Clear evidence of India carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan: Rana Sanaullah


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said on Tuesday that there was “clear evidence” of India carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan, adding that the government has decided to present the matter before the international community.

“We have decided to bring our stance before the world and unveil India’s face of terrorism,” he said in a press conference in Islamabad, flanked by Punjab Counter Terrorism Department Additional Inspector General Imran Mehmood.

“For decades, Pakistan has been burning in the fire of terrorism. Our mosques, imambargahs, important buildings, and gatherings have been targeted.

“Today, the matter that we are putting before you […] we have evidence of India’s involvement in it,” Sanaullah said, referring to the Johar Town blast in Lahore last year.

In June 2021, a powerful blast near the residence of Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed in Johar Town had killed three people and injured 24 others, including a police constable.

Six-year-old Abdul Haq, his father Abdul Malik, 50, and a young passerby died in the explosion that left a four-foot-deep and eight-foot-wide crater on the road and damaged several houses and shops nearby.

Days after the incident, the then information minister Fawad Chaudhry and national security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf told a press conference that the mastermind of the attack was “an Indian citizen and he is associated with [Indian intelligence agency] RAW”.

Earlier this year, Dawn reported that the Punjab CTD had claimed to have arrested the mastermind as well as the facilitator of the Johar Town bomb blast from Balochistan. They were identified as Samiul Haq and Uzair Akbar.

In the press conference today, IG Mehmood briefed on the investigation of the blast and revealed that the authorities had reached the culprits.

“Basically, at 9am on June 23, 2021, a bomb blast was reported in Lahore’s Johar Town. Three citizens were martyred and 22 were wounded in the blast. To date, no terrorist organisation has accepted responsibility for the attack,” he said.

The official recalled that the police had traced the suspect within 16 hours of the incident. “And within 24 hours we arrested three terrorists.

“The first character was Peter Paul David who was caught through [the details] of his vehicle. Sajjad Hussain, who was arrested alongside, was David’s assistant,” he said.

Ziaullah, Mehmood continued, was arrested on Peter’s identification and “we found out that he was the main culprit behind the attack”.

“Eid Gul and his wife were arrested after 5-6 days. Gul was the person who David gave the car to and he outfitted it with ammunition and bombs,” he said, adding that the video of the blast showed Gul coming out of the vehicle.

After Gul’s interrogation, the CTD was finally able to arrest Sami ul Haq, who Mehmood claimed was the main handler of the RAW-sponsored terror activities in Pakistan.

“Subsequently, we got Haq’s red warrants issued through Interpol. After that, purely on an intelligence and investigation basis, we were informed this person was entering Pakistan and we arrested him on April 22 along with his brother-in-law.”

The police official further revealed that Haq’s brother-in-law, identified as Uzair Akbar, assisted him in terror activities. “We also found out about Naveed Akhtar, who did the surveillance and selected the target.

“Naveed was a labourer in the Middle East and was in jail because he could not pay his fine. A RAW agent approached him and told him that he would pay his fine, but then, Naveed would have to engage in terror activities against Pakistan,” Mehmood said in the press conference.

He added that as soon as Naveed was arrested, several terror activities were thwarted. “When we arrested Sami ul Haq, Naveed was unaware of his arrest. Sami ul Haq told us that he was about to meet Naveed on May 10. We were then able to apprehend Naveed as well.”

As the investigation continued, Mehmood said, more RAW agents were uncovered.

“We also found out that close to a million dollars of terror financing was done through India to spread terrorism in Pakistan through different channels,” he revealed, adding that all the arrested persons have been sentenced to death three times by the court.

Mehmood also said that the CTD had clear evidence “which is undeniable about India and RAW’s involvement”.

“We are now capable of taking the matter to United Nations,” he added.

Meanwhile, Sanaullah said that the Foreign Office would, henceforth, raise this matter before the world. “India will be exposed because there is clear evidence that it is directly involved.”

He pointed out the Johar Town blast case was “complete” in which culprits were caught and substantial evidence was found. “Thus, we have decided to put it before the international community as it will have its own weight and impact.”

The minister added that the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban (TTP) had support from the RAW for terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Not sure why PML-N just woke up from slumber. They have been doing it for 15+ years via TTP and BLA.
US will have no sympathy for Pakistan after what they did to them in Afghanistan. They will not believe anything that Pakistan says. Only China can help Pakistan. Rest of them are all friends of India.
US will have no sympathy for Pakistan after what they did to them in Afghanistan. They will not believe anything that Pakistan says. Only China can help Pakistan. Rest of them are all friends of India.

Well, it's similar to why US never calls Saudis on supporting terrorism. It's about whom their interests are aligned with.
They need to present proper proof or shut up.
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar on Wednesday said that India was the 'biggest' perpetrator of terrorism.

The minister made these remarks while addressing the media in Islamabad on the actions Pakistan has taken to highlight India's state-sponsored terrorism against the country.

It is pertinent to note that a day earlier, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah had said Pakistan had “irrefutable evidence” of the involvement of the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in the blast at Johar Town, Lahore last year as three terrorists had been arrested.

She also talked about “irrefutable evidence” of the involvement of the Indian intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), in the blast at Johar Town, Lahore last year.

The minister said that the foreign ministry of Pakistan called in the diplomatic corps and shared a dossier with them, adding that the dossier has details of how India has been found to be fully behind this particular incident.

“We don’t, unlike our neighbours, go the next day and blame one country or the other. We waited till we had strong evidence before making the case that we are making today,” Khar added.

The minister furthered that Pakistan has been on the receiving end of the scourge of terrorism, adding that terrorism in all forms and manifestations is condemnable and that it poses a serious threat to peace and security.

“Yet the other country, which is the source of terrorism in Pakistan continues to play the drum of being the victim of terrorism,” the minister stated.

Khar said the Lahore incident was planned and supported by India and the main motive was to target innocent civilians in Pakistan.

“It reflects India’s persistent hostility towards my country [Pakistan] and the use of terrorist proxies to achieve nefarious objectives and we believe objectives which are actually going to harm them also,” she said.

The minister added that the masterminds and the facilitators of the incident remain at large and “under Indian state patronage and protection”.

“I can assure you that the government of Pakistan will pursue this relentlessly,” she said.

The minister added that India’s terrorist proxies continue to use neighbours’ territories and blatant support to Baloch militant organizations points to one objective which is to undermine Pakistan’s peace and security.

“No country has used terrorism better than India. To play on the back of the attention of the world on terrorism and to play the victim, no country has benefitted from it better than India,” Khar stated.

The minister further said that India portrays itself as a champion of counter-terrorism whereas it remains a country that has made no contribution to international counter-terrorism and paid only lip service.

“If you compare Pakistan and India, you will find Pakistan to always be at the forefront of counter-terrorism, of ensuring that we are a player in the world to try and make sure terrorism does not continue to haunt us,” the minister added.

Khar added that India blatantly violates international laws and regulations and continues terrorist activities and their support, facilitation, and financing.

India, a rogue state

India is a country that continues to operate as a “rogue state”, said the minister. “A country that tries to deny the existence of UNSC resolutions and insists on other countries imagining a certain part of a disputed territory as its own shows what type of a mindset this country has,” she added.

The minister then went on to say that India has been paralyzing the UNSC’s sanctions regime by blocking and listing Indian terrorists actively aided and financed by the State of India.

Khar then shared four names of Indian nationals whose listing has been blocked by India. The names included Govinda Patnaik, Parthas Arti, Rajesh Kumar, and Mr Dumgara.

Giving examples of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Balochistan the minister added, “I don’t think I need to remind anyone that India has had a role in destabilising its neighbouring countries and weakening their economies to try and pursue its hegemonic designs in the region”.

Khar added that the “frustration” of India was understandable because of Pakistan’s exit from the Financial Action Taskforce’s grey list.

“They have completely mastered the art of using international organizations for their political gains. I think they should give lessons on that type of diplomacy to the world,” the minister stated.

She added that India remains the recruiter, financier, the facilitator of various terrorist outfits and foreign terrorist fighters within the region.

The minister further said that India has now been caught “red-handed in this particular incident orchestrating terrorist attacks in its neighbouring country, Pakistan”. She said India should desist from this policy and start looking at this region as it is.

“India’s unabated slip into the abyss of terrorism is being clouded by this growing India, emerging India narrative.”

'Looking for accountability'

The minister said that the international community, particularly the UN and FATF, had the responsibility to hold India accountable for its terrorist actions.

“We are looking for accountability. The Lahore incident, for us, is a test case for the credibility and integrity of international counter-terrorism and counter-terror financing of terrorist regimes. The world must show that efforts to counter terrorism are non-discriminatory. The international conscience cannot be held hostage to what are clearly political and economic exigencies of the time.”

Khar added that the dossier has been shared with the members of the UNSC and it is also being shared with the UN secretary general, adding that “we hope that they would look into this evidence and fulfill their responsibilities.”

“If this is allowed because of India’s growing…because of what we call the exigencies of political and economic interest, we will all have to pay the price for it,” the minister concluded.

On Afghanistan

During the presser, Hina also categorically denied reports on her recent visit to Afghanistan stating that a minister of the Taliban regime had refused to meet her.

Last month, Khar led a delegation to Kabul for a one-day visit at a time when the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had called off a ceasefire agreed with Islamabad in June.

The Afghan Taliban had been facilitating peace talks between local militants and Pakistan authorities since late last year.

During her visit, Khar met with acting Afghan foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi. It was not clear whether security was discussed at the meeting.

"A range of bilateral issues of common interest including cooperation in education, health, trade and investment, regional connectivity, people-to-people contacts, and socioeconomic projects were discussed," the Foreign Office had said in a statement.

However, following her return, reports on Taliban's Defense Minister Mullah Yaqoob rejecting Pakistan's request to meet with Khar made rounds.

While addressing the media in Islamabad today, the minister said she "categorically denies" any such reports. "We accommodated as many meetings as we could in one day and no minister had denied meeting with me," she asserted.

Express Tribune
Am I missing something here? All the attacks I am hearing in the news etc seem to be happening from Afghanistan border and not Indian border.