Cricket Bats, Edges, Concaving, myths, smoke and mirrors!

Cover Drive

Senior ODI Player
Aug 12, 2009
Came across this amazing blog and extremely well written so thought Id share it with members here :D

Thought I’d get one done as I will more then likely be out of the blogging loop for a while. Please note this is assuming that the cleft start weights are the same, which they generally are if you making a bat to target weight.

We eat with our eyes

Do you buy cricket bats with your eyes, is the first thing you say when you see a bat, “Look at the size of those edges” and do you hear “40mm edges, oh and it only weights 2lb 8oz” in reply from its proud owner, phenomenal, well is it!

Stuck now, where do I go for the next bit, smoke and mirrors, myths or concaving. Hold on I have a plan….

Smoke and mirrors, myths and traditional vs concaving

See what I did there


I won’t say this is the age old question as it is fairly new to the world of cricket in the scheme of things but a question often asked nowadays. Concaving gives you a big edge and traditional doesnt, eating with your eyes again. So what the difference, a quick diagram below.


Cricket Bats Edges Traditional vs Concaved​

I suppose you are wondering what that is? Well you should just be able to make out the two styles of cricket bats. What I’ve done is draw some lines joining the two at various heights to show you where the traditional bat would have the same size edges as the concaved bat and where the concaved bat would have the same size edge as the traditional bat. You have to imagine that you are shaving either of them along the edge so the edges match in size.

Ok on the bottom you have the amount of willow behind the face based on its edge size, so for example the concaved bat has a larger width for the orange section then the traditional bat. Then you look at the traditional bat you’ll see the middle the red bit is larger then the concaved bat, the pink bit.

Now if you read that and understood what I trying to say you have probably guessed the next bit. If I concave a bat I get a better edge. Cue another picture

Cricket Bats Edges​

On the traditional bat the orange to green bit shows where it lags behind the concaved bat, oh and I stuck a dirty great box around it Not much hey in the scheme things, you are suppose to be using the middle afterall

So when does the traditional bat start making a name for itself! Cue another one of my special diagrams.

Cricket bat Traditional vs Concaved​

You wont think I was a qualified Mechanical Engineer with these wonderous technical drawings Oh dear concaving isnt fairing well, we’ve got more willow over a large surface area on the traditional bat and as we know Force = mass x acceleration

Below is a close up view, seems the middle – middle [red and pink bits] is over a larger area on the traditional bat as well



So what do you reckon of the that 40mm edged bat now, it is food for thought isnt it! Don’t assume that a traditional profile isn’t good because the edge size is small, it will pack some punch.


Ok flat faced bats, a flat bat instead of curve gives the impression of a larger edge!

Pressing differences​

I know the flat one is a bit extreme but you get the idea, if you edge a ball it will compress to something similar to the curved faced bat plus you have to knock the edge in, that square edge will to a certain extent sooner rather then later resemble the curved face bat and at least the curve face was pressed to be like that so it shouldn’t of cracked up in the process, smoke and mirrors to give you a big edge?

Also as we know you could shave the edge down a bit from 4.25 inches to something less, Please note this is also done intentionally on some bats not just smoke a mirrors. Then the unscrupulous over dried willow technique, lets make a normal cleft light by taking the moisture out of it.

I think I’ll stop there… on a final please note, this is intended to make you aware of the potential differences between bats and give you a respect for each shape. There are always merits to shapes if you understand the what and why about them. I make both types, traditional and concaved but as with all my bats I understand them they aren’t one dimensional. If I had to make a bat that was ring fenced I’d give it all up.

Thanks All


Bat Maker / Podshaver originally from Devon
Well in the last few years I have always been tempted to buy these modern big edge bats because they look so appealing. Next time I will have a more open mind as the blog seems to be suggesting Traditional bats have a better middle than these big edge concaved bats.

In the end I think it really depends on what type of player you are - if you a good batsman hitting the middle more often than not (when in form) then maybe a traditional bat is best option but those that don't always middle or take time to get in may prefer a big edge bat.
The concaved bat will make sure that every little edge carries to the slip or the wicket-keeper..
Thanks for that. Thats why I prefer a more traditional shaped bat. More all round performance.
I have a bubber sher which is con caved. Great middle but its quite narrow.
The Puma is more traditional its middle in size/height is a lot lower the the Bubber Sher but its middle is wider and to be honest feels more powerful in my opinion.
so can someone clarify please? Is no concaving better than lots of concaving? for the simple reason that bats with no concaving have a broader sweetspot?