Cricketers dying due to tragic on-field incidents


T20I Star
Aug 28, 2013
Post of the Week
SUKKUR: A rising star on the local cricket circuit, Zulfiqar Bhatti’s only wish was to play for the national team. Little did he know his passion would cost him his life.

On Tuesday, two local teams, Super Star Cricket Club and Sindh Young Cricket Club, engaged in a friendly contest at the Jinnah Municipal Stadium in Sukkur. In the second innings of the game, 22-year-old Bhatti, who played for the Super Star Cricket Club, went to bat at his usual one-down position.

Tears welled up in the eyes of the eyewitnesses who related his last innings to The Express Tribune. It was the second ball he faced which struck Bhatti in the chest, causing him to collapse onto the ground. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors pronounced him dead on arrival.

Thus, the passionate cricketer bowed out of this world, doing what he loved most – playing cricket. His funeral prayers were offered in the premises of Dargah Bedil Bekus and he was laid to rest in his native graveyard.

A large number of cricket enthusiasts and people from all walks of life attended his funeral. The district administration has announced to suspend sports activities throughout Sukkur district for three days as a token of mourning.

Zulfiqar’s father, Manzoor Bhatti, told reporters his youngest of four sons had been playing cricket since his early childhood and was an excellent sportsman. His peers agreed.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 19th, 2013.
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That's so unfortunate RIP young man :((

sent from dil se
Inna lillah hai wa inna ilahi rajioon

Sad sad news
RIP.... Feel sorry for the guy who was bowling.

Cricket claims another victim. Isn't this the second cricketer to die in a short time?

Can anyone list the cricketers who died during a match?
Inna Lilla Hi Wa Ilaihi Raji'oon.

This is terrible, RIP. My deepest condolences to the batsman's family as well as the bowler's.
Pakistani Cricketer, Zulfiqar Bhatti dies on pitch

Inna lillahi wa inna ilahi rajioon.

Very sad :(
Inna Lilla Hi Wa Ilaihi Raji'oon

Thought and consideration must also be given to the unfortunate bowler. He too will be affected for the rest of his life. Hope the deceased's family and friends don't blame him.
RIP, cricket authorities need to consider making upper body protection compulsory, there must some sought of lightweight materials which could absorb the impact of short deliveries although they would be expensive and all sorts of other implications.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un.

May his soul rest in peace

Sad news. Deepest condolences to family and friends
Please Realize that RIP has become too overused and now feels like a common term...Please offer your true feelings in more sincere and elaborate words
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un.

Deepest condolonces to the family of the batsman.

I cant help but feel bad for the bowler :O imagine what he must be going through!

Cricket claims another victim. Isn't this the second cricketer to die in a short time?

Can anyone list the cricketers who died during a match?

yes indeed this the second cricketer to die in short term.
Oh so sad. RIP.

Never heard of a cricketer getting killed by a ball hitting on the chest (wonder how - broken rib perforating the lungs? Heart attack?) . Getting hit on the body is a very common occurrence on a cricket ground, many batsmen even do not wear a chest pad. I was under the impression that only head injuries are fatal in cricket, I was wrong.
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.
yes indeed this the second cricketer to die in short term.
The first?

Reading this again has made me feel so bad... The poor guy had his whole life ahead of him, this has actually brought tears to my eyes. May Allah bless him and give patience to his family and friends. I don't have the words to actually express how bad this has made me feel, esp after searching for him and finding so many videos online.

The concerned authorities should honestly look to provide some chest protection to batsmen.
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May he rest in space, such a sad story.

Do we know if he was wearing any chest protection?
Inna lillah hai wa inna ilahi rajioon

Extremely tragic event, may ALLAH grant him a place in Jannah! My sincere condolences to his family. Also have to mention, I can't even begin to imagine what the bowler is going through.
Inna lillah hai wa inna ilahi rajioon

Saddened so much by reading this... I also wonder what the cause of death is? Did he have an underlying condition? It's really heart-wrenching :(
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji'un.

Read about him int he morning. It really made me sad. May ALLAH shower his utmost blessings on this youngster.
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilay he rajayoon

May his family find peace in this difficult time
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

Very sad to hear. May Allah give his family strength and patience through these tough times and grant him Jannah. Ameen.
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

May Allah grant him a place in jannah and give his family strength.
Please Realize that RIP has become too overused and now feels like a common term...Please offer your true feelings in more sincere and elaborate words


Anyways. RIP. Terrible, terrible news. Something needs to be done, some sort of protective wear or something. This should never happen again. Young man should never die playing the sport they love. Condolences to his family.
22 years old. Very tragic and upsetting to lose this young man.

Thoughts with his family and friends, and also with the bowler concerned who will blame himself but needs to be reassured that it was not his fault at all. The batsman probably had an underlying health problem.
Zubair Ahmad, club cricketer from Mardan, dies after being hit by a cricket ball

Zubair was a young cricketer who was a part of Fakhar Zaman's academy.

He was reportedly playing a club cricket match on 14th August when he was hit on the head by a bouncer and sadly passed away.

Ahmed had played four matches for the List A and T20 teams Quetta Bears.

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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎

Sad to hear such news. May Allah give his family sabr through this tough time.
انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون

May Allah grant sabr e jameel to the family.
Don't understand why Pakistani players especially club cricketers doesn't wear the helmet... RIP
Don't understand why Pakistani players especially club cricketers doesn't wear the helmet... RIP

How do you know he wasn't wearing a helmet?

Although it should compulsory for anyone who doesn't play at professional level, helmets aren't 100% safety proof you know - look at what sadly happened to Phil Hughes.
How do you know he wasn't wearing a helmet?

Although it should compulsory for anyone who doesn't play at professional level, helmets aren't 100% safety proof you know - look at what sadly happened to Phil Hughes.

There are some reports that he wasn't wearing a helmet.
How do you know he wasn't wearing a helmet?

Although it should compulsory for anyone who doesn't play at professional level, helmets aren't 100% safety proof you know - look at what sadly happened to Phil Hughes.

That was a rare accident. No body goes into that awkward position on that bouncer.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ‎‎

A really unfortunate event and I hope Allah eases the pain of his family and grants Zubair Ahmed Jannah and forgive his sins.
I've played club cricket and it's a fact that most kids, especially teenage Pathans with all the hormonal changes, testosterone and competition to look manly don't wear helmets.
Tragic news. My thoughts go out to his family and friends
Very, very tragic and unfortunate. May Lord Jesus give his family and loved ones the strength to go through something as terrible as this.
Sad news and condolences to his family and friends.

It doesn't matter if he was wearing a helmet or not - the big issue is that in the modern era we are teaching players to approach batting against the short ball in a way that their predecessors before helmets were introduced never did.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Sad to hear about the tragic death of the young Pakistani Cricketer. RIP Zubair Ahmed. Heart Felt Condolences to his family.</p>— Murali Vijay (@mvj888) <a href="">August 17, 2017</a></blockquote>
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