Abdullah II of Jordan becomes a villain of Muslims by downing Iranian drones en route to Israel


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2023
Despite the ongoing deadly genocide in Gaza by Israel, Jordan's King chose to ally with Israel by dispatching Jordanian jets to shoot down dozens of Iranian drones flying toward Israel


From foe to ally: Jordanian Air Force downs Iranian drones en route to Israel​

Overnight footage from Jordan showcased interceptions of Iranian attack drones headed for Israel. Official sources in Amman confirmed to Reuters that Jordanian fighter jets successfully neutralized the drones.

This incident underscored the transformation of the Jordanian Air Force from a former adversary to a critical ally of Israel.

Historically, in September 1948, an Israeli pilot flying a Czech version of the Nazi Messerschmitt 109 downed a Jordanian De Havilland Dragon Rapide transport plane. The aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing in the Galilee, killing most on board. Over the years, Israeli pilots have consistently bested Jordanian aircraft, with significant engagements during the Six-Day War and subsequent skirmishes. The Israeli Air Force also obliterated dozens of Jordanian combat planes on the ground during the Six-Day War.

Despite repeated defeats, Israeli pilots respected the Jordanians for their superior flying skills compared to their Egyptian and Syrian counterparts, backed by the British who founded and equipped Jordan's air force. During the Six-Day War, Jordanian Hunter jets launched attacks on Netanya and Nahalal and even managed to destroy an Israeli Nord transport plane parked at Sde Dov Airport.

Since assisting King Hussein in quashing a Palestinian revolt in 1970, the two air forces have not engaged in combat. Even on the eve of the Gulf War in 1991, when asked about potential opposition from the Jordanian Air Force should Israel strike Iraq, the then-retired Air Force commander Avihu Ben-Nun starkly stated, "There would be no more Jordanian Air Force."

Jordan acquired F-16s after peace deal with Israel​

After the 1995 peace deal with Israel, the USA rejuvenated the aging Jordanian Air Force, which had struggled to replace its outdated jets, by supplying dozens of refurbished F-16s. The Jordanians also acquired additional second-hand aircraft from Belgium and the Netherlands, now operating 64 planes across three squadrons. Last year, they placed their first order for 12 new, advanced F-16s from Lockheed Martin. Jordan also acquired new Black Hawk helicopters.

A decade ago, Israel transferred 16 decommissioned Cobra aircraft to Jordan to bolster its capabilities against ISIS. Twelve helicopters were commissioned, with the remainder used for parts. The Jordanian Air Force has frequently targeted ISIS positions in Syria, notably in 2014 when Lieutenant Muath al-Kasasbeh's F-16 was shot down, leading to his capture and brutal murder by ISIS, which prompted a fierce Jordanian aerial retaliation.

In recent years, Jordan has continued to strike Iranian-linked drug trafficking targets in Syria. The Jordanian air defense, still relying on the decades-old Hawk missile systems now retired, intercepted the Iranian drones using their F-16s.

If rockets/drones are violating your airspace, any country will react the way Jordan did. Israel is such a tiny land- how can Jordan believe that the drones will land on target & not cause harm on the Jordanian side?
I agree. He really couldn't have done anything else. Iran put him in a difficult position.
All Arab countries are against Iran clearly. Only Subcontinent Muslims and the Muslims settled in the west are making all the noise in the media.

Nothing to do with religion - everyone knows where the money, technology and weapons (hint: it is NOT on the Iran side..)

Even Pakistan are staying out of it and retaliated with a drone strike in Iran a few weeks ago themselves. None of these countries are stupid
What any sensible country would do. Would Pakistan/India allow drones in their airspace even if it is to help a friendly country? 100 better and less risky ways to help.
All Arab countries are against Iran clearly. Only Subcontinent Muslims and the Muslims settled in the west are making all the noise in the media.

It would be more accurate to say all Arab regimes are against Iran. Do these regimes reflect the public? Difficult to say as they are generally monarchies or dictatorships.
Why is this a surprise, Jordanians been giving the Israeli's special massages for a while now.
Jordan's King is a wise man; he knows Israel is formidable and no one can challenge them in the Middle East. Also, friendship with Israel will benefit his country and citizens. There's no point in supporting a losing cause.
Iran has too many regional enemies. Even Pakistan and Iran had so much tension earlier this year with missile strikes being exchanged.
Jordan should look after whats important for their country. Just cause some xyz living in UK has the same religion as the Jordan's King means nothing. Theology doesnt help survive your country in the long run, your policies do.

The winners of WW2 were those country that choose their allies correctly. Jordan clearly doesnt want to get involved in a crises as they are standing in between.
Both Jordan and Iran are members of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the defacto Muslim world.
No it is not.

OIC has no real standing.

Worlds cannot be divided interms of religion.
Jordan should look after whats important for their country. Just cause some xyz living in UK has the same religion as the Jordan's King means nothing. Theology doesnt help survive your country in the long run, your policies do.

The winners of WW2 were those country that choose their allies correctly. Jordan clearly doesnt want to get involved in a crises as they are standing in between.
Plus Jordan has a lot to lose unlike Iran. If it allows drones on its airspace, Israel and US will consider it hostile and they could retaliate. The war can easily spillover their border and then the Jordanians will suffer. Why will Jordan stick out its neck for another country?
Beyond political/financial relationships, Jordan has to protect itself first.

This should be the case even if they're Iran's besties.

It has a responsibility to its people first and many overestimate the accuracy of the weapons that are used in such scenarios or the maturity of two warring sides with your nation caught in between.
why would Jordan support Iran or Palestine? do people not know the history of. Moreover, Jordan has made peace with Israel for a long time now. Why will they risk losing peace with its very powerful neighbor for a known terrorist supporting nation? Almost no Arab countries support Iran, only few people in subcontinent seems to enamored by them. Heck, even Iranians don't support their government.
The absence of leadership in Muslim majority countries is just shocking. All obsessed with their tiny piece of the desert, nobody with enough vision and brains to think bigger picture. Such a sad state of affairs.
All Arab countries would also be bombed to cloud cuckoo land should they dare to side with Iran. After Iran attacked Pak some weeks back I have lost all love for them. When the Arab's have no love for Palestine or any problem with Israel there is no reason why they will side with Iran. The Arab leaders want to keep their thrones nice and safe until Israel comes for them...and they will. Pak should stay completely out of this mess siding with no one. Iran should have known that they'd be owned from the air before they attacked Israel.
No sure why it is surprise. Jordanians and Palestinians have been at loggerheads forever.

Jordan wanted to absorb all of palestine (bar israel) after WW2

Then there is the black september civil war (with an assist from Pak/Zia against the palestinians)
All Arab countries would also be bombed to cloud cuckoo land should they dare to side with Iran. After Iran attacked Pak some weeks back I have lost all love for them. When the Arab's have no love for Palestine or any problem with Israel there is no reason why they will side with Iran. The Arab leaders want to keep their thrones nice and safe until Israel comes for them...and they will. Pak should stay completely out of this mess siding with no one. Iran should have known that they'd be owned from the air before they attacked Israel.
Pak will side with the highest bidder at the drop of a hat.

Black september and Zia

Pak will side with the highest bidder at the drop of a hat.

Black september and Zia

Pak will rightfully side with those who do not threaten it. After the recent skirmishes with Iran they lost our support.
Pak will side with the highest bidder at the drop of a hat.

Black september and Zia

If there's an all out war against Iran, expect the establishment to offer full support to US & Co, and complete access to the borders at the drop of a hat.

Can't blame them, green cards and pizza franchises don't come free.
Pak will rightfully side with those who do not threaten it. After the recent skirmishes with Iran they lost our support.
Sure, thats why they folded with one phone call from US over WOT. and got droned non-stop. please
Jorden should not have done that. Being a Muslim country, they should have supported Muslim brothers who are dying for no reason. They are being massacred.
These Arab countries are not Islamic anymore. They are turning more and more liberal everyday and that is why they have to support Israel for obvious reasons.
Jorden should not have done that. Being a Muslim country, they should have supported Muslim brothers who are dying for no reason. They are being massacred.
These Arab countries are not Islamic anymore. They are turning more and more liberal everyday and that is why they have to support Israel for obvious reasons.
Those Arabs are the ones aggravated the problems for palestinians.

Jordan was't all for partiton as wanted take all land which was not israel into trans jordan. They changed their mind = Arab israel war: Palestinains have been paying the price ever since

Of course Pak mercenaries helped Jordan kill more Palestinians
Those Arabs are the ones aggravated the problems for palestinians.
You are right here Arabs have escalated problems for Palestine instead of solving them. With Arab shaking hands with Israel, things have gone pretty bad for Palestine.
You are right here Arabs have escalated problems for Palestine instead of solving them. With Arab shaking hands with Israel, things have gone pretty bad for Palestine.
To some extent I'd say, Palensitnains ar paying the price fro Arab ego. Arab ego was confident of crushing israel. didnlt work out.

What might have been headache turned into a trauma for Palestinians.

Arabs could have cut of world Oil to force the issue. They don't care
Only delusional folks who believe in the "Ummah" , "Muslim brotherhood" etc. would ever find this traitorous.

All of your Pakistani leaders for instance are traitors to an extent (From Zia to Imran) . Imran had no issues building deeper relationships with the Chinese despite the Chinese treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

All Muslims in the West are traitors to for continuously working for economies that are inherently Zionist. No rationalisation on your part can justify your reasons to stay there when you speak a language of absolute binaries of traitor/loyalty.
Jordan should look after whats important for their country. Just cause some xyz living in UK has the same religion as the Jordan's King means nothing. Theology doesnt help survive your country in the long run, your policies do.

The winners of WW2 were those country that choose their allies correctly. Jordan clearly doesnt want to get involved in a crises as they are standing in between.

Last time I checked it wasn't XYZ's living in UK which drafted the Pakistani constitution. Instead of displacing the blame where it doesn't belong, you should answer as a Pakistani why your establishment has religion enshrined in it's constitution.
Sunni arab states have never gotten along well with persian Shiite iran, unfair to call jordan the enemy of all Muslims
Last time I checked it wasn't XYZ's living in UK which drafted the Pakistani constitution. Instead of displacing the blame where it doesn't belong, you should answer as a Pakistani why your establishment has religion enshrined in it's constitution.
i think it has become a culture here to bring other topics in to other threads...

Anyways, be it Pakistan, UK or whatever country, i have always been against theology being made part of the constitution.
i think it has become a culture here to bring other topics in to other threads...

Anyways, be it Pakistan, UK or whatever country, i have always been against theology being made part of the constitution.

It wasn't even bringing other topics into the discussion, you have UK Pakistanis living rent free in your head, now you are trying to blame them for the constitution of Pakistan instead of asking questions of your own establishment.
Jordan responded to the violation of its airspace by Iran. That's what sovereign countries do.
Despite the ongoing deadly genocide in Gaza by Israel, Jordan's King chose to ally with Israel by dispatching Jordanian jets to shoot down dozens of Iranian drones flying toward Israel


From foe to ally: Jordanian Air Force downs Iranian drones en route to Israel​

Overnight footage from Jordan showcased interceptions of Iranian attack drones headed for Israel. Official sources in Amman confirmed to Reuters that Jordanian fighter jets successfully neutralized the drones.

This incident underscored the transformation of the Jordanian Air Force from a former adversary to a critical ally of Israel.

Historically, in September 1948, an Israeli pilot flying a Czech version of the Nazi Messerschmitt 109 downed a Jordanian De Havilland Dragon Rapide transport plane. The aircraft was forced to make an emergency landing in the Galilee, killing most on board. Over the years, Israeli pilots have consistently bested Jordanian aircraft, with significant engagements during the Six-Day War and subsequent skirmishes. The Israeli Air Force also obliterated dozens of Jordanian combat planes on the ground during the Six-Day War.

Despite repeated defeats, Israeli pilots respected the Jordanians for their superior flying skills compared to their Egyptian and Syrian counterparts, backed by the British who founded and equipped Jordan's air force. During the Six-Day War, Jordanian Hunter jets launched attacks on Netanya and Nahalal and even managed to destroy an Israeli Nord transport plane parked at Sde Dov Airport.

Since assisting King Hussein in quashing a Palestinian revolt in 1970, the two air forces have not engaged in combat. Even on the eve of the Gulf War in 1991, when asked about potential opposition from the Jordanian Air Force should Israel strike Iraq, the then-retired Air Force commander Avihu Ben-Nun starkly stated, "There would be no more Jordanian Air Force."

Jordan acquired F-16s after peace deal with Israel​

After the 1995 peace deal with Israel, the USA rejuvenated the aging Jordanian Air Force, which had struggled to replace its outdated jets, by supplying dozens of refurbished F-16s. The Jordanians also acquired additional second-hand aircraft from Belgium and the Netherlands, now operating 64 planes across three squadrons. Last year, they placed their first order for 12 new, advanced F-16s from Lockheed Martin. Jordan also acquired new Black Hawk helicopters.

A decade ago, Israel transferred 16 decommissioned Cobra aircraft to Jordan to bolster its capabilities against ISIS. Twelve helicopters were commissioned, with the remainder used for parts. The Jordanian Air Force has frequently targeted ISIS positions in Syria, notably in 2014 when Lieutenant Muath al-Kasasbeh's F-16 was shot down, leading to his capture and brutal murder by ISIS, which prompted a fierce Jordanian aerial retaliation.

In recent years, Jordan has continued to strike Iranian-linked drug trafficking targets in Syria. The Jordanian air defense, still relying on the decades-old Hawk missile systems now retired, intercepted the Iranian drones using their F-16s.

Like grandfather like son, a traitor to the Muslim world at core. What else could one expect from them.
They are not villain actually they are mentally slaves of the west.
Jorden should not have done that. Being a Muslim country, they should have supported Muslim brothers who are dying for no reason. They are being massacred.
These Arab countries are not Islamic anymore. They are turning more and more liberal everyday and that is why they have to support Israel for obvious reasons.

All admins on the same page. Is this the official PP line?
Pakistanis on Pakistani forum are angry that Jordan helped down Iran missiles which was supposed sent to destroy Israel for their atrocities in Palestine, while forgetting their own countrymen involvement to fight Palestinian on behalf of same Jordan. Wow irony died a thousand deaths.

Pakistanis have been fighting for whoever gives them money for a long time. There is no Ummah here.
It seems that, the everyone here is not fully following the happenings of Middle east for past couple of months. Indians in PP, I understand, they have got their own agendas to undermine Iran at all cost, but why is it stopping other PP members to fully understand the geopolitics of the current MidEast.

Everyone (apart from Indians), who says that Iran is all alone in the middle east is wrong. Granted they do not have close ties with any of the other nations, but in comparisons to Israel, they are not hated or banished by other countries in the MidEast currently. After Israel attack in the Syria, Iran went to all the Muslim countries asking for support and not to provide with bases to US retaliation if Israel is attacked. They all guranteed Iran that their land will not be given for further attack on Iran. Especially Iran was waiting for Turkey's confirmation before initiating their attack on Israel.

Due to this reason, US has been suggesting Israel to drop this now and dont escalate thing any further, because they do not have any support from the rest of Middle East to launch counter attack on behalf of Israel on Iran. If the entire Middle East nations were not in this together and allowed their base to be used against Iran, Iran would not have taken any steps against Israel.

And this puts Jordan in a very tight position and all alone in the region. Especially when they did allow Israel to use their airspace to attack on Iran's consulate in Syria, inorder to bypass Golan heights where Russian defence systems are operating. This put them on odd with other nations in the region as well as it's population. They will not like this at all considering just couple of months ago Jordanian protesters formed a human chain to block trucks carrying goods to Israel.
Pakistanis on Pakistani forum are angry that Jordan helped down Iran missiles which was supposed sent to destroy Israel for their atrocities in Palestine, while forgetting their own countrymen involvement to fight Palestinian on behalf of same Jordan. Wow irony died a thousand deaths.

Pakistanis have been fighting for whoever gives them money for a long time. There is no Ummah here.

I feel the Ummah must be alive and well as Indian posters seem to refer to it on a daily basis.
The so called king of Jordan is half British & can’t even speak Arabic lol

He is a puppet . Has he ever shot down anything over his airspace launched by Israel.

The first Arab regime to fall if/when a large war breaks out
The so called king of Jordan is half British & can’t even speak Arabic lol

He is a puppet . Has he ever shot down anything over his airspace launched by Israel.

The first Arab regime to fall if/when a large war breaks out
The only Arab regimes that fall are which don’t pander to Israelis, Iraq, Libya , Egypt(Muslim brotherhood).

Arabs enjoy the economy standards set by jewish banks, they are not risking that.
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It seems that, the everyone here is not fully following the happenings of Middle east for past couple of months. Indians in PP, I understand, they have got their own agendas to undermine Iran at all cost, but why is it stopping other PP members to fully understand the geopolitics of the current MidEast.

Everyone (apart from Indians), who says that Iran is all alone in the middle east is wrong. Granted they do not have close ties with any of the other nations, but in comparisons to Israel, they are not hated or banished by other countries in the MidEast currently. After Israel attack in the Syria, Iran went to all the Muslim countries asking for support and not to provide with bases to US retaliation if Israel is attacked. They all guranteed Iran that their land will not be given for further attack on Iran. Especially Iran was waiting for Turkey's confirmation before initiating their attack on Israel.

Due to this reason, US has been suggesting Israel to drop this now and dont escalate thing any further, because they do not have any support from the rest of Middle East to launch counter attack on behalf of Israel on Iran. If the entire Middle East nations were not in this together and allowed their base to be used against Iran, Iran would not have taken any steps against Israel.

And this puts Jordan in a very tight position and all alone in the region. Especially when they did allow Israel to use their airspace to attack on Iran's consulate in Syria, inorder to bypass Golan heights where Russian defence systems are operating. This put them on odd with other nations in the region as well as it's population. They will not like this at all considering just couple of months ago Jordanian protesters formed a human chain to block trucks carrying goods to Israel.
You are right but this is only the reality for now, had the Israel aggression not going on in Gaza, the Arabs would had happily given their airspace to attack Iran.
The only Arab regimes that fall are which don’t pander to Zionists, Iraq, Libya , Egypt(Muslim brotherhood).

Arabs enjoy the economy standards set by Zionist banks, they are not risking that.

This will all change when the big war arrives .

Greater Israel includes much of their land too , it’s a slow process
The so called king of Jordan is half British & can’t even speak Arabic lol

He is a puppet . Has he ever shot down anything over his airspace launched by Israel.

The first Arab regime to fall if/when a large war breaks out

I forgot he was half British to be honest. That may be why @JaDed respects him, out of deference to the British Raj.
I forgot he was half British to be honest. That may be why @JaDed respects him, out of deference to the British Raj.
lol, I have no respect for any Arab leaders except maybe the UAE ones.

Ayotollah Khomeini was probably ten times the leaders all these other British puppets will ever be.
This will all change when the big war arrives .

Greater Israel includes much of their land too , it’s a slow process
Except West and Israel no one is prepared for war, NATO is in constant state of war and that’s the reason they are always ready.

Unless the American complex wants war badly it’s not happening.
Except West and Israel no one is prepared for war, NATO is in constant state of war and that’s the reason they are always ready.

Unless the American complex wants war badly it’s not happening.

It’s silly to think this will all sort itself out & no huge war will take place . America will bend over if Israel demands it, defending them in a war is expected
It’s silly to think this will all sort itself out & no huge war will take place . America will bend over if Israel demands it, defending them in a war is expected
And who will fight against US? Israel will get UK , France and Canada to come as well.
And who will fight against US? Israel will get UK , France and Canada to come as well.

Whoever is defending itself from Israel or Nato . USA isn’t as strong as you think it is , as shown in Hollywood. This is an era of a missiles , any destruction in the Middle East will turn into a global conflict. If Europeans & Yanks care for the future of their kids , they should stop supporting a rabid dog in Israel who is actively working to bring their prophecies to reality .
Worlds cannot be divided interms of religion.

Wait, I could be wrong but doesn't your holy book divide the world into two? I forget the name - the House of Believers and then House of War.
Wait, I could be wrong but doesn't your holy book divide the world into two? I forget the name - the House of Believers and then House of War.

It's kind of strange but the other side seem to work on the same principle. The House of NATO and the House of War. They take it a bit more literally though, I guess that makes them the real house of believers. :apology
Whoever is defending itself from Israel or Nato . USA isn’t as strong as you think it is , as shown in Hollywood. This is an era of a missiles , any destruction in the Middle East will turn into a global conflict. If Europeans & Yanks care for the future of their kids , they should stop supporting a rabid dog in Israel who is actively working to bring their prophecies to reality .
Fighting Europe and US is not just war on defence front, it’s an economic war, West understood the importance of economy, China and India understand that and hopefully Pakistanis will see it too.
Fighting Europe and US is not just war on defence front, it’s an economic war, West understood the importance of economy, China and India understand that and hopefully Pakistanis will see it too.

Economy is just another facet of war, just like bombs and propaganda. If USA and Europe could fight via economy alone, they would replace their jet fighters with banks.
Economy is just another facet of war, just like bombs and propaganda. If USA and Europe could fight via economy alone, they would replace their jet fighters with banks.
Yes they do and their institutions - IMF FATF etc etc
Yes they do and their institutions - IMF FATF etc etc
As I said - economy is one factor, no one is disputing it, my point being economy alone is clearly not enough without the bombs and the jet fighters. Otherwise why have them?
As I said - economy is one factor, no one is disputing it, my point being economy alone is clearly not enough without the bombs and the jet fighters. Otherwise why have them?
That’s fair but having an economy is what helps keep the predators at bay, S Korea, Japan, Uae- Qatar, Taiwan the list goes on ..

Intermingle the economy with west so one can also diplomatically solve issues.

Economy and innovation should be major focus for any country, they can then make defence products as needed.
That’s fair but having an economy is what helps keep the predators at bay, S Korea, Japan, Uae- Qatar, Taiwan the list goes on ..

Intermingle the economy with west so one can also diplomatically solve issues.

Economy and innovation should be major focus for any country, they can then make defence products as needed.

Korea and Japan were basically bombed into submission handing over autonomy to the USA. It's not a fate I would wish on any sovereign nation, but they did make the best of it, and I agree that innovation and economic growth has been admirable in both. That said, I am not sure either are allowed to produce weapons for self defence, or if they are they would be heavily restricted by their conquerors.
Korea and Japan were basically bombed into submission handing over autonomy to the USA. It's not a fate I would wish on any sovereign nation, but they did make the best of it, and I agree that innovation and economic growth has been admirable in both. That said, I am not sure either are allowed to produce weapons for self defence, or if they are they would be heavily restricted by their conquerors.
I agree, Americans have been sabotaging any South Korean efforts at reconciliation with North Korea. And refusing to vacate Okinawa or other Japanese areas despite countless protests by Japanese. Those 2 countries are basically still puppets.
You are right but this is only the reality for now, had the Israel aggression not going on in Gaza, the Arabs would had happily given their airspace to attack Iran.
Regardless at this moment, all the nations of Middle east have thrown their support towards Iran instead of US and Israel.

Secondly, it is true that Arabs would have happily given their airspace to attack Iran if there was no Gaza, but the thing is China have mediated between Iran and Saudi Arabia. At this moment, the Arabs have got access to Iran's economy and their weapons as well as their diplomacy on both Russia and China. They have got more to lose by supporting US - a failling power in the region, rather than Iran. So no, I don't think even without Gaza, the nations of MidEast would have allowed their base and airspace to attack on Iran.
Everyone is entitled to his opinion and i believe its a majority view among all the Muslims.

He is King of Jordan, not King of other Muslims.

His loyalty and responsibilities lie with his people.
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That’s fair but having an economy is what helps keep the predators at bay, S Korea, Japan, Uae- Qatar, Taiwan the list goes on ..

Intermingle the economy with west so one can also diplomatically solve issues.

Economy and innovation should be major focus for any country, they can then make defence products as needed.

Japan with its economy and technology can rapidly militarize and leave most countries behind in military strength.

Its only time before they do it.
The so called king of Jordan is half British & can’t even speak Arabic lol

He is a puppet . Has he ever shot down anything over his airspace launched by Israel.

The first Arab regime to fall if/when a large war breaks out

He is the King of Jordan, recognised by everyone.

His people don't think him as a puppet. I doubt Jordanians care about what you or me have to say about their leader.

The Hashemites have been a ruling family for how many centuries?
His people don't think him as a puppet. I doubt Jordanians care about what you or me have to say about their leader.

The Hashemites have been a ruling family for how many centuries?
Kings and queens is why Arabs remain without innovation.

Hashemites are easily the corrupt clan that have consistently kept their subjects dumb.
Kings and queens is why Arabs remain without innovation.

Hashemites are easily the corrupt clan that have consistently kept their subjects dumb.

Again its our opinion. We are not ruled by the Hashemites. Let his people decide his fate.
He is King of Jordan, not King of other Muslims.

His loyalty and responsibilities lie with his people.
This is something amongst Muslims.

Indians love coming on here with their holier than thou attitude to preach how Muslims should live while their own country of Hindutva India rots in filth, corruption and a new rape case ever 3 seconds.
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Last time I checked it wasn't XYZ's living in UK which drafted the Pakistani constitution. Instead of displacing the blame where it doesn't belong, you should answer as a Pakistani why your establishment has religion enshrined in it's constitution.
So you support Pakistan becoming secular and not be an Islamic Republic anymore?
This is something amongst Muslims.

Indians love coming on here with their holier than thou attitude to preach how Muslims should live while their own country of Hindutva India rots in filth, corruption and a new rape case ever 3 seconds.
You aren't from jordan ot iran either despite wanting to be one of them.

Your country is on the verge of collapse, drowns in terrorism and islamist extremism and is literally surviving on foreign loans, they begged the IMF for.
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You aren't from jordan ot iran either despite wanting to be one of them.

Your country is on the verge of collapse, drowns in terrorism and islamist extremism and is literally surviving on foreign loans, they begged the IMF for.
Pakistan has more in common with Jordan and Iran than India
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That is cause we all know what Pak leaders and politicians are like, don't we??
you also wrote this

>>Pak will rightfully side with those who do not threaten it.<<<

I mean which one is it? PAk folds when threatened by US or it will side with those who don't threaten it?
Jordan faces difficult balancing act amid row over role in downing Iranian drones

Jordan has found itself caught in the crosshairs of the confrontation between Iran and Israel, facing public anger at home and in the region for its role in downing dozens of Iranian drones targeting Israeli territory on Saturday night.

Underlying its precarious position, Amman summoned the Iranian ambassador on Sunday over comments from Tehran that appeared to threaten Jordan for joining the US-led effort to support Israel in shooting down the incoming salvo. The diplomatic summons came after Iran seemed to warn Jordan that it would face an attack of its own if it continued to defend Israel.

The Fars news agency reported that Iran’s armed forces had warned they were “carefully monitoring the movements of Jordan during the punitive attack against the Zionist regime” and that if Jordan intervened, it would be the “next target”.

Sharing a border with Israel, Jordan hosts the largest diaspora of Palestinians and has historically been considered their greatest supporter in the region. Its leaders have been highly critical of the war in Gaza, with King Abdullah publicly backing efforts to organise aid airdrops inside the territory, and his wife, Queen Rania, who has a huge audience on social media, delivering powerful speeches and statements in defence of Palestinians.

The stance is mirrored in Jordanian public opinion, with thousands of people, many of them Palestinian refugees, demonstrating outside the US embassy in Amman for almost two weeks in protest against Washington’s role in propping up Israel.

In such a climate, the military intervention over the weekend has sparked anger inside Jordan, as well as among its neighbours, with images on social media depicting King Abdullah as a traitor wearing the Israeli flag.

Iran’s foreign ministry tried to dampen the row on Monday, with its spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani playing down Amman’s involvement at a briefing in Tehran. “I am not in a position to confirm or deny Jordan’s role in intercepting these launches, and this is a military issue that the relevant authorities should comment on,” he said.

Expressing the hope that Arab countries would support what he insisted was Iran’s legitimate response to the attack on its consulate in Syria on 1 April, Kanaani added: “Our relations with Jordan are friendly and during the past months there have been continuous contacts between the officials of the two countries.”

In Amman, officials insist Jordan’s involvement was a matter of self-defence and protecting its sovereignty in its airspace. Jordan’s foreign minister, Ayman al-Safadi, a passionate diplomatic voice for Palestinians over the past six months, told local TV on Sunday that an assessment was made that there was a real danger from Iranian drones and missiles falling on Jordan, and the armed forces dealt with this danger. If the threat had come from Israel, he noted, Jordan would take the same action.

He said the root cause of the crisis still lay in Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and the Israeli refusal to accept a two-state solution.

Jordan’s pro-regime supporters issued further statements saying: “We are not Israel’s ally protector or puppet. Jordan’s actions were in line with its own security interests.”

The row prompted Jordan’s western allies to leap to its defence. David Cameron, the British foreign secretary, said: “You have to think from the Jordanian perspective, as a neighbour of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. They’re very concerned about weapons and missiles and ordnance dropping into their country. And so they take action, quite rightly, as a sovereign independent country to keep their skies clear and their people safe. But clearly the biggest part of this operation was the Israelis themselves and the defences they built up over the years.”

Nevertheless, the portrayal of the Jordanian air force in some Israeli media as an ally of the Jewish state will unnerve Amman.

A statement by the Jordanian cabinet after the Iranian attack urged the population to rely only on official sources and not on social media for its information. Jordan has implemented draconian social media laws, and there have been violent clashes between security personnel and protesters in the past couple of days, including instances of stone-throwing and arson aimed at the security forces.

Many other Arab states have stayed silent in recent days as the crisis flared, but it was reported that Kuwait and Qatar turned down US requests to use its bases to thwart the Iranian attack.

Jordan fears that Iran has its sights on the Hashemite kingdom and is quietly encouraging a mood of revolt inside Jordanian borders. The secretary general of the Muslim Brotherhood party in Jordan, Murad Adaileh, has criticised the arrest of protesters, and, in a tweet that avoided discussing Jordan’s role at the weekend, said the Iranian attack and recent events had revealed how dependent Israel was upon others for its security.

One viral picture recently showed posters carried during a demonstration addressed to the Jordanian army, calling on it to heed the calls of children and women in Gaza, or take vengeance on their enemies and free the land, adding the hashtag: “Where’s the army of al-Karamah?” The word means “dignity” and also references the name of a 1968 battle in which the Jordanian army forced the Israel Defense Forces to retreat from a retaliatory operation on Jordanian soil.

Yup. Pak got paid by Jordan for dealing with a minor problem.... I'm trying to remember what the problem... Oh, yes, it was the palestinians in jordan.
These wannabe turks and arabs lmao, everyone knows how the actual arabs treat them
This thread is not about Pakistan and India again. Please stay on topic.