Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin feared dead after Russia plane crash


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Mar 19, 2015
Troops from Russia's Wagner mercenary group have reportedly started leaving the city of Rostov-on-Don, less than 24 hours after attempting a rebellion.

Earlier, the group's chief said he had told his fighters to return to Ukraine to avoid bloodshed.

Yevgeny Prigozhin will now move to neighbouring Belarus and charges against him and his troops will be dropped, Russian state media reports.

It signals the end of a chaotic and extraordinary day in Russia.

The Wagner Group is a private army of mercenaries that has been fighting alongside the regular Russian army in Ukraine.

Tension had been growing between them over how the war has been fought, with Prigozhin launching vocal criticisms of Russia's military leadership in recent months.

It came to a head on Saturday morning, when Wagner mercenaries crossed the border from their field camps in Ukraine and entered the southern city of Rostov-on-Don.

In developments that were breathlessly fast, they reportedly took over the regional military command and seized military facilities in Voronezh, another city further north, towards Moscow.

The fighters started to march toward the capital, prompting the Kremlin to introduced tighter security in many regions, including Moscow, where the mayor of the capital city had told residents to avoid travelling.

There were also warnings that thousands of elite Chechen troops were heading to Moscow to fight off the Wagner soldiers, if needed.

In response, President Vladimir Putin had pledged to punish those who had "betrayed" Russia.

The agreement to suddenly de-escalate the situation came on Saturday evening, after Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko held talks with Prigozhin, according to Russian TV channel Rossiya 24.

Hours later, video emerged purportedly showing Wagner troops leaving Rostov, and their leader being driven away to the cheers and handshakes of supporters.

Commenting on the day's events, Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky said the situation was "complete chaos".

"The man from the Kremlin is obviously very afraid and probably hiding somewhere, not showing himself. I am sure that he is no longer in Moscow," he said in a statement.

"He knows what he is afraid of, because he himself created this threat. All evil, all losses, all hatred - it is he who spreads it."

There were rumours that Mr Putin had fled Moscow, after flight tracking showed that two presidential planes had left the city on Saturday.

However his press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, said the president was still in the Kremlin.

Mr Peskov added that the arrest warrant for Prigozhin would be dropped and criminal case against him and his troops would be closed.

Wagner mercenaries who wish to sign a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defence can still do so, the press secretary said.

The head of the Wagner mercenary rebels is to leave for Belarus after calling off his troops' advance on Moscow
Wagner fighters have reportedly begun to leave the southern city of Rostov-on-Don where their mutiny began. Yevgeny Prigozhin and his troops will not be prosecuted, the Kremlin says.
Prigozhin had called for a rebellion against the Russian army - and his forces had captured Rostov, a major military post
President Vladimir Putin decried Prigozhin's actions as "treason" in a national TV address on Saturday
But the situation de-escalated after negotiations between Prigozhin and Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko
Security was tightened in Moscow, and the mayor told residents to avoid travelling. All mass outdoor events have been cancelled until 1 July
Some Wagner Group mercenaries will join the official Russian military after their leader called off their march on Moscow and agreed to relocate to Belarus.

Yevgeny Prigozhin stood down his troops, who were heading towards the Russian capital, saying he wished to avoid spilling Russian blood.

An attempted armed mutiny in Russia shows "real cracks" in President Vladimir Putin's authority, America's top diplomat Antony Blinken has said.

He told US media Saturday's rebellion by Yevgeny Prigozhin's Wagner fighters was a "direct challenge" to Mr Putin, forcing him into an amnesty agreement.

The deal halted Wagner's march on Moscow. The mercenaries had earlier seized two major Russian cities.

Mr Putin accused the group of treason, but all charges were later dropped.

Under the deal, Wagner fighters must return to their field bases and Prigozhin move to Russia's western neighbour Belarus, whose leader Alexander Lukashenko was involved in the negotiations.

The current whereabouts of Prigozhin, a former Putin loyalist, are unknown. He was last seen in public leaving Rostov-on-Don - one of the two southern cities where his fighters had taken control of military facilities.

Prigozhin's press service said he would answer questions from the media "when he has normal communication means", Russia's RTVI news website reported on Sunday afternoon. It provided no further details.

Meanwhile, President Putin has not been seen in public since his nationwide TV address on Saturday morning to condemn the mutiny.

On Sunday, Mr Blinken told CBS, the BBC's US news partner, that the 24-hour rebellion in Russia "raises profound questions, it shows real cracks".

Mr Blinken, who also appeared on several other US talks shows, said it was "too early" to predict what impact the mutiny could have on the Kremlin or on Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched in February 2022.

"If you put this in context 16 months ago, Putin was on the doorstep of Kyiv in Ukraine, looking to take the city in a matter of days, erase the country from the map," Mr Blinken told ABC.

"Now, he's had to defend Moscow, Russia's capital, against a mercenary of his own making."

The US diplomat added that he did not want to "speculate" on where this all could lead Russia and President Putin personally.

Russia has not publicly commented on Mr Blinken's remarks.

The BBC's Russia editor in Moscow Steve Rosenberg says President Putin does not emerge from Saturday's events looking particularly strong.

He says the Wagner group had been able to seize control of military facilities in a major Russian city with apparent ease, then push north towards Moscow.

And Prigozhin is a free man - despite trying to topple the military leadership of Russia.

Where Is Putin? Why Russia Is Quiet After Wagner Mutiny
President Putin hasn't been seen in public since denouncing the mutiny as "treason" and threatening "harsh" punishment that never transpired.

An eerie calm fell on Russia after the dramatic end to an armed uprising that posed the greatest threat to Vladimir Putin's almost quarter-century rule.
The man who led the insurrection has gone uncharacteristically quiet. The president hasn't been seen in public since denouncing the mutiny as "treason" and threatening "harsh" punishment that never transpired.

In a bewildering 24 hours, a transfixed international audience watched troops loyal to Russian mercenary Yevgeny Prigozhin advance hundreds of miles toward Moscow at breakneck speed only for him to suddenly call off the assault and agree to go into exile with all charges dropped in a late-night deal.

The rapid chain of events left the US and Europe puzzling over the political implications of a rebellion that shattered Vladimir Putin's invincible image as Russia's leader. The crisis unfolded amid bitter divisions in Russia over the faltering war in Ukraine that's the biggest conflict in Europe since World War II, as a Ukrainian counteroffensive continues to try to push Russian forces out of occupied territories.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the Wagner mercenary group's revolt was a "direct challenge" to President Putin's authority and "raises profound questions," in an interview Sunday on CBS's Face the Nation. "We can't speculate or know exactly where that's going to go. We do know that Putin has a lot more to answer for in the weeks and months ahead."

The US had intelligence several days ago that Prigozhin was plotting to take armed action against Russian defense officials, according to a person familiar with the matter.

In China, which has boosted ties with President Putin and refused to join US-led sanctions over the war, Foreign Minister Qin Gang met Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko in Beijing on Sunday to discuss international and regional issues of common interest, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

China's Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu also met Rudenko on Sunday, vowing to defend the two countries' common interests under the "complex and grim" international environment. Chinese state media had covered the uprising in Russia, while the Global Times published an article by former editor-in-chief Hu Xijin analyzing potential scenarios including regime change.

The Chinese side expressed support for the Russian leadership's efforts to stabilize the situation in the country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a website statement.

Even North Korea appeared concerned. Vice Foreign Minister Im Chon Il "expressed firm belief that the recent armed rebellion in Russia would be successfully put down" at a meeting with the Russian ambassador, North Korea's Central News Agency reported.

The US president has just been telling a press conference that the US and its allies were not involved in Wagner’s aborted rebellion over the weekend.

Joe Biden said the US coordinated with its “key allies” over the response to what was happening, saying it was “critical” they were all on the same page.

“We made sure we gave Putin no excuse to blame this on the West and to blame this on Nato," he said.

“We had nothing to do with it, this was part of a struggle within the Russian system.”

Earlier on Monday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russian authorities were investigating whether Western special services were involved, according to Tass news agency.

In his address, Biden added that he has spoken to his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, and told him the US would continue to support Kyiv regardless of what happened in Moscow.
The Wagner Group is still recruiting fighters across Russia, days after staging a mutiny that led Vladimir Putin to raise fears of civil war.

Using a Russian phone number, we called more than a dozen recruitment centres saying, if asked, that we were inquiring on behalf of a brother.

All those who replied confirmed that it was business as usual.

From Kaliningrad in the west to Krasnodar in the south, no-one believed the group was being disbanded.

In the Arctic city of Murmansk, a woman at the Viking sports club confirmed that she was still signing up fighters for Ukraine.

"That's where we are recruiting for, yes. If someone wants to go, they just have to call me and we'll set a day."

Wagner's long list of contact points are mostly based at fight clubs, including martial arts schools and boxing clubs.

Several people who picked up the phone stressed that new members were signing contracts with the mercenary group itself, not the Russian defence ministry.
These people must be really desperate if they want to join either wagner or the corruption and incompetent ridden russian military .

They won't last long on the ukraine frontline where men are being used as cannon fodder the only end result is death.

Wagner at one point was forcing troops to their deaths without ammunition their own leader claimed we sacrificed 10000 men needlessly in bakhmut.
Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin was on the passenger list of a jet which crashed killing all on board, Russia's civil aviation authority has said.

Earlier, Wagner-linked Telegram channel Grey Zone reported the Embraer aircraft was shot down by air defences in the Tver region, north of Moscow.

The jet, which was flying from Moscow to St Petersburg, was carrying seven passengers and three crew.

Prigozhin led a failed mutiny against the Russian armed forces in June.

Grey Zone said local residents heard two bangs before the crash and saw two vapour trails.

Tass news agency said the plane caught fire on hitting the ground, adding that four bodies had already been found.

The aircraft had been in the air for less than half an hour, it said.
These people must be really desperate if they want to join either wagner or the corruption and incompetent ridden russian military .

They won't last long on the ukraine frontline where men are being used as cannon fodder the only end result is death.

Wagner at one point was forcing troops to their deaths without ammunition their own leader claimed we sacrificed 10000 men needlessly in bakhmut.

Too much CNN and BBC brainwashing.

Ukraine have lost over 40k troops in the counteroffensive. Even with Nato weapons, they are being destroyed easily. The war was over a long time ago but Nato fans like you keep on living in some dreamland.
Prigozhin always had a death sentence after his mutiny. Prigozhin made Putin look week and there was no way Putin was going to let him live
When the failed coup happened in June my comment was Prighozin was not long for the world. I'm shocked it took so long for this to happen given Russians saw it as treason.
When the failed coup happened in June my comment was Prighozin was not long for the world. I'm shocked it took so long for this to happen given Russians saw it as treason.

At at time of war, its important for Russia to remain united as possible. Russia took their time to work out who will take over Wagner ,and to reassure the military contractors, they are important part of Russia.

Such news is very confusing for the west, they have no idea how to spin this.
He was always a marked man.

Dispatched with ruthless efficiency it seems.
Ive seen some videos, it seem the plane was shot out of the air.

Just after Putin told the world, the US $ is done.

This man is changing history, no wonder the liberal godless westerners are s scared of him.
According to the authorities, those on board include Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin and his second-in-command Dmitry Utkin - the man who gave the mercenary group its name.

Attention is now focused on what caused the crash.

Police have sealed off the area around the crash site and the Russian Aviation Authority has formed a special commission to look into it.

Many Russians were unsurprised when the news of Prigozhin’s reported death broke yesterday.

When Prigozhin launched a failed mutiny two months ago, he also challenged the authority of Vladimir Putin himself. And that’s something the Russian President does not forget easily.
What exactly did Putin say about the plane crash?

Here's the full transcript, provided by the Reuters news agency, of Putin's televised remarks about the plane crash which is reported to have left Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin and nine others dead.

"As for the aviation tragedy, first of all I want to express my most sincere condolences to the families of all the victims.

"It is always a tragedy.

"Indeed, if employees of the Wagner company were there, and the preliminary data indicate they were, I would like to note that these people made a significant contribution to our common cause of combating the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine, we remember this, we know it and we shall not forget.

"I had known Prigozhin for a very long time, since the start of the '90s.

"He was a man with a difficult fate, and he made serious mistakes in life. And he strove for the results he needed for himself, and when I asked him about it, for the common cause, as in these last months.

"He was a talented person, a talented businessman, he worked not only in our country, and worked with results, but also abroad, in Africa in particular.

"He was involved there with oil, gas, precious metals and stones.

"As far as I know, he just returned yesterday from Africa. He met some officials here.

"But what is quite definite - the head of the Investigative Committee reported to me this morning - is they have already begun a preliminary investigation into this event. And it will be carried out in full, and taken right to the end. There are no doubts about this.

"Let's see what the investigators say in the near future. And now, expert examinations, technical examinations and genetic ones are being carried out. This takes some time."
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Bodies and flight recorders recovered at Wagner boss Prigozhin's jet crash site

Russia says 10 bodies and flight recorders have been recovered from the scene of a jet crash presumed to have killed Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.

"Molecular-genetic tests are now being carried out," investigators say.

The plane crashed near Moscow on Wednesday, prompting speculation that a bomb or a missile was to blame.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said that he warned Russia’s Wagner mercenary chiefs Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin to watch out for possible threats to their lives, and insisted that Wagner fighters would remain in Belarus following the apparent deaths of their leaders in a plane crash.

Lukashenko, who helped broker the deal that saw Wagner fighters retreat peacefully to Belarus following their aborted rebellion in June, said at the time that he had persuaded Putin not to “wipe out” Prigozhin and his mercenary force.

Commenting on Prigozhin’s apparent death in a plane crash in Russia this week, Lukashenko said on Friday that the Wagner boss had twice dismissed concerns raised about possible threats to his life.

Lukashenko said that during the mutiny, he had warned Prigozhin that he would “die” if he continued to march on Moscow, to which he said Prigozhin had answered: “‘To hell with it – I will die'”.

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin has been confirmed dead after genetic analysis of bodies found in Wednesday's plane crash, Russian officials say.

The Investigative Committee (SK) said the identities of all 10 victims had been established and corresponded to those on the flight's passenger list.

Prigozhin's private jet came down north-west of Moscow on 25 August, killing all those on board.

The Kremlin has denied speculation it was to blame for the crash.
well it was coming . he already knew about it. Russians embrace deaths like nobody. Instead of living like Nawaz Sharif he lived like a brave life. Thats how it should be.
Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is buried in private, ending his tumultuous journey

A private burial was held for Yevgeny Prigozhin, ending a tumultuous journey from St. Petersburg street thug to Kremlin-financed mercenary leader, following a suspicious plane crash two months after his brief mutiny that challenged the authority of President Vladimir Putin.

His spokespeople said on Tuesday a service took place behind closed doors, and directed “those who wish to bid their farewell” to the 62-year-old head of the Wagner private military contractor to go to the Porokhovskoye cemetery in his hometown.

Their statement ended media speculation on where and when Prigozhin would be laid to rest, with his funeral shrouded in secrecy.

A wooden cross towered over his grave covered with flowers and two flags nearby — a Russian tricolour and a black Wagner flag.

A newly released video of Yevgeny Prigozhin purports to show the Wagner group boss in Africa addressing rumours about his wellbeing and threats to his life, just days before his death.

“For everyone discussing whether I’m alive or not and how I’m doing. It’s currently a weekend in the second half of August 2023. I’m in Africa,” Prigozhin says in the short video published by the Grey Zone Telegram channel that is linked to Wagner group.

“So for those who like to speculate about my liquidation, my private life, my work there, or anything else: everything’s fine,” Prigozhin says.

The Guardian was unable to verify the location or date of the video, which was filmed in a moving vehicle.

Prigozhin’s camouflage outfit and hat in the clip released on Thursday matched his appearance from a separate video released on 21 August, which he also claimed was filmed in Africa.

His “weekend in the second half of August” reference suggests the latest clip must have been made on 19 or 20 August, a few days before his death.

The Guardian
Wagner’s Prigozhin hailed a hero, 40 days after death in plane crash

Dozens of Russians from family to former fighters have held memorial services for Wagner mercenary group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin to mark 40 days since his death, hailing him as a hero of the people.

Prigozhin was killed when his private jet crashed on its way from Moscow to St Petersburg on August 23, two months after he led a failed mutiny on Moscow.

In the Eastern Orthodox church, it is believed that the soul makes its final journey to either heaven or hell on the 40th day after death.

Memorials also took place in Moscow and other Russian cities with dozens of Wagner fighters and everyday Russians paying their respects.

There was no coverage on Russian state television or any official tributes.

Police in Turkey are probing the death of a senior Moscow envoy found dead during a diplomatic trip.

Colleagues of Nikolai Kobrinets, 61, head of the Russian foreign ministry's department for pan-European cooperation, raised the alarm when he did not appear for a scheduled meeting on Friday morning.

He was found dead in his hotel room in Istanbul's Taksim district, with the Turkish news outlet Hurriyet reporting that the initial investigations pointed towards the diplomat dying of a heart attack.

Source: Newsweek

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