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Fasting in Muharram


T20I Debutant
Jan 20, 2009
Reminder for PP brothers and sisters to try to fast in Muharram at the very least the 10th Muharram as there is a Hadith:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Fasting the day of `Ashura' (is of great merits), I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year” (Muslim).

Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/...FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503543248#ixzz17ZoRs8gF

It should be a very short fast in most of the northern hemisphere countries, so don't miss out an easy opportunity to fast on days which have great blessing!
Thank You Brother. I will fast Inshallah.

I sleep at Fajr and wake up around maghrib anyway, might as well fast :yk
Is this the right forum to discuss this?

Fasting represents happiness in Islam. Everyone should be doing Faaqa on 9th and 10th of Muharram and not Roza.. Faqa kushai is done at Asar time..
That is y i wrote.. is this the right forum to discuss.. Long debate it is..
Reminder for PP brothers and sisters to try to fast in Muharram at the very least the 10th Muharram as there is a Hadith:

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Fasting the day of `Ashura' (is of great merits), I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year” (Muslim).

Read more: http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/...FatwaE/FatwaE&cid=1119503543248#ixzz17ZoRs8gF

It should be a very short fast in most of the northern hemisphere countries, so don't miss out an easy opportunity to fast on days which have great blessing!

Thanks for sharing the Hadeeth with us brother. I have a question: Does this Hadeeth Shareef encourage to fast only one day or all the 10 days?

I have heard that we should at least fast 9th and 10th, two days, as the Jews used to fast only one day, the 10th?

Need a clarification, thanks :)
I have heard that we should at least fast 9th and 10th, two days
Yes, that's the better recommended approach.

Fasting on both of the two days has a great reward, and after 9th DhulHujjah, these are amongst the best non-obligatory fasts in the whole year.
Thanks for sharing the Hadeeth with us brother. I have a question: Does this Hadeeth Shareef encourage to fast only one day or all the 10 days?

I have heard that we should at least fast 9th and 10th, two days, as the Jews used to fast only one day, the 10th?

Need a clarification, thanks :)

You heard correctly.:)

Just to clarify, there will understandably be differences in Shia and Sunni jurisprudence on the above matters.

With all due respect, PP is not the place to go into Shia/Sunni debates. These debates have been here for over 1,400 years - mountains of books have been written into them from both sides. A few random and short posts from ill-informed posters such as me will not "settle" these debates. :)

Let's instead all focus on what we agree: that we're all Muslims, we all worship the same Allah and that we all deplore and condemn the brutal murders of the Noble Messenger's most beloved grandson and his family.

And we all pray that Allah unites us with the Noble Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam) and Hazrat Hussain in the Hereafter... after all, Hasan and Hussain are the leaders of the youth in Jannah - not of the Shia youth or the Sunni youth, but of the Muslim youth! :)
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Just to clarify, there will understandably be differences in Shia and Sunni jurisprudence on the above matters.

With all due respect, PP is not the place to go into Shia/Sunni debates. These debates have been here for over 1,400 years - mountains of books have been written into them from both sides. A few random and short posts from ill-informed posters such as me will not "settle" these debates. :)

Let's instead all focus on what we agree: that we're all Muslims, we all worship the same Allah and that we all deplore and condemn the brutal murders of the Noble Messenger's most beloved grandson and his family.

And we all pray that Allah unites us with the Noble Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam) and Hazrat Hussain in the Hereafter... after all, Hasan and Hussain are the leaders of the youth in Jannah - not of the Shia youth or the Sunni youth, but of the Muslim youth! :)

Thanks Shehryar.. That is what i said in my very first post. Appreciate that. may the sense prevail..
Thanks for sharing the Hadeeth with us brother. I have a question: Does this Hadeeth Shareef encourage to fast only one day or all the 10 days?

I have heard that we should at least fast 9th and 10th, two days, as the Jews used to fast only one day, the 10th?

Need a clarification, thanks :)

The Jewish calendar is completely different to the Islamic one - so how do you know that Jews fast(ed) on the 10th of Muharram?

The religious fasts that were observed by the Jews are as follows:

1) the 9th of Av, commemorating the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples

2) Yom Kippur, - the Day of Atonement - observed on the 10th of Tishri, this ends the Days of Penitence.

3) Fast of Esther

4) Fast of the First-Born, observed the day before Passover, and commemorates the saving of the 1st born during the Egyptian exile.

The 12 months of the Jewish calender are:
The Jewish calendar is completely different to the Islamic one - so how do you know that Jews fast(ed) on the 10th of Muharram?

I know nothing. I just asked!

But when that is said, the jewz don't call it Muharram, but they also believe in the day of Ashura (10th of Muharram) which arrives in same month.

Here are some Ahadeeth on this:

It has been reported in both Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him), that, When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) reached Medina, he found the Jews fasting the Day of `Ashura, so he asked them, What is this day you are fasting? They said, This is a tremendous day. Allah saved Musa and his people on this day and drowned Pharaoh and his people. Musa fasted it out of thanks, so we fast it too. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) said, And we are more deserving of Musa than you are. So he fasted this day, and ordered that it be fasted. [Bukhari (2004) and Muslim (1130)]

And it is reported in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad (Allah have mercy on him), from Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, Fast the Day of `Ashura and be different from the Jews by fasting a day before it or a day after it. [Ahmad]
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I repeat, please keep controversial "opinions" out of this thread.

This is NOT the place (or for that matter, the forum) for anti-Hadeeth and/or anti-Sunnah rants.

Such posts will be removed.
Again ... I am not trying to raise a controversy .... just requesting Shehryar to correct the number of years.
Offering nafil fasts in the month of Muharram is of great significance as it is one of the 4 sacred months mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an.

Verily, the number of months with Allâh is twelve months (in a year), so was it ordained by Allâh on the Day when He created the heavens and the earth; of them four are Sacred, (i.e. the 1st, the 7th, the 11th and the 12th months of the Islâmic calendar). That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein, and fight against the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) collectively, as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allâh is with those who are Al-Muttaqûn
[al-Tawbah 9:36] - Translation by Dr. Mohsin.

This Ayat alone should be enough for any believer to understand that the virtue of doing nafil acts in these months is of a greater reward. Keeping this as a benchmark and doing extensive research, one can have a better understanding on the Sunnah of the Prophet. However, this should not be a point of debate since fasting or on a particular day is not mentioned in the Qur'an. (atleast by my understanding - please do correct if I am wrong).
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Again ... I am not trying to raise a controversy .... just requesting Shehryar to correct the number of years.
I didn't say anything about these differences being present in the Prophet's time. 1400 years was an approximation to 14 centuries in the Hijri calendar - whether its exactly 1,400 years, or 1,356 or 1,393 is neither here nor there I think. :)
The Jewish calendar is completely different to the Islamic one - so how do you know that Jews fast(ed) on the 10th of Muharram?

The religious fasts that were observed by the Jews are as follows:

1) the 9th of Av, commemorating the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples

2) Yom Kippur, - the Day of Atonement - observed on the 10th of Tishri, this ends the Days of Penitence.

3) Fast of Esther

4) Fast of the First-Born, observed the day before Passover, and commemorates the saving of the 1st born during the Egyptian exile.

The 12 months of the Jewish calender are:

It's called the fast of Exodus and nowadays Jews don't celebrate it overwhelmingly. I have Jewish friend in NYC who do fast on the 10th of Mohorrum.

Please also note that Mohorrum is one of the ancient months dating back to Adam. For more info you should seek the Old Testament. Don't judge everything from Wikipedia
I got a text saying if you fast these two days you get reward of whole lifetime of fasting and if you alert others to this you get the reward of 80 years ibadat. Is this correct?
I got a text saying if you fast these two days you get reward of whole lifetime of fasting and if you alert others to this you get the reward of 80 years ibadat. Is this correct?

Not to my knowledge. Wallahu 'Alim.

Those sending the text should include a reference / proof to back-up their claim. :)
I got a text saying if you fast these two days you get reward of whole lifetime of fasting and if you alert others to this you get the reward of 80 years ibadat. Is this correct?

I really have to look for a source but I guess it was last 2 years worth of sins getting wiped outta your slate (if in fact your fast is accepted).
It's called the fast of Exodus and nowadays Jews don't celebrate it overwhelmingly. I have Jewish friend in NYC who do fast on the 10th of Mohorrum.

Please also note that Mohorrum is one of the ancient months dating back to Adam. For more info you should seek the Old Testament. Don't judge everything from Wikipedia

Correct me if I am wrong, but the Jewish Exodus is marked by Passover, and everything associated with it is celebrated in March... I do know Jews that fast on Passover marking the Exodus. However, the Jewish calender, while based on the moon, adds extra days to align it with the solar calendar, and hence, Passover always happens in March....
Please do not just relate everything to Prophet Muhammad without giving any real reference of some authentic books. The brother who started the thread, would he mind giving the details of where it says according to the Prophet Muhammad??? On 10th of Muharram, the day of Ashura one does not fast at all. Instead one should do "Faqa" and then eat around the time of Asar Prayers. This is a tradition which is followed by Shia Muslims.
A final reminder to everyone. Don't want to spark a religious debate, so please refrain from doing so. As it is a nafil ibadah so one is free to exercise it or refrain from it as one wishes. Thank you.
Please do not just relate everything to Prophet Muhammad without giving any real reference of some authentic books. The brother who started the thread, would he mind giving the details of where it says according to the Prophet Muhammad??? On 10th of Muharram, the day of Ashura one does not fast at all. Instead one should do "Faqa" and then eat around the time of Asar Prayers. This is a tradition which is followed by Shia Muslims.

You make it sound as if this is a unanimously agreed practice of the shias whereas it's not the case. There are ahadith in Shaikh Tusi's works such as Tahdhibul ahkam and al Istibsar as well as in Shaikh Sadooq's Al Faqih which do recommend proper fasting(not faqa) on 10 muharram.

Among our classical scholars, Shaikh Sadooq and Shaikh Tusi had considered it mustahab whereas among the modern scholars Late Ayatullah Abul Qasim Al Khu'i had considered this mustahab.

We shouldn't argue with sunnis over something which is not disputed.
Any Sunni's fasting on this first 10 days of Muharram?

I couldn't, so I fasted only today(9th) and planning to fast tomorrow (10th) also.
Historical facts:

1-When prophet of Islam arrived yathrab, there was no islamic calender then.
2- At that time, he had soft corner for jews and tried to please them.
3- jews tribes living nearby used to fast for Ausuhra (this term existed then) so Prophet advised muslims to follow jews.
Historical facts:

1-When prophet of Islam arrived yathrab, there was no islamic calender then.
2- At that time, he had soft corner for jews and tried to please them.
3- jews tribes living nearby used to fast for Ausuhra (this term existed then) so Prophet advised muslims to follow jews.

Out of curiosity, Do you know how jews fast?

Is that like us no food, no water, nothing or just avoiding meat and fish like the hindus?
Historical facts:

1-When prophet of Islam arrived yathrab, there was no islamic calender then.
2- At that time, he had soft corner for jews and tried to please them.
3- jews tribes living nearby used to fast for Ausuhra (this term existed then) so Prophet advised muslims to follow jews.

do u know when islamic calendar started and who established it?
do u know when islamic calendar started and who established it?
2nd Caliph of Islam established Islamic Calendar in 639 AD. And year set it to start from the year Prophet arrived in Yathrab (622AD) and month wise it started from Musharraf to comply with old arab traditions.
Out of curiosity, Do you know how jews fast?

Is that like us no food, no water, nothing or just avoiding meat and fish like the hindus?

Jews got two kinds of fasts, major and minor.

Regarding major (from net):

"They begin before sundown, when it is still light outside, and end after the next sundown, when it is dark outside and three stars can be seen in the sky. This fast is absolute. The faster may not eat food, drink, brush his teeth, comb his hair, or take a bath"

When we compare jews with muslims, we should keep this in mind that though jews of hijaz were politically independent but they were not intelliectually on par with the main stream jews.
2nd Caliph of Islam established Islamic Calendar in 639 AD. And year set it to start from the year Prophet arrived in Yathrab (622AD) and month wise it started from Musharraf to comply with old arab traditions.

did umar radhiallahu Anhu establish it himself or consult another companion?
did umar radhiallahu Anhu establish it himself or consult another companion?
Necessity was raised by one person.
Input was taken by few.
Umer wanted it to start from the time prophet arrived in Yathrab
Usman wanted it to start from Musharraf to be the first month.
I also read that Ali also contributed towards this task.

In the end, caliph got the absolute power.
Necessity was raised by one person.
Input was taken by few.
Umer wanted it to start from the time prophet arrived in Yathrab
Usman wanted it to start from Musharraf to be the first month.
I also read that Ali also contributed towards this task.

In the end, caliph got the absolute power.

Kindly do u have a source? Thanks
Historical facts:

1-When prophet of Islam arrived yathrab, there was no islamic calender then.
2- At that time, he had soft corner for jews and tried to please them.
3- jews tribes living nearby used to fast for Ausuhra (this term existed then) so Prophet advised muslims to follow jews.

You do realize that Islam is from the Abrahamic tradition, so yeah many of our rituals orginate through previous abrahmic traditions like judaism
You do realize that Islam is from the Abrahamic tradition, so yeah many of our rituals orginate through previous abrahmic traditions like judaism

Islam is based on the knowledge/ignorance and social realities of that time.
Islam kept several things from paganism.

I know that story about ibrahim is pure fiction.

Archeologists recently translated some tablets which indicate that this story originated from three independent stories.
Islam is based on the knowledge/ignorance and social realities of that time.
Islam kept several things from paganism.

I know that story about ibrahim is pure fiction.

Archeologists recently translated some tablets which indicate that this story originated from three independent stories.
That's cause those pagans did retain some elements from the one true religion of G-d when he first made mankind, the message got lost and then the Prophet brought the truth back to them, cutting out all the UnIslamic rituals and keeping the elements that predated paganism. You act as if paganism was formed out of a vacuum.
Historical facts:

1-When prophet of Islam arrived yathrab, there was no islamic calender then.
2- At that time, he had soft corner for jews and tried to please them.
3- jews tribes living nearby used to fast for Ausuhra (this term existed then) so Prophet advised muslims to follow jews.

False on all counts.

1 - there was a calendar - what you are confusing yourself with is the notion of the year which was established as being from the point of Hijrat. The Arabs had months you know.

2 - Wrong again

3 - Again wrong, when the Prophet SAW arrived in Medina, he noticed the Jews fasting, when asked, the Jews of Medina indicated that they fast in celebration of Hazrat Musa freeing his people from Pharoah, to which the Prophet SAW said We have more right on Musa, hence advised the Muslims to fast not just the 10th but either a day before or after.
This translates as the advent of the year of the Hijrat. Not the the institution of an Islamic calendar (with respect to months). The Arabs did have months that they followed, otherwise please do explain how the fasts of Ramadan were instituted. Or the pilgrimage?

Sorry, I do not understand your question/point.
Are you suggesting that pre-Islam Arabs were using islamic calendar?
False on all counts.

1 - there was a calendar - what you are confusing yourself with is the notion of the year which was established as being from the point of Hijrat. The Arabs had months you know.

2 - Wrong again

3 - Again wrong, when the Prophet SAW arrived in Medina, he noticed the Jews fasting, when asked, the Jews of Medina indicated that they fast in celebration of Hazrat Musa freeing his people from Pharoah, to which the Prophet SAW said We have more right on Musa, hence advised the Muslims to fast not just the 10th but either a day before or after.
Did not see your post earlier. Historical facts do not care about feelings and beliefs.
Jews got two kinds of fasts, major and minor.

Regarding major (from net):

"They begin before sundown, when it is still light outside, and end after the next sundown, when it is dark outside and three stars can be seen in the sky. This fast is absolute. The faster may not eat food, drink, brush his teeth, comb his hair, or take a bath"

When we compare jews with muslims, we should keep this in mind that though jews of hijaz were politically independent but they were not intelliectually on par with the main stream jews.

Thanks for this new information. Till i read this thread, I had no idea that the jews also fast.
I got a text saying if you fast these two days you get reward of whole lifetime of fasting and if you alert others to this you get the reward of 80 years ibadat. Is this correct?

The people who just send these kind of messages , why never give any reference ?
Sorry, I do not understand your question/point.
Are you suggesting that pre-Islam Arabs were using islamic calendar?

Pre-Islam Arabs had the same months. Go read your own source, it doesn't back your claim. As I said it, translates to the Advent of the Year of the Hijrah. Or are you suggesting "Sun-e-Hijri ka Ijra" has a different meaning?
Pre-Islam Arabs had the same months. Go read your own source, it doesn't back your claim. As I said it, translates to the Advent of the Year of the Hijrah. Or are you suggesting "Sun-e-Hijri ka Ijra" has a different meaning?

let me repeat my query and i need simple yes or no as answer:

Are you suggesting that pre-Islam Arabs were using islamic calendar?