I fell that the selection committee was the real culprit. It was their failure to find better quality players that hurt us more. So good that Inzi left.
ooooh mening on fire no more politeness and diplomacy, i like it
but what if the farm isnt churning quality players? how would one measure the performance of the selection committee?
Lets put it this way, how would you describe Pakistan cricket's objectives, realistically?
Is it fair to expect that, we shouldnt expect a dip in test performance, post Misbah and Younis?
that is like saying you losing 2 most experienced chaps in your department at work, and your function performance doesnt dip?
Would that be HR's fault?
or shoudl all departments have the objective of winnign the world cup and be number in tests? or should they have different objectives, like in any organisation, with the overall objective being the number 1 in region, or having the most market share
But then the question is again, what should have Pakistan's realistic objective be?
Did we really expect really to win the WC?
I dont think in such scenarios we can blame a single function, its all of them when the company doesnt achieve its objectives, not a fault of a single function or individual
I am sure that Mickey Arthur and Sarfaraz would have been consulted on the squad selected, which means there would have been discussions? so Mickey and Sarfaraz equally at fault
And lets say if the case is that Inzi is of strong character and not easy to argue or debate with, then still that reflects the coach and captain would be of meek character and lack leadership skills or the PCB management lacked leadership skills to allow incompetence in such manner, where one function head dictates other functions role and deliverables