obvervation. Of course Trudeau is more Canadianized so he doesn't have ethnofascist tendencies that the other French nationalists usually have.
As someone said hate breed hate, this will continue to happen in France but I don't think other western countries would get affected by this Islamphobia/muslim fundamentalism(both are related if one rise other rise with it) in france

I would blame the french ideals of selective liberty for choas in France
(one has to wonder why other western democracies are not suffering from this kind of crazed fundamentalism like France is maybe some self evaluation is needed in France)
As someone said hate breed hate, this will continue to happen in France but I don't think other western countries would get affected by this Islamphobia/muslim fundamentalism(both are related if one rise other rise with it) in france

I would blame the french ideals of selective liberty for choas in France
(one has to wonder why other western democracies are not suffering from this kind of crazed fundamentalism like France is maybe some self evaluation is needed in France)

In Britain we are a bit more tolerant of outsiders having different cultures. We may not like seeing women in headcoverings or saris walking around the streets, but there is still an acceptance that people from different countries have their own culture. In France a more militant idea that French culture must be visibly dominant seems to have pervaded. Perhaps they feel it needs more protection from other cultures, whether that be Arab, American or le ros boeuf as they like to call us Brits.
Wanna bet it won't be?

I know it won't be hence my post. Just like black people are discriminated against in the US and shot dead, this won't be either. So not sure why you're trying to make bets with me. Unless you're trying to make an asinine point from the other thread(?)

Regardless of the press's obvious racism in cases where the victims aren't white; the perpetrators will still be caught and punished.
I know it won't be hence my post. Just like black people are discriminated against in the US and shot dead, this won't be either. So not sure why you're trying to make bets with me. Unless you're trying to make an asinine point from the other thread(?)

Regardless of the press's obvious racism in cases where the victims aren't white; the perpetrators will still be caught and punished.

Why do you get defensive so quickly? :))
I wasnt trying to make any point from the other thread. That's an "asinine" assumption :D i was just saying that it wouldnt be called terrorism as you want it to be. Macron won't make any controversial statements over this incident and business will go on as usual.
Even when there is nothing to disgaree you act salty :yk
Why do you get defensive so quickly? :))
I wasnt trying to make any point from the other thread. That's an "asinine" assumption :D i was just saying that it wouldnt be called terrorism as you want it to be. Macron won't make any controversial statements over this incident and business will go on as usual.
Even when there is nothing to disgaree you act salty :yk

Macron can't make any controversial statement as that would play into the hands of Le Pen. Not that it makes it seem any better but it's the sad truth.
Horrible incident. I think this shows French culture is in crisis. Hopefully Macron takes steps to fix it.
Horrible incident. I think this shows French culture is in crisis. Hopefully Macron takes steps to fix it.

Agree, French are confused. Many reasons but one being the French prance around as great secular liberals but their actions and policies suggest they are actually extremists.

This should be labelled as a secular terrorist attack. Disgusting.
They need to check where the two attackers were radicalized. Did Macron’s speeches incite them?
They need to check where the two attackers were radicalized. Did Macron’s speeches incite them?

100%. This lowlife extremist has been inciting hatred since he came into power but recently stepped this up. More attacks will happen on Muslims.

Has the secular extremist commented or condemned this attack?
How do you know they were secularist?? They could be yes. Terrible incident nevertheless. Should be punished to the max
100%. This lowlife extremist has been inciting hatred since he came into power but recently stepped this up. More attacks will happen on Muslims.

Has the secular extremist commented or condemned this attack?

Did he ask for killing of Muslims?
Did he ask for killing of Muslims?

Incitment of hatred doesnt have to be literal. As a leader of a nation which has 6 million+ Muslims, he should not spread hate against Islam and Muslims esp when he defends Jews and Israel which is a terrorsit state.
Incitment of hatred doesnt have to be literal. As a leader of a nation which has 6 million+ Muslims, he should not spread hate against Islam and Muslims esp when he defends Jews and Israel which is a terrorsit state.

Did he at least say that Muslims are the reason for the woes of France or Muslims are a threat to France?
Pretty much, this is inciting hatred.

Has he condmended this attack....yet?

If he did not condemn attack, then it is pretty poor reflection on him. This is a terrible attack and nobody should suffer simply for their religion or race or beliefs.
100%. This lowlife extremist has been inciting hatred since he came into power but recently stepped this up. More attacks will happen on Muslims.

Has the secular extremist commented or condemned this attack?

Sad, it seems like hate in France is being peddled from the top. Also it’s a pity to see so many posters here trying to defend this hateful attack and the cause of it instead of condemning the violence
Macron can't make any controversial statement as that would play into the hands of Le Pen. Not that it makes it seem any better but it's the sad truth.

Yeah i figured that. Politicians.
And finally a post from you that doesnt misunderstand me or call me stupid or asinine or a bunch of other things which i forgot now :yk thanks
Terrible for this to happen, should be labeled terrorism as it is targeting a specific community simply for belonging to it.
Terrible for this to happen, should be labeled terrorism as it is targeting a specific community simply for belonging to it.

It's a hate crime for sure. I was under the impression that for it to be a terrorist attack, it'd need to be motivated by politics or religion (for example, the Christchurch white supremacist attack was certainly a terrorist attack)? It being a hate crime rather than a terrorist attack doesn't make it any less bad, just a different classification.
It should be considered as both a terrorist attack and a hate crime. These two attackers should get long jail sentences.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Two French Muslim women were stabbed near the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Sunday night. The women say they were called "dirty Arabs" and told to "go home." The police have arrested two white women for attempted murder but the French media has been virtually silent on the issue. <a href=""></a></p>— 5Pillars (@5Pillarsuk) <a href="">October 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
theres a lot of pent up racism in france. the amount of unrest in that country hints at some seriously messed up societal dynamics.
French people have always had a very elitist and snobbish culture, ironically they accuse Americans of being arrogant yet the French are just full of themselves. It's a narcissistic culture quite the polar opposite of Germanic/Anglo cultures which tend to be more humble and down to earth. A good example is Macron and Trudeau's body language and facial expression, it's like they're in love with themselves and that's actually very typical of French people from my obvervation. Of course Trudeau is more Canadianized so he doesn't have ethnofascist tendencies that the other French nationalists usually have.

Central Europe is notorious for this, especially Germany, Czech Rep., France and Poland. UK are a little snobbish, but they are better than them.

Southern countries are nicer (Spain, Portugal, Italy (kinda), Greece).

Americans might be dumb, but they are humble and blue-collar for the most part.

Elitist culture is very common and Europe and has started to pick up in Canada as well (not the natives in Saskatchewan, etc.).
Central Europe is notorious for this, especially Germany, Czech Rep., France and Poland. UK are a little snobbish, but they are better than them.

Southern countries are nicer (Spain, Portugal, Italy (kinda), Greece).

Americans might be dumb, but they are humble and blue-collar for the most part.

Elitist culture is very common and Europe and has started to pick up in Canada as well (not the natives in Saskatchewan, etc.).

Quebec is the worst in Canada, always has been. Afterall the Quebecois and the French are practically the same people coming from the same seed. Quebec separatism is based off elitism and discriminating against Anglophones and other non-French speakers, the irony is that the French like other Europeans are not even native to Quebec - like the rest of the Americas, the land belongs to the Native Americans or First Nations as they call them in Canada.
Central Europe is notorious for this, especially Germany, Czech Rep., France and Poland. UK are a little snobbish, but they are better than them.

Southern countries are nicer (Spain, Portugal, Italy (kinda), Greece).

Americans might be dumb, but they are humble and blue-collar for the most part.

Elitist culture is very common and Europe and has started to pick up in Canada as well (not the natives in Saskatchewan, etc.).

Quebec is the worst in Canada, always has been. Afterall the Quebecois and the French are practically the same people coming from the same seed. Quebec separatism is based off elitism and discriminating against Anglophones and other non-French speakers, the irony is that the French like other Europeans are not even native to Quebec - like the rest of the Americas, the land belongs to the Native Americans or First Nations as they call them in Canada.
Muslims in France fear for their lives after reports of violent attacks

Two Muslim women become the latest victims of growing anti-Islam sentiment in France after being “stabbed repeatedly” under the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The incident followed President Emmanuel Macron’s deeply divisive policies targeting the Muslim community through the extended clampdown on mosques and Muslim organizations.

The victims were identified as Muslims of Algerian background named only as Kenza, 49, and Amel, who is a few years younger. The attack left one victim with a punctured lung after being stabbed six times and the other woman needed surgery on her hands. French police have arrested two female suspects. They are described as being white women of “European appearance,” who now face “attempted murder” charges.

With tensions growing in the country as of late, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said Wednesday he had asked local authorities to put mosques in the cities of Bordeaux and Beziers in southwestern France under police protection following threats or acts of violence. France Bleu radio reported on its website late on Tuesday that leaders of the Ar-Rahma Mosque in Beziers had filed a complaint with police following hate messages on Facebook, including a call to set the mosque on fire.

On Tuesday, a French lawmaker warned against a climate of deep-rooted anti-Muslim hatred and generalized suspicion toward the country’s Muslims after the murder of a teacher.

Adrien Quatennens, an LFI Party member of the parliament hailing from the Nord Department, appeared on France Info television and in his appearance called for unity in the fight against terrorism. He said he believes that the terrorists’ goal is to divide French society and place “a cleavage between Muslims and the rest of the population.”

At the same time, Quatennens recognized the importance of fighting against this goal.

“This division must therefore be refused. We must fight against Islamist terrorism but not have a logic of generalized suspicion,” he added.

Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old father who taught history and geography at Bois-d’Aulne College in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in the Yvelines north of the capital, was decapitated on Friday. The teacher, during one of his classes on freedom of expression, had shown controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad, according to the reports.

Muslim leaders across France have condemned the murder, stressing that extremists abuse religion for their goals and their actions cannot be justified through Islam. Community leaders expressed their concern that the recent attack would again stigmatize French Muslims and increase anti-Islamic views.

However, Macron, who previously defined Islam as a religion “in crisis,” continues to increase hostility toward Muslims. On Oct. 2, he unveiled a new bill that would extend the ban on religious emblems, which notably affects Muslim women who wear headscarves or veils, for private-sector employees providing public services.

Following the killing of the teacher, Macron said Tuesday that the “Cheikh Yassine Collective,” which supports the Palestinian cause, will be shut down as well as several other Muslim nongovernmental organizations.

France has the largest Muslim minority in Europe, with an estimated 5 million or more out of a population of 67 million. Since Macron’s inauguration as president in 2017, France has become a less liberal country for Muslims. Many French Muslims say that concerns over Islam have spilled over into stigmatization, pointing to issues such as recent rows about young women wearing headscarves appearing before a parliamentary committee or giving cooking tips on television. Macron described Islam as a “deathly ideology” in the wake of attacks by terrorist groups, although groups such as Daesh, which claimed responsibility for many attacks in France, are rejected by the Muslim community.
Time for french muslims to come together and do something about this. I read somewhere about the need to collect funds and give it to the teacher's family. Do something out of goodwill before the rotten beheading worm food causes even more damage. Police can't control the population and something needs to be done before this gets out of hand and more innocent people suffer.
Time for french muslims to come together and do something about this. I read somewhere about the need to collect funds and give it to the teacher's family. Do something out of goodwill before the rotten beheading worm food causes even more damage. Police can't control the population and something needs to be done before this gets out of hand and more innocent people suffer.

Are you trying to imply the victims deserved this because of what happened to that teacher? So Muslims should collect funds to atone for something they had nothing to do with? So by your logic should French people do something out of goodwill for the victims of this stabbing?
Time for french muslims to come together and do something about this. I read somewhere about the need to collect funds and give it to the teacher's family. Do something out of goodwill before the rotten beheading worm food causes even more damage. Police can't control the population and something needs to be done before this gets out of hand and more innocent people suffer.

How out of hand do you think it can get? This attack is against the norm, French people tend towards racism, but it's more a snooty type of racism than one which is expressed in violence. The real problem is that the Charlie Hebdo saga is being kept alive by French authorities themself. I can only imagine it's to win votes through scaremongering, because abusive cartoons are not of much value in themselves.
Nobody deserves to be stabbed or beheaded. I'm being pragmatic. Showing solidarity with a behaded teacher's family is nothing wrong. It's actually important at this time.
How out of hand do you think it can get? This attack is against the norm, French people tend towards racism, but it's more a snooty type of racism than one which is expressed in violence. The real problem is that the Charlie Hebdo saga is being kept alive by French authorities themself. I can only imagine it's to win votes through scaremongering, because abusive cartoons are not of much value in themselves.

This is the era of the right wing. The hate crimes will increase if the right wing wins.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">"Here in France, everything has started to deteriorate. We don't have the right to be Muslims."<br><br>The victims of a brutal stabbing near the Eiffel Tower say they fear for their future in the country <a href="">#eyesondiscrimination</a> <a href=""></a></p>— TRT World (@trtworld) <a href="">October 28, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>