Eviction of over 4,000 Muslims families in Uttarakhand by State Government halted


First Class Star
Jun 4, 2017
"Can't Uproot 50,000 Overnight": Supreme Court Halts Uttarakhand Eviction

Thousands of people who faced the prospect of being left homeless in the middle of the harsh North Indian winter won a major reprieve from the Supreme Court on Thursday as it paused an eviction drive on railway land in Uttarakhand's Haldwani.

"There cannot be uprooting of 50,000 people overnight... It's a human issue, some workable solution needs to be found," the Supreme Court said, as it stopped an Uttarakhand High Court order that had cleared the eviction of the people who live in some 4,000 homes after a case that went on for years.

Referring to the suggestion by the high court of using force to evict the people, the Supreme Court said, "It may not be correct to say that paramilitary forces have to be deployed to remove people who have been living there for decades."

The court also stopped any construction in the area and sought responses from the railways and the Uttarakhand government. It said the case will be heard again next month.

Supreme Court Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Justice AS Oka took up the case a day after activist-lawyer Prashant Bhushan made a formal request.

The order comes as a major relief for residents who have been holding candle marches, sit-ins and prayers to stop the eviction.

The area covers a 2-km strip of land near the Haldwani railway station - Gafoor Basti, Dholak Basti and Indira Nagar, in Banbhulpura area.

Besides houses - nearly half of the families claim to have a land lease - the area even has four government schools, 11 private schools, a bank, two overhead water tanks, 10 mosques, and four temples, besides shops, built over decades.

The matter reached court in 2013 when a petition was originally about illegal sand mining in a river near the area.

The district administration, following the court's order of December 20 after a long litigation, had issued a notice in the newspapers asking people to take away their belongings by January 9.

Blaming the BJP government for action against an area where most residents happen to be Muslim, activists and politicians had also joined the protests.

Senior Congress leader and former chief minister Harish Rawat held an hour-long 'maun vrat' (vow of silence) at his home in the state capital Dehradun.

"Uttarakhand is a spiritual state," he said, "If 50,000 people including children, pregnant women, old men and women are forced to vacate their homes and come out on roads, then it would be a very sad sight," he said.

Mr Dhami has said his government will respect the Supreme Court's decision.

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Another cowardly act by the Indian govt - Over 4,000 Muslims families to be evicted!


Over 4,000 Muslims families to be evicted !
Hindu radical government in Uttarakhand, India orders a brutal eviction drive, overseen by 7,000 police and 15 paramilitary groups. Uttarakhand High court’s decision that the residents in a Muslim-dominated area are all illegals.
Women & childern are making Duaa to save their homes and livelihood.

What a bunch of heinous cowards ruling India.

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What can you expect? This type of thing is always expected from chaiwala Modi's India.

Cowardly indeed.
I'm amazed to see audacity of sanghis to find novel ways to outlaw Muslims in India!

This just keeps getting better (or worst)!
People are encroaching on govt land for years, case was in courts for years. You guys only have one Lena to view the world it seems.
And supreme court has rightly provided temporary reprieve considering the weather but eviction is as per law of the land.
And Tablighis believe partition was bad because Muslims will 'outgrow'. With such an insidious ideology within Pakistan, one feels for India's Muslims
And Tablighis believe partition was bad because Muslims will 'outgrow'. With such an insidious ideology within Pakistan, one feels for India's Muslims

They only have themselves to blame for their transvestite approach. By population they number well over 100 million .

2/3 million sunnis ex regime in Iraq had shia kurds and usa jumping through hoops in Iraq
All illegal encroachments must be demolished. It is shameful that posters are trying to defend this by giving it a religious twist.

People are evicted from their houses as the land never belonged to them. You cannot just put up a shanty tent and call the area your land and home.

Back in 2002, a portion of our old house was encroaching on the road. Local municipality warned us about it to remove the wall and the steps that were on government owned land. We obliged their request. The people who did not heed to the request got their walls demolished by municipal workers. There is no conspiracy in it.
What can you expect? This type of thing is always expected from chaiwala Modi's India.

Cowardly indeed.

Cowardly are the people who are encroaching the land and illegally occupied it calling it their own. No morals and ethics.
So there are no illegal encroachments in Uttarakhand by other communities!

There are so many public places here in Delhi itself which are encroached by majority community for construction of temples or extension of their homes/shops. Guess that never gets penalized by authorities.

There is a temple constructed on half
of the road, located very close to where I live. Guess, that never attracts any attention.

When you crucify minority community to such an extent for such a long period of time, episodes like this one will get tongues wagging even if it's an illegal encroachment of a public land.
So there are no illegal encroachments in Uttarakhand by other communities!

There are so many public places here in Delhi itself which are encroached by majority community for construction of temples or extension of their homes/shops. Guess that never gets penalized by authorities.

There is a temple constructed on half
of the road, located very close to where I live. Guess, that never attracts any attention.

When you crucify minority community to such an extent for such a long period of time, episodes like this one will get tongues wagging even if it's an illegal encroachment of a public land.

This is your way of defending the illegal encroachments? :facepalm:

I am reading about it, it seems the lands belong to railways and they informed the residents about it in 2007. Obviously the local MLA must have given false assurances for votes to these illegal encroachers. After all, they are his vote bank.

Illegal encroachments are every where. But when the lands belong to institutions like Railways and Defense, it becomes high priority and they will be dealt with first.

The only reason, this even made it to the News is because most of the illegal encroachers are Muslims. Otherwise, this would not even be News. It is shameful that pathetic words like Muslim dominated and Hindu radical are used to describe this event. Obviously to gain more attention.
This is your way of defending the illegal encroachments? :facepalm:

I am reading about it, it seems the lands belong to railways and they informed the residents about it in 2007. Obviously the local MLA must have given false assurances for votes to these illegal encroachers. After all, they are his vote bank.

Illegal encroachments are every where. But when the lands belong to institutions like Railways and Defense, it becomes high priority and they will be dealt with first.

The only reason, this even made it to the News is because most of the illegal encroachers are Muslims. Otherwise, this would not even be News. It is shameful that pathetic words like Muslim dominated and Hindu radical are used to describe this event. Obviously to gain more attention.

How many Hindu temples have been bulldozed or the Hindus have been evicted in India?
This is your way of defending the illegal encroachments? :facepalm:

I am reading about it, it seems the lands belong to railways and they informed the residents about it in 2007. Obviously the local MLA must have given false assurances for votes to these illegal encroachers. After all, they are his vote bank.

Illegal encroachments are every where. But when the lands belong to institutions like Railways and Defense, it becomes high priority and they will be dealt with first.

The only reason, this even made it to the News is because most of the illegal encroachers are Muslims. Otherwise, this would not even be News. It is shameful that pathetic words like Muslim dominated and Hindu radical are used to describe this event. Obviously to gain more attention.
You seem to have comprehension issues. I never defended the illegal encroachment by any community.

However, as I said earlier considering the overall environment against minority community such things will get highlighted. You however seem totally oblivious of the fact that there are some government buildings as well on the same land.

Will they be considered as the ones built on encroached land too?
And I guess you have problem with SC too, right?
You seem to have comprehension issues. I never defended the illegal encroachment by any community.

However, as I said earlier considering the overall environment against minority community such things will get highlighted. You however seem totally oblivious of the fact that there are some government buildings as well on the same land.

Will they be considered as the ones built on encroached land too?

I have no sympathy for anyone who encroach lands that do not belong to them irrespective of what the current environment is.

Government can build their building on their lands. It belongs to them. But they are not free for citizens to illegally encroach.

The premise of this thread is to show that India is anti-muslim and poor muslaman are getting evicted from their homes illegally as part of ethnic cleansing by BJP. Clearly it is not.
And I guess you have problem with SC too, right?

It seems they were given notice 6 months ago. SC will rule it in favor of eviction soon. Perhaps give the residents some more time to relocate.
The encroachers must do dharna in front of the Congress leader's house who encouraged these encroachments.
I have no sympathy for anyone who encroach lands that do not belong to them irrespective of what the current environment is.

Government can build their building on their lands. It belongs to them. But they are not free for citizens to illegally encroach.

The premise of this thread is to show that India is anti-muslim and poor muslaman are getting evicted from their homes illegally as part of ethnic cleansing by BJP. Clearly it is not.
You don't seem to be too familiar with facts of this matter.

This was a railway land so no, not evey other government buildings can be erected here just because Railway is a government entity too.

If it was that simple, there would be never ending court cases by one government department over another over the latter squatting on a land which belongs to one department.
It seems they were given notice 6 months ago. SC will rule it in favor of eviction soon. Perhaps give the residents some more time to relocate.
The encroachers must do dharna in front of the Congress leader's house who encouraged these encroachments.
A sanghi government is in power for close to 6 years in Uttarakhand so were they sleeping ?
You don't seem to be too familiar with facts of this matter.

This was a railway land so no, not evey other government buildings can be erected here just because Railway is a government entity too.

If it was that simple, there would be never ending court cases by one government department over another over the latter squatting on a land which belongs to one department.

Government can resolve their matter internally. Private citizens have no say in that matter. They are illegals and deserve to be evicted. They were given enough time to vacate. They did not. What is Government supposed to do? Wait for them to leave willingly?
A sanghi government is in power for close to 6 years in Uttarakhand so were they sleeping ?

They at least acted now. Fake secularists would be crying the same had the eviction issue happened 5 yrs ago too.

You seem to support the illegal encroachers.
And you seem to be so hellbent on 'upholding the law of land' in this case even if it means displacing 50000 citizens, hope you at least consider them citizens!

Have the similar eviction notices sent to those countless temple committees too which have illegally mushroomed all over?
Government can resolve their matter internally. Private citizens have no say in that matter. They are illegals and deserve to be evicted. They were given enough time to vacate. They did not. What is Government supposed to do? Wait for them to leave willingly?
Lol, internally. You seem to be quite naive in these matters.
Lol, internally. You seem to be quite naive in these matters.

OK. They can demolish Government buildings too. I am ok with that too if it makes you happy.

But you are a supporter of illegal encroachers. Just say it.
They at least acted now. Fake secularists would be crying the same had the eviction issue happened 5 yrs ago too.

You seem to support the illegal encroachers.
And fake hindu nationalists are crying for centuries that Mughals looted India, destroyed it's temples. See, it goes both ways.
And you seem to be so hellbent on 'upholding the law of land' in this case even if it means displacing 50000 citizens, hope you at least consider them citizens!

Have the similar eviction notices sent to those countless temple committees too which have illegally mushroomed all over?

Everything illegal must be demolished.

Hang on, there are 4000 families and 50,000 citizens? So more than 12 people in each shanty tent? Sounds like a paradise.
And fake hindu nationalists are crying for centuries that Mughals looted India, destroyed it's temples. See, it goes both ways.

You are going off topic. Why bring Mughals into this matter of illegal encroachment?

One thing is for sure. You support these illegal encroachers. An outstanding citizen you are.
OK. They can demolish Government buildings too. I am ok with that too if it makes you happy.

But you are a supporter of illegal encroachers. Just say it.
I see, you still have comprehension issues. Did I ever condone the illegal encroachment?

I see, you are supporter of public land being usurped for constructing temples. Just say it.
You are going off topic. Why bring Mughals into this matter of illegal encroachment?

One thing is for sure. You support these illegal encroachers. An outstanding citizen you are.
Lol, so brining in 'fake' secularists wasn't off topic. Well done on displaying such brazen duplicity!

And forget about my credentials as a citizen, you know nothing about me.
I see, you still have comprehension issues. Did I ever condone the illegal encroachment?

I see, you are supporter of public land being usurped for constructing temples. Just say it.

I support destruction of temples if they are illegally built. Thanks for attributing things that I do not subscribe to.

You are the one constantly giving this issue a religious angle and when I have shown the truth, you went on a tangent about Mughals and Hindu nationalists and now you are talking about illegal temples. :facepalm:

Since you brought illegal temples, there are illegal mosques and dargahs too everywhere. I do not talk about those things.
Everything illegal must be demolished.

Hang on, there are 4000 families and 50,000 citizens? So more than 12 people in each shanty tent? Sounds like a paradise.
You seem to be no different from feku who once unashamedly said about Muslims, hum 2 hamare 25!

See this is what is called outright bigotry.
Lol, so brining in 'fake' secularists wasn't off topic. Well done on displaying such brazen duplicity!

And forget about my credentials as a citizen, you know nothing about me.

I used fake secularists since the OP tried to give it a religious flavor. Bro, you are clutching at straws.

Are you for or against illegal encroachments?
Illegal encroachments must be removed. But what about those government authorities who gave them electricity and water connections on that land?

Or who issued them Aadhar cards for those illegal addresses? Or bank accounts? Would you prefer all of them to be penalized too like those who have been illegally staying there for so long now?

Should they go scot free?
This is a humanitarian issue so must be resolved as humanely as possible. After all, it's a matter of lives of 50K citizens.

It's easy to pass sermons about upholding law of land from the comfort of a keyboard. But think about those women, those kids who in this biting cold are being removed from their homes (even if illegally built over a railway land).

And it's not a small number of people we are talking about. 50k is a lot of people.
Ok, leave all other things. Just think for a moment, how many law and order problems this move will usher in for that locality? You can't wish away 50K people from a locality where they have been staying for so long.

Do you seriously think authorities will be able to tackle that?

Won't that bring in separate and much more humongous set of problems before the courts and government?
They only have themselves to blame for their transvestite approach. By population they number well over 100 million .

2/3 million sunnis ex regime in Iraq had shia kurds and usa jumping through hoops in Iraq

They had the option of going to a Islamic nation in 1947. They stayed back and are expected to follow the law or face it like everyone .

There are 150 mn plus Muslims in India?so? The rest of the 1.2 bn are supposed to be scared of them. Lol.
These are people who live in a forest.

Show me where a major Hindu site has been destroyed because it was built illegally on land.

Those were hindus, they were evicted because they occupied forest land.

Similarly these people occupied railways land illegally. They will be evicted as well.
Those were hindus, they were evicted because they occupied forest land.

Similarly these people occupied railways land illegally. They will be evicted as well.

These people have been living in houses for years. The buildings are the issue here for me, which are due to be demolished. Is the Indian government building them new houses?

So when has a major Hindu building been bulldozed for the same reason?
These people have been living in houses for years. The buildings are the issue here for me, which are due to be demolished. Is the Indian government building them new houses?

So when has a major Hindu building been bulldozed for the same reason?

Why should the government build them new houses? They illegally occupied govt land are now being evicted.

Bulldozed for what reason? Illegal occupation? Many. I posted one example above.
Why should the government build them new houses? They illegally occupied govt land are now being evicted.

Bulldozed for what reason? Illegal occupation? Many. I posted one example above.

Its called caring for its people but I guess an alien concept in shining India.

Sorry , I missed it. Which major Hindu temple has been bulldozed for illegally being built on land? Just post the link pls.
Its called caring for its people but I guess an alien concept in shining India.

Sorry , I missed it. Which major Hindu temple has been bulldozed for illegally being built on land? Just post the link pls.

Taxpayers money isn't for squandering on squatters. Freebie benefit schemes for illegal occupiers isnt a concept in shining India. We don't want to end up like countries who have overleveraged economies because they are handing over free benefits to people. I understand you may have a liking for that concept.

If government has to build them new homes for these illegal occupiers why evict them.Lol.


Modi demolished 80 temples in Gujarat alone.