Eid Milad Un Nabi Mubarak to All Muslims

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T20I Debutant
Jun 17, 2009

Enjoy it before the shirk/bidda crowd come to rain on the parade.
See? Didn't take long at all did it?

Its a question, which I will repeat once more....try answering with little less condescension.

Where did the third Eid come from? I only know of two.
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Its a question, which I will repeat once more....try answering with little less condescension.

Where did the third Eid come from? I only know of two.

No condescension intended.

As for where it came from, I wouldn't know, since I don't celebrate it. Those who do can answer better.

From what little I've read/heard, as long as nothing haram is part of it, there shouldn't be any issues coming up with events/celebrations that have no precedence in the prophetic tradition. I'll be interested in reading the debate though.
Serious question, first time I am hearing this just curious. What is this and why is it being celebrated???
No condescension intended.

As for where it came from, I wouldn't know, since I don't celebrate it. Those who do can answer better.

From what little I've read/heard, as long as nothing haram is part of it, there shouldn't be any issues coming up with events/celebrations that have no precedence in the prophetic tradition. I'll be interested in reading the debate though.

You can read this thread .This debate is going on from last two three years on Pakpassion.

As for this "celebration", people may think it's harmless BUT it's not

Just because something is not "haram" doesn't mean it can't come under the banner of biddah

I think the fact the the prophet (PBUH) didn't celebrate this "Eid" tells you all about it, nor did the companions of the prophet (PBUH) celebrate it, nor did the immediate descendants

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As for this "celebration", people may think it's harmless BUT it's not

Just because something is not "haram" doesn't mean it can't come under the banner of biddah

I think the fact the the prophet (PBUH) didn't celebrate this "Eid" tells you all about it, nor did the companions of the prophet (PBUH) celebrate it, nor did the immediate descendants

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But correct me if I'm wrong, I read somewhere that establishing a good practice has a reward. I would think that this qualifies.
If you don't celebrate it then why even mention shirk/biddah, are you trying to create problems?

No, just giving the ol' pot a good stir. It's fun.

I don't celebrate it (or celebrate much of anything for that matter) but I support others' right to do so. And it irks me that the ones who cry shirk/bidda at anything will have people stop.

And as I've stressed before, I'm no expert at it but from what I've read, there's nothing wrong with it theologically speaking.
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No, just giving the ol' pot a good stir. It's fun.

I don't celebrate it (or celebrate much of anything for that matter) but I support others' right to do so. And it irks me that the ones who cry shirk/bidda at anything will have people stop.

And as I've stressed before, I'm no expert at it but from what I've read, there's nothing wrong with it theologically speaking.

Don't waste your time with them then, absolute Jahils you ask them meaning of the Shirk or biddah and they post videos.
Don't waste your time with them then, absolute Jahils you ask them meaning of the Shirk or biddah and they post videos.

But it's so much more fun watching them foam at the mouth ;)

Yes the videos of someone kissing a sheikh's hand. I've seen those threads.
Sadaain Duroodo Ki Aati Rahegi
Jinay Sun Ke Dil Shaad Hota Rahega
Khuda Ahlesunnat Ko Abad Rakhe
Muhammad(S.A.W) Ka Milad Hota Rahega.
Well, What surprises me most is that Basically people who celebrate this " Milad " are barelvis. Now Imam Ahmed Raza , the Guru of barelvis was a Hanafi.

In hanafi fiqh also this is not allowed.

Nevertheless , the people who celebrate this are the ones that object to " Matam " of the shia , saying they should prove " Matam " from the Quran.
Last year I was invited to a Muslim friend's place on 25th December.
They cut a cake and offered me a piece, I asked what was it about?
He replied, "Aaj Hz Eesa ki saalgirah hai tou hum wo celebrate kar rahay hain".
” ایک کامل انسان اور سید الرسل کہ جس سا کوئی پیدا نہ ہوا اور نہ ہوگا دنیا کی ہدایت کے لئے آیا اور دنیا کے لئے اس روشن کتاب کو لایا جس کی نظیر کسی آنکھ نے نہیں دیکھی ”۔

”چونکہ آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ و سلم اپنی پاک باطنی و انشراح صدری و عصمت و حیا وصدق و صفا وتوکل و وفا اور عشق الٰہی کے تمام لوازم میں سب انبیاء سے بڑھ کر اور سب سے افضل و اعلیٰ و اکمل و ارفع و اجلٰی و اصفا تھے اس لئے خدائے جل شانہ، نے ان کو عطر کمالات خاصہ سے سب سے زیادہ معطر کیا اور وہ سینہ اور دل جو تمام اولین و آخرین کے سینہ و دل سے فراخ تر و پاک تر و معصوم تر و روشن تر تھا وہ اسی لائق ٹھہرا کہ اس پر ایسی وحی نازل ہو کہ جو تمام اولین و آخرین کی وحیوں سے اقویٰ و اکمل و ارفع و اتم ہوکر صفات الٰہیہ کے دکھلانے کے لئے ایک نہایت صاف اور کشادہ اور وسیع آئینہ ہو”۔

’’ وہ انسان جس نے اپنی ذات سے اپنی صفات سے اپنے افعال سے اپنے اعمال سے اور اپنے روحانی اور پاک قویٰ کے پُر زور دریا سے کمال تام کا نمونہ علماً و عملاً و صدقاً و ثباتاً دکھلایا اور انسان کامل کہلایا ۔۔۔۔۔۔ وہ انسان جو سب سے زیادہ کامل اور انسان کامل تھا اور کامل نبی تھا اور کامل برکتوں کے ساتھ آیا جس سے روحانی بعث اور حشر کی وجہ سے دنیا کی پہلی قیامت ظاہر ہوئی اور ایک عالم کا عالم مَرا ہوا اس کے آنے سے زندہ ہو گیا وہ مبارک نبی حضرت خاتم الانبیاء امام الاصفیاء ختم المرسلین فخر النبیین جناب محمد مصطفےٰ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ہیں۔ اے پیارے خدا اس پیارے نبی پر وہ رحمت اور درود بھیج جو ابتداء دنیا سے تُو نے کسی پر نہ بھیجا ہو۔
Its a question, which I will repeat once more....try answering with little less condescension.

Where did the third Eid come from? I only know of two.
Well maybe that just points to your lack of knowledge

Don't blame others for it
Last year I was invited to a Muslim friend's place on 25th December.
They cut a cake and offered me a piece, I asked what was it about?
He replied, "Aaj Hz Eesa ki saalgirah hai tou hum wo celebrate kar rahay hain".

Cake kaisa tha bhai?
Milad un Nabi, being the birthday of the Prophet, is THE most important eid for Muslims.

I wish everyone Milad un Nabi mubarak.

Now I have heard it all. I don't mind ppl doing Milad in rememberance of the Prophet but your comment is next level.
We don't celebrate. Wahabi Muslims and few other sects do not celebrate it.

Mainly its a Barelwi Sect thing.
i think its celebrated in middle east as well. Only Israel and saudi arabia doesnt recognise it.
I got a google reminder on the same and the prayers were offered and azaan done in nearby mosque inspite of a cyclone here,assumed it was big contrary to the thread.

There is no concept of Birthday Celebrations in Islam.

Prophet Pbuh never celebrated his birthday in his life. After His Pbuh demise none of His Pbuh Wives RA celebrated His Pbuh's birthday.

None of the Khulafa e Rashideen RA or Sahaba RA celebrated His Pbuh birthday or called it EID.

In Islam there are only 2 Eids. Eid ul Fitar and Eid ul Fitar while Prophet of Islam Pbuh also said that the Day of friday is like a Eid for muslims.

Another thing pertinent to note is that He Pbuh's fixed birthday is not known. There are different narrations about the date. Consensus is that it was month of Rabi ul Awal but exact date isn't recorded. His Pbuh's date of death is known though.

Note : If anybody wants to celebrate it in their way State or any group or community has no right to either stop them or harm them in any way. Abuse hurling is not justified either.
From someone far wiser and knowledgeable than us all -- Imam Suhaib Webb:

"One of the major causes of intolerance amongst us - even bloodshed in some cases - is the religiously untrained who, due to their lack of knowledge and experience, confuse fiqh with shariah, imposing on us what does not need to be imposed, or neglecting an issue that demands observance.

Shariah consists of non-negotiable commands and prohibitions: faith, prayers and honesty, while Fiqh represents a scholar's understanding of rulings and commands, gleaned from acceptable sources. Examples of fiqh are where to place your hands in prayer, the number of rakat for taraweeh, issues surrounding divorce, organ donation and things like the mawlid. Yes, the mawlid!

Imām al-Shāfi stated that issues of fiqh should be addressed with sincere discussions and respect - "No one should force a person to accept the former's opinion." That was the logic adopted by main stream Islam until around two hundred yeas ago. I'm by no means saying things were always perfect. But in general, things ran pretty smooth.

For those, like myself, who celebrate the mawlid - a practice of FIQH, observed by the majority of the four Sunni and Shia schools and the Sunni and Shia populace throughout our history, we cringe at the intolerance of some who, in their passion, seem to forget the principles mentioned above, and engage other Muslims with distain and disrespect.

May Allah send his peace, blessings and our love to our master, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم"
faraz39;8986761 May Allah send his peace said:
Allah Huma Aameen.

Bhej Darood Uss Mohsin Per Tuu Din Mein Sou Sou Baar
Paak Mohammad Mustafa Pbuh Hein Nabeeoun K Sardar
From someone far wiser and knowledgeable than us all -- Imam Suhaib Webb:

"One of the major causes of intolerance amongst us - even bloodshed in some cases - is the religiously untrained who, due to their lack of knowledge and experience, confuse fiqh with shariah, imposing on us what does not need to be imposed, or neglecting an issue that demands observance.

Shariah consists of non-negotiable commands and prohibitions: faith, prayers and honesty, while Fiqh represents a scholar's understanding of rulings and commands, gleaned from acceptable sources. Examples of fiqh are where to place your hands in prayer, the number of rakat for taraweeh, issues surrounding divorce, organ donation and things like the mawlid. Yes, the mawlid!

Imām al-Shāfi stated that issues of fiqh should be addressed with sincere discussions and respect - "No one should force a person to accept the former's opinion." That was the logic adopted by main stream Islam until around two hundred yeas ago. I'm by no means saying things were always perfect. But in general, things ran pretty smooth.

For those, like myself, who celebrate the mawlid - a practice of FIQH, observed by the majority of the four Sunni and Shia schools and the Sunni and Shia populace throughout our history, we cringe at the intolerance of some who, in their passion, seem to forget the principles mentioned above, and engage other Muslims with distain and disrespect.

May Allah send his peace, blessings and our love to our master, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم"
He is not our master. Allah (swt) is our master.

Master- a man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.
ex: "he acceded to his master's wishes".
synonyms: lord, overlord,


It is important to realize that while we should remember the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we shouldn't make this day as important as some make it out to be.
He is not our master. Allah (swt) is our master.

Master- a man who has people working for him, especially servants or slaves.
ex: "he acceded to his master's wishes".
synonyms: lord, overlord,


It is important to realize that while we should remember the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we shouldn't make this day as important as some make it out to be.

Is it Islamically wrong to call Holy Prophet as


Is it Islamically wrong to call Holy Prophet as



Not sure what means.

But anyway, look at the definition for "master"; It is clearly not a name we should attribute to him(pbuh) going by that particular definition. A better thing to say would be "Leader of Our Ummah" or "Intercessor between us and God".
Not sure what means.

But anyway, look at the definition for "master"; It is clearly not a name we should attribute to him(pbuh) going by that particular definition. A better thing to say would be "Leader of Our Ummah" or "Intercessor between us and God".

The meaning should be taken in context.

On the google search you shared, the second definition of master is this: A man in charge of an organisation or group, in particular.

That is probably a more applicable meaning of the usage of "Master" in this situation.

I guess it's quite similar to referring to Muhammad (SAW) as the leader of the Ummah. The master/slave relationship is obviously not an appropriate way to interpret the term in this case.
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Translation :


O (you who are) the Fountain of Allah's munificence, and perfect understanding of Allah,
People rush towards you, thirstily.


O (you who are) the Ocean of God's grace --- Who is the Bestower of Favours, exceedingly Beneficent,
Hordes of (thirsty) people hurry towards you holding their bowls (in hand).


O (you who are) the Sun of the (spiritual) Kingdom of Beauty and Grace!
You have (spiritually) illuminated (the inhabitants of) the deserts as well as the cities.


A (group of) people (was fortunate that they) saw you, while others simply heard about you:
The (enchantingly beautiful) Full Moon which has cast a spell over me.


Inspired by (your) love (O Holy Prophet), people tearfully recall your beauty,
And their aching hearts are afire, due to being distant from you.


I see that (their) hearts (are beating) in (such) anxiety (as if they) have reached their throats,
And I see that (their grieving) eyes shed tears.


O you whose Divine Light and luminescence has rendered him like
The twin luminaries --- the Sun and the Moon --- lighting up day as well as night.


O our Full Moon, O Sign of the Gracious God!
O (you who are) the Greatest (spiritual) Guide, the Bravest among the brave.

Allah Huma Sallay Alla Mohammadin Wa Laa Aalay Mohammadin Wabaarik Wassalam Inna Ka hameed um Majeed.
We don't celebrate. Wahabi Muslims and few other sects do not celebrate it.

Mainly its a Barelwi Sect thing.

Absolute rubbish. It is celebrated in every Muslim country in the world apart from Saudi Arabia - even there a lot of the ordinary people celebrate it (quietly to escape the wrath of the extreme Wahabbis).

It's a national holiday in a lot of Muslim countries including the UAE.

Milad Mubarak to all.
Absolute rubbish. It is celebrated in every Muslim country in the world apart from Saudi Arabia - even there a lot of the ordinary people celebrate it (quietly to escape the wrath of the extreme Wahabbis).

It's a national holiday in a lot of Muslim countries including the UAE.

Milad Mubarak to all.

You could not contemplate meaning of " We "

I don't have any issue with you or your faith followers celebrating it.
The meaning should be taken in context.

On the google search you shared, the second definition of master is this: A man in charge of an organisation or group, in particular.

That is probably a more applicable meaning of the usage of "Master" in this situation.

I guess it's quite similar to referring to Muhammad (SAW) as the leader of the Ummah. The master/slave relationship is obviously not an appropriate way to interpret the term in this case.

I was just making sure that some don't misinterpret the meaning. Come on man. There are many other words to describe the great man (pbuh) than "master." :root
I personally think one should not celebrate it. There are many reasons which led me to believe this. I won't look down upon anyone who celebrates it or force anyone to accept my beliefs. But I hate those idiots who go overboard. Turning on the tv and looking at those people dancing and shouting makes me sick.
We don't celebrate. Wahabi Muslims and few other sects do not celebrate it.

Mainly its a Barelwi Sect thing.

What is Barelwi sect? Why are you mis-informing people?

You need to travel outside sub-continent and see how people celebrate the noble birth of the LAST Prophet (saw).
This is a big day in countires like Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Morocco to mention some.
What is Barelwi sect? Why are you mis-informing people?

You need to travel outside sub-continent and see how people celebrate the noble birth of the LAST Prophet (saw).
This is a big day in countires like Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Morocco to mention some.

Its a holiday in all muslim countries except qatar and saudi. Apart from them Israel is the only country in middle east that doesnt recognise it.
Imo celebration or non celebration of birthdays is a trivial issue. Its unfortunate to see muslims at each other's throats over this frivolous issue. We have more serious issues to attend to. So please.
What is Barelwi sect? Why are you mis-informing people?

You need to travel outside sub-continent and see how people celebrate the noble birth of the LAST Prophet (saw).
This is a big day in countires like Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Morocco to mention some.

Bilkul meinay tou dehleez se bahar qadam nai rakha. Abi pangoorhay mein hun.

Allah hoo Akbar


your response is ridiculous, isn't it ? you were claiming it is mainly a barelvi thing and that means only in Pak and India but when questioned about it you are showing videos that say" why not to celebrate"? [MENTION=18398]IAJ[/MENTION] was not writing theology to get in this discussion. He only denied your assumption that it is a barelvi thing.I thought It was simple to comprehend.
your response is ridiculous, isn't it ? you were claiming it is mainly a barelvi thing and that means only in Pak and India but when questioned about it you are showing videos that say" why not to celebrate"? [MENTION=18398]IAJ[/MENTION] was not writing theology to get in this discussion. He only denied your assumption that it is a barelvi thing.I thought It was simple to comprehend.

Doctor :

Doctor :


now again you are sharing some theological discussion to celebrate or not to celebrate.I am not arguing about its validity nor did [MENTION=18398]IAJ[/MENTION] argued . how difficult it is to understand?
you claimed it is mainly barelwi thing while it is not .Almost all Muslim world celebrates it.
now again you are sharing some theological discussion to celebrate or not to celebrate.I am not arguing about its validity nor did [MENTION=18398]IAJ[/MENTION] argued . how difficult it is to understand?
you claimed it is mainly barelwi thing while it is not .Almost all Muslim world celebrates it.

Pasti e Zouq : Javed Ahmad

This Sunday in my home town.


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Pasti e Zouq : Javed Ahmad


come on. It is highly irritating to watch whole video just to get the evidence "that Milad of the last prophet( Hazrat Muhamad SAW)" is celebrated only by barelwis.
can you tell at what point of this video he is talking about it?
Who are the ppl at the front of the crowd & why are they draped in flower necklaces?

They are Imams of all local mosques. one is from the family of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani of Baghdad. The flowers are put on by the Host mosques Imam.
This is in Nigeria....over 3 million celebrating the Milad of best of mankind.


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I do not want to go in this discussion to celebrate or not to celebrate.

while I celebrate Prophet SAW's birthday I dont hate anyone who doesn't. I respect that they are sincere.In this time for muslim world there are many other things to ponder and to gather and distinguish ourselves form takfiris.
Our local molvis propagate hate while the world only gets better if we communicate our point across each other in a respectful way.
I don't celebrate Milad because I don't feel comfortable with the practise. All I can say is my heart and conscience for whatever reason don't accept it, Allah knows best. I don't have a problem when certain members of my immediate family attend such gatherings, they're not answerable to me. It's a grey area that is better not discussed unless real experts on Islam are amongst us who can give conclusive evidence either way. From my understanding the Prophet(saw) did not celebrate his birthday, will not say it's "shirk" just because I disagree with it. Arguing over such trivial matters only causes further disarray amongst the Muslim family already in a chaotic situation. Celebrate it if you want whilst respecting those who don't as well as the other way round. There are supposedly lot worse and better things Muslim people around the world do. My salvation does not depend celebrating Milad.
I don't celebrate Milad because I don't feel comfortable with the practise. All I can say is my heart and conscience for whatever reason don't accept it, Allah knows best. I don't have a problem when certain members of my immediate family attend such gatherings, they're not answerable to me. It's a grey area that is better not discussed unless real experts on Islam are amongst us who can give conclusive evidence either way. From my understanding the Prophet(saw) did not celebrate his birthday, will not say it's "shirk" just because I disagree with it. Arguing over such trivial matters only causes further disarray amongst the Muslim family already in a chaotic situation. Celebrate it if you want whilst respecting those who don't as well as the other way round. There are supposedly lot worse and better things Muslim people around the world do. My salvation does not depend celebrating Milad.

My thoughts exactly.

Celebrate or don't celebrate what you want, just don't point fingers at others.
Dr.Bilal Phillips

Misbah esque Salute to you Sir

May Allah bless you


Muslims across the globe, including Pakistan, are celebrating Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH) with religious and traditional zeal today (Sunday).

The day will dawn with a 31 and 21 gun-salute in the federal and provincial capitals respectively to pay homage to Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Special conferences, events and Mehfil-e-Milad are being arranged to pay respect to the last messenger whose life and teachings are a beacon of light for the mankind. People are also taking out processions on the occasion.

All government and private buildings, including streets, markets and mosques have been decorated with colourful lights and buntings.

In a message, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif congratulated Muslims on the eve of the Eid Milad-un-Nabi (PBUH).

Muslims across the world observe the Prophet Muhammed’s (PBUH) birthday on the 12th day of the Islamic month of Rabi-ul-Awwal.

I don't celebrate Milad because I don't feel comfortable with the practise. All I can say is my heart and conscience for whatever reason don't accept it, Allah knows best. I don't have a problem when certain members of my immediate family attend such gatherings, they're not answerable to me. It's a grey area that is better not discussed unless real experts on Islam are amongst us who can give conclusive evidence either way. From my understanding the Prophet(saw) did not celebrate his birthday, will not say it's "shirk" just because I disagree with it. Arguing over such trivial matters only causes further disarray amongst the Muslim family already in a chaotic situation. Celebrate it if you want whilst respecting those who don't as well as the other way round. There are supposedly lot worse and better things Muslim people around the world do. My salvation does not depend celebrating Milad.

If we go with that logic then the prophet also caused disarray amongest the families.

When you speak the truth it will cause disarray.

Even the hard core supporters of Milad agree that neither prophet has done it nor the companions.

Now , suppose we do it , it means one of the two things. First , the prophet knew about this but intentionally did not tell us.

Second , the prophet did not know it but the scholars who initiate it know this.

So , which is true? In both cases it is major sin .
This is in Nigeria....over 3 million celebrating the Milad of best of mankind.

Over 3 billion people do not believe Muhammad SAW was a prophet , they consider him to be liar , so will the numbers mean they are right ?

Allah says in Quran majority of mankind and jinns will be in hell , so are they right ? In Islam numbers are NOT criteria , it is evidence.
If we go with that logic then the prophet also caused disarray amongest the families.

When you speak the truth it will cause disarray.

Even the hard core supporters of Milad agree that neither prophet has done it nor the companions.

Now , suppose we do it , it means one of the two things. First , the prophet knew about this but intentionally did not tell us.

Second , the prophet did not know it but the scholars who initiate it know this.

So , which is true? In both cases it is major sin .

I celebrate it by giving charity in our Beloved Prophets name. If you dont celebrate it then that it is your problem, let me live with my sin. But as your second post suggests( "they consider him to be liar") your not one of us. But Allah knows best
I celebrate it by giving charity in our Beloved Prophets name. If you dont celebrate it then that it is your problem, let me live with my sin. But as your second post suggests( "they consider him to be liar") your not one of us. But Allah knows best

Brother I am not here to comment individually , I am here to speak about doctrine.

Many Muslims go and bow down to graves. You can do whatever you want , no one can stop you.

When you say that it is part of Islam on a social forum , then I have right to give evidence against it in a respectful manner. That is what I have done.

Yes , if you have evidence to back your action , you are welcome to share it here .

Thank You.
Brother I am not here to comment individually , I am here to speak about doctrine.

Many Muslims go and bow down to graves. You can do whatever you want , no one can stop you.

When you say that it is part of Islam on a social forum , then I have right to give evidence against it in a respectful manner. That is what I have done.

Yes , if you have evidence to back your action , you are welcome to share it here .

Thank You.

Firstly, i have never heard of any Muslim even using the words liar and our beloved Prophet in the same sentence. As far a your position is concerned then that is fine but its an opinion and i have no problem with it. But yours isnt the only opinion so you to yours and me to mine.
Firstly, i have never heard of any Muslim even using the words liar and our beloved Prophet in the same sentence. As far a your position is concerned then that is fine but its an opinion and i have no problem with it. But yours isnt the only opinion so you to yours and me to mine.

You need to read the whole paragraph , I did not say prophet was liar , If I believed in that I would not be writing here to defend Islam.

I said that majority doing something is NOT evidence of that thing being right. Hadeeth says that out of 1000 one will enter paradise.

My opinion or someone else opinion is insignificant , unless backed by evidence. In My opinion Shaan Masood is a better batsman than Lara , but will my opinion make my statement true?

In Islam opinion does not matter , what matters is evidence. If celebrating Milad was something good , there is NO reason why prophet himself would not do that or companions will not do that. There is NOT a single evidence to back it up.

So , those who celebrate it are saying that prophet did not know , but we know better than him or the prophet knew it but he intentionally hide from us. There cannot be a third reason.
Pointless annual debate. Never ending.

Debate is when you provide evidence.

As I said before even the hardcore sufis agree that this was not celebrated during life of the prophet or companions , that itself shows there is no evidence.