Deciding Between Two Bats, which one?

Mar 5, 2011
Let me start of by saying im new to this forum so be easy on me lol. Tell me if im doing something wrong because this is my first thread.

So, Iv'e been doing some research and im deciding between two bats for the upcoming season. Its gonna be either the CA PLUS 12000 TRD or the GM flare 909 plus.

Does anybody have any of the two bats and If so, can u please tell me what they are like??

Please feel free to give any opinions,


First of all, welcome to forum and I would say it is great to have you here. No, you are not doing anything wrong and whatever you did is correct and there is no problem whatsoever.

Anyways, I haven't held Flare but I have held TRD and to be honest TRD is a great bat and I find it very good.

I am assuming these two bats fall in your budget so I would say go for TRD because it will be made from better quality compare to Flare as it will be made from top top cleft/wood whereas Flare 909 is made from Grade 2 willow.

The shape/profile on both of these is more or less the same.

As I said TRD feels and is a great bat as it has massive sweetspot.

I think what will be main deciding factor is that do you prefer a Pakistani company or English.

If you have any question(s) please don't hesitate to ask me :)
GM have graded 909s as grade 1 and this year 808s also look grade 1.
^ But even then I would say TRD will have better quality cleft.

Also I would personally say go to a store and check out the bats and buy which feels good in your hand, some bat might feel good in my hand but not in yours perhaps.

Since you are in Canada I would assume you are in GTA area so go to Hagee and chgeck out the bats which feel good in your hand.
My advice to you would be to try and track down a clubmate or local shop that has either one of the bats you're after. This will give you an opportunity to see how the bats feel which of course is vital in selecting a bat.

As for the Flare, I ordered one for a clubmate and I must say that the pickup was exceptional although I personally prefer bats with a bit of concaving and a higer spine.

I haven't myself had the chance to feel or use the CA but I've only ever heard good things about the TRD so it's unlikely you'll hate the bat.

Best of luck in whichever bat you choose!
have used a friends flare as far as pickup & balance goes it is the best
THanks soo much for the replies guys.........been like a day since i started the thread and im astounded at how many replies iv's gotten. I do realize that the CA is better quality english willow but the thing is both bats will come to about the same price because....well.....Gm's are expansive im genral. I have heard great things about the GM + range but not many people have either bat.......does anybody have either of the two?
Thanks Coverdrive! yes I do live in the GTA area but TBH the stores dont have much of a selection. I have been to hagee but they dont carry GM's and they dont have the exact CA. They do have the plus 12000 though, but not the TRD. DO you know what the main difference between the TRD and the normal 12000 is? Besides the willow grade?
Canadian Cricketer,

I have GM Icon LE and see TRD almost every now and then. I haven't held Flare or seen yet but from what other people say it looks like it is a good bat.

When did you last visit Hagee ? He recently got the GMs along Newbery's. He doesn't keep the GM on the shelfs instead he hides them and only shows if you are interested or serious.

Yes, there is big difference in TRD and regular 12000 Plus, TRD has a very very big and impressive profile compare to normal CA 12000 Plus. TRD has a much longer sweetspot compare to 12000 Plus.
When did you last visit Hagee ? He recently got the GMs along Newbery's. He doesn't keep the GM on the shelfs instead he hides them and only shows if you are interested or serious.

Seriously? What a tool!

Do you know what his prices are like, CD?
I dont really know.......maybe a month or so since iv'e been to hagee. hmmmmmmm......I might take a trip down there and see his new range......Although I have seen his newbery's and they are awesome but way out of my budget. I am looking for something with a high sweetspot and I know the flare is perfect for that but not sure where the sweetspot i on the TRD????
Seriously? What a tool!

Do you know what his prices are like, CD?

Seriously, I am not lying.

My clubmates first went and saw those bats (GM Hagee has) so they told me and I paid a visit after a week they visited so I didn't see any bat and when I asked a guy there about GM he said "we (Hagee) can order the bats for you" and when I said my clubmate saw GMs last week he didn't say anything.

In my opinion prices were fine. He is/was selling Original Limited Edition for $500 which is what you pay in UK as well.

Also prices on his Newbery are okay as well, my mate bought Krakatoa from him for $300 whereas I paid £175 for my Krakatoa excluding shipping.
I dont really know.......maybe a month or so since iv'e been to hagee. hmmmmmmm......I might take a trip down there and see his new range......Although I have seen his newbery's and they are awesome but way out of my budget. I am looking for something with a high sweetspot and I know the flare is perfect for that but not sure where the sweetspot i on the TRD????

If you went when he had Newberys then don't go again as he had Newbery's at that time as well. As I said he hide those GM bats for some reason lol.

Do you mind if I ask what is your budget? I have Newbery, GM and a CA so I would say go for Newbery as that is best value bat among three also if you don't mind me asking how much are you getting Flare and TRD for ?

Sweetspot on TRD is long and I would say it is from high to mid but great for front foot strokes as well
I have heard great things about the GM + range but not many people have either bat.......does anybody have either of the two?

I have a GM+ 808 Icon DXM bat and I've had few higher end CA's. I would recommend you GM+ series bat and they play much better then their normal range because they are heavier, bigger profiles and softer pressing. GM flare/icon will suit the Canadian conditions/pitches more then CA.


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My budget is around 300 dollars (canadian) but im a little flexible on that. I honestly dont know where im gonna buy it from lol but im definitely getting either of the two after doing a lot of research!
Wow.......thanks knightrider......looks a stunner of a bat. Icon looks good too! Whats the weight and pickup like? I know the plus range starts at 2.12 but I also know that they have an amazing pickup. Have you had a chance to pickup a GM flare PLUS bat or just an icon?
My budget is around 300 dollars (canadian) but im a little flexible on that. I honestly dont know where im gonna buy it from lol but im definitely getting either of the two after doing a lot of research!

I would say go for Newbery, they are amazing bats seriously. Balance, finishing etc is impressive on Newbery bats and I would say finishing on Newbery is better than GM and CA.

Actually Newbery Thruxton is the bat which has high sweetspot as you want and I picked one at Hagee and trust me bro it was amazing! I would say best in Newbery's range.

My friend bought Newbery Krakatoa Players from Hagee and he paid $300 for it so I am pretty sure Newbery Thruxton Players will be at same price.
HAHA.....I hate having so many choices!!!! I might as well take a trip to hagee and pickup some bats. Im really looking for something with a high sweetspot and good for hitting hard and long. Something really think.......CD.....any last thoughts on the GM or TRD?
Wow.......thanks knightrider......looks a stunner of a bat. Icon looks good too! Whats the weight and pickup like? I know the plus range starts at 2.12 but I also know that they have an amazing pickup. Have you had a chance to pickup a GM flare PLUS bat or just an icon?

thanks bro,
Its 2.12lb and your right about the pick up, bat has really light pickup feels few ounces lighter then the dead weight. I've had many chances to pick up and try GM+ flare bat n that too has amazing balance and pick up but I'd say Icon has touch better balance and pick up.
GM flare will suit your style better if ur going to use it for hard hitting.
Thanks sooooo much man......i have been looking for somebody who has even picked up a GM + bat as they are not the most popular lol. Im set on a GM+ bat now man. Its just a matter of Flare or icon! Big decision! You said the icon has a slightly better pickup but the flare would suit me better. Have you used the flare plus range? im looking for something as light as possible, so it might be the icon.......but I dont know....the flare just looks more appealing lol. Ok...short answer.......flare or icon?
Do you have a flare.......if so.....whats it like?

Nah bro I dont have one. I picked it and held it at a shop and wanted to buy it but it was very similar to the ICON bat I have already so I didnt buy it. The bat (GM+ flare 808) I looked at weighed 2.14 but it felt lighter then 2.10, it had big edges around 35mm and a high spine with no concaving. 2011 GM+ flare bats have better balance and lighter pick up then the last yrs.
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Thanks sooooo much man......i have been looking for somebody who has even picked up a GM + bat as they are not the most popular lol. Im set on a GM+ bat now man. Its just a matter of Flare or icon! Big decision! You said the icon has a slightly better pickup but the flare would suit me better. Have you used the flare plus range? im looking for something as light as possible, so it might be the icon.......but I dont know....the flare just looks more appealing lol. Ok...short answer.......flare or icon?

I suggested you flare because you mentioned before that ur going to use it for hard hitting and flare will be more better for hitting and ICon is more for a player who plays correctly and it doesnt really suit a hitter coz it has concaving and flare doesnt any concaving.
Cool. thanks man.......will go for the FLare. Onto looking at the does that sound to you. My budget is about 300-350 Can. an 808 is in that range but if i need to go higher then so be it. Do you think I should go higher than an 808....does it really make that much of a difference? Bro, you have sooooooo many bats.......can u tell me which is the best bat you've ever had? lol

thanks a lot for the help man.....I really appreciate it.
CD, can you post some Pics of TRD? I have not seen that bat yet!
Cool. thanks man.......will go for the FLare. Onto looking at the does that sound to you. My budget is about 300-350 Can. an 808 is in that range but if i need to go higher then so be it. Do you think I should go higher than an 808....does it really make that much of a difference? Bro, you have sooooooo many bats.......can u tell me which is the best bat you've ever had? lol

thanks a lot for the help man.....I really appreciate it.

No worries bro,
You will save around £50-60 if you go for 808 and I also would suggest you should go for 808 and there isnt any difference in performance between 606 to 909. You could get slightly better looking bat in 909 range but there wont be much or any difference in performance. In the UK most people use 606, 808, 909 and very very people buy the original or LE.
I had around 70 bats most were really good & its difficult to say which was best but I had 2 special bats and my best 1 was MB Malik Prince and more recent best bat was AS v3.
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ALright man.......iv'e made my decision......drumroll please lol........GM FLARE 808 PLUS!!!!!!!! Do u know of any good cheap retailers in the UK Where I can get a big selection. Dont worry I got family on the uk who can pick out a bat but I need to know where the best place to buy them is. Where do you normally get your bats from?
I get my bats from Mapperley sports Nottingham and I think its the best place to buy GM bats frm coz they are based in same city as GM bats are made in and they have a large selection of really good GM bats available.
Got it bro....will snoop around to see what I can get. Will do a review on the bat once I get it....thanks for all the help
mate have you got anything to say bout the GM flare + bat as I know u have one I saw it in your review. Is it as good bat?
I've not used it myself but the ball's certainly coming off the bat nicely.

Ignore KR's nonsense about the Icon being for technically correct batsmen, there was a time when all bats had flat backed profiles like the Flare.
Cool.......what do u have to say about the balance and pickup? I understand the bat is about 2.12-1.14 but does it feel a lot lighter.....if so how much lighter?
I've not really compared how it feels in my backlift compared with my 2lb11oz Hero, but my brother hasn't had much trouble cutting virtually everything outside off stump so far.

It's Sunday KR btw.
alright guys lets calm down here. thanks SS I will go for a flare....I keep changing my mind but I think im set on this. Do you guys have any preference over concaving compared to flat backs? Is it true that a bat with concaving hits better when its right out of the middle but not so much when its off to the side a little bit? And a flat back hits just as well off the middle as it does slightly off the middle. Tell me if im wrong. If im right, then no concaving is good for me.
I just see it as a bit more wood behind the edges, which is no bad thing.
does anybody know where in ontario (GTAA) I can find the biggest variety of Gm bats from. Iv'e been to hagee, I go to qasra 2 times a week.....but no store I have been to sells GM's. I just wanna pickup a few flares before I buy it online!
Hagee has Flare but that idiot won't give/show to anyone unless you are buying it or show serious interest.
haha lol CD.......doesnt make sense if he wants to sell the damn thing he's gotta show it! I'm actually going to hagee right now for a net sesh but will ask him and see what he says. Tell you bout my experience when I get back!
So, I just got back from hagee and I found out some interesting things. I had a chance (after practice) to check out the bats.....and He did have 2 gm's. One was a GM Purist 303 and the other was to my surprise a GM flare Original LE. The purist was alright but the Flare was so nice. I would have taken pictures but for some reason, he didnt let me. 19 grains! weight was a 2.6! It picked up like a 2.3-4 so I was over the moon. One thing I didnt like bout it was that it was not the thickest of I am getting a plus bat which means thicker and meatier but the standard flare was tbh very thin. Edges were about 25-29 mm and not much wood behind the face and edges. Bounced a ball on it and It pinged nicely high off the blade and also lower down. Overall, nice collection he' got! The thing is, the flare is 455$!
So, I just got back from hagee and I found out some interesting things. I had a chance (after practice) to check out the bats.....and He did have 2 gm's. One was a GM Purist 303 and the other was to my surprise a GM flare Original LE. The purist was alright but the Flare was so nice. I would have taken pictures but for some reason, he didnt let me. 19 grains! weight was a 2.6! It picked up like a 2.3-4 so I was over the moon. One thing I didnt like bout it was that it was not the thickest of I am getting a plus bat which means thicker and meatier but the standard flare was tbh very thin. Edges were about 25-29 mm and not much wood behind the face and edges. Bounced a ball on it and It pinged nicely high off the blade and also lower down. Overall, nice collection he' got! The thing is, the flare is 455$!

Actually its great that you held a Flare and saw its shape and profile.

Now you know how Flare look and how it picks up. Regular Flare (non GM+) will not be very think and will not be meaty like GM + because of the weight difference.

Anyways, if you like Flare's shape then I would say go for Flare because the golden rule is to feel the bat and see how it feels in your hand. So now the major worry for you is the weight and what weight you want.

Mate I would say edges aren't everything to be honest, I have Gray Nicolls Powerbow 3 Star and bro this bat is one of my strongest (actually the strongest) and pings very nice, in fact, the best so far for me.

Actually $455 is not a bad price for Original Limited Edition.

CD have u seen any other flares he carry's?

I didn't see any GM at his store as he didn't show it, my clubmate saw and he said he had quite a few Lunas, Icon and Flares. I believe that he might have sold all of them.

I might give Flare a shot when my pocket allows me.
Thanks CD........very helpful info.

My only worry is I havent gotten a chance to pickup any of the plus range bats so its a risk getting a bat that is 2.13 and I really need something light. Im in a real dilemma. Mate do u live around the GTA? What club do u play for? Anyway.........either im gonna have to take a huge risk and not know what im getting till I actually paid for it and have it or I have to wait until something is available in ontario or until I go to england next year but I cant wait that long!

Anyway...........thanks for the info bro......really appreciate it!
Why do you want a GM + bat if you want something light?

Khan Sports has one GM + Flare 808 so maybe pay a visit there but before going there call him and ask Sami Bhai if he has it or not.

I live in Brampton and yes I play for a club in EDCL.
Why do you want a GM + bat if you want something light?

Khan Sports has one GM + Flare 808 so maybe pay a visit there but before going there call him and ask Sami Bhai if he has it or not.

I live in Brampton and yes I play for a club in EDCL.
I dont know man........I dont think the standard flare would do. I play normal shots.....but im very powerful and I wanna bludgeon everything out of the ground........the flare may be good and have good ping but its a little thin for my liking........thats why I was eyeing the CA TRD
But what weight bats do you currently use? Buying a heavier bat is not wise, in long innings you will struggle big time (near the end) I would say.

My Gray Nicolls Powerbow 3 Star and Salix both are very very thin edges would be around 22 mm (or less maybe) but trust me both of these bats are very powerful and would not break at all!

I think for fun I have played around 85 mph ball of bowling machine with my Powerbow 3 Star.

Asian bats are soft pressed so they really don't have a long life I would say. My thinking is that Asian bats last one season while English bats open after one season.
Right now im using a 2.9-2.10 GN Xiphos 5 star. Knightrider told me the GM+ are 2.12 upwards, but they feel about 2.9 so unless its got an unbelievable pickup.....I wont get a plus. I might just get an Icon (standard) becuase its a little thicker then the flare:)

Do u reccomend the icon?
Trust me mate it is not possible to get 4 ounces lighter bat when it comes to pickup. I find it really really hard to believe that a 2.12 lbs feel like 2.8 lbs. Not sure if working out makes a different as I haven't tried that.

To you your Xiphos 5 Star probably feel lighter than 2.9/2.10.

Icon is a great bat and I like it. Right now I would say it's a bit early to recommend anyone because I havent used it yet.

Yaar don't go after thickness, my Salix has very thin edges and is very strong I would say
Ya mine does feel MUCH lighter. I was wondering what the pickup and balance it like?

The Icon is widely regarded as having a good pickup so if you go for something in the 2.10 range, you'll be pleased. As far as the Flare+ goes, it's not worth buying a bat that's too heavy and ruining your technique.

My advice, go for an Icon. I know you have worries about the concaved nature of the bat but there's no reason to believe it performs too differently from a non concaved bat.

Alternatively, the Kookaburra CCX sounds like it would suit your needs so have a look at that.
man......Iv'e had a very bad experience with kook bats..... bought a kahuna RP 2 years ago and it snapped halfway through the season. Kook bats IMO are not the strongest and they crack very easily. Since the pickup on the icon is better i might as well go for that. But i dont know bout plus or not plus because if 2.10 has a good pickup and the plus bats start at 2.11-2.12 then I might as well go for one of those. Its just really hard to decide because there are no shops that carry that range! The concaving doesnt bother me that much........the icon doesnt have a great deal of concaving anyway. Iv'e had one before but that was an icon 606 harrow a couple of years ago and I cant really remember how that went :p
man......Iv'e had a very bad experience with kook bats..... bought a kahuna RP 2 years ago and it snapped halfway through the season. Kook bats IMO are not the strongest and they crack very easily. Since the pickup on the icon is better i might as well go for that. But i dont know bout plus or not plus because if 2.10 has a good pickup and the plus bats start at 2.11-2.12 then I might as well go for one of those. Its just really hard to decide because there are no shops that carry that range! The concaving doesnt bother me that much........the icon doesnt have a great deal of concaving anyway. Iv'e had one before but that was an icon 606 harrow a couple of years ago and I cant really remember how that went :p

Didn't have much concaving? Odd, I have an Icon at the moment and it certainly has a fair bit of concaving.

Either way, stick with a regular 2.10 Icon as GM+ bats start at 2.12. Even on the lower end, the Icon has a big profile save yourself the hassle and don't buy an overweight bat.
wait.......which plus bat are you talking about.....there is only one GM bat posted and its the standard icon original???
NICE!!!!! thats exactly what I was looking for .....and its a plus tooo! thanks I can compare the profile of the ICON+ and the FLARE+!
I know you wanted some photos of the Icon+ so here they are courtesy of CricketStoreOnline.

Personally, I think this 2011 Icon+ looks quite poor; There's too much meat on the shoulders and upper bit of the bat and not much more on the swell than a regular Icon. Majid's GM+ was far better than this so have a look at his for reference.

Once again, I'll say that a standard GM Icon is likely your best bet.




Thanks bro.........I asked Jason he said he doesnt provide pics of his bats lol........ya I gotta say.........doesnt look the greatest........I will probably go standard! Thanks again
I haven't used my Icon yet but MB LE is a superb bat to be honest. I really like the profile and shapre, its lovely! It will be my match bat for T20s and it has a lot of wood behind it. I weighed at Khan and it came to 2.6lbs and edges are 41 mm. It is really big bat and has light pick up and very good balance.

Personally I really like the bat and it is one of my top bat.

I have used it few times and it pings really nicely, sweetspot is long and big very good actually.