Daryl Tuffey Brewery Takes Aim At Pakistanis

Bullet Drive

T20I Captain
Oct 5, 2010
Post of the Week
An Auckland brewery's marketing campaign fronted by Black Caps star Daryl Tuffey has been labelled "offensive" and "insulting".

The Moa Brewing Co which recently signed a sponsorship deal with the New Zealand Olympic Committee has launched a new campaign dubbed "The Moa Pakistani Backhander"'.

Its marketing, which is signed off by Tuffey, described it as a "Genuine all-rounder for Moa Beer". It also details an offer to consumers for one free case of beer for every 10 purchased.

It likens the deal to numerous incidents involving match-fixing scandals featuring the Pakistan cricket team.

But it has been slated by Dunedin-based former Pakistan cricket international, Kahlid 'Billy' Ibadulla.

"I think the whole campaign is in a very bad taste. It does not reflect well on New Zealand," Ibadulla says.

"It is quite insulting and quite offensive. That's my view."

He said of Tuffey's involvement: "It is disappointing, especially coming from a former test player. It will not reflect very well on New Zealand Cricket."

Tuffey and the Moa Brewing Co both stood by the campaign, saying it was based on proven facts.

"We are not out to offend anyone," says Tuffey, who has been employed by the brewery for the past two months.

"In some ways, after what has happened over the past two years [the campaign] is not too far from the truth to be honest. They [Pakistan] have set the benchmark really ... it is unfortunate that two or three of their players have been done over the last 12 months.

"It has been etched into cricket that the Pakistanis are rolling around match-fixing."

When asked if it could result in an on-field backlash next time he plays Pakistan, Tuffey says: "If I get a few extra bouncers because someone in Karachi or Lahore has heard about the Moa campaign, then we have done pretty well with Moa.

"We just hope they buy our beer so they can bowl me a couple of bouncers. If they are drinking our beer it is even better."

Moa Brewing Co marketing manager Sunil Unka added the brewery did not set out to "offend anyone".

He says that it had been "successful in drumming up new business for us".

"We are basing a lot of the stuff we do on fact," Unka says. "Unfortunately, there were Pakistani cricketers who were found guilty of match-fixing."

The online brewery advert states: "Pakistanis love cricket and they love making money. Sometimes they combine the two with a good old Pakistani Match Fix so that the Black Caps get to win a game and the Pakistanis get a big cheque from the TAB.

"It's a win-win all round and we here at Moa love the business principles behind it, which is why we're offering a Pakistani Backhander of our own.

"So for every 10 cases of Moa ordered, the contact person who does the ordering, that's you, gets 10 per cent of the match fee - a free case of Moa beer for themselves that we don't tell anyone about.

"Is this ethical? No. Is it Pakistani? Yes!"

The Moa Brewery Co has its brewery in Blenheim and head office in Auckland.
Wow that's terrible, I hope someone sues the pants off this company. Tuffey should be knocked out.
can we sue this company to oblivion, such that it goes bankrupt and that serves as a warning for any other company, not to mess with pakistanis.
We should all try our best to sue them. In my opinion I felt hurt by this and something needs to be done.
Kiwis have always been anti-Pakistan since the year dot. Whether it was Adam Parore and accusing all Pakistani fast bowlers of being drug cheats because of the 'speeds they would maintain in sweltering heat, or whether it's throwing around accusations of ball tampering (Vettori/Gul) and now this.

As an aside, this is by far the worst marketing slogan I have ever heard. And let me tell you, there's a lot of Asian TV watched in my household, so I see some awful advertising slogans. This however trumps them all.
Wow I almost thought this news was fake considering how it was wrong on so many levels. But the links provided seem to dispel that.

Very hurtful indeed and done in very bad taste. I'm almost wondering if they are hoping for angry reactions just to promote their rubbish products. In which case maybe just ignoring these clowns is the best policy.

Have to say though that including pictures of players who have NOT actually been involved in match fixing, as well as slandering an entire nation, leaves them open to litigation. Surely they must realise this? All makes me think that this is just a very cheap publicity stunt whose consequences have been prepared for.

I can imagine a quick apology and retraction, and the media circus around the situation getting the company their desired results... Sick advertising to say the very least.
What am i supposed to say :13:

'You Legend' ? :23:

Nahh this is just pathetic stuff from the kiwis, in very bad taste. Shouldn't have done that. Classless act :facepalm:
Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.
Also, the marketing manager happens to have a name of Indian descent. Maybe he should've named the beer the "Ishant Sharma Special" - goes down nice and slow.
Saj can you pass this onto someone so action can be taken? I mean the name was bad enough but the poster is shocking.

I'm genuinley amazed that a poster and campaign like that could be carried out by an actual company.
Stupid campaign, who do they think they are ? Probably still sore from Akhtar bouncing the Kiwis out of numerous matches where we kicked their backsides. Even one of the weakest Pakistan sides in a number of years beat their second-rate side in both Tests and ODIs in the winter tour.

They clearly have deep-rooted issues with Pakistan dating back years where they have accused us of a number of issues - ball tampering, drug taking, match fixing. The 'fixing' they refer to was not even match-fixing but spot-fixing, at least get your facts right before having a dig at other countries. Hurling racist insults at the Napier Test in 2009 goes to show they are driven by immaturity and prejudice.

If our players have any guts, they will go and sue the heck out of them.
Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.

This particular thing is shameful from NZ company but a lot of stuff you said about NZ isn't right either. NZ and Norway are two countries you will find at the top of all lists about good things like education , law and order, human rights etc.
Talking about accomplishments, they are a small nation with a small population and still among the best in most games
OMG, This is really pathetic, Tuffey, bloody lanky, how dare he insult us like that :12:
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Goat, I was pretty outraged reading those statements, but bro it's not worth sinking to this company's level.

Like ALL places, New Zealand has good and bad people. It's unfair judging them on the actions of a few, just as it is when this company does it in their tasteless advertising campaign. New Zealand is a beautiful country (Lord of the Rings was filmed there!) and the few New Zealanders I've met have been top notch individuals :).

I have a feeling this company is trying to provoke angry reactions- more the reason just to ignore them :).

EDIT: of course I think the players/cricket board should definitely look into this, and pursue legal action in a professional manner...
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This particular thing is shameful from NZ company but a lot of stuff you said about NZ isn't right either. NZ and Norway are two countries you will find at the top of all lists about good things like education , law and order, human rights etc.
Talking about accomplishments, they are a small nation with a small population and still among the best in most games

What games? lol, NZ are pathetic at cricket and what else? Maybe a top Rugby team but that's about it.

When all you have to do is tend to your live stock and your biggest law and order problem is cow tipping, that is not an accomplishment. NZ has accomplished nothing on its own. I live in Canada so I know a thing or two about countries accomplishing very little.
I'm just teasing, btw. It's just too easy not to poke fun!

I had a prof from NZ once - best prof I ever had. I believe she even had a Muslim boyfriend. I'm sure in all actuality its a fine place but it does come across as slightly racist at times.
badnaam bhi hongay tu kya?... naam tu hoga ! :)

As for this cheap act so I think we gave the answer in advance some two centuries back ..:)))

Very tasteless poster. Should be taken down if Younis/Afridi are alerted. Trying to be controversial to attract publicity may work in the short-term, but you make a lot of long-term enemies. Unfortunately, Tuffey will probably regret this eventually.
What games? lol, NZ are pathetic at cricket and what else? Maybe a top Rugby team but that's about it.

When all you have to do is tend to your live stock and your biggest law and order problem is cow tipping, that is not an accomplishment. NZ has accomplished nothing on its own. I live in Canada so I know a thing or two about countries accomplishing very little.

That's not the point bro, they got the goods and they didn't destroy it and made a beautiful, prosperous nation out of it. Our nations are naturally rich as well and see what we have done with it.
They are the top Rugny team, played FIFA last year and held former champs to a draw, are among the better ones in Hockey and Cricket. What else for such a small population ( 4.4 Million only ) ?
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Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.

So you want the whole country to be wiped out for this?

WAKE UP LOWKEY!! :facepalm:
What a bunch of sheep shagging rascist scumbags...this is such ********..but our balless nation wont do ****..time to post this on facebook
Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.

This post is more pathetic than their campaign :facepalm:
badnaam bhi hongay tu kya?... naam tu hoga ! :)

As for this cheap act so I think we gave the answer in advance some two centuries back ..:)))


Too good as always :)))
I agree some of the reactions have been excessive, but out of curiosity can I ask why exactly you've made that poster your avatar emclub :13:?
He could, but I haven't photoshopped him getting his business all up in Vettori's rear end.
The very fact that some of you five year olds dont understand the gravity of the situation is disappointing..
Tuffshite is askimg for trouble...he's basically tarnishing all of us..and an added insult its a brewery for goodness sake..this surely has to be a joke be ause if it isnt tuffshite is gonna be in for a rough ride..a facebook group couplex with our masala journalism can easily turn this into an international incident!! The hicks in kiwiland have no idea whay can of worms this can open up!!!
Saj can you alert younis khan and afridi to this?

Im sure their lawyers will be very interested in this
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I think someone from Pakpassion should inform this to the Pakistani players.

THis is really poor stuff by the kiwis.
Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.

What a reply :)))

This particular thing is shameful from NZ company but a lot of stuff you said about NZ isn't right either. NZ and Norway are two countries you will find at the top of all lists about good things like education , law and order, human rights etc.
Talking about accomplishments, they are a small nation with a small population and still among the best in most games


Goat, I was pretty outraged reading those statements, but bro it's not worth sinking to this company's level.

Like ALL places, New Zealand has good and bad people. It's unfair judging them on the actions of a few, just as it is when this company does it in their tasteless advertising campaign. New Zealand is a beautiful country (Lord of the Rings was filmed there!) and the few New Zealanders I've met have been top notch individuals :).

I have a feeling this company is trying to provoke angry reactions- more the reason just to ignore them :).

EDIT: of course I think the players/cricket board should definitely look into this, and pursue legal action in a professional manner...


So you want the whole country to be wiped out for this?

WAKE UP LOWKEY!! :facepalm:


This post is more pathetic than their campaign :facepalm:

:facepalm: :facepalm:

No understanding of humor and sarcasm here
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EOpg1yd2Tek" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pakistan ka bacha bacha kehta hai
Kiwi aik parinda hai
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Saj can you alert younis khan and afridi to this?

Im sure their lawyers will be very interested in this

I have sent the link to Afirdi's agent via twitter. Let's see what happens.
That's a hilarious campaign. The truth hurts for most Pakistanis.
I am polishing Kiwis on my shoes from last 12 years. Maybe they are taking revenge.
See how afridi is standing behind Younis who is at very bad angle. and we know what it shows.
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EOpg1yd2Tek" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pakistan ka bacha bacha kehta hai
Kiwi aik parinda hai

they had not shown the shoe even for a single time :facepalm:
It's just attention seeking from some unknown cricketer and unknown beer company.
Lol I'd be surprised if PCB or Pak officials in NZ don't sue them, this is outright racist attack (in cricketing sense).
This is Not Funny but highly Offensive and low Life attempt of Humor.
I will Be amazed if PCB don't take Action soon let alone Players.
Tuffey whats with the beer smear??
not so toughy puffey!
get back on the pitch you stitch,
stop pi ssing about you stout,
Daryl you NZ sterile!
It's just attention seeking from some unknown cricketer and unknown beer company.

Yep and you all posting with outrage and wanting to make this known everywhere are doing exactly what the marketers want.

A few of you would be pretty easy to sell stuff to no offence.

Might also add posts defaming the whole of NZ because of one company are exactly the same thing you are complaining about.

It's just publicity through controversy, don't buy into it and it won't work. Burn a few effigies of Darryl Tuffey though and they will sell a lot more beer.
Yep and you all posting with outrage and wanting to make this known everywhere are doing exactly what the marketers want.

A few of you would be pretty easy to sell stuff to no offence.

Might also add posts defaming the whole of NZ because of one company are exactly the same thing you are complaining about.

It's just publicity through controversy, don't buy into it and it won't work. Burn a few effigies of Darryl Tuffey though and they will sell a lot more beer.

I hear you RA but I don't think any country would or should see this as a lighthearted joke. It's maligning a whole nation.

I certainly don't condone defaming the whole of NZ, but I'm an easy going character but this has even got me riled up. The wording in particular on the poster.

'Is it ethical? No! Is it Pakistani? Yes!'
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EOpg1yd2Tek" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pakistan ka bacha bacha kehta hai
Kiwi aik parinda hai

@0:09 the girl looks like Umar Akmal :umarakmal
If this was at all funny, I could have excused it.

But the whole campaign with its slogan is just not catchy and makes for a poor ad. Controvery is all that it has.

I'm not usually one to over-react to things like this but there should definitely be some action taken towards this.

It is equating being Pakistani to being unethical.

That is just no on, no matter what the context.
somebody should inform afridi and younus about this...its in very poor taste...
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Don't worry friends, the Kiwi's have always been our little peasants. The scars inflicted by the likes of Akhtar (who averages 5 per wicket in Test cricket against them) are hard to heal. Things have been spread. Things I dare not say on PP - but you get the idea.

These little butthurt losers are nothing but a C-grade Australia, with more animals then peoples inhabiting their backwards, stupid accent, no culture island. In 100 years when global warming makes the ocean levels rise, they will be all but forgotten. Perhaps a Bedouin will mention the snobby, butthurts, who accomplished nothing in their lifetime, but by and large, they will be forgotten.

What Tuffey's company did was incredibly naive and stupid but what you said above is incredibly offensive and downright repugnant
lol he is being sarcastic.
or thats what it seems atleast

lol yeah, it's just a joke.

Though I find it interesting a certain poster would try to make me look bad instead of really commenting on the topic matter, but thats life son.
Makes me feel sad when I see those posters running a personal campaign to malign you Goat. Dont worry you've canadians backing you up.
This is in really poor taste. If the brewery had to stoop this low to sell their beer it really reflects poorly on their product.
For those saying he would sell more beer, well pakistan is a teetotal country so he cant sell it hete..secondly if the complaint is done right it could damage the brand rather than promote it..
Proper boot to the sack is that one... :/
Tuffey an unknown cricketer who does not even come near the class of the players who's pictures have been put up on the poster (afridi and Younus).......This has really got me mad......It seems we are being targeted by a high number of people in every department such as cricket, politics (regarding terroristm etc)...............