Wheat Scandal: A tale of hoarding and corruption

The Bald Eagle

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Nov 25, 2023
PTI seeks probe into wheat scandal, polls robbery in light of Kakar-Abbasi spat

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Spokesperson demanded the formation of a judicial commission to thoroughly and transparently investigate the wheat scandal and mandate theft in the light of spat between the former caretaker prime minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar and Hanif Abbasi.

PTI Spokesperson said that Kakar and Abbasi’s revelations were an eye-opener, which raised many important questions that needed to be probed to bring the main perpetrators involved in the wheat scandal and stealing public mandate to book.

He said that Kakar and Hanif Abbasi should admit their crimes because the public was deprived of their mandate through midnight robbery and the farmers bore the brunt of the mismanagement of the government despite bumper crops.

PTI Spokesperson stated that a judicial commission should be constituted keeping in view the conversation between Kakar and Hanif Abbasi to hold accountable those responsible for importing surplus wheat under the organized plan and punish the elements behind altering the election results and preparing fake Form 47 in order to return the public mandate to the real public representatives.

He said that the exchange of harsh words between Kakar and Hanif Abbasi were actually a clear confession of the characters involved in plundering national kitty and stealing the public mandate

Source: Pakistan Today
We warned people that these corrupt thugs will steal everything they can lay their hands. But even a cynic like me could never have predicted PK becoming a banana Republic in such a short space of time.
PTI seeks probe into wheat scandal, polls robbery in light of Kakar-Abbasi spat

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Spokesperson demanded the formation of a judicial commission to thoroughly and transparently investigate the wheat scandal and mandate theft in the light of spat between the former caretaker prime minister Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar and Hanif Abbasi.

PTI Spokesperson said that Kakar and Abbasi’s revelations were an eye-opener, which raised many important questions that needed to be probed to bring the main perpetrators involved in the wheat scandal and stealing public mandate to book.

He said that Kakar and Hanif Abbasi should admit their crimes because the public was deprived of their mandate through midnight robbery and the farmers bore the brunt of the mismanagement of the government despite bumper crops.

PTI Spokesperson stated that a judicial commission should be constituted keeping in view the conversation between Kakar and Hanif Abbasi to hold accountable those responsible for importing surplus wheat under the organized plan and punish the elements behind altering the election results and preparing fake Form 47 in order to return the public mandate to the real public representatives.

He said that the exchange of harsh words between Kakar and Hanif Abbasi were actually a clear confession of the characters involved in plundering national kitty and stealing the public mandate

Source: Pakistan Today
Punjab decides to cancel wheat procurement policy: sources

Sources said that a new policy has been devised over the matter and it will become a law and with that the food department’s role in wheat procurement will come to an end.

Sources said that in new policy the private sector will purchase wheat crop from farmers directly. “The government will fix the wheat price in view of the international prices of the commodity,” sources said.

All four provinces of the country will fix unanimous rate of wheat crop, sources said.

It has been hinted that the new experiment will be conducted for two years.

This will remove the burden of billions of rupees interest and storage expenditure over the food department.

Sources said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also demanded the provinces to bring their expenses down.

The food department bears a burden of 400 billion rupees in a year in this respect, sources added.

Punjab’s Finance Minister Mujtaba Shuja ur Rehman on Thursday said that the farmers have sold almost all their wheat crop to middlemen.

He said that the federal government had purchased 3.2 million metric tonnes of wheat in the caretaker setup.

“We still have 2.3 mln metric tonnes of wheat in store,” minister said.

He claimed the government’s decision didn’t harm the farmer as they have sold all their crop, and the middlemen have purchased the wheat.

“The wheat’s rate has also not drastically dropped and sold at 3,200 to 3,300 rupees per maund,” provincial minister said. “This rate didn’t harm the farmer but definitely their profit has dropped,” finance minister said.

He said that the decision of non-procurement of wheat from farmers has resulted in lower wheat price in Punjab.

Anwarul Haq Kakar dismisses allegations in wheat import scandal

Former caretaker prime minister (PM) and incumbent Senator, Anwarul Haq Kakar downplayed the wheat import scandal as a ‘storm in a teacup’.

“As time passes, people understand that there is neither a wheat crisis nor is this any scandal, an attempt has been made to create a storm in a teacup, there has been a big difference in production and demand targets in the country over the past twelve years,” Anwarul Haq Kakar said exclusively talking to ARY News.

Kakar questioned what kind of wheat scandal it is in which the commodity is becoming cheaper instead of becoming expensive.

The former caretaker prime minister said that in 2019, there was permission to import wheat under the import bill order, during the tenure of the previous government, we did not give permission to the private sector to import additional wheat, private importers imported wheat to fulfill market demand principles of supply and demand, he added.

He said that this SRO for the import of wheat was released by the PTI government, how can corruption allegations be leveled against us?

Responding to a question, Anwarul Haq Kakar said that no offer of any position had been made to him by the government, this is just media speculation.

“I, Mohsin Naqvi, and Faisal Vawda are independent members in the Senate. Our mandate has been given by our provincial members, we are representatives of the federation, neither our voter is hidden, nor the voter is unknown, nor the agenda is unknown”.

Wheat scandal: PM Shehbaz ‘approves’ probe against four officers

According to sources, the Prime Minister has appointed Secretary of Commerce, Muhammad Saleh Ahmad Farooqui, as the inquiry officer to investigate the suspended officials.

The investigation will be conducted under the Civil Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, and the suspended officials will be probed for poor planning and negligence.

Earlier, PM Shehbaz ordered the removal of four officers involved in the wheat import scandal.

The prime minister directed to suspend four officials of the Ministry of National Food Security over poor planning and negligence.

He gave nod for relevant action to be taken against former federal secretary of national food security Muhammad Asif.

Meanwhile, other officers who are to be suspended include former director general plant protection AD Abid, Food Security Commissioner Dr Wasim and Director Sohail and Punjab Director Food Security Imtiaz Gopang.

The development came after PM Shehbaz constituted a probe committee led by Secretary Cabinet Division Kamran Ali Afzal, to investigate the wheat scandal.

What is wheat scandal?

Pakistan’s wheat sector has been embroiled in a fresh controversy, with the recent import of 3.4 million metric tons of wheat by the caretaker government sparking widespread outrage and allegations of corruption. Despite a surplus of wheat in the country, the import deal has led to a staggering loss of over Rs300 billion to the national exchequer, raising questions about the government’s decision-making process and accountability.

The crisis has dealt a severe blow to Pakistan’s farming community, with wheat farmers facing significant losses due to the government’s decision to import wheat at a higher price than the prevailing market rate. The move has led to a glut of wheat in the market, causing prices to plummet and leaving farmers struggling to sell their produce at a fair price.

The opposition and farming communities have slammed the government’s decision, terming it a “wheat scam” and demanding an immediate inquiry into the matter. The government’s insistence on importing wheat despite a domestic surplus has raised suspicions of corruption and cronyism, with many questioning whose interests the government is serving.

An inquiry committee has been established to investigate the scandal and fix responsibility, but the government’s credibility is at stake. The public demands transparency and accountability, and the government must act swiftly to address the concerns of the farming community and the nation at large.

The Pakistan wheat import scandal is a stark reminder of the need for good governance, transparency, and accountability in decision-making processes. The government must take concrete steps to address the crisis and ensure that such fiascos are not repeated in the future.

Wheat worth over Rs 50mln missing from warehouse in Zhob

Wheat valued at more than Rs 50.3 million has gone missing from a food department warehouse in Zhob, ARY News reported on Tuesday.

According to authorities, the disappearance involves a total of 4,885 sacks of wheat which worth more than Rs 50.3 million.

Zafar Ali Achakzai, the in-charge of the food warehouse, has been arrested in connection with the missing wheat.

Reports indicate that Achakzai was also caught mixing soil into some of the remaining wheat bags, leading to the registration of a case against him.

In addition to the missing wheat, authorities recovered hundreds of empty sacks from the government warehouse during their investigation.

Assistant Director of the Food Department confirmed these findings, further implicating the in-charge in the fraudulent activity, meanwhile, further investigation is underway.

ARY News