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"Congress will bulldoze Ram Temple if it comes to power": Narendra Modi

You are talking about the old Congress type Hindus who loved Gandhi as a role model. The BJP hindutvas are taking Hinduism down a more political path and this will inevitably lead to laws enforcing more religious edicts which we are already seeing. When religion mixes with politics it is always the thin end of the wedge. As an avid student of Islam you know this very well. Education isn't a Hindu concept by the way, it is valued in most societies including Muslim, same principles apply.
The thing is when muslims and civilizational enemies start complaining about how hindus are changing for the worse, it means hindus are getting on the right path.

Hindus should worry when muslims start praising them.
You are talking about the old Congress type Hindus who loved Gandhi as a role model. The BJP hindutvas are taking Hinduism down a more political path and this will inevitably lead to laws enforcing more religious edicts which we are already seeing. When religion mixes with politics it is always the thin end of the wedge. As an avid student of Islam you know this very well. Education isn't a Hindu concept by the way, it is valued in most societies including Muslim, same principles apply.
Overwhelming majority of Hindus do not take religion too seriously even if they are religious. They may believe in their personal God, but they will not allow their faith to cloud their judgement and stay on course of education and self improvement.
You are right in pointing out that in the last few decades, we have seen the rise of muscular Hinduism. Something they did not have in the past barring a few examples. Muscular Hinduism is an organized Hinduism which tries to present a united front when faced with adversity. BJP used it to unite Hindu vote bank for political gains. Congress tries to break it into small pieces for their own game.

A super religious Hindu is someone who disengages himself from worldly pleasures and becomes a sadhu that does meditation.
A super religious Muslim is someone who will work for the spread of Islam and does whatever it takes to achieve it including taking up arms.
There lies the difference.
The thing is when muslims and civilizational enemies start complaining about how hindus are changing for the worse, it means hindus are getting on the right path.

Hindus should worry when muslims start praising them.

If I was a serious Muslim then I would be praising BJP. The fundamentalist Muslim believes with sincere faith that his religion is the path to glory in this world and the next. The religion would be wrong, but the principle would be correct.

See above reply from @Champ_Pal where his opening sentence is that Hindus don't take their own religion seriously.
Overwhelming majority of Hindus do not take religion too seriously even if they are religious. They may believe in their personal God, but they will not allow their faith to cloud their judgement and stay on course of education and self improvement.
You are right in pointing out that in the last few decades, we have seen the rise of muscular Hinduism. Something they did not have in the past barring a few examples. Muscular Hinduism is an organized Hinduism which tries to present a united front when faced with adversity. BJP used it to unite Hindu vote bank for political gains. Congress tries to break it into small pieces for their own game.

A super religious Hindu is someone who disengages himself from worldly pleasures and becomes a sadhu that does meditation.
A super religious Muslim is someone who will work for the spread of Islam and does whatever it takes to achieve it including taking up arms.
There lies the difference.

So from this, my takeaway is that a disbelieving hindu admires the political zeal and muscularity of the believing Mussalman and wishes to emulate it, thus distancing himself from the previous image of a passive veggie spiritual type.
If I was a serious Muslim then I would be praising BJP. The fundamentalist Muslim believes with sincere faith that his religion is the path to glory in this world and the next. The religion would be wrong, but the principle would be correct.

See above reply from @Champ_Pal where his opening sentence is that Hindus don't take their own religion seriously.
You are not a religious muslim, maybe not even cultural, but you are a civilizational muslim (someone who would like muslim civilization to flourish).

And I didn't mean a single person. If muslims in general are criticising, then it means Hindus are on the right track.
So from this, my takeaway is that a disbelieving hindu admires the political zeal and muscularity of the believing Mussalman and wishes to emulate it, thus distancing himself from the previous image of a passive veggie spiritual type.
I doubt any believing or disbelieving Hindu wants to be like Muslims. However a believing Hindu has realized that they need to follow the same rules as their competitors if they want to survive the constant onslaught.

Most Hindus are not veggie. I don't know why people assume this.
I doubt any believing or disbelieving Hindu wants to be like Muslims. However a believing Hindu has realized that they need to follow the same rules as their competitors if they want to survive the constant onslaught.

Most Hindus are not veggie. I don't know why people assume this.

What would you think if I said a believing Muslim realised that they had to start building statues and offering food and worship to them to follow the same rules as their competitors? Or eating vegetables for that matter (which is a worthy objective in my view).
You are not a religious muslim, maybe not even cultural, but you are a civilizational muslim (someone who would like muslim civilization to flourish).

And I didn't mean a single person. If muslims in general are criticising, then it means Hindus are on the right track.

If Hindus are learning real life values and steadfastness from Muslims then yes, they are on the right track.
If Hindus are learning real life values and steadfastness from Muslims then yes, they are on the right track.
There are many things to learn from muslims, but if there is only one thing that they can learn, then it is the muslims' unwavering support and collective dedication for their civilization and its progress.
Second would be the learn to brush off what others say about you.
If Hindus are learning real life values and steadfastness from Muslims then yes, they are on the right track.
Every culture has good aspects in them that others can learn.

Muslims are unapologetic about their beliefs and culture. They do not get guilt tripped into things that their ancestors or religious figures have done.
I was addressing a specific point CAP which I have seen Pakistanis here use to bring down PM Modi because he was a tea seller.

Even if Hindus in India becomes overly religious for arguments sakes, India would continue to be successful. The Hindus even if they become overly religious will place importance on education, hard work, building their economy compared to an overly religios muslim who would just bury their heads into the Quran and would be placing more importance on idiotic things like Blasphemy laws which serves zero purpose to the society.

A religion that can destroy a nation if it becomes overly religious is Islam.. Pakistan is there for all to see Cap.. :apology

You're naivety is too blatant.

modi is your next zia or khomeini if trend continues.

The poor pakistanis and iranians are yet suffering from the fate of becoming religious cesspools.