[VIDEO] Islamists destroy billboards of Samsung Mobile in Karachi over allegedly blasphemous QR code


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Dozens of Islamists belonging to extremist Barelvi organisation Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) unleashed mayhem in the mobile market of Karachi, Pakistan, after rumours of an alleged blasphemy against the company. The protestors tore down the billboards of Samsung in the mobile market in the city and indulged in vandalism after they heard that the company has committed ‘blasphemy’ against Islam.

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 54.930%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/rlodgf" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

The protests were not limited to the mobile market as billboards in several locations across the city faced the ire of the angry TLP members.

Initial rumours circulating about the incident said that Samsung had introduced a QR code on its devices which is blasphemous. Following this, the Islamists took to the streets of Karachi and started attacking the company’s billboards.

However, later on, a new rumour started circulating that the ‘blasphemy’ was committed by an employee of Samsung Mobile who had given a ‘blasphemous’ name to his WiFi network.

While nobody is sure what was the exact ‘blasphemy’ that was committed, it hasn’t stopped TLP extremists from creating mayhem on the streets of Karachi venting their anger against Samsung Mobile.

Blasphemy by QR codes is not something new in Pakistan
Last year on December 31, a Pakistani man threatened American behemoth Pepsi for printing a QR code with the name of Prophet Muhammad on its 7UP bottles.

The man threatened a Pepsi company’s truck driver with dire consequences if the QR Code on a 7 UP soft drink bottle is not removed by the company. On enquiring, the man, who identified himself as Mulla, insisted that the QR code is actually the name of Prophet Muhammad and if the company does not remove the logo he will burn the truck.

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I hate such people with venom. They are like a curse and the filth of the planet. Self proclaimed spokespeople for over 2 billion people they don't realize that there are many views within Islam. There are many scholars within Islam from different schools of thought who get on very well with each other. What they want is the highest form of oppression by threatening people to agree with their brand of Islam.
I hate such people with venom. They are like a curse and the filth of the planet. Self proclaimed spokespeople for over 2 billion people they don't realize that there are many views within Islam. There are many scholars within Islam from different schools of thought who get on very well with each other. What they want is the highest form of oppression by threatening people to agree with their brand of Islam.

That is exactly what western developed countries have been doing throughout history , if you do not agree they will blast you , difference though is the number of people killed .
That is exactly what western developed countries have been doing throughout history , if you do not agree they will blast you , difference though is the number of people killed .

I don't see your point. Come again. What have western countries been doing?
Pakistani Man Accuses Soft Drink Company of Blasphemy, Threatens Pepsi To Remove ‘QR Code’ That Exhibits Prophet Muhammad’s Name on 7UP Bottle (Watch Video)
According to the man, a QR code has been printed on the 7UP bottles that contain the name of Prophet Muhammad. The man can be heard threatening to burn the company's truck if they don't remove the 'QR codes'.

Watch video here:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d2Hmubw7Ovk" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This is the reason why Pakistan is known as a nation where extremism is rife and where people are killed over religious beliefs in the dozens. This blasphemy monster has become so big that it has consumed the whole of Pakistan and anyone can kill anybody over blasphemy and the killer would be branded a hero! The government nor the military establishment is willing to confront this monster but rather they support such outfits for their geo-politics aims. These are the reasons why no company wants to do business in Pakistan and the this is also the reason why we are on global terror blacklists!
if this was done for any other reason than religious conviction these people would be sectioned.
So does anybody know what was blasphemous in the QR code? Or is it ok for mobs to riot in the name of religion without confirming the truth of the allegations?
Any reason OpIndia is being shared ? It’s a propaganda website - unapologetic about it as well.
Ok just checked on FB , people are boycotting it even after Samsung issued an apology, I’m sure Samsung didn’t know a QR code would have those words.
Both India and Pakistan are full of snowflakes who are leading the subcontinent in the race to the bottom.
And than we cry about islamophobia.

Wonder what the samsung hq people would be thinking that muslims can be triggered by qr codes now
I don't see your point. Come again. What have western countries been doing?

Throughout history they have exploited other weaker nations , in congo more than a million hands were chopped off. Iraq was destroyed , everyday Palestine people are killed etc.
This is the reason why Pakistan is known as a nation where extremism is rife and where people are killed over religious beliefs in the dozens. This blasphemy monster has become so big that it has consumed the whole of Pakistan and anyone can kill anybody over blasphemy and the killer would be branded a hero! The government nor the military establishment is willing to confront this monster but rather they support such outfits for their geo-politics aims. These are the reasons why no company wants to do business in Pakistan and the this is also the reason why we are on global terror blacklists!

I want to know one thing , is your issue with only religious killings or political killings as well.
Throughout history they have exploited other weaker nations , in congo more than a million hands were chopped off. Iraq was destroyed , everyday Palestine people are killed etc.

Nothing new. Might has always been right.
Such waste of space of this country. Mulla thugs and blasphemy law are among the biggest curse of this nation, along with corruption, illeteracy and poverty.
Both India and Pakistan are full of snowflakes who are leading the subcontinent in the race to the bottom.

Jobless morons who never did anything productive in their lives want every to suffer like them.
I hate such people with venom. They are like a curse and the filth of the planet. Self proclaimed spokespeople for over 2 billion people they don't realize that there are many views within Islam. There are many scholars within Islam from different schools of thought who get on very well with each other. What they want is the highest form of oppression by threatening people to agree with their brand of Islam.

To add to it, these same guys are the biggest munafiqs among us.

Watch them in their day to day lives and how do they deal with others and how honest are they with their work responsibilities?

Milawti. Rishwat khores, haram khores, liars, cheaters, deceivers, wife beaters, back biters, unhygienic, filthy life style, law breakers, doing injustice to others, I mean, you name it and you will find plenty of them in these “Aashiqs”.
To add to it, these same guys are the biggest munafiqs among us.

Watch them in their day to day lives and how do they deal with others and how honest are they with their work responsibilities?

Milawti. Rishwat khores, haram khores, liars, cheaters, deceivers, wife beaters, back biters, unhygienic, filthy life style, law breakers, doing injustice to others, I mean, you name it and you will find plenty of them in these “Aashiqs”.

....and if and when possible they would all crawl to the west then have affairs with white ladies too. Then there love for Islam goes out the window in fact they would volunteer to insult Islam to gain British and American citizenship. There stink is worse then a toilet...they have no knowledge of traditional Islam and it's lofty teachings. Followers of illiterate Mullah's all they have to offer is violence by targeting anyone who has different views.
If these religious nuts are not crushed with an iron fist, a country eventually turns into a basket case.
Reminds me of when goats and cows with scared symbols on them have sold for lakhs and crores in India :warner

I've also heard from a Christian friend that the donkey has a cross on its back because it was used to carry baby Jesus :apology