Canadian parents have asked for medically assisted death for babies, doctors say


Test Captain
Jan 2, 2010
Doctors say explicit requests for MAID have come from parents involving very young children. Should it ever be granted?

They have a brainstem that will keep their hearts beating, and their lungs breathing, but there is no expectation they would ever experience thoughts or emotions or higher brain functions, said Dr. David Lysecki, a pediatric palliative care specialist. With surgery and life-support, “we can sometimes keep their body alive for years. But that child would never be able to process the outside world in a cognizant way.”

Most parents, when faced with this tragic scenario, opt not to pursue aggressive treatments to prolong their child’s life. Without interventions, the child will die slowly, over the course of weeks.

“Some families ask, ‘If they’re going to die at the end of this anyway, maybe three weeks from now, and we don’t believe they’re going to have meaningful positive experiences between then and now, why must we all have to go through this period of waiting,’” said Lysecki, division head of palliative medicine in McMaster University’s department of pediatrics.

Lysecki will explain that hastening death is not legal in Canada for children. “I reassure them that we are, and will continue to do everything that we can to ensure that their child doesn’t suffer now or as things progress,” he said.

It took 39 seconds to reinvigorate debate over medical assistance in dying on Friday, when a member of Quebec’s college of physicians told a joint House of Commons committee studying the country’s MAID law that deliberately and actively ending the life of an infant less than one would be appropriate in cases of grave malformations and where life expectancy is “basically nil.”

Dr. Louis Roy was simply reciting a statement the college put out nearly a year ago, in December 2021. After reflecting on expanding eligibility criteria for MAID, the college announced it supported the idea of newborn euthanasia in cases with a very poor prognosis and “extreme suffering that cannot be relieved.” It also supported extending MAID to 14- to 17-year-olds and encouraged more public discussion about endorsing euthanasia for seniors “tired of living.”

Euthanasia for kids?

Sounds wrong to me.
It is a very sensitive & controversial topic and in my opinion, there is no right & wrong answer because different people see it differently.

This applies to adults as well. If you have a family member in vegetable state with no hope of recovery, it might be best to let that person die in peace & give closure to the family.

Seeing your family member, your kid etc. on life-support knowing that they will never make it & they are only alive because of medical advancement is a horrible feeling & constant torture.

Also, you have to think about financial reasons. It is very expensive to keep someone on life-support & many families cannot afford to even if they want to.

It is one of these issues where the family’s choice & reasons behind the choice should be respected even if you personally disagree with it.

Very wrong. Should be illegal.

We got used to with many outrageous laws under current leftist government (legalization of marijuana, for example). Can't wait for a more sensible government to come to power and reverse some of these laws.

When Conservatives were in charge, we didn't have some of these controversial laws. They will hopefully reverse some of these.
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It is a very sensitive & controversial topic and in my opinion, there is no right & wrong answer because different people see it differently.

This applies to adults as well. If you have a family member in vegetable state with no hope of recovery, it might be best to let that person die in peace & give closure to the family.

Seeing your family member, your kid etc. on life-support knowing that they will never make it & they are only alive because of medical advancement is a horrible feeling & constant torture.

Also, you have to think about financial reasons. It is very expensive to keep someone on life-support & many families cannot afford to even if they want to.

It is one of these issues where the family’s choice & reasons behind the choice should be respected even if you personally disagree with it.

A few issues imo,

1. What if the kid wants to live but the parents dont.

2. How can we improve medicine/treatment if we cant study rare diseases in children.

3. Abuse. How can we be sure people arent killing children because of immoral reasons.
Very wrong. Should be illegal.

We got used to with many outrageous laws under current leftist government (legalization of marijuana, for example). Can't wait for a more sensible government to come to power and reverse some of these laws.

When Conservatives were in charge, we didn't have some of these controversial laws. They will hopefully reverse some of these.

Justin Trudue is a wrong un. He played the Canadians coming as some sort of lefty tree hugging peace guy but his policies suggest otherwise.

Canada no longer has free speech, free protests, freedom in general and now kids are his aim?
Justin Trudue is a wrong un. He played the Canadians coming as some sort of lefty tree hugging peace guy but his policies suggest otherwise.

Canada no longer has free speech, free protests, freedom in general and now kids are his aim?

Yeah. Things are getting quite ridiculous here. Even the visible minorities are starting to dislike his policies.

I think we may see a Conservative government next election.

Inflation is rising. There are many ridiculous laws. Crimes are increasing. Healthcare is a mess (long lines and whatnot). A leadership change is needed.
Damn. Hard place to en to make that choice. Complicated matter. Would love to hear other poodles views
Yeah. Things are getting quite ridiculous here. Even the visible minorities are starting to dislike his policies.

I think we may see a Conservative government next election.

Inflation is rising. There are many ridiculous laws. Crimes are increasing. Healthcare is a mess (long lines and whatnot). A leadership change is needed.

Hope things better for Canadians, such a beautiful country but going downhill like the UK and rest of Europe.

What is the Islamic view on Euthanasia ? Im assuming the ruling is same for both adults and kids.
Hope things better for Canadians, such a beautiful country but going downhill like the UK and rest of Europe.

What is the Islamic view on Euthanasia ? Im assuming the ruling is same for both adults and kids.

Euthanasia is not allowed in Islam (as far as I know).

Check this out:

Another reference:

God, Sublime is He, is the most merciful of all with His servants. He is even more merciful to one than one’s own mother, father, and everyone else. He says in His Quran:

And your God is one God, no God but Him the most merciful (Quran 2:163).

My mercy encompasses everything (7:156).

The verses in the Noble Quran which revolve around this meaning are numerous, and the prophetic accounts mention this concept with vibrant clarity.

A man from those who came before you suffered from a sore. When it caused him intense pain, he pulled an arrow from his quiver and lanced it. The blood did not stop flowing before he died. Your Lord said: ‘I have made Paradise forbidden for him’ (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

The body that God gives an individual is not a personal possession. No one is free to dispose of their body as they wish because it is a trust for which they will be held accountable by the Creator (Glory to Him) on the Day of Judgment.

In the Quran, God says:
And do not throw yourselves to destruction and be good for God loves the good ones (2:195).

A patient who asks his physician to end his life in one way or another is considered committing suicide (may God protect us). In their collections of authentic hadiths, al-Bukhari and Muslim related through Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of God said:

Whoever hurls himself off a mountain and kills himself will be [repeatedly] hurled into the flames of Hellfire, where he will abide eternally. Whoever drinks poison and kills himself, will be in the Hellfire eternally; his poison will be in his hand and he will drink from it. Whoever kills himself with an iron blade, the blade will be in his hands and he will stab himself in the stomach in Hellfire eternally (al-Bukhari).

As for a physician terminating the life of a patient for a reason he personally deems justifiable, it is – may God protect us! – the unlawful taking of human life. Our Lord, all praise to Him says:

Whoever kills a believer deliberately, the punishment for him is hell, and there he will remain: God is angry with him, and rejects him, and has prepared a tremendous torment for him (Quran 4:93).

Our master, the Messenger of God said:
The blood of a Muslim who testifies that there is no deity other than God and that I am the Messenger of God is not lawful [to shed] except for one of three reasons: [taking] a life for a life, a fornicator who has the means to be chaste (Ar. al-thayyib al-zani), and someone who leaves Islam and abandons the majority (of Muslims).

Based on this and in reference to the question: euthanasia in its two forms described in the question is not permissible. It is considered a major sin, as attested in a mass of Prophetic reports. It is incumbent upon physicians to know that there is no obedience to other people in a matter that constitutes a disobedience to God. Whenever a patient asks this of them, they must not accede, nor [are they to] kill another person without right.
God the Almighty knows best.

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^ Thanks.

Imo when we have very sick people, we should try tests to monitor them, to find a cure.

This can open up a can of worms, leading to legitimising murder.
Very wrong. Should be illegal.

We got used to with many outrageous laws under current leftist government (legalization of marijuana, for example). Can't wait for a more sensible government to come to power and reverse some of these laws.

When Conservatives were in charge, we didn't have some of these controversial laws. They will hopefully reverse some of these.

Its worse than I thought. This is truly disgusting!

She wanted a little help — not death.

A paraplegic former Canadian military member is ripping her government, which offered to euthanize her after she complained about delays having a wheelchair lift installed in her home.

Retired Army Corporal Christine Gauthier, who competed for Canada at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Paralympics, testified in Parliament Thursday that a Veterans Affairs Canada caseworker offered the opportunity for a medically assisted death – and even to provide the equipment, according to the CBC.

“I have a letter saying that if you’re so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying,” said Gauthier who injured her back during a 1989 a training accident.