[VIDEO] Madhya Pradesh boy brutally hits a girl who refuses to marry him


First Class Star
Jun 4, 2017
In Madhya Pradesh a boy has brutally beaten up a girl while another shameless person keeps recording the brutality. No matter how stringent laws are made until there is a change in mindset such things keep happening. Boys should be taught from a young age to respect women.

*** Graphic violence warning ***

<div style="width: 100%; height: 0px; position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%;"><iframe src="https://streamable.com/e/spbzbv" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"></iframe></div>

I may be wrong but such things seem to be more common in the hindi heartland.
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Coward. Hitting a girl like that over a silly issue.

A lot of people go overboard with love/rejection.
All she did was ask for marriage. What a vile human being this guy is.
That guy is an animal. Should be jailed and beaten in prison.

It is also a lesson for the ladies. Do not get involved in premarital relationships. Definitely do not fall in love with animals like this guy.
Man Seen In Video Thrashing Teen Gets A Bulldozer Visit In Madhya Pradesh

The home of a Madhya Pradesh man, who brutally thrashed a 19-year-old teen on camera over refusing to marry him, has been razed with a bulldozer, the police said.

Pankaj Tripathi, 24, was seen in the viral video slapping the woman, grabbing her hair and slamming her into the ground head-first. He then kicks her in the face and all over her body. The assault happened at Rewa district.

Tripathi was arrested from Uttar Pradesh's Pradesh's Mirzapur on Saturday night, the police said.

The district administration today sent a bulldozer to demolish his home. The machine went to work, supported by a large group of policemen, till the house was completely levelled.

Tripathi made a living by driving. His licence has been cancelled now. A local policeman has also been suspended for not taking action against Tripathi on time.

In the assault video, the woman appears unconscious from the attack. Tripathi then tried to steady her on her feet while instructing his friend, who was recording the video, to delete the footage.

The woman was seen lying unconscious for hours on the side of the road. She was taken to a hospital by local later.

The police said Tripathi allegedly got furious when she refused to marry him.

Short man syndrome. He took his anger on a 50 pound girl. Hopefully he gets in the hands of Girl's father and brothers.
I am not a fan of the bulldozer action as more often than not it is misused. But happy for once.
Man Seen In Video Thrashing Teen Gets A Bulldozer Visit In Madhya Pradesh

The home of a Madhya Pradesh man, who brutally thrashed a 19-year-old teen on camera over refusing to marry him, has been razed with a bulldozer, the police said.

Pankaj Tripathi, 24, was seen in the viral video slapping the woman, grabbing her hair and slamming her into the ground head-first. He then kicks her in the face and all over her body. The assault happened at Rewa district.

Tripathi was arrested from Uttar Pradesh's Pradesh's Mirzapur on Saturday night, the police said.

The district administration today sent a bulldozer to demolish his home. The machine went to work, supported by a large group of policemen, till the house was completely levelled.

Tripathi made a living by driving. His licence has been cancelled now. A local policeman has also been suspended for not taking action against Tripathi on time.

In the assault video, the woman appears unconscious from the attack. Tripathi then tried to steady her on her feet while instructing his friend, who was recording the video, to delete the footage.

The woman was seen lying unconscious for hours on the side of the road. She was taken to a hospital by local later.

The police said Tripathi allegedly got furious when she refused to marry him.



Make an example out of him.
Any man who can beat a woman like he did is a coward and should be given the same in return but 10x worse.

Too many men raise their hands against women, not just in India but around the world.
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I am not a fan of the bulldozer action as more often than not it is misused. But happy for once.

The guy should be permanently locked up before he hurts another girl like that. Bulldozer should not be the only punishment given to him.
I am not a fan of the bulldozer action as more often than not it is misused. But happy for once.

His house is probably a dump. How does this bring justice in any way?
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often i get annoyed at feminists for hating on men, then u see something like this and your like they are pbly right. who in their right mind reacts like this, dude deserves to get stomped on the head himself.

also, how can someone make a video and think its ok to just stand as an observer? the dude making the video would be as culpable if she died or as is pbly the case, has some long term mental problems now.

That guy is an animal. Should be jailed and beaten in prison.

It is also a lesson for the ladies. Do not get involved in premarital relationships. Definitely do not fall in love with animals like this guy.

i think you have to give the woman the benefit of the doubt here, u don't know whether they had premarital relations, or whether he was one way stalking or harassing her.

you also have to acknowledge that in that part of the world, marriage or no marriage, a lot of men take out their frustration on women physically.

unfortunately this is an impossible problem to fix as weak men will always look to impose themselves on those who are even weaker.
i think you have to give the woman the benefit of the doubt here, u don't know whether they had premarital relations, or whether he was one way stalking or harassing her.

you also have to acknowledge that in that part of the world, marriage or no marriage, a lot of men take out their frustration on women physically.

Yes. You are right.

If any male stalks or harasses a woman, it is the job of the father/brother/male relative to sort this out. In that part of the world, something needs to be done regarding male harassments of women. It is a serious issue. Harsher punishments are needed.
often i get annoyed at feminists for hating on men, then u see something like this and your like they are pbly right. who in their right mind reacts like this, dude deserves to get stomped on the head himself.

also, how can someone make a video and think its ok to just stand as an observer? the dude making the video would be as culpable if she died or as is pbly the case, has some long term mental problems now.

i think you have to give the woman the benefit of the doubt here, u don't know whether they had premarital relations, or whether he was one way stalking or harassing her.

you also have to acknowledge that in that part of the world, marriage or no marriage, a lot of men take out their frustration on women physically.

unfortunately this is an impossible problem to fix as weak men will always look to impose themselves on those who are even weaker.

Sadly I think this is a worldwide problem, an increasing one. But yes seems to be more common in the sub-continent, almost at times acceptable/normalised.

But even in the UK, its sadly on the rise. When England lose a football match, some estimates suggest a 50% increase in domestic violence.

Its so common, there are people reading this post who have indulged in this behaviour but will never admit it.

Imo there is only way to reduce this by giving women the tools to defend themselves..i.e some type of lethal weapon.
Oh my goodness.

That was attempted murder. He was stomping on her face.

I hope he is locked up quickly.
I blame Bollywood and other Indian shows for this also.

Bollywood makes people lovesick. I have seen people committing/attempting suicides for love. Very stupid.
Sadly I think this is a worldwide problem, an increasing one. But yes seems to be more common in the sub-continent, almost at times acceptable/normalised.

But even in the UK, its sadly on the rise. When England lose a football match, some estimates suggest a 50% increase in domestic violence.

Its so common, there are people reading this post who have indulged in this behaviour but will never admit it.

Imo there is only way to reduce this by giving women the tools to defend themselves..i.e some type of lethal weapon.

one my friends got mugged, i recommended she carry pepper spray, dno if she followed my advice. it isnt foolproof but its an excellent want to defend yourself against muggers, and guys like those in the video, but then women have to worry about revenge reprisals, so, on some level its a lose lose game if a man has decided he wants to hurt a woman.
on some level its a lose lose game if a man has decided he wants to hurt a woman.

If he decides to hurt a woman, make it very costly for him if he follows through.

The problem with today's world is there is simply not enough consequence for actions/premeditations like this. Some of these criminals deserve worse than medieval punishments.

These animals unfortunately are often not punished hard enough. In western countries, these animals are often pampered and even celebrated.
I wish I had access to this guy. I would clobber the **** so he won’t ever look at a female like that again. That girl is someone’s daughter, imagine how the parents would have felt seeing their daughter treated like that.
I blame Bollywood and other Indian shows for this also.

Bollywood makes people lovesick. I have seen people committing/attempting suicides for love. Very stupid.

No - sick people dont need a movie to make them act this way.
Video has now been hidden with a spoiler tag and warning added
I often get angry when I hear women say that "men are trash." But when I see videos like these, I can see why many women feel so negatively about men.

This was a cowardly and disgusting attack. This man should be punished severely.
one my friends got mugged, i recommended she carry pepper spray, dno if she followed my advice. it isnt foolproof but its an excellent want to defend yourself against muggers, and guys like those in the video, but then women have to worry about revenge reprisals, so, on some level its a lose lose game if a man has decided he wants to hurt a woman.

Its still rare for women to be mugged unless you are in certain areas of the world. If its a mugging to take money, purse, jacket etc, then its always best to advise to hand over the goods , instead of using such sprays, it may only lead to more danger. Of course if its sexual assault, do whatever it takes to defend yourself. Women should learn some sort of self defence. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is probably the best self defence any man or woman can learn.

In the situation of the OP, prevention is the key. We dont know the background story, they maybe cousins or related in some way. But generally parents should tell their daughters to stay away from any men who have shown any type of idiotic behaviour. If its a school person, then again use any type of self defence even if it means serious injury to your attacker. Parents should send their daughters for self defence classes but again make them streetwise so they prevent ever being in such a situation.
I blame Bollywood and other Indian shows for this also.

Bollywood makes people lovesick. I have seen people committing/attempting suicides for love. Very stupid.

I dont watch Bollywood so cant really comment further.

What we do know is women are not seen as equal humans to men in many parts. But esp in India.

Female feticide has been a huge problem in India. OF course not all in India feel this way but once a society overall decides a female baby is not needed and a boy is more valuable the problem starts right from there.
Its still rare for women to be mugged unless you are in certain areas of the world. If its a mugging to take money, purse, jacket etc, then its always best to advise to hand over the goods , instead of using such sprays, it may only lead to more danger. Of course if its sexual assault, do whatever it takes to defend yourself. Women should learn some sort of self defence. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is probably the best self defence any man or woman can learn.

she got mugged in broad daylight in a public park in London, i agree with that its always best to hand over the goods.

In the situation of the OP, prevention is the key. We dont know the background story, they maybe cousins or related in some way. But generally parents should tell their daughters to stay away from any men who have shown any type of idiotic behaviour. If its a school person, then again use any type of self defence even if it means serious injury to your attacker. Parents should send their daughters for self defence classes but again make them streetwise so they prevent ever being in such a situation.

its a very fine balancing act, more times if girls are scared they will become passive just in the hope that they can get away from a situation whilst not realising they are getting themselves in more danger.

men tend to develop their sense for danger much better simply because part of growing up is getting beaten up, for women often the first time they are subject to physical violence they will go into shock and just do anything for it to stop.

i appreciate what your saying, and yes the guy in the video is a scrawny sack of bones, but if a normal sized guy wants to hurt a normal sized girl, there is not much an unarmed girl can do even if she has some self-defense training, which is why i suggested the pepper spray.
It is also a lesson for the ladies. Do not get involved in premarital relationships. Definitely do not fall in love with animals like this guy.

Stop projecting. There is no evidence or suggestion that they were in pre marital relationship.

Heck even if they were, there is ZERO relevancy.

Trust you to have caveats even in this scenario
That is attempted murder and this man is a danger to society. He should be locked away for atleast 15 years and the bystander should get 5 years for not doing anything.

Atleast he has been arrested, in Pakistan, the aggressor would roam freely and the society would protect him (blame the woman).
Can any Indian on this forum please tell me the fascinating of bulldozing a criminals home🤣

Also, if he lived in a high rise, how would they bulldoze it?
That is attempted murder and this man is a danger to society. He should be locked away for atleast 15 years and the bystander should get 5 years for not doing anything.

That's a waste.

Use both of those fools to trail medicines before it is released to the rest of the population. Free the animals in cages and use these vile filth for all testing of medicines, shampoos, anything that requires testing before release to mainstream...