[VIDEO] 3 Chinese nationals among 4 dead in blast at Karachi University


First Class Captain
Nov 9, 2014
At least four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed while two others were injured in a blast outside the University of Karachi's (KU) Confucius Institute, officials said on Tuesday.

Sindh IG Mushtaq Ahmed Mahar confirmed the death toll in a telephone call with Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah. A handout from the CM's office quoted the officer as saying that the blast took place in a van at approximately 2:30pm.

The banned Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the attack.

A spokesperson for the university confirmed that three of the victims were Chinese nationals. They were identified as Confucius Institute Director Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sai and Khalid, the driver.

The spokesperson said that two others, Wang Yuqing and Hamid, were injured in the incident.

Earlier in the day, SSP East Syed Abdul Rahim Sherazi had hinted that a "couple" of Chinese nationals, who were part of KU faculty, were among the deceased.

Television footage showed a white van in flames with plumes of smoke rising from its remains while the windows of nearby buildings were shattered. The van appeared to be turning towards the Confucius Institute, located next to the commerce department, when the incident took place.

Footage also showed police and rescue services present at the scene of the incident.

Speaking to the media, DIG East Muqaddas Haider, said initial information showed the van was headed to the institute after leaving the hostel.

"The explosion took place at the van's right side at the [institute's] entrance. We are still establishing what type of explosion it was," Haider said, confirming that four people had been killed.

When asked to comment on the nature of the blast, the DIG said it was too early to say anything definitively. Haider said CCTV footage was being analysed and the nature of the blast would only be confirmed after the bomb disposal squad submitted its report.

'Amazing teacher'
Mustajab Hussain, a 25-year-old student hailing from Gilgit-Baltistan, was heartbroken over the death of one of his teachers.

Hussain, who has been studying at the institute for the past three years, said that two female faculty members were among the deceased while the third one was the director, based on the identities shared by the KU spokesperson. The director had just come around a month ago.

“Chen Sai was my teacher. Her class was at 2:30pm. She was an amazing teacher and very friendly. Whatever we found difficult, she would always explain very nicely. She was very young, in her early 20s," he said.

According to Hussain, the Chinese faculty members used to live at a guest house inside KU premises. They were coming from the guest house to the institute when the explosion occurred at the gate.

Sindh CM visits Chinese consulate
Meanwhile, the Sindh chief minister paid a visit to the Chinese Consulate where he briefed Consul General Li Bijian about the blast.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah calls on Chinese Consul General Li Bijian. — Photo provided by author
Shah expressed grief over the death of three Chinese nationals in the incident, a statement issued by the CM's office said. The chief minister also assured the Chinese official that the incident would be fully investigated, the statement added.

"Those involved in the incident will be brought to justice. We value the services rendered by Chinese experts in the country and the province," Shah said.

"Some elements do not like the partnership between the two countries," he said, adding that the miscreants behind the incident would be dealt with an iron hand.

Separately, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed grief over the blast in a telephone call with the Sindh chief minister. The premier assured Shah of the Centre's full help and cooperation in dealing with such incidents.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Balochistan Liberation Army's Majeed Brigade has claimed responsibility for today’s attack on Chinese nationals in Karachi University.The group spokesperson says the suicide bombing was carried out by a female suicide bomber identified as Shari Baloch.Via <a href="https://twitter.com/Roohan_Ahmed?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Roohan_Ahmed</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Pakistan?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Pakistan</a> <a href="https://t.co/Ob42W5cyki">pic.twitter.com/Ob42W5cyki</a></p>— Abdulhaq Omeri (@AbdulhaqOmeri) <a href="https://twitter.com/AbdulhaqOmeri/status/1518918779979411458?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

*** Warning - footage shows bomber blowing herself up *****

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 55.000%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/uio204" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>
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Speechless. I hope the victims rest in peace.

Why now? It has been in Pakistan for a while and now all of a sudden there is a wave of insurgency what is triggering this? Is drone attack in Afghanistan a reason for this? Also the drone attack on Afghanistan that army did was it under the orders of US because I don't see a point of our army bombing another country especially when we haven't done this in the past 2 decades then what urged our army to do this now?

I hope I'm wrong but I have a feeling that our security forces are kind of split. This has very little to do with Imran and I believe its something that is happening on a much larger scale. Our divided forces is an open invitation to our enemies to destabilise us and this I fear is the start of it.

When you connect the dots it seems on a much larger scale Pakistan is being used as a pawn in a proxy war. The developments of the last month or so has been as follows:
- New regime in Pakistan
- US talks favourably about new government and of our NSC meetings
- Pakistan drops plan of oil and wheat imports from Russia
- Army to a degree criticises Russian invasion of Ukraine
- Hafiz Saeed gets imprisoned (I can see Pakistan getting off the grey list in Jun/Jul this year)
- IMF loan and an Atlantic council meeting called in abruptly to accomodate Pakistan
- Drone attacks in Afghanistan from Pakistan
- Direct attack on Chinese nationals in Pakistan

Clearly there is a shift in alliances happening and happening all too quickly that it can't be ignored. The other day whilst speaking in Jammu, Modi didn't even uttered a word against our Army or Government. Things are very grey and I'm just pointing out to things that are in public domain.
The female bomber had three master’s degrees, one in zoology and two in education.
Condolences to the victims

Thanks to our impotent coas there will be a step up in attacks from baloch and pashtun groups and a further deterioration confrontation with Afghanistan.

All part of bringing pakistan to its knees its eventual de nuclearisation and balkanisation .
Video of the attack in post #1 - Caution advised when viewing
And then you have BLA supporter in your NA :facepalm:

On 31st March 2022, University did write a letter to security agencies that Chinese Teachers have no security so kindly arrange some security for them. But guess what? No one did any thing.

Clear attempts at dismantling SinoPak partnership. You know who is behind this.
Sickening stuff. The Govt needs to ruthlessly crack down on this.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Strongly condemn the terrorist attack targeting Chinese teachers of Karachi University. This is yet another attack with a specific agenda of trying to undermine Pak-China strategic r'ship. We must ensure defeat of this foreign-backed agenda of our enemies.</p>— Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) <a href="https://twitter.com/ImranKhanPTI/status/1518962999398072320?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2022</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
At least four people, three of whom were Chinese nationals, were killed in a suicide attack inside the premises of Karachi University (KU) on Tuesday.

CTD chief in Karachi, Raja Umar Khattab confirmed that the Karachi University blast was a suicide attack. It killed four people including two Chinese women and a man and also injured four, he said while speaking to the media. Khattab said the attack was carried out after surveillance.

The attacker was a female MPhil student, who said goodbyes to her friends on Twitter at 12:10pm.

The bombing targetted a white Hiace van near the gate of the Confucius Institute inside the varsity premises. The Chinese nationals were part of the institute's faculty.

According to a report by the bomb disposal squad, three to four kilos of explosives were used in the attack.

"We suspect that it's a suicide attack. A burqa-clad woman approached the van and the blast took place," said Karachi police chief Ghulam Nabi Memon.

"We are investigating the incident by collecting evidence, but it seems that the Chinese teachers were the actual target of the explosion," the city police chief said.

However, DIG East Muqadas Hyder was more guarded in his statement and said the police has obtained the CCTV footage of the blast and were investigating. "It is premature to say whether or not it was a suicide attack. We also have to confirm if the burqa-clad woman was a passerby or the bomber."

The KU vice-chancellor also confirmed that Chinese faculty members were among the deceased. The Pakistan driver was also killed in the blast.

Footage showed a white Hiace van completely burnt after the explosion, with one side of the vehicle peppered with small holes. The proscribed Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the attack.

Soon after the incident, a large contingent of law enforcers along with rescue personnel reached the site of the incident.

The university administration has announced that all classes in the university will remain suspended on Wednesday, April 27.

After the explosion, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah contacted the police chief. The IGP informed the CM that the blast took place inside a van near the Commerce Department of the university.

The chief minister also ordered the Karachi commissioner to submit a report on the bombing.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also called the Sindh CM after the blast. Murad informed the prime minister regarding the details of the incident.

The chief minister informed the premier that at least four people, including Chinese nationals, were killed in the attack. Shehbaz assured that the federal government would extend help to the provincial government to prevent such attacks in the future.

Murad briefs Chinese consul general

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah briefed the Chinese consul general in Karachi regarding the attack today.

Murad immediately reached the Chinese Consulate after the suspected terror incident and expressed deep sorrow and regret over the death of three Chinese nationals in the blast.

The provincial chief executive assured the consul general of a thorough probe of the incident and vowed that the culprits would be brought to justice.

“We value the services of Chinese experts in the country and the province,” CM Murad told the consul general. “Some elements do not like the Pakistan-China partnership. This kind of thinking and the characters involved will be dealt with iron hands.”

The consul general thanked CM Murad for coming to the Chinese Consulate immediately after the incident.

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari strongly condemned the terrorist attack.

In a statement issued from Media Cell Bilawal House, the PPP chief expressed deep grief and sorrow over the loss of precious human lives in the attack. “I am sure Sindh Police will ferret out the terrorists and they will soon be in the clutches of law,” he added.

Bilawal stressed that fool-proof measures should be taken to ensure security of the Chinese citizens in Pakistan. He also prayed for early recovery of those injured in the attack.

Security concerns prior to the attack

Security advisor of Karachi University (KU) Dr Muhammad Zubair wrote a letter to the Director of the Confucius Institute requesting the institute confine the movements of Chinese faculty, and ensure that foreign nationals are provided security.

In a letter dated March 31, Dr Zubair noted that Chinses faculty at KU often leave Foreign Faculty Offices to go outside the campus without a security detail, adding that “in case of any mishaps, KU Security will not be responsible.”

The security advisor insisted that the foreign faculty do not leave campus without the assistance of police and Rangers.

In response to his letter, the Director of the Confucius Institute noted that the varsity has a separate office of Campus and Security affairs to “look after all matters related to the security of the students, faculty and the university property with the assistance of the Rangers and local police.”

The director furthered that it is “important to realise that rather than shifting responsibility to another,” standard operation procedures (SOP) should be devised for the “smooth and secure movement of Chinese faculty.”

He added that the security advisor’s department establish a liaison with law enforcement authorities for the protection of foreign nationals.

Islamabad is Beijing's closest regional ally, with China pouring billions of dollars into Pakistan in recent years to boost the nation's infrastructure.

Express Tribune
Pakistan government ex-interior minister himself said in a press conference recently that a TTP-BLA-IS nexus is in the making. The three terrorist groups have clubbed their resources and ambitions for a pitched battle against the Pakistan. Blame India as much as you want but Pakistan since the last 30 years have often created monsters, which eventually come back to bite them. If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.
Pakistan government ex-interior minister himself said in a press conference recently that a TTP-BLA-IS nexus is in the making. The three terrorist groups have clubbed their resources and ambitions for a pitched battle against the Pakistan. Blame India as much as you want but Pakistan since the last 30 years have often created monsters, which eventually come back to bite them. If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.

I would not call Imran Khan as dumb. But his calculations were clearly wrong. Afghan Taliban clearly has their own agenda than following Pakistan's orders.

In my opinion, Afghan Taliban used Imran Khan's free propaganda very well and back stabbed him and military later on.
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif assured China on Tuesday that his government will not rest until the criminals involved in the suicide attack on the Chinese nationals in Karachi are brought to justice.

PM Shehbaz's statement came when he met Chinese Chargé d’affaires Pang Chunxue at China's embassy in Islamabad to condole with her over the death of her country’s citizens. During the visit, the premier also sent a special condolence message to Chinese President Xi Jinping.

According to the PM Office, the premier expressed sorrow and grief over the death of Chinese residents in the suicide blast at Karachi University.

“The entire Pakistani nation is in shock and grief over the brutal attack on its iron brother” said PM Shahbaz. He also extended heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the Chinese government, its people, and the families of the victims.

“We condemn this terrorist attack in the strongest words and are determined to eradicate all forms of terrorism and terrorists from Pakistani soil,” assured the premier.

PM Shehbaz told the Chinese diplomat that his government will “investigate the incident expeditiously” and sentence the culprits to “exemplary punishment”. He also added that he has directed Interior Minister Rana Sanullah to visit Karachi tomorrow.

“We will not sit with ease till the criminals are arrested and punished and we will hang the culprits who took the life of the Chinese nationals,” said PM Shehbaz.

The premier also shared that the Pakistani government would make all arrangements for the repatriation of the dead bodies and the injured to China.

“I have ordered to provide foolproof security to the Chinese citizens and institutions,” said PM Shehbaz.

The premier, during the visit, also wrote in the condolence book set up at the Embassy.

PM Shehbaz was accompanied by Federal Ministers Ahsan Iqbal, Marriyum Aurangzeb, Rana Sanaullah, and State Minister Hina Rabbani Khar.

Pakistan government ex-interior minister himself said in a press conference recently that a TTP-BLA-IS nexus is in the making. The three terrorist groups have clubbed their resources and ambitions for a pitched battle against the Pakistan. Blame India as much as you want but Pakistan since the last 30 years have often created monsters, which eventually come back to bite them. If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.

Which is exactly why Pakistan are better off without IK leading the country.

I cannot forget how he called OBL a shaheed. There's a reason why he's called Taliban. He's always symathised for these people and in his mind sees them as freedom fighters.
The best way to counter BLA is to improve the economic condition of the people in Baluchistan. Baluchistan is the poorest province in the country, yet it is the richest in resources. So their is resentment to that. The resources of Baluchistan need to go first to the people of the province. The share of Baloch in the military needs to increase as well. As well as in FC and the Rangers.
Pakistan government ex-interior minister himself said in a press conference recently that a TTP-BLA-IS nexus is in the making. The three terrorist groups have clubbed their resources and ambitions for a pitched battle against the Pakistan. Blame India as much as you want but Pakistan since the last 30 years have often created monsters, which eventually come back to bite them. If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.

BLA is secular, its unlikely they would ally with IS or the TTP.

If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.

What is the alternate to Taliban in Afghanistan now?
I would not call Imran Khan as dumb. But his calculations were clearly wrong. Afghan Taliban clearly has their own agenda than following Pakistan's orders.

In my opinion, Afghan Taliban used Imran Khan's free propaganda very well and back stabbed him and military later on.

This is true, however the Afghan Taliban have something to lose now. They are no longer a militant group, they are the government. So Pakistan can hold them responsible for TTP if they are using their territory. It would be best for the Afghan Taliban to take action against TTP or expel them from Afghanistan if they want to avoid more retaliatory attacks from Pakistan. They need to ask themselves is it worth it to ruin their relations with Pakistan?
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that he is making efforts to mend fences with all allies and friends of Pakistan, including the United States, that have been estranged from Islamabad due to a “faulty foreign policy” of the previous government.

“Pakistan cannot afford to have enmity with the US at all,” declared Mr Sharif while responding to a volley of questions from senior journalists during an Iftar dinner at Prime Minister House on Tuesday.

The prime minister regretted that the previous government led by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) had annoyed all those countries that had always helped Pakistan in difficult times, especially China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United States.

He said there was a need to end the mistrust between Pakistan and the United States, and both countries needed to see if they had committed any mistakes in the past.

Mr Sharif — clad in a green safari suit and flanked by Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Musaddiq Malik and other senior PML-N leaders — answered questions regarding foreign policy, economy and the prevailing political situation in the country in the wake of renewed threat by PTI chairman Imran Khan to hold a long march towards Islamabad to press for the party’s demand for early general elections.

Though Mr Sharif touched on all the issues during his nearly hour-long conversation, his main emphasis remained on the country’s foreign policy. He spoke about his forthcoming visit to Saudi Arabia and also expressed his concerns over the suicide attack on the Chinese nationals in Karachi earlier on Tuesday.

Mr Sharif said he had directed the interior minister to visit Karachi on Wednesday (today). He said that soon after his visit to Saudi Arabia, he would preside over a meeting to devise a strategy to provide security to the Chinese as well as other foreign nationals in the country.

The prime minister said he was expected to have a discussion on bilateral issues and cooperation with the Saudi leadership during his upcoming visit to Riyadh.

Hitting out at the previous rulers over their alleged flawed foreign policy, Mr Sharif said first the PTI government annoyed Qatar royal family by raising fingers at the contract signed by Pakistan for the purchase of gas in 2016, and then they did the same thing with China when they cried foul and corruption in Chinese projects launched here.

Similarly, the previous government annoyed Saudi Arabia by stating that “we can do Kashmir without them (Saudi Arabia)”, Mr Sharif said. On the government’s Afghan policy, Mr Sharif said: “What is good for Afghanistan, it is good for Pakistan and vice versa.”

In response to a question regarding the PTI’s demand to form a judicial commission to investigate the allegations of a US conspiracy behind the ouster of Imran Khan’s government, Mr Sharif said he could consider the option.

Replying to a question about Imran Khan’s threat to hold a long march to Islamabad, the PM said that protest was a democratic right of everyone, but no one would be allowed to create anarchy on roads.

Regarding the appointment of the new army chief, Mr Sharif said he would make the decision in accordance with the Constitution and the laws.

Published in Dawn, April 27th, 2022
China on Wednesday asked Pakistan to scale-up security for its nationals working in the country and demanded a thorough investigation and punishment to the perpetrators behind the suicide attack at the Karachi University which killed three Chinese teachers and injured another.
The blood of the Chinese cannot be shed in vain, and those behind this incident will surely pay the price, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said while strongly condemning the latest attack on Chinese nationals working in Pakistan.

An explosion triggered by a burqa-clad Baloch woman suicide bomber ripped through a shuttle passenger van of the Confucius Institute at the prestigious University of Karachi on Tuesday, leaving three Chinese teachers dead and one injured and causing several Pakistani casualties, in the latest targeted attack against Chinese citizens in Pakistan's financial capital.

China expressed its "strong condemnation and great indignation" at the attack, as well as deep condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families, the state-run Xinhua news agency quoted the spokesperson as saying.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Jianghao has made an urgent phone call to the Pakistani Ambassador to China to express extremely grave concern, the report said.

Wu demanded that the Pakistani side should immediately conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, apprehend and punish the perpetrators to the full extent of the law, and take all possible measures to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan and prevent such incidents from happening again, the spokesperson said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese diplomatic missions in Pakistan will continue to urge relevant Pakistani departments to handle properly the follow-up matters of those killed, treat the injured, and resolutely crack down on the terrorist organisation involved, the spokesperson said.

The banned Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) linked Majeed Brigade has claimed responsibility for the attack that took place near China-built Confucius Institute -- a non-profit institute teaching Chinese language to local pupils -- in Karachi University.

A spokesperson for the university said that three of the victims were Chinese nationals. They were identified as Confucius Institute Director Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sa and Khalid, the Pakistani driver.

The spokesperson added that two others -- Chinese national Wang Yuqing and a Pakistani man Hamid -- were injured in the blast.

CCTV footage of the attack showed a burqa-clad woman standing outside the entrance of the Confucius Institute. The woman detonated herself just as the van neared the institute's entrance.

A spokesperson of the BLA, the separatist outfit which is banned in Pakistan, the UK and the US, said that the attack was carried out by Shari Baloch alias Bramsh - the "first female suicide bomber of the brigade". The attack marks "a new chapter in the history of Baloch resistance," he added.

A picture of the bomber in circulation showed the woman along with her two small kids.

In a purported video issued by the group, a BLA spokesman said that the motive of the attack was very clear.

"It was a simple and clear message to China and Pakistan to withdraw immediately from Balochistan," said the masked spokesman surrounded by armed men on a hilly terrain.

"Baloch Liberation Army guarantees you the CPEC will fail miserably on Baloch land," the spokesman, who was holding an assault rifle, said in fluent English. He warned that a special unit has been formed particularly to attack Chinese officials and installations in Balochistan.

The group opposes Chinese investment in Pakistan, especially in the restive Balochistan, saying local people do not benefit.

Balochistan, bordering Iran and Afghanistan, is home to a long-running violent insurgency. Baloch insurgent groups have previously carried out several attacks targeting the USD 60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.

This is not the first-time Chinese nationals have been the target of terror attacks in Karachi, which is Pakistan's biggest city and economic hub.

In July last year, masked armed men on a motorcycle opened fire on a vehicle carrying two Chinese nationals in Karachi in which one of them was critically wounded.

In the same month, nearly a dozen Chinese engineers were killed when a bus carrying construction workers was "attacked" in northwest Pakistan.

In November 2018, Baloch separatists had attacked the Chinese consulate in Karachi but failed to break through the security barrier with three of them killed on the spot.

Express Tribune
KARACHI: Additional Inspector General Ghulam Nabi Memon on Tuesday said that the police had intelligence reports regarding an attack on the Chinese nationals in the city.

In light of the intelligence reports, security was provided to the foreign nationals, he said.

The statement from the Karachi Police chief came after a female suicide bomber blew herself up near a van at Confucius Institute — a Chinese language teaching centre at Karachi University. Four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed while four others sustained injuries. The deceased Chinese nationals were identified as the director of the Confucius Institute Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sai, and their Pakistani driver, Khalid.

“The police had received reports regarding security threats to Chinese nationals and security was also provided to them, however, no intelligence report of suicide attack through a female bomber was received,” the top police official said while speaking on Geo News program Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath.

Ghulam Nabi Memon said a student of the Karachi University was used for the suicide bombing, however, investigations are underway regarding how the explosives were dispatched inside the university.

Meanwhile, Karachi University has rejected the report of the female suicide bomber studying at the varsity.

According to the spokesperson, there is no record of a female student studying at the campus by the name of Shazi Baloch.

“However, a student by the name of Shazi Baloch was studying in KU’s Physics Department, but now she has passed out,” said the spokesperson.

The best way to counter BLA is to improve the economic condition of the people in Baluchistan. Baluchistan is the poorest province in the country, yet it is the richest in resources. So their is resentment to that. The resources of Baluchistan need to go first to the people of the province. The share of Baloch in the military needs to increase as well. As well as in FC and the Rangers.

Isn't Zardari a Baloch?
And then you have BLA supporter in your NA :facepalm:

On 31st March 2022, University did write a letter to security agencies that Chinese Teachers have no security so kindly arrange some security for them. But guess what? No one did any thing.


They were busy interfering in politics and going after PTI social media posters. Wish the Agencies take BLA more seriously
China on Wednesday asked Pakistan to scale-up security for its nationals working in the country and demanded a thorough investigation and punishment to the perpetrators behind the suicide attack at the Karachi University which killed three Chinese teachers and injured another.
The blood of the Chinese cannot be shed in vain, and those behind this incident will surely pay the price, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said while strongly condemning the latest attack on Chinese nationals working in Pakistan.

An explosion triggered by a burqa-clad Baloch woman suicide bomber ripped through a shuttle passenger van of the Confucius Institute at the prestigious University of Karachi on Tuesday, leaving three Chinese teachers dead and one injured and causing several Pakistani casualties, in the latest targeted attack against Chinese citizens in Pakistan's financial capital.

China expressed its "strong condemnation and great indignation" at the attack, as well as deep condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured and the bereaved families, the state-run Xinhua news agency quoted the spokesperson as saying.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Wu Jianghao has made an urgent phone call to the Pakistani Ambassador to China to express extremely grave concern, the report said.

Wu demanded that the Pakistani side should immediately conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, apprehend and punish the perpetrators to the full extent of the law, and take all possible measures to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens in Pakistan and prevent such incidents from happening again, the spokesperson said.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese diplomatic missions in Pakistan will continue to urge relevant Pakistani departments to handle properly the follow-up matters of those killed, treat the injured, and resolutely crack down on the terrorist organisation involved, the spokesperson said.

The banned Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) linked Majeed Brigade has claimed responsibility for the attack that took place near China-built Confucius Institute -- a non-profit institute teaching Chinese language to local pupils -- in Karachi University.

A spokesperson for the university said that three of the victims were Chinese nationals. They were identified as Confucius Institute Director Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sa and Khalid, the Pakistani driver.

The spokesperson added that two others -- Chinese national Wang Yuqing and a Pakistani man Hamid -- were injured in the blast.

CCTV footage of the attack showed a burqa-clad woman standing outside the entrance of the Confucius Institute. The woman detonated herself just as the van neared the institute's entrance.

A spokesperson of the BLA, the separatist outfit which is banned in Pakistan, the UK and the US, said that the attack was carried out by Shari Baloch alias Bramsh - the "first female suicide bomber of the brigade". The attack marks "a new chapter in the history of Baloch resistance," he added.

A picture of the bomber in circulation showed the woman along with her two small kids.

In a purported video issued by the group, a BLA spokesman said that the motive of the attack was very clear.

"It was a simple and clear message to China and Pakistan to withdraw immediately from Balochistan," said the masked spokesman surrounded by armed men on a hilly terrain.

"Baloch Liberation Army guarantees you the CPEC will fail miserably on Baloch land," the spokesman, who was holding an assault rifle, said in fluent English. He warned that a special unit has been formed particularly to attack Chinese officials and installations in Balochistan.

The group opposes Chinese investment in Pakistan, especially in the restive Balochistan, saying local people do not benefit.

Balochistan, bordering Iran and Afghanistan, is home to a long-running violent insurgency. Baloch insurgent groups have previously carried out several attacks targeting the USD 60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.

This is not the first-time Chinese nationals have been the target of terror attacks in Karachi, which is Pakistan's biggest city and economic hub.

In July last year, masked armed men on a motorcycle opened fire on a vehicle carrying two Chinese nationals in Karachi in which one of them was critically wounded.

In the same month, nearly a dozen Chinese engineers were killed when a bus carrying construction workers was "attacked" in northwest Pakistan.

In November 2018, Baloch separatists had attacked the Chinese consulate in Karachi but failed to break through the security barrier with three of them killed on the spot.

Express Tribune

Condolences to the families. I hope one off incidents like this don't stop the average Chinese citizens to come to Pakistan.
Investigation team formed to probe Karachi blast

KARACHI (Dunya News) – A high-level team has been formed to investigate the suicide bombing in Karachi.

Four people including three Chinese nationals were killed in the blast in University of Karachi Tuesday afternoon.

According to the notification, the DIGP of the Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) was appointed as the Chairman of the four-member investigation committee while SSP Malir Irfan Bahadur, SSP East Abdul Rahim Sheerazi and SSP AVCC Zubair Naseer will be members of the team.

The four-member team has been directed to ensure that concrete efforts are made to help the CTD team and report progress on regular basis.

Earlier, the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) in-charge Umar Khattab has confirmed the blast at Karachi University was a suicide bomb attack. He also mentioned that a banned organization has claimed responsibility for the blast. The suicide bomber had explosives inside a bag, as per CTD in-charge.

DIG East Muqaddas Haider stated that more than three kilograms of explosives were used in the blast, adding that traces of explosives including ball bearings could be spotted on the vehicle.

The mentioned vehicle used to visit the university campus at the same time on daily basis, added DIG.

The deceased Chinese nationals have been identified as the director of the Confucius Institute Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sai, and their Pakistani driver, Khalid.

Isn't Zardari a Baloch?

Nope. He is from a land owning family in Sindh.

Zardari is a Baloch tribe, however the Zardari you are referring to his family has been in Sindh for generation, and they are considered Sindhi Baloch. As in they are culturally Sindhi now, they speak Sindhi, however in the male line their ancestors came from Baluchistan at one point.

Similarly Usman Buzdar the PTI CM of Punjab, is a Punjabi Baloch.

Their are millions of Sindhis and Punjabis whose surname is a Baloch tribe, or just Baloch.
A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson on Wednesday said that “ironclad friendship” between China and Pakistan was unbreakable and any attempt to undermine the bilateral cooperation, mutual trust and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would not succeed.

Wang Wenbin made these remarks during his regular briefing in response to questions about the Karachi University terrorist attack.

A shuttle van of the Confucius Institute of Karachi University was hit by a suicide bomber a day earlier, leaving three Chinese teachers and a Pakistani dead.

The spokesperson said that terrorism was a common scourge and the blood of the Chinese people would not be shed in vain in terrorism.

"Once again, we mourn the passing of the Chinese and Pakistani nationals and extend our sincere sympathies to the victims and to the injured and the bereaved families," he added.

Also read: China strongly condemns KU terror incident, demands thorough investigation

Terming the bombing a premeditated suicide attack targeting Chinese citizens, Wenbin said Beijing supported Pakistan in fighting terrorism and those behind the incident would surely pay the price.

He observed that the target of the egregious and heinous attack was teachers as they were inheritors of human civilisation and promoters of cultural exchange.

The spokesperson also said that people and life come first, adding that the Chinese government attached great importance to the safety of Chinese citizens and institutions overseas.

He highlighted that after the attack, the Chinese foreign ministry and embassy and consulate in Pakistan following the guidance of China’s State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi immediately activated the emergency response mechanisms and requested the Pakistani side to take proper efforts to treat the injured, handle the follow up matter and conduct a thorough investigation, apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

The Pakistani side, he maintained, was also asked to take stronger measures to keep Chinese citizens and institutions safe and make sure such incidents don't happen again.

Wenbin further said Chinese embassy and consulate also reminded Chinese institutions and personnel to strengthen their safety awareness and ramp up security.

The Chinese departments and local governments are taking actions in coordination while the Consul General in Karachi yesterday visited the injured Chinese teacher.

Noting Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to the embassy to convey his condolences, the spokesperson said that he offered condolences and instructed the authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident.

He expressed the confidence that the government would spare no efforts to apprehend the perpetrators and hold them accountable.

The government promised to take further measures to strengthen security for Chinese people, projects and institutions and it would not allow any enforce to undermine the two countries friendship and cooperation.

Wenbin further observed that Chief Minister of Sindh Murad Ali Shah also visited Consulate General in Karachi to convey condolences and took prompt actions in the rescue and investigation.

He also said leaders of many political parties and people from all walks of life had conveyed their condolences following the attack.

"We will work together with Pakistan to crack down on terrorist forces and make sure the culprits behind the attack will pay a heavy price," the spokesperson concluded.

Express Tribune
KARACHI: Habitan Bashir Baloch, the husband of the female suicide bomber, Shari Baloch has been arrested by security officials a day after the scope of the investigation into the Karachi University (KU) blast in Karachi was expanded, ARY News reported on Wednesday.

Habitan Bashir Baloch, the husband of KU suicide bomber Shari Baloch, was arrested by the security personnel.

Sources told ARY News that the Chinese ambassador to Pakistan was informed regarding the arrest of the suicide bomber’s husband, Habitan Bashir Baloch.

The Chinese envoy was briefed on the latest developments in a session chaired by Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah at Chief Minister’s House in Karachi.

The participants of the session were apprised that it is the first arrest after the KU blast. Sources said that Habitan Bashir Baloch is being interrogated.

Rana Sanaullah said in a statement that the federal government assured the Chinese embassy regarding full cooperation in the investigation into the KU suicide blast.

He said that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will summon a session to make National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) functional. Sanaullah said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the future of Pakistan and its projects will be a milestone for the development of the country.

The interior minister said that the premier is holding consultations with the provincial governments regarding the NACTA.

Earlier in the day, the investigators have found the association of some relatives of the Karachi University’s (KU) female suicide bomber Shari Baloch with the banned Baloch Students Organization (BSO).

Sources closer to investigators told ARY News that they felt that Shari Baloch joined the banned BSO through her relatives.

The attack which killed at least four people including three Chinese teachers who were working for the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi was carried out by a female suicide bomber, Shari Baloch of a banned terror organisation.

KARACHI (Dunya News) The last tweet of Shari Baloch, the female suicide bomber who detonated the blast in Karachi University, was made from abroad.

According to sources, Shari Baloch’s last tweet was from a western country. The Internet IP and MAC address used for the tweet is not from Pakistan, Internet address was also hidden by changing the GPRS location.

Sources further said that Shari Baloch’s Twitter account was regularly being used from abroad. Suicide bomber’s ID and password was provided to someone abroad.
I just read somewhere none of her relatives/family members were ever victims of authorities or had suffered any injustices at the hands of the military or other government agencies.

Makes you think why such an educated person went bad. If there are genuinely injustices in the Balochistan province, they should sit down and discuss.

This woman was educated, had a family, young children and a husband. Either she was brainwashed or there is something really terrible happening there that needs to be addressed by the nation. I am not sure which one it is.
Having said that, it is quite clear the Americans have mentioned it in the past they want Pakistan dismantled. Balochistan and parts of Iran to form a new puppet state for them, this way they hurt Iran as well.

Apparently Pakistan is not cooperating enough with them, they want to carve it up and have a new state who are bigger beggars than our PDM guys.
Interior Minister Rana Sanullah on Wednesday said those involved in the terrorism at the Karachi University as well as their entire network would be apprehended soon, and foolproof security of foreign nationals will also be assured at all costs.

He made these remarks while addressing a joint presser with Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah in Karachi.

A shuttle van of the Confucius Institute of Karachi University was hit by a suicide bomber a day earlier, leaving three Chinese teachers and a Pakistani dead.

The minister termed the bombing an attack on the Sino-Pak ties and added that China has always extended help to Pakistan in times of need.

Sanaullah further said that he had offered all-out assistance to the chief minister to maintain law and order in the province.

"Karachi will be turned into a city of peace and the federal government will play its due role in establishing peace in the metropolis," he remarked.

He said that the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) had played a vital role in probing the incident. "The nation is united against terrorism."

On the occasion, he observed that there has been no progress at the National Counter-Terrorism Authority for the past four years – during the tenure of the previous government.

"Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif will soon be apprised of the performance of the organisation."

Earlier today, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that the “ironclad friendship” between China and Pakistan is unbreakable and any attempt to undermine the bilateral cooperation, mutual trust and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would not succeed.

He expressed the confidence that the government would spare no efforts to apprehend the perpetrators and hold them accountable.

"We will work together with Pakistan to crack down on terrorist forces and make sure the culprits behind the attack will pay a heavy price," the spokesperson further said.

‘You won’t be left alone’

Rana Sanaullah and Murad Ali Shah also visited the home of the driver killed in the bombing and offered condolence to his family.

They met the brothers of late Khalid Nawaz and announced a compensation of Rs2 million – Rs1 million each from the federal and provincial governments for the family.

Nawaz, a father of seven, lived in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Maymar neighbourhod.

On the occasion, CM Murad informed the bereaved family that the government would pay for late Nawaz' salary and would bear the educational expenses of his children.

Upon being told that one of the daughters of the deceased was scheduled to get married after Eid, Shah said he would provide the necessary financial support for the wedding.

“We would not leave you alone and unattended,” he assured the family and asked them to get the children enrolled in a nearby school.

Express Tribune
Pakistan government ex-interior minister himself said in a press conference recently that a TTP-BLA-IS nexus is in the making. The three terrorist groups have clubbed their resources and ambitions for a pitched battle against the Pakistan. Blame India as much as you want but Pakistan since the last 30 years have often created monsters, which eventually come back to bite them. If Imran Khan thought that Taliban will kick out TTP from Afghanistan while he went around championing Taliban'¢ legitimacy to the entire world, then it only means that he's pretty dumb.

TTP-BLA-IS nexus is highly unlikely.

Taliban and ISIS don't see eye to eye. They have battled each other in the past.

BLA doesn't seem like a religious group. They are unlikely to work with TTP or ISIS. ISIS will probably slaughter BLA people.
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Very tragic incident. A cowardly attack.

Surprised that a woman such as her did this.
KARACHI: A major development occurred in the investigation into the suicide attack on Chinese nationals in Karachi University after law enforcers raided the house of the alleged suicide bomber's father in Scheme 33, Karachi.

Four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed and four others sustained injuries in a suicide attack carried out by a burqa-clad woman outside the Confucius Institute in KU's premises on Tuesday.

Laptops and other evidence, including documents, were taken into custody during the raid.

Sources privy to the matter said movement of a car bearing a government number plate to and from the raided house was observed.

Meanwhile, the investigators also searched the apartment of the alleged suicide bomber in Gulistan-e-Johar block 13 and sealed it afterwards, the sources said.

They said that the apartment is rented and the bomber had been living there for the last three years.

KU reopens for first time after bombing today
The KU reopened for the first time after the suicide attack today.

The varsity's spokesperson said that administrative affairs and the teaching process in the university will continue as usual.

However, the Confucius Institute will remain closed until clearance from the Chinese embassy.

Interior minister avoids commenting on arrest of bomber's husband
Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, who visited Karachi after the attack on Wednesday, refrained from commenting on the arrest of suicide bomber's husband.

The minister neither denied nor confirmed the arrest of Habitan Bashir Baloch, who was staying at a hotel near Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre but had fled long before the attack.

However, the rickshaw driver who transported the bomber inside the university has been caught.

Who was the woman involved in the attack on Chinese nationals?
The woman — who was involved in the Karachi terrorist attack — belonged to a family with an educated background and was pursuing MPhil.

Speaking on Geo News programme 'Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath', correspondent Wajid Baloch presented analysis and said that the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) Majeed Brigade has claimed responsibility for the suicide attack.

The host went on to say that the organisation has used a female suicide bomber for the first time. Talking about the family of the woman involved, Wajid said her family was unaware of her activities. However, the family confirmed her identity through a picture published by Majeed Brigade.

The woman belonged to Kech District in Balochistan's Turbat and was married to a doctor. She moved to Karachi along with her husband for higher education and last visited the Kech District at her sister's wedding. She was also a government teacher.

Wajid further said that several members are government officers. Her father was a registrar at the University of Turbat.

Given the victims come from the nation that pays Pakistan's bills, I'm sure those responsible for the intelligence failures will be fired instantly.

Yet who's been held accountable for the intelligence failures behind the APS massacre of our own people ? There was a NACTA alert in Aug 2014 that an army school would be attacked, and the school repeatedly requested security for the unsecured graveyard at the rear - through which the terrorists attacked.

In a normal country, those officials would be tried for gross negligence. However in Pakistan, the families are still crying for justice.
Given the victims come from the nation that pays Pakistan's bills, I'm sure those responsible for the intelligence failures will be fired instantly.

Yet who's been held accountable for the intelligence failures behind the APS massacre of our own people ? There was a NACTA alert in Aug 2014 that an army school would be attacked, and the school repeatedly requested security for the unsecured graveyard at the rear - through which the terrorists attacked.

In a normal country, those officials would be tried for gross negligence. However in Pakistan, the families are still crying for justice.

Don't forget Model Town too. Courts in Pakistan cannot hold the powerful accountable
'Hostile countries' behind KU attack to sabotage CPEC, says Alvi in visit to Chinese embassy

President Arif Alvi on Saturday said "hostile countries" were behind the suicide attack that targeted Chinese instructors at Karachi University, which he said was a bid to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and harm the friendship between the two nations.

Three Chinese teachers and their Pakistani driver were killed in the attack, while four others were injured in a suicide blast that struck their vehicle as it approached the Confucius Institute in the university.

During a visit to the Chinese embassy today, the president condemned the incident and vowed the "hostile countries" behind it "would not succeed in their designs" as Pakistan and China enjoy a deep friendship and are strongly committed to further strengthen the "all-weather friendship", according to a statement issued by the President's Secretariat.

The president extended his condolences to the embassy officials, according to Chinese Cultural Counsellor Zhang Heqing.

He asked Charge d’ Affaires Pang Chunxue to convey his heartfelt condolences to the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping.

Alvi said the entire nation was in "deep pain and shock over the unfortunate incident" and shared in the grief of the Chinese people.

He reassured them that Pakistan would leave "no stone unturned" to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and bring the elements involved in the incident to justice.

Pang thanked President Alvi for his visit and expression of solidarity with the Chinese people and government.

She said that "both countries have a shared future" and a long history of friendship and close cooperation. She condemned the attack and hoped that the "culprit behind this incident would be apprehended and punished," the statement said.

President Alvi later wrote remarks in the embassy's visitor's book.

Looks like work on CPEC will slow down. The government is also looking to abolish the CPEC Authority

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As soon as US sponsored imported regime came into power followed by a blast on Chinese. News are over 2000 chinese are leaving Pakistan. <br><br>It seems our enemies are succeeding in their mission.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MarchAgainstImportedGovt?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MarchAgainstImportedGovt</a> <a href="https://t.co/dVGQ4XU9VK">pic.twitter.com/dVGQ4XU9VK</a></p>— Asad Malik (@AsadtoAsad) <a href="https://twitter.com/AsadtoAsad/status/1520050991948783618?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 29, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif would review security arrangements for the Chinese nationals working in Pakistan soon after Eidul Fitr in the wake of the suicide attack at the University of Karachi that claimed the lives of three Chinese and a local man.

In view of potential threats being faced by China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and other joint ventures between the two countries, the premier would assess all the mechanisms earlier devised for ensuring the security of the Chinese nationals and the new plan being devised by the planning and interior ministries.

Sources said the security plan would be presented to PM Shehbaz in the first week after Eid. They added that the premier had also directed Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Minister Ahsan Iqbal to meet the country heads of all the Chinese companies working in the country to seek their input in security and other arrangements.

The sources said the planning minister was scheduled to visit Gwadar soon after Eid to examine the security arrangements and complaints, if any, by the Chinese companies and nationals working on CPEC projects.

In addition, PM Shehbaz has directed the interior ministry to engage provinces, especially the Balochistan government, for the provision of the security in Gwadar and submit a report in the first week after Eid.

Apart from security arrangements, the sources said, the ministries have been asked to examine the challenges confronted by CPEC projects and see what problems were the Chinese nationals facing for the last four years in connection with their work, visa issuance as well as extension among other matters.

Since assuming charge, Iqbal has expressed serious concerns and displeasure over the sluggish progress on the CPEC projects. “How pathetic is the delay on projects under CPEC, which is a potential game changer for the region,” the minister was recently quoted as saying while directing the officials concerned to hold a meeting to review the progress in a fortnight.

“There is zero progress on the industrial zones of Port Qasim, Islamabad and Mirpur which is unfortunate,” he had noted.

“When you don’t value your investors, why they would come for investment?” In 2017, Iqbal had said, the excitement around special economic zones (SEZs) was so high that all major foreign direct investors were lining up to be a part of it. However, he regretted, Chinese investors moved away because of the delay in the projects.

For the multibillion-dollar Main Line-1 (ML-1) project, the sources said the premier had directed to engage the railways and communications ministries so that all aspects of the CPEC projects were thoroughly reviewed and a foolproof security plan was devised.

The Gilgit-Baltistan government has also directed the officials concerned to make foolproof security arrangements for Chinese nationals in the wake of recent and earlier attacks on them.

“I am directed to refer [to] the recent suicide attack in Karachi that killed three Chinese nationals and to say that the Chief Secretary has desired to ensure special protection of Chinese nationals in Gilgit-Baltistan,” a letter issued by the G-B additional secretary read.

Keeping the potential threats to CPEC and other joint ventures, the letter added, the existing standard operating procedures (SOPs) were required to be reviewed and updated to ensure foolproof security of Chinese nationals working in the geographic limits of G-B.

“The home department shall establish a provincial foreigners security cell, with requisite staff and logistics, to coordinate security SOPs and access to information of all Chinese nationals visiting Gilgit-Baltistan.”

The letter further stated that the cell should regularly liaison with regional and federal law-enforcement agencies. Moreover, it continued, the home department shall separately issue special instructions to the relevant departments.

It has further conveyed to the authorities concerned to mobilise all available resources to improve security measures, especially for Chinese nationals.

Finally, the G-B government has directed the commissioners, DIGs, DCs and SPs to personally visit the Chinese camps and facilities for inspection of security apparatus.

The suicide bombing in Karachi has aggravated concerns about the safety of the Chinese nationals living in Pakistan and tested the patience of the country’s “iron friend” with repeated attacks by the terrorist groups in the recent past.

Earlier in July 2021, a bus carrying Chinese workers in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa had come under attack leaving 10 Chinese nationals dead and 28 others injured.

China, the key investor in Pakistan, has not only condemned the attacks but also demanded that Islamabad should take action against those involved in them.

Express Tribune
WASHINGTON: The United States condemned the terrorist attack at the University of Karachi that killed four people, including three Chinese nationals.

At least four people were killed while four others sustained injuries in a suicide explosion at the premises of the University of Karachi on April 26 outside Confucius Institute.

Addressing a press briefing Wednesday, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price deplored the terrorist attack in Karachi terming it "a true affront to mankind."

"A terrorist attack anywhere is an affront to humanity everywhere, but for a terrorist attack to take place at a university, or at a religious site, or at some of the locations we’ve seen recently – that is a true affront to mankind," he stated when asked to comment on the suicide attack targeting Chinese citizens.

Ned Price said the US gives great importance to its relations with Pakistan. "When it comes to your question, what I’ll say is that we value our bilateral relationship. We want to continue to work together in areas where we do have mutual interests with our Pakistani partners. That includes counterterrorism. That includes border security as well," the US State Department spokesperson added.

The suicide attack
According to the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), it was a suicide blast and was carried out by a burqa-clad woman.

The explosion occurred at 1:52pm in a van near the Confucius Institute — a Chinese language teaching centre at Karachi University. Following the blast, rescue and security agencies rushed to the location and cordoned off the areas, initiating rescue operations.

The deceased Chinese nationals have been identified as the director of the Confucius Institute Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng, Chen Sai, and their Pakistani driver, Khalid.

Police sources said the van entered the premises through the Maskan gate of the university, they said.

Of the four people who sustained injuries, two have been identified as Chinese national Wang Yuqing and a security guard named Hamid. All of them are currently hospitalised and are receiving treatment.

A banned outfit had claimed the responsibility of the attack. The security agencies have launched an operation to apprehend those involved in the blast but so far no major success has been achieved. The husband of the female attacker is still at large.

Pakistani top leadership’s show of solidarity with China over killing of Chinese citizens in Karachi once again demonstrated that all weather strategic cooperative partnership between China and Pakistan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and any attempt to undermine mutual trust and cooperation is doomed to fail, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Zhao Lijian said on Thursday.

Addressing a regular briefing, he said, after attack of the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi, President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Speaker of the National Assembly Raja Pevaiz Ashraf, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Tehreek-e-Insaf Leader Imran Khan and other lawmakers of the Senate of Pakistan and National Assembly visited the Chinese embassy to pay their condolences. Different social sectors in Pakistan also expressed their condemnation and condolences.

“This once again shows that the All Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership between China and Pakistan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and that the attempt of terrorist forces to undermine China-Pakistan mutual trust and cooperation is doomed to fail,” he said in response to a question raised by APP.

The spokesperson said that China would work with Pakistan to get to the bottom of the truth, bring the perpetrators to justice, and give a satisfactory explanation and answer to the two peoples.

He said that China paid great attention to Pakistan’s commitment to strengthening the security of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions.

“We are ready to work with Pakistan to ensure the smooth operation of our cooperation in a safe manner and prevent such incidents from happening again,” he added.

On April 26, three Chinese teachers of Confucius Institute at Karachi University and their driver were killed when their shuttle van was hit by a suicide attack.

Soon after the incident, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited Chinese Embassy in Islamabad and met with China’s Acting Ambassador, Pang Chunxue to convey his condolences.

He instructed the relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident and assured that the government would spare no efforts to apprehend the perpetrators and hold them accountable.

On the same afternoon, Chief Minister of Sindh Province, Murad Ali Shah paid visit to the Chinese Consulate General in Karachi to offer condolences to the families of victims.

Later, President Dr. Arif Alvi, Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Foreign Minister Bilalwal Bhutto, Tehrik-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan, several members of the Senate of Pakistan and National Assembly paid separate visits to the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad to offer condolences and express solidarity and support.

They strongly condemned the Karachi blast in which three Chinese teachers and a Pakistani driver lost their lives.

Express Tribune
Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal on Friday directed the officials to ensure that security review of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was held every month and that all line ministries must follow the laid-down security protocols for the Chinese working on the projects.

Chairing a meeting to review security of the CPEC projects, Iqbal stated that the National Counter Terrorism Authority (Nacta) should function as per its laid-down role and objectives to provide in-depth assessment of the security challenges to the government.

The meeting was attended by the secretaries of foreign, interior and information ministries and relevant stakeholders. The minister emphasised the need for building a safe and secure environment for CPEC and to effectively tackle kinetic and non-kinetic challenges.

“CPEC is a flagship scheme of Pakistan-China economic cooperation, which can enable Pakistan to become an industrial economy. It is unfortunate that the momentum of 2013-18 could not be sustained,” said the minister.

He expressed concern that the Pakistani side of the CPEC Joint Working Group on Security had not been meeting frequently. He directed the interior ministry to regularly convene its meetings on a monthly basis. “Without a coordinated effort there can be gaps which must be filled,” he added.

He said that Nacta should function as per its laid down role to provide in-depth assessment of security challenges. “It will help the government expand its security lens by addressing socio-economic grievances of the people that, if left unaddressed, may pose security challenges,” he said.

“Our security lens must also focus on limiting the vulnerability of our youth towards violence, extremism and propaganda,” said the minister, who promised to undertake measures to ensure that “the youth is not alienated in socioeconomic development process especially in less-developed regions of Pakistan”.

Iqbal directed all line ministries to ensure that laid-down security protocols were followed by the Chinese working on CPEC. He added that the propaganda against CPEC was an attempt to deny the people of the less-developed regions the benefits accruing from the grand project.

It was noted in the meeting that after a recent incident in Karachi, the government had decided to ensure foolproof security to the Chinese workers in the country. Iqbal directed the information secretary to engage the regional media so that the youth of Balochistan could be engaged.

Express Tribune
There may have been no exodus of Chi*nese workers from Pakistan after the Karachi University attack, but they look less confident about the country’s ability to protect them.

“The Chinese confidence in Pakistan’s security system’s ability to protect their citizens and their projects is seriously shaken,” said Senator Mushahid Hussain, chairman of the Senate Defence Committee.

Senator Mushahid, who led a Senate delegation to the Chinese embassy last week to express his condole*nces over the loss of three Chi*nese lives in a suicide att*ack on their van on the university’s premises last mon*th, was sharing the mood on the Chinese side in a conversation with Dawn on Friday.

The Karachi University attack was the third terrorist attack on Chinese citizens on Pakistani soil in a year.

Read: China condemns suicide attack at Karachi University, demands punishment for perpetrators

“It has caused serious concern and understandable indignation in China. More so, the pattern of attacks is so recurring and it’s clear that Pakistani promises of ‘foolproof security’ are mere words, not matched by countermeasures on the ground,” he maintained.

Criticising the security arrangements, he said security agencies seemed to have been caught napping. “If such attacks continue, not just Chinese but other foreign investors will be forced to review their role in Pakistan,” he said.

There were reports on social media of Chinese workers leaving Pakistan in large numbers after the attack.

A Chinese source denied such reports, adding that it was a regular movement of Chinese workers and citizens living in Pakistan on a weekly flight from Karachi that was presented by some as an “exodus”.

The source, however, noted that terrorist attacks do impact the confidence of the Chinese community living here.

FIA’s cybercrime wing said the tweet claiming that thousands of Chinese were leaving from Karachi’s airport because of threats was a “baseless and panic-creating video tweet”.

Head of FIA Cyber Crime Sindh Imran Riaz told Dawn that action would be taken against the person who tweeted it once the ongoing investigations were complete.

At a media conference in Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lijian Zhao expressed hope that “the plot of terrorist forces to undermine the two countries’ mutual trust and cooperation will not succeed”.

He said the Chinese side would work with Pakistan to conduct a thorough investigation, reveal the truth, bring the perpetrators to justice, and explain to the people of both countries.

China, he maintained, attached importance to Pakistan’s strengthening security measures to protect Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan and stood ready to work together with the Pakistani side to ensure safe and smooth progress in bilateral cooperation and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Published in Dawn, May 8th, 2022
KARACHI: The last rites of three Chinese nationals killed in April 26 suicide attack here offered on Monday at the Hindu Cremation Ground here, ARY News reported.

The dead bodies of three victims of Karachi University suicide attack, were sent from Chhipa morgue with protocol this morning to the crematorium at Golimar locality of Karachi.

The Pakistan government had made arrangements for the last rites of the terrorism victims.

High government officials including Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah, D.G. Rangers Sindh, IG Police Sindh, Additional IG Karachi and DC Karachi South district attended the funeral rites.

Four people including three Chinese nationals were killed while four others were injured in a suicide attack outside the University of Karachi’s Confucius Institute on April 26.
Security agencies have released a Baloch student who was taken into custody in connection with a suicide blast at the University of Karachi (KU) on April 26, Baloch Council chairperson Ahsan Baloch told Dawn.com on Tuesday.

Bebgar Imdad, a seventh-semester student at Numl in Islamabad and a native of Balochistan's Kech area, was picked up by security agencies on April 27 from Punjab University (PU), where he was visiting a relative in hostel no.7.

Subsequently, Baloch Council activists had staged a sit-in outside the vice-chancellor's office at PU, demanding Imdad's release. Other civil rights activists also joined the chorus calling for the student's release.

Ahsan Baloch said on Tuesday that they would now end the sit-in and planned to hold a press conference.

Earlier, a habeas corpus petition seeking Imdad's recovery was filed by his cousin in the Lahore High Court, which was informed by the city police on Monday that the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) had arrested Imdad in connection with the KU blast.

This was stated in a report that city police had submitted to the LHC on the court's directives.

The report said PU chief security officer retired Colonel Abdullah was contacted by the Lahore police for verification of an application filed against the alleged abduction. However, the report added, the security officer confirmed the arrest of the student by the CTD.

The report said the security officer had assisted the police team in arresting Imdad.

At the hearing, counsel for the petitioner Asad Jamal, after going through the police report, had raised various legal questions on the arrest and transfer of Imdad from Lahore to Karachi. He said that not just the arrest of the student but his shifting to Karachi without seeking a transit remand from a court of law was also illegal.

According to sources privy to the development, the plea for Imdad's release was withdrawn on Tuesday.

Baloch students being picked up is a longstanding issue in Pakistan and a briefing paper released by the International Commission of Jurists in 2020 stated that the UN Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances had "received 1,144 cases of allegations of enforced disappearances from Pakistan between 1980 and 2019, with a particularly large number in 2015-16, of which some 731 remained unclarified as of the end of 2019".

In a recent press release that sounded the alarm over the frequent reports of abductions of Baloch people, Hina Jilani, chairperson of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), said: “The state must understand that it cannot expect to resolve the legitimate grievances of the Baloch people if it is not prepared to let these grievances see the light of the day.”

In 2020, an Al Jazeera report cited data collected by non-governmental organisation Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and said that at least 5,000 people had been subjected to enforced disappearances in Balochistan in the last 20 years.

Express Tribune
Minister vows to beef up security of Chinese

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah has assured Chinese Charge d’ Affaires Pang Chunxue of enhanced security measures for protection of the Chinese nationals in Pakistan.

The assurance was held out at a meeting during which the two sides agreed to improve Pakistan-China relations and discussed issues of mutual interests.

They agreed to improve liaison between the interior ministry and the Chinese embassy to improve security of Chinese citizens.

Mr Sanaullah earlier expressed grief over the loss of lives of the Chinese nationals in Karachi University blast and assured her that the culprits would be awarded exemplary punishment. Coordination between the Centre and the federating units was being improved to prevent recurrence of such terror incidents, he added.

He said Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif considered China as Pakistan’s most reliable friend. “The coalition government under the leadership of PM Shehbaz Sharif would take Pak-China relations to a new height, and no internal or external conspiracy to harm them will be allowed to succeed,” he added.

He said the government was utilising all available resources to ensure effective security of the Chinese nationals in Pakistan.

Ms Pang lauded government’s efforts for taking extraordinary care of the Chinese citizens and expressed the hope that investigation into the KU blast would lead to arrest of all the culprits. About CPEC, she said it was a symbol of Pak-China friendship.

Published in Dawn, May 11th, 2022
KARACHI: Police on Wednesday released another CCTV footage related to the Karachi University (KU) blast which shows female suicide bomber Shari Baloch along with her kids, ARY News reported.

The attack which killed at least four people including three Chinese teachers who were working for the Confucius Institute at the University of Karachi was carried out by a female suicide bomber of a banned terror organisation.

The first CCTV footage, released in the case, showed the suicide bomber reportedly meeting her husband along with children at a private hotel located in Karachi’s Shahrai-e-Faisal.

The video shows the suicide bomber with a black bag that was used by her in the blast in KU. According to the investigation sources, the room was booked under the name of Shari Baloch’s husband and Iftikhar.

Karachi police chief Ghulam Nabi Memon has formed a high-level team to probe the attack.

According to the notification, the DIGP of the Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) was appointed as the Convener of the four-member investigation committee while SSP Malir Irfan Bahadur, SSP East Abdul Rahim Sheerazi and SSP AVCC Zubair Naseer will be members of the team.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari vowed on Saturday that the government would not rest till it had given "exemplary punishment" to the perpetrators of the suicide attack inside Karachi University last month, in which four people, including three Chinese nationals were killed.

Addressing a condolence reference in Islamabad, he said the country was shocked and saddened at the terrible loss.

"We fully condemn this cowardly act and we will never forgive the enemies of Pakistan-China all-weather strategic partnership. We will also not allow anyone to harm our iron-clad friendship. The sacrifice of both Chinese and Pakistanis in nurturing our bonds of brotherhood will not be in vain."

Bilawal pledged that authorities would do everything in their capacity to provide maximum security and ensure the safety of the Chinese in Pakistan. "You are our guests and we are determined to ensure your safety and comfort in our country.

"To the families of those who perished, our entire nation grieves with you. While we cannot bring back the departed, we will not rest until we have given exemplary punishment to the perpetrators of this heinous act," he vowed.

The foreign minister said that Pakistan-China ties were time-tested and the countries would face every challenge together and emerge stronger.

The suicide attack at Karachi University had been carried out using the rights of the Baloch as an "excuse", he said.

"I know that every Pakistani is proud of our hospitality and gives importance to caring for friends. Not only do we know this [but] we're also known for this internationally. Neither a Sindhi Pakistani nor a Baloch Pakistani can ever tolerate the terrorism that is directed at our guests."

In the last decade, Pakistanis saw that citizens were targeted using religion, he said, iterating that Baloch rights were used as an "excuse" for carrying out the terror attack at the university.

"These people left their homes to come here and educate our people. This attack happened not only on those individuals but on Pakistan-China friendship as well. Now, it is the responsibility of every Pakistani to proceed on this issue as if it was an attack on our own brothers and sisters.

"Together, we have to ensure that we do not tolerate such terror attacks. We will ensure that the families of these people and our public get justice."

The country would succeed in its fight against terrorism and show the world that those who believed that they could attack Pakistan-China friendship would not succeed, he pledged.

On April 26, a woman, later identified as Shari Baloch, detonated herself as a van carrying staff members was about to enter the Confucius Institute at the Karachi University.

A spokesperson for the university had identified three of the deceased as Chinese nationals — Confucius Institute Director Huang Guiping, Ding Mupeng and Chen Sai. The fourth victim was the van's driver, Khalid.

Another four people were injured in the attack.

The banned Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) had claimed responsibility.

The Karachi University attack was the third terrorist attack on Chinese citizens on Pakistani soil in a year.

President Dr Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had separately visited the Chinese embassy later and assured officials that Pakistan would leave "no stone unturned" to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and bring the elements involved in the incident to justice.

Investigators prepare sketch of alleged female facilitator in KU blast

KARACHI: Investigators have prepared a sketch of an alleged female facilitator in the Karachi University suicide blast that targeted Chinese teachers, ARY NEWS reported.

According to details, the sketch has been prepared by experts with the help of eyewitnesses and the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) have appealed to the citizens to help them find the woman.

The investigators are doubtful if the alleged woman facilitator met the female suicide bomber accidentally or with a purpose. Some officials believe the woman approached the female bomber for monetary assistance in a similar way she previously had approached a man asking Rs500 from him.

“The woman herself or someone from her family should voluntarily come forward if she is not guilty of any wrongdoing,” they said.

Police have previously released another CCTV footage related to Karachi University blast which shows an alleged facilitator of the female suicide bomber Shari Baloch.

The attack which killed at least four people including three Chinese teachers who were working for the Confucius Institute at University of Karachi, was carried out by a female suicide bomber of a banned terror organisation.

Now, police have released another footage related to the the incident which shows another woman meeting the suspected suicide bomber and possibly handing over her a bag.The footage shows the suspected suicide bomber reaching the department in an auto-rickshaw and then standing at a distance when the other burqa-clad woman, who was already standing there approaches her, communicates something and woman hands over a bag.

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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif held a "comprehensive" telephone call with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Monday during which he affirmed the government's "firm resolve" to fast track China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.

A handout released by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) said PM Shehbaz expressed the government's resolve to fast track ongoing and new CPEC projects which had "immensely contributed to the socio-economic development of Pakistan".

He highlighted the need for both sides to work together and enhance cooperation between the relevant agencies of the two countries in order to fully operationalise special economic zones (SEZs) at as soon as possible.

"While recalling Pakistan-China sister-city partnerships, the prime minister expressed his desire to learn from the experience of those Chinese officials who have remained instrumental in setting up SEZs in their provinces," the handout said.

PM Shehbaz also expressed his commitment to working with renewed zeal and enthusiasm in tandem with China, especially on projects of strategic significance for both the countries, such as the ML-1 project.

He thanked the neighbouring country for its firm support to "Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and national development and reaffirmed his government’s unwavering support to China on all issues of its core interest."

The two leaders also discussed bilateral matters in detail, agreeing that Pakistan and China would not allow anyone to harm the long-standing partnership between the two countries.

'Govt determined to take steps for enhanced security of Chinese citizens'

During the phone call, PM Shehbaz also offered his condolences to the government and the people of China over the deaths of three Chinese scholars in a suicide blast at Karachi University on April 26.

"The prime minister strongly condemned the terrorist attack and reaffirmed Pakistan’s firm resolve to hold [a] thorough investigation, to apprehend the perpetrators of this criminal act and to bring them to justice in accordance with our laws," the statement said.

He also reiterated that Pakistan attached the highest importance to the safety, security and protection of all Chinese nationals working in Pakistan on economic projects and institutions and assured Premier Li that the government was determined to take the necessary measures for their enhanced security and safety in Pakistan.

Emphasising people-to-people contacts, PM Shehbaz also conveyed the sentiments of the families of Pakistani students wanting to return to China to resume their studies.

"Premier Li assured the prime minister of China’s readiness to enhance economic cooperation, expand trade and encourage greater investments from China to Pakistan," the PMO statement said.

PM Shehbaz and Premier Li shared the view that the "Pakistan-China all-weather strategic cooperative partnership" must continue to serve the vital interests of the peoples of the two countries, as well as the broader interests of peace and stability amid the evolving regional and global milieu.

To this end, the two leaders agreed to enhance the momentum of exchanges to take bilateral cooperation to even higher levels, the statement said.

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Chinese teachers flee Pakistan over safety fears

Tutorial centers teaching Chinese have been closed down all over the country and all Chinese staff has left.

Very shameful!
Police arrested a would-be suicide bomber who planned to blow herself up near a convoy of Chinese nationals along the China Pakistan Economic-Corridor (CPEC), a police statement said.

Monday's arrest came two weeks after a woman suicide bomber blew herself up on a university campus in Karachi, killing three Chinese teachers and their Pakistani driver.

Police arrested the militant in Balochistan province that borders Afghanistan and Iran, the statement said.

She belongs to the outlawed Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), which has started using women militants as suicide bombers, police said.

"The woman wanted to target a convoy of Chinese nationals," police said, adding the attack was planned along a route of China Pakistan Economic-Corridor (CPEC).

Police recovered explosives and detonators from the woman and investigated her, revealing her plans to target Chinese nationals.

The Karachi suicide bomber was also a member of the BLA, the police statement said.

China is a close Pakistan ally and the CPEC is $65 billion-plus investment in infrastructure in Pakistan, part of Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative to seek road and sea trade routes to connect with the rest of the world.

Balochistan is home to a deep-water port in Gwadar city, which Beijing is developing under the CPEC.

Islamabad also blames arch-rival neighbouring India for backing the insurgents in Balochistan.

Express Tribune
Chinese teachers flee Pakistan over safety fears

Tutorial centers teaching Chinese have been closed down all over the country and all Chinese staff has left.

Very shameful!

They have lost confidence in the security forces as they keep interfering in politics rather than doing their job of providing security
Foreign terror cells active in Balochistan: official

ISLAMABAD: The Balochistan government revealed on Wednesday that cells operating from the Gulf region and Europe were sponsoring terrorist networks in the province, especially by recruiting women.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, Balochistan government spokesperson Farah Azeem Shah said the Counterterrorism Department (CTD) had arrested a woman named Noor Jehan and her accomplice during an operation in Turbat on Monday.

The spokesperson said it had been revealed that anti-state elements were operating from abroad, not only to sponsor subversive activities in Pakistan but also to train terrorists and supervise terror acts in the country.

Ms Shah said Noor Jehan had revealed during investigation that she and her accomplice were paid members of the Majeed Brigade, a lethal guerilla cell of the banned Balochistan Liberation Army. They were arrested by the CTD Makran Range after a tipoff from intelligence units.

A suicide jacket, six hand grenades, Kalashnikov rifles and explosive material were recovered from them during the raid.

The spokesperson said an FIR was filed against the accused while a court had granted her seven-day remand.

“The arrested woman has made revelations regarding the BLA activities and the wife of one Aslam alias Uccho was training women to become terrorists,” the spokesperson said, adding: “Aslam alias Uccho has already been killed and now his wife Yasmeen is training women to become terrorists.”

She said Noor Jehan had revealed the names of Waheeda, Fehmida and Hameeda, who were part of the BLA network and were trained for suicide bombing.

She said that foreign hands were involved in the recent wave of terrorism in Pakistan. “Terrorist attacks are being carried out at the behest of some people in the United Kingdom and others residing in Gulf countries.”

“India and its intelligence agency RAW want to destabilise Pakistan. Some other countries are also willing to destabilise Pakistan,” Ms Shah said.

“Those who care for the cause of Balochistan should return home to truly serve the people here,” she said. “Real Baloch cannot use their women for terror attacks.”

Terror financing case registered against husband of KU female suicide bomber

A terror financing case has been registered against Hebtan Bashir, the husband of the female suicide bomber Shari Baloch, who had blown herself up outside the Confucius Institute in Karachi University on April 26.

Four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed and four others sustained injuries in the suicide attack carried out by Shari.

In a major development regarding the investigation of the suicide blast, a case under charges of terror financing has been filed against Bashir and others on the complaint of Inspector Sanaullah at the Counter-Terrorism Department's (CTD) police station.

According to the police officials, Bashir and other accused in the case are still untraceable.

Meanwhile, more CCTV camera footage of Shari and her husband, showing their movement in their Gizri apartment have surfaced.

It could seen in the video that on April 25, Baloch left her flat at 10:15am to carry out the suicide blast on Chinese nationals but returned home upon failing to do so.

Who was Shari Baloch?
Shari belonged to a family with an educated background and was pursuing an MPhil degree.

Speaking during Geo News' programme "Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath", correspondent Wajid Baloch presented an analysis and said that the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) Majeed Brigade had claimed responsibility for the suicide attack.

The host went on to say that the organisation used a female suicide bomber for the first time. Talking about Shari's family, Wajid had said her family was "unaware of her activities". However, the family confirmed her identity through a picture published by the Majeed Brigade.

Shari belonged to the Kech District in Balochistan's Turbat area and was married to a doctor. She moved to Karachi along with her husband for higher education and last visited the Kech District for her sister's wedding. She was also a government school teacher.

Wajid further said Shari's father was a registrar at the University of Turbat.

While sharing the details of investigations into the Karachi University suicide bombing with a visiting Chinese delegation, the Sindh police chief on Monday disclosed that an “important suspect” had been taken into custody.

In April, a suicide bomber blew herself up outside KU’s Confucius Institute killing three Chinese teachers and their local driver.

On Monday, a 13-member Chinese delegation, led by a Chinese counterterrorism official, called on Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and discussed with him security measures for Chinese nationals working in Sindh and the progress on the probe into the KU attack.

The Chinese delegation members included Consul General of China in Karachi Li Bijian, police counsellor in Chinese Embassy Li Qingchun, cyber security technical expert Ma Jingchao, Shanghai police authority expert Pei Lianxi and others.

Briefing on the progress of the case, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Ghulam Nabi Memon said that technical and ground sources had been utilised for an in-depth investigation into the case.

He added that with the efforts of the intelligence team of the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD), an “important accused” had been arrested.

The delegation informed the CM that they were technically strengthening the CTD and Special Branch of the Sindh police.

The CM said that the data collected by the police showed that 3,637 Chinese nationals were working on eight projects relating to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Sindh.

He added that 3,361 personnel, including 1,500 policemen, 517 army personnel, 173 Rangers, 28 FC personnel and 1,143 private security guards had been deployed on their security.

According to the CM, there are 21 government sponsored non-CPEC projects, including in NED University and KU, and 194 private sponsored projects, where 2,879 Chinese were working.

Mr Shah said that his government was also providing them security.

The meeting was attended by Chief Secretary Sohail Rajput, Home Secretary Saeed Mangnijo, CTD head Imran Yaqoob Minhas and Special Secretary to CM Rahim Shaikh.

China appreciated on Wednesday the arrest of key suspect involved in the terrorist attack at the Confucius Institute in the University of Karachi (CIUK) by the Pakistani authorities and reiterated its continued firm support for Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian told his regular briefing that Beijing paid close attention to the progress in Pakistan’s investigation into the terrorist attack in April this year, and appreciated the Pakistan’s positive efforts.

“It is hoped that the Pakistani side will continue to make every effort to find out the truth, punish the perpetrators, resolutely crack down on terrorist organisations involved in the case, and ensure the safety of Chinese projects, personnel and institutions in Pakistan,” he said.

Zhao noted that further investigation into the attack was still under way. “The Chinese side would continue to firmly support Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts and provide a more secure environment for China-Pakistan cooperation,” he added.

Express Tribune
Eyewitness identifies suspect in KU suicide attack
Extraordinary security arrangements were made in the city court on the occasion of the identity parade

A witness, during an identity parade in the judicial magistrate's court, has identified an accused involved in the suicide attack on Chinese nationals at University of Karachi (KU).

Extraordinary security arrangements were made in the city court on the occasion of the identity parade.

The eyewitness who was injured in the attack identified the accused Dad Bakhsh amid 10 dummy suspects. He said that the accused Dad Bakhsh had come to KU before the attack. Investigation officer Inspector Fayyaz Qadri said that the accused conducted the reconnaissance of the van carrying Chinese teachers before the suicide attack.

Special anti-terrorism court handed over the accused Dad Bakhsh to CTD on a three-day physical remand.

Dad Bakhsh was produced before Special Court No. 4 in Karachi Central Jail, Anti-Terrorism Complex.

Investigation officer Qadri said that CTD has registered another case against the arrested accused Dad Bakhsh. He said that on the identification of the accused, grenades and explosives were recovered from Gulshan-e-Iqbal Katchi Abadi. A case of recovery of explosives has been registered against the accused.

Express Tribune
Terror financing case registered against husband of KU female suicide bomber

A terror financing case has been registered against Hebtan Bashir, the husband of the female suicide bomber Shari Baloch, who had blown herself up outside the Confucius Institute in Karachi University on April 26.

Four people, including three Chinese nationals, were killed and four others sustained injuries in the suicide attack carried out by Shari.

In a major development regarding the investigation of the suicide blast, a case under charges of terror financing has been filed against Bashir and others on the complaint of Inspector Sanaullah at the Counter-Terrorism Department's (CTD) police station.

According to the police officials, Bashir and other accused in the case are still untraceable.

Meanwhile, more CCTV camera footage of Shari and her husband, showing their movement in their Gizri apartment have surfaced.

It could seen in the video that on April 25, Baloch left her flat at 10:15am to carry out the suicide blast on Chinese nationals but returned home upon failing to do so.

Who was Shari Baloch?
Shari belonged to a family with an educated background and was pursuing an MPhil degree.

Speaking during Geo News' programme "Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Sath", correspondent Wajid Baloch presented an analysis and said that the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) Majeed Brigade had claimed responsibility for the suicide attack.

The host went on to say that the organisation used a female suicide bomber for the first time. Talking about Shari's family, Wajid had said her family was "unaware of her activities". However, the family confirmed her identity through a picture published by the Majeed Brigade.

Shari belonged to the Kech District in Balochistan's Turbat area and was married to a doctor. She moved to Karachi along with her husband for higher education and last visited the Kech District for her sister's wedding. She was also a government school teacher.

Wajid further said Shari's father was a registrar at the University of Turbat.


Howan educated person can commit a suicidal attack is beyond me. How can a person with Mphil self loathe so much that she felt dying and killing is better than living. It's a deranged mentality
A Chinese national was killed while two others sustained injuries after an unidentified man attacked them inside a clinic in Saddar area of Karachi while posing as a patient, ARY NEWS reported.

According to SSP South Asad Raza, the attacker came while disguised as a patient and remained inside the clinic for a longer period.
Chinese citizen killed, two injured in gun attack in Karachi’s Saddar area: police

A Chinese national was shot dead and two others were injured on Wednesday afternoon after an unidentified assailant opened fire inside a dental clinic in Karachi’s Saddar area, a police official said.

Speaking at the scene of the crime, SSP South Asad Raza told reporters that one person was killed and two people were injured who were shifted to a hospital for treatment. He confirmed that the three were Chinese people.

He told Dawn.com that at around 4:05pm, an unidentified person posing as a patient came to the private dental clinic of Dr Richard Hu near Preedy Street and sat in the waiting area for tooth treatment.

“After about 15 to 20 minutes, he entered the clinic area and opened fire on Dr Richard Hu, his wife Mrs Phen Teyin and Ronald Raymond Chou with a 9mm pistol,” he said.

“The assailant was wearing a red cap and was clad in dark blue trousers and shirt,” Raza elaborated, continuing that the suspect managed to escape from the crime scene with help of his accomplice who had parked his motorbike around the corner of Preedy Street towards M.A. Jinnah Road.

As a result of the firing, Dr Richard and Phen Teyin sustained bullet injuries, while Ronald, who was their employee, passed away on the spot.

“Reportedly, Dr Richard H is running a private clinic in this area of Karachi for more than 40 years and the three victims held dual nationality of China and Pakistan,” the official added.

Raza said that the police responded to the emergency in time and cordoned the area for the collection of evidence. “The CCTV of the clinic and nearby shops have been obtained and is being processed for identification of the assailant.”

Geo-fencing of the area was also undertaken to obtain important clues about the incident, he said. The investigation of the incident will be carried out by the Counter-Terrorism Department.

“At this stage, the motive of the incident remains unclear whether the victims were targeted owing to personal reasons or it was a terrorist attack,” opined SSP Raza, adding that further investigation was underway.

Meanwhile, CTD DIG Asif Aijaz Shaikh told Dawn.com that nothing conclusive about the possible motive could be said at the moment.

He said that a team of CTD investigators was at the spot and probing the incident, adding that the findings would be shared with the media later.

Another CTD official, Raja Umer Khattab, said that the incident appeared to be a targeted killing carried out after a proper reconnaissance.

“Mostly Chinese [people] who came on a visa and are affiliated with projects have been targeted in the past. But the Chinese dentist has been living in the country for the last 50 years and has become a Pakistani now,” he said.

They were attacked as they were an “easy” target, Khattab added.

Police surgeon Dr Summaiya Syed told Dawn.com that at around 4:38pm, Ronald Raymond Chou, 32, was brought dead to the Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi. He had suffered two fatal bullet injuries on his neck and back.

Dr Syed said that two others — a man and a woman — were taken to the Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Centre in an injured state.

The police surgeon said the condition of both the injured foreigners was critical as they had suffered bullet wounds in their abdomen.

Both were provided initial treatment at Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Centre and after completion of medicolegal formalities, she said, adding that they were later shifted to the Aga Khan University Hospital for further treatment.

Asif, a neighbour of the Chinese couple who also owns a clinic in the area, said that the injured couple had children who live abroad, while Dr Hu’s brother, who is also a dentist, runs a clinic in another area of the city.

Meanwhile, the deceased man working as a “cashier-receptionist” was also a relative of the couple, he said.

Asif added he saw that the assailant wore a ‘red cap’ and fled on a parked motorbike. At the time of the incident, around 12-15 persons including staff were present inside the clinic, he said.

Taking notice of the incident, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah directed the chief secretary of Sindh to prepare a report on the firing and immediately arrest the perpetrators.

In a tweet, he condemned the incident and expressed sorrow over the death of the Chinese citizen. “Such incidents are intolerable. The security of Chinese residents should be ensured in every way,” Sanaullah added.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also condemned the attack and expressed regret over the death.

He ordered that the investigation be completed immediately and the culprits brought to justice. “Such cowardly and intolerable attacks cannot create cracks in Pakistan-China friendship, which is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the seas,” Bilawal said.

Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah also took notice of the killing, according to a spokesperson.

The CM sought a detailed report from the Karachi Additional IGP. Shah also ordered the immediate arrest of the attackers and observed that such incidents were not tolerable, according to the official statement.

This incident is the latest in the recent spate of attacks on Chinese nationals in the country. In April, three Chinese nationals were killed in a suicide attack outside the University of Karachi’s (KU) Confucius Institute.

A year earlier, a suicide bomb attack at a luxury hotel hosting the Chinese ambassador in Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan, killed four and wounded dozens. The ambassador was unhurt.

In July last year, a bus carrying engineers to a construction site near a dam in northwestern Pakistan was hit by a bomb, killing 13 people including nine Chinese workers.

Chinese citizen killed, two injured in gun attack in Karachi’s Saddar area: police

A Chinese national was shot dead and two others were injured on Wednesday afternoon after an unidentified assailant opened fire inside a dental clinic in Karachi’s Saddar area, a police official said.

Speaking at the scene of the crime, SSP South Asad Raza told reporters that one person was killed and two people were injured who were shifted to a hospital for treatment. He confirmed that the three were Chinese people.

He told Dawn.com that at around 4:05pm, an unidentified person posing as a patient came to the private dental clinic of Dr Richard Hu near Preedy Street and sat in the waiting area for tooth treatment.

“After about 15 to 20 minutes, he entered the clinic area and opened fire on Dr Richard Hu, his wife Mrs Phen Teyin and Ronald Raymond Chou with a 9mm pistol,” he said.

“The assailant was wearing a red cap and was clad in dark blue trousers and shirt,” Raza elaborated, continuing that the suspect managed to escape from the crime scene with help of his accomplice who had parked his motorbike around the corner of Preedy Street towards M.A. Jinnah Road.

As a result of the firing, Dr Richard and Phen Teyin sustained bullet injuries, while Ronald, who was their employee, passed away on the spot.

“Reportedly, Dr Richard H is running a private clinic in this area of Karachi for more than 40 years and the three victims held dual nationality of China and Pakistan,” the official added.

Raza said that the police responded to the emergency in time and cordoned the area for the collection of evidence. “The CCTV of the clinic and nearby shops have been obtained and is being processed for identification of the assailant.”

Geo-fencing of the area was also undertaken to obtain important clues about the incident, he said. The investigation of the incident will be carried out by the Counter-Terrorism Department.

“At this stage, the motive of the incident remains unclear whether the victims were targeted owing to personal reasons or it was a terrorist attack,” opined SSP Raza, adding that further investigation was underway.

Meanwhile, CTD DIG Asif Aijaz Shaikh told Dawn.com that nothing conclusive about the possible motive could be said at the moment.

He said that a team of CTD investigators was at the spot and probing the incident, adding that the findings would be shared with the media later.

Another CTD official, Raja Umer Khattab, said that the incident appeared to be a targeted killing carried out after a proper reconnaissance.

“Mostly Chinese [people] who came on a visa and are affiliated with projects have been targeted in the past. But the Chinese dentist has been living in the country for the last 50 years and has become a Pakistani now,” he said.

They were attacked as they were an “easy” target, Khattab added.

Police surgeon Dr Summaiya Syed told Dawn.com that at around 4:38pm, Ronald Raymond Chou, 32, was brought dead to the Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi. He had suffered two fatal bullet injuries on his neck and back.

Dr Syed said that two others — a man and a woman — were taken to the Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Centre in an injured state.

The police surgeon said the condition of both the injured foreigners was critical as they had suffered bullet wounds in their abdomen.

Both were provided initial treatment at Jinnah Post-Graduate Medical Centre and after completion of medicolegal formalities, she said, adding that they were later shifted to the Aga Khan University Hospital for further treatment.

Asif, a neighbour of the Chinese couple who also owns a clinic in the area, said that the injured couple had children who live abroad, while Dr Hu’s brother, who is also a dentist, runs a clinic in another area of the city.

Meanwhile, the deceased man working as a “cashier-receptionist” was also a relative of the couple, he said.

Asif added he saw that the assailant wore a ‘red cap’ and fled on a parked motorbike. At the time of the incident, around 12-15 persons including staff were present inside the clinic, he said.

Taking notice of the incident, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah directed the chief secretary of Sindh to prepare a report on the firing and immediately arrest the perpetrators.

In a tweet, he condemned the incident and expressed sorrow over the death of the Chinese citizen. “Such incidents are intolerable. The security of Chinese residents should be ensured in every way,” Sanaullah added.

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also condemned the attack and expressed regret over the death.

He ordered that the investigation be completed immediately and the culprits brought to justice. “Such cowardly and intolerable attacks cannot create cracks in Pakistan-China friendship, which is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the seas,” Bilawal said.

Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah also took notice of the killing, according to a spokesperson.

The CM sought a detailed report from the Karachi Additional IGP. Shah also ordered the immediate arrest of the attackers and observed that such incidents were not tolerable, according to the official statement.

This incident is the latest in the recent spate of attacks on Chinese nationals in the country. In April, three Chinese nationals were killed in a suicide attack outside the University of Karachi’s (KU) Confucius Institute.

A year earlier, a suicide bomb attack at a luxury hotel hosting the Chinese ambassador in Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan, killed four and wounded dozens. The ambassador was unhurt.

In July last year, a bus carrying engineers to a construction site near a dam in northwestern Pakistan was hit by a bomb, killing 13 people including nine Chinese workers.


Senseless attack.

Is the BLA responsible again?
Police on Thursday registered a case against the outlawed Sindhudesh People’s Army, said to be a coalition of Sindhi and Baloch separatist outfits, for attacking Chinese dentists in Karachi’s Saddar area on September 28, police officials said.

Dr Richard Hu and his wife Phen Teyin were injured while their employee, Ronald Raymond Chou, was killed on Wednesday when an unidentified assailant opened fire inside a clinic near Preedy Street.

According to Senior Superintendent (South) Asim Raza, the victims held both Canadian and Pakistani nationalities.

The senior officer told Dawn.com today that the Counter-Terrorism Department has registered a case on behalf of the state at the Preedy police station on murder and terrorism charges against the SPA, who had claimed responsibility for the attack through social media.
It was the kind of attack Pakistani authorities had dreaded.

A highly educated female suicide bomber killed three Chinese teachers in Karachi in April along with their local driver, targeting nationals from Pakistan's most important partner and seeking to undermine a relationship on which Islamabad's financial survival largely depends.

The blow threatened a major segment of Beijing's Belt and Road infrastructure initiative, a $65 billion network of roads, railways, pipelines and ports in Pakistan that will connect China to the Arabian Sea and help Islamabad expand and modernise its economy.

Terrorists claimed responsibility for the attack after a young, educated mother from a well-to-do family blew herself up in an assault captured on CCTV and broadcast on local news channels.

In a video on social media, the terrorists warned China to leave Pakistan or face further carnage.

Even though months have passed since the attack, the authorities remain deeply worried.

"Attacks on the Chinese nationals and projects in Pakistan are of grave concern for the government," the interior ministry said in a statement to Reuters last week, adding that the government was in active pursuit of such militant outfits.

China is involved in major mining and infrastructure projects in the resource-rich province of Balochistan, including the deep-water Gwadar port, all part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

At the start of the video issued by terrorist group Baloch National Army (BLA), a masked gunman addresses China. Speaking in English he says: "President of China ... you still have time to get out of Balochistan, otherwise you will be taken out of Balochistan in such a way that you will never forget."

Shortly afterwards, schoolteacher Shari Hayat Baloch, 30, is filmed walking in a park with her young son and daughter and later addressing the camera in combat fatigues.

Concerns in Beijing

A team of Chinese officials travelled to Pakistan to assist in investigations, the interior ministry said, a sign of the seriousness Beijing attaches to the attack. The visit has not been previously reported.

The Chinese officials supported Pakistan's counter-terrorism forces in areas such as CCTV footage enhancement and data retrieval from cell phones, the ministry said.

The team left in late August after spending nearly two months trawling through tens of thousands of data files, according to four sources directly involved in the probe. The leads they found helped Pakistani authorities zero in on the main suspect in the university attack, who was arrested in July.

China's foreign ministry did not reply to queries from Reuters. It has previously condemned the April 26 attack and asked that Pakistan punish the perpetrators, protect Chinese citizens and prevent such incidents from happening again.

Read more: Resolution condemns Karachi University attack

Security for Beijing's interests in Pakistan will be on the agenda during a visit by Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to China this week, where he will be one of the first leaders to meet President Xi Jinping after he secured a third term in office.

Path to suicide

Hayat - a science teacher who had a masters degree in Zoology - was planning to enrol in a second masters degree at the time she detonated explosives in her rucksack as a minivan carrying the three Chinese teachers drove by, police said.

The four officials involved in the probe said interviews with dozens of students, friends and relatives indicated that her path to radicalisation began at the university in Quetta through the Baloch Students Organisation (BSO).

"It may be difficult to know exactly what provoked her to join the armed struggle," said an undated counter-terrorism department report on Hayat seen by Reuters.

"However, she remained a member of the Baloch Students Organisation Azad in her student life," it said.

Unlike the broader BSO, its breakaway faction BSO Azad is banned by authorities who see it as an extreme wing of the Baloch campus movement.

Also read: KU attack bid to derail CPEC: Alvi

Two BSO officials contacted by Reuters declined comment.

BSO Azad remains underground, and Reuters was unable to contact any of its senior leaders for comment. The BLA, also a banned organisation, did not respond to e-mailed requests for comment.

Two members of staff at Quetta University confirmed to Reuters that Hayat had been active in the BSO Azad when she studied Zoology there from 2011 to 2014. They declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the subject.

One of them recalled that the man Hayat later married, Habitan Baloch, was a leading figure in BSO Azad at the time.


The four officials said another influential figure in Hayat's life appeared to be Karima Baloch, a leading Baloch activist who featured in the BBC's list of 100 inspirational and influential women in 2016.

Karima moved to Canada that year after saying she had received threats in Pakistan. Her body was found in the waters off Toronto in late 2020.

Toronto police have said they believed Karima's death to be a non-criminal matter.

According to two of the Pakistani investigators, as part of brainwashing, the wife of a slain former leader of the BLA spent time with Hayat and introduced her to families of people who had disappeared or whose bodies were found after they had gone missing.

On the day of the Karachi attack, Habitan, a dentist, tweeted that he was "beaming with pride" at what his wife had done.

The post has since been removed and Pakistani authorities say they do not know the whereabouts of Habitan or the couple's children. Reuters could not reach him via his social media profiles or relatives.

Hayat's father, Mohammed Hayat, a retired civil servant, told Reuters: "In our families, everyone talks about the resistance, that's a normal thing. I never knew that she could ever have extremist inclinations."

Pakistan has long blamed old enemy India for supporting the insurgency. India, which has fought wars with both Pakistan and China, denies the charge.

Key suspect

The four officials said that China's data analysis helped lead investigators to a man they say played a key role in coordinating the Karachi attack.

Dad Bukhsh, a 26-year-old terrorist wanted by authorities for suspected involvement in previous attacks on Chinese targets, travelled from Karachi to the Afghan city of Kandahar in December, 2020, according to the officials.

There he received training in bomb making and armed combat and met several leaders of the Baloch insurgency who were in neighbouring Afghanistan at the time, the officials added.

Afghanistan's ruling Taliban, who were fighting their own insurgency against Western forces at that time, declined to comment on Bukhsh's activities. Reuters could not independently verify his alleged role in the April bombing.

According to two of the sources, Bukhsh returned to Karachi in July, 2021, and began to scope out the KANUPP nuclear plant, which is being expanded with Chinese technology and manpower and was considered a potential target for attack.

The interior ministry did not respond to a question on any potential KANUPP attack.

When the facility proved inaccessible, Bukhsh was invited by a BLA operative to meet Habitan, who communicated to him that the new target was to be Chinese teachers at Karachi University, the sources involved in the probe said.

Bukhsh enrolled in an English language course in a campus adjacent to the university in order to trace their daily movements.

In January, Hayat arrived in Karachi from Balochistan, and she and her husband moved from property to property over the following weeks as they prepared for the attack.

On April 24, two days before the bombing, Habitan and Bukhsh left the city and went to Balochistan, according to the officials. Bukhsh returned to Karachi soon after making an alibi that he wasn't in the city on the day of the attack.

Murtaza Wahab, an adviser to the provincial government in Sindh, said a joint team of counter-terrorism and intelligence agencies worked on different leads that resulted in Bukhsh's arrest in the city in July.

Police have filed charges against Bukhsh in an anti-terrorism court, government prosecutor Zulfikar Ali Mahar told Reuters. He is in custody, and does not yet have a lawyer. Reuters was not able to contact him.

Bukhsh will be tried on terrorism charges for killing Chinese nationals and launching an attack against the state's interests, Mahar said, adding, "We are waiting for the court to give us a date to start his trial."
'I am deeply concerned about security of Chinese people in Pakistan,' Xi tells Sharif

President Xi Jinping on Wednesday expressed "deep concern" over the security of Chinese nationals working in Pakistan on the CPEC projects and sought "reliable and safe environment" for them during his talks with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, who is here on his maiden visit to bolster the all-weather friendship.

Sharif, who arrived here on Tuesday night on a two-day visit, held wide-ranging talks with Xi during which they agreed to strengthen the all-weather friendship and the USD 60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

"I am deeply concerned about the security of Chinese people in Pakistan and hope that Pakistan will provide a reliable and safe environment for Chinese institutions and personnel going to Pakistan for cooperation," Xi told Sharif in their meeting at the ornate Great Hall of People here, according to an official statement here.

Sharif is the first Head of the State to felicitate Xi on his recent record victory as General Secretary of the once-in-a-five-year Congress of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC), a privilege accorded only to party founder Mao Zedong.

This is the second time in about two months Xi expressed concern over the recurring attacks on Chinese nationals working in Pakistan by the Baloch Nationalist Army and other militant groups that oppose the Chinese investments in the troubled province under the CPEC.

India has objected to China over the CPEC as it is being laid through the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Sharif met Xi last month on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit at Samarkand in Uzbekistan.

In the Samarkand meeting, Xi had called for providing solid protection for hundreds of Chinese working on the CPEC projects.

With recurring attacks on its workers, China is reportedly pressing Pakistan to permit the Chinese security agencies to provide security for their personnel which, according to press reports, Islamabad is resisting as it meant boots on the ground for Chinese armed forces.

A joint statement issued later said both sides "expressed satisfaction with the close cooperation, trust and communication between the armed forces of the two countries".

"Underscoring that stronger strategic defence and security cooperation between China and Pakistan is an important factor of peace and stability in the region, the two sides agreed to maintain high-level mil-to-mil visits and exchanges and deepen cooperation in areas of training, joint exercises and military technology," it said.

While there was no reference to the Kashmir issue in the lengthy statement issued by China on Xi's meeting with Sharif, it figured in the joint statement.

"The two sides reiterated that a peaceful and prosperous South Asia is in the common interest of all parties. They emphasized the importance of resolving all outstanding disputes through sincere dialogue," the joint statement said.

"The Pakistani side briefed the Chinese side on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir. The Chinese side reiterated that the Kashmir issue was a dispute left from history that should be properly and peacefully resolved based on the UN Charter, relevant UN Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements," it added.

India has previously rejected third party intervention on the Kashmir issue, saying that matters related to the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir are entirely its internal affairs.

The joint statement said that China and Pakistan expressed their opposition to the "politicisation" of the issue of counter-terrorism, days after India indirectly hit out at them for blocking its efforts to blacklist Pakistan-based key conspirators of the terror attacks on its soil who continue to remain "protected and unpunished" there.

In his meeting with Sharif, Xi, who is expected to be in power for his life like Mao and accorded priority to China's ties Pakistan in his last 10 years with the CPEC, said China and Pakistan are "good friends, good partners and good brothers" and they demonstrated "iron-clad friendship" by supporting each other in a "chaotic world".

"China has always viewed China-Pakistan relations from a strategic height and long-term perspective, and has always placed Pakistan in priority in our neighbouring diplomacy," he said.

China is willing to work with Pakistan to enhance all-round strategic cooperation, accelerate the construction of a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future in the new era, and inject new impetus into the all-weather strategic cooperation partnership between China and Pakistan, he said.

He said both sides should make good use of the mechanism of the Joint Cooperation Committee of the CPEC to promote the construction of the projects more efficiently and build it into a high-quality development demonstration project of the BRI.

Recent reports said China is deeply unhappy over the inordinate delays of the CPEC projects which Sharif says will be accorded priority to complete with new deadlines.

"We should accelerate the construction of supporting infrastructure of Gwadar Port, and give play to the role of the port in radiating and driving the development of regional connectivity," Xi said.

The CPEC connects Xinjiang with Pakistan's strategic Gwadar port in Balochistan.

"Both sides should make joint efforts to create conditions for the early implementation of the upgrading and reconstruction project of Mainline No. 1 railway line and the Karachi ring railway project," Xi said.

The Mainline No. 1 railway line refers to the Karachi-Peshawar rail line, which the previous Imran Khan government was not keen on as it was estimated to cost about USD 10 billion, increasing Pakistan's debt burden.

According to reports from Pakistan, Sharif is expected to make a case for Beijing to provide more help for his government to shore up the balance of payments position to avert a crisis similar to Sri Lanka.

The International Monetary Fund said Pakistan's total non-Paris Club bilateral debt currently stands at about USD 27 billion, of which Chinese debt is about USD 23 billion.

Pakistan's state-run APP news agency reported that in his meeting with Sharif, Xi announced 500 million yuan (USD 70 million) as relief for the victims of recent floods in Pakistan. China earlier announced USD 70 million in aid for flood relief.

On his part, Sharif told Xi that the world cannot live without China.

"The world cannot live without China, and no force can contain China's development in isolation. It is believed that President Xi Jinping's foresight will not only continue to lead China to create more brilliant achievements, but also lead the world to a brighter future," the Chinese statement quoted Sharif as saying.

"I am very honoured to be one of the first foreign leaders invited to visit China after the successful convening of the landmark 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which fully demonstrates the deep 'iron-clad' friendship between Pakistan and China," Sharif said.

He also said Pakistan firmly pursues the One-China Policy, firmly supports China's position on issues of core interests such as Taiwan, Xinjiang and Hong Kong.

After the talks, Xi held a welcome banquet for Sharif in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People.

Read more at:
Suspected terrorist planning to target Chinese doctor in Hyderabad arrested in Karachi: CTD

The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of Sindh police claimed on Thursday to have arrested a suspected terrorist who allegedly intended to kill a Chinese doctor in Hyderabad and was associated with the perpetrators of a similar attack on Chinese dentists in Karachi in September.

A statement by the CTD spokesperson, the department’s personnel and a federal intelligence agency conducted an operation in Karachi’s Gulistan-i-Jauhar after receiving information about the suspect’s presence in the area.

They subsequently arrested a member of banned Sindh Revolutionary Army (SRA), identified as Afzal **** alias Aafi, the statement said, adding that a 30-bore unlicensed pistol along with a 5-round magazine and a motorcycle were seized from his possession.

The CTD said the suspect had admitted during interrogation that he had been in contact with SRA chief Zulfiqar Khaskheli, who was in Germany.

Khaskheli was providing financial assistance to **** and it was with the money sent by him that the latter had bought weapons and the motorcycle, according to the statement.

The CTD said **** had completed the recce for killing the Chinese doctor in Hyderabad but was arrested before carrying out the attack.

A case had been registered and a probe was launched against him, the CTD added.


China has demanded a “thorough investigation” after five of its nationals and one Pakistani were killed in an attack on a convoy in Bisham tehsil of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Shangla, according to the regional police chief and a station house officer (SHO).

Reuters quoted Mohammad Ali Gandapur, the regional police chief, as saying that a suicide bomber rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into a convoy of Chinese engineers which was on its way from Islamabad to their camp in Dasu.

“Five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver were killed in the attack,” Gandapur said.

The provincial police had reached the spot and launched relief operations. The rest of the people in the convoy have been protected, Gandapur said.

Bisham SHO Bakht Zahir, while talking to Dawn.com, also confirmed that the incident claimed six lives, of which five were Chinese engineers and one was a Pakistani.

He said it was a “suicide blast” and the authorities concerned were collecting evidence. Security arrangements were tightened at the spot and the bodies were being shifted to a hospital, he further said.

“We will investigate from where and how the vehicle of a suicide bomber came and how it happened,” the SHO said.

Rescue 1122 station head Sheraz Khan said that the bodies were being shifted to the Bisham Tehsil Headquarters Hospital.

The rescue official said that after the blast, the vehicle with the Chinese passengers fell into a gorge and caught fire. A rescue team then reached the spot and put out the fire, he added.

Dr Rehmat Ali, a spokesperson at the Dasu project, told Dawn.com that the Chinese nationals were identified as four men and a woman, adding that their bodies were being taken to Islamabad.

China’s embassy demanded investigations into the attack.

“The Chinese embassy and consulates in Pakistan have immediately launched emergency work, demanding that the Pakistani side conduct a thorough investigation into the attack, severely punish the perpetrators and take practical and effective measures to protect the safety of Chinese citizens,” the embassy said in a statement.

In July 2021, 13 people, including nine Chinese nationals, were killed when a coach carrying them to an under-construction tunnel site of the 4,300-megawatt Dasu hydropower project fell into a ravine in the Upper Kohistan area after an explosion.

Although the Foreign Office had initially termed the incident an accident, the government later said traces of explosives had been found, with the information minister at the time saying “terrorism could not be ruled out”.

In November 2022, an anti-terrorism court in Hazara awarded the death sentence to two men after convicting them for planning the attack.

Recent terrorist incidents dastardly acts targeting internal security: ISPR​

A statement from the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said that the Bisham incident and other recent terrorist incidents in Turbat and Gwadar were “dastardly acts aimed at destabilising the internal security situation”.

“The whole nation stands in solidarity with our Chinese brothers and unequivocally condemns this cowardly act.

“Strategic projects and sensitive sites vital for Pakistan’s economic progress and the well-being of its people are being targeted as a conscious effort to retard our progress and sow discord between Pakistan and its strategic allies and partners, most notably China.

“Certain foreign elements are complicit in aiding and abetting terrorism in Pakistan, driven by their vested interests. Despite the veneer of innocence, these elements are being continuously exposed as sponsors of terror,” the ISPR said.

It added that such “heinous acts of violence” against innocent civilians, foreigners and the armed forces would not deter the resolve of the Pakistani people, security forces and the country’s partners to “root out the menace [of] terrorism from our country”.

“Pakistan, as the frontline state against terror, remains perhaps the only nation directly confronting the international terrorist enterprise with absolute steadfastness and full resolve of the state.

“With the unwavering support of the resilient nation and our iron-clad ally China, we will ensure that all those involved in aiding terrorism, directly or indirectly, are held accountable and find their due comeuppance. Together we will prevail over adversity and evil,” the ISPR concluded.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Office (FO) also said Pakistan strongly condemned the heinous act of terrorism and said the country would take “all necessary measures to bring the terrorists and their facilitators to justice”.

It added that “such dastardly acts cannot dent the resolve of Pakistani nation to fight against the scourge of terrorism.”

The FO said the attack was orchestrated by the “enemies of Pakistan-China friendship”, reiterating that the government would “resolutely act against all such forces and defeat them”.

“The people and government of Pakistan stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our Chinese friends in this difficult time and extend sincere condolences to the families of the Chinese nationals killed in the attack.

“Pakistan and China are close friends and iron brothers. The life and safety of Chinese nationals in Pakistan is of paramount importance. Pakistan will continue to work with our Chinese brothers in ensuring the safety and security of Chinese nationals, projects and institutions in Pakistan,” the FO concluded.
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RIP ..

But which PM visits the embassy ? Is Pakistan a colony?
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday visited the Chinese embassy to covey condolence over the killing of five Chinese nationals in a terrorist attack in Bisham, and assured a swift and high-level probe into the incident.

The prime minister, in an interaction with the Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zaidong sympathised with the bereaved families of the slain Chinese nationals, a PM Office press release said.

He assured the Chinese side that the government would hold a high-level and swift probe into the attack and take the culprits and facilitators to the task. The prime minister also conveyed his condolatory message to the Chinese president and premier.

“We will not let such nefarious attempts to undermine the Pak-China friendship succeed. The enemies of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor have again tried to interrupt it through such cowardly attempt but the enemy will never succeed in its evil designs,” the prime minister remarked.

He also reiterated the country’s resolve to continue fighting against terrorism till its complete eradication. The Chinese ambassador thanked the prime minister for visiting the embassy and showing personal interest in the investigation of the incident.

He also appreciated the prime minister’s determination to maintain Pak-China friendly ties.

Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, Information and Broadcasting Minister Attaullah Tarar and Special Assistant to PM Tariq Fatemi accompanied the prime minister.

Another 5 Chinese nationals killed in Pakistan.

Well, we all knew uncle Xi would have trouble in Pakistan, all the best to the CPEC..