Former umpire Rudi Koertzen passes away aged 73


First Class Captain
Mar 27, 2009
Rudi Koertzen, the South African umpire, has announced his retirement from officiating in international cricket. His last Test will be the Pakistan-Australia fixture at Headlingley from July 21 to 25. The ICC have also added Marias Erasmus and Rodney Tucker to the Elite Panel of Umpires.

unlucky pakistan
A good umpire he is! His service will surely be missed in umpiring department.
can some1 tell billy doctrove and asoka de silva to retire too
Agree with CD. Rudi is actually a very good umpire.

Why not Billy Doctrove and Asoka though?! :(
"A distinguished career like Rudi's presents a benchmark for aspirant umpires," ICC chief executive Haroon Lorgat said. "Rudi is a role model for many of the younger-generation umpires and his distinguished career sets a standard for them to emulate.

Cover Drive said:
A good umpire he is! His service will surely be missed in umpiring department.

Are you sure? he was so useless and bias umpire glad to see the back of him.
Best news I have heard in ages.

Its just a shame that he isnt retiring before the Pak v Aus test match.
Good news, Rudi was rubbish. Don't think he was racist, just genuinely inept.
He might not be a great umpire or even good umpire but when someone leaves it does atleast hurts me a bit. Imagine how much they have given to cricket? One or two bad decision in our favour doesn't make them bad in my eyes. No one is perfect so everyone does make mistakes

humein dooba ke hi jayega!

Congrats to our PPer Rudi hater, you won mate! :D
Khas Kum, Jahan Pak - and pls dont ask me to translate that.
OMG!!!!! I can not believe that PP members are saying that Rudi was a good umpire. You must be kidding me. I always thought of him as anti Pakistani.

[Edit by mod: Lets comment on Antibes integrity. Thanks :), Take Care]
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Will he be retired to 'stud' or just be 'put down' ruthlessly by the ICC?
Rudi will be missed a lot............NOT

It's one of the best news for Pakistan, hopefully Doctrove is next.

Asoka is probably the worst umpire around but he is consistent with his idiotic decisions whereas Rudi and Doctrove are far more dangerous because they are incompetent and biased.
Ahmed Zulfiqar said:

humein dooba ke hi jayega!

Congrats to our PPer Rudi hater, you won mate! :D

Do you know what? it took long painful 11 years. I started hating him since 1999.
How good are the two new additions to the elite panel? Anyone?
Rudi hater said:
Do you know what? it took long painful 11 years. I started hating him since 1999.

I note a hint of nostalgia in your post! Tell me you are not sad :))
The alleged racist is retiring!


I'm off to pray 2 Rakat Namaz Shukrana...
Glad he is going, he has made some shocking decisions in the past. Doesnt seem to like the Pakistani players, certainly not Akhtar since he has reported him to ICC in the past for chucking.
Didn't he call Pakistani's a group of bloody cheats, or something along those lines, to Hair?
Better late than never

U shall not be missed
Atleast he is going without a "way forward" tamasha... Well played to him and we wish him good luck in his next position as Prison Guard...
I can't tell if the "he was a good umpire" posts are sarcastic, I sure hope so.
He will make sure that Pakistanis remember him for a long time to come :(
Good old Rudi - he was always a friend to England!
Darrrrrrrrrel and Rudi have both gone now... we still have Aleem and Bowden to give us the decisions though!! :)
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who is Billy Doctrove biased in favour of then? I even remember England suffering from loads of shockers with him at the helm!
Whippy said:
who is Billy Doctrove biased in favour of then? I even remember England suffering from loads of shockers with him at the helm!

biased towards himself, I think...probably the most universally hated umpire out there.
Tomorrow will be Rudi Koertzen's last test match as umpire. Let's hope he gets the decisions right.
Cheating git, he'll be a long time retired thank god. It isn't a Pakistani retirement.
Good riddance. stupid **** should learn the bloody LBW law!

He should take ashoka and Doctrove with him as well when he retires!
Really CD - did you see the first ball to Ponting today - and you think he's a good umpire?
Really CD - did you see the first ball to Ponting today - and you think he's a good umpire?

biggest cheater ever in Cricket history. Rudi is even more rude than D Hair. Almighty God will punish him. He knows it that he has to announce his retirement otherwise he will become D Hair number 2.
Ponting was absolutely DEAD, this guy is friggin' blind!!!!
Aamir was plumb lbw yet Ponting's was not out, that's rudi for you. He retires, we get doctrove or ashoka, things aren't getting any better
Ponting's decision was an absolute shocker and I don't believe that it is incomptency,looked purposeful.Umpires always favour Aus for some reason.

I sincerely hope that won't cost you guys.
the Ponting-Clarke-Koertzen 'relationship' is taking this game away from Pakistan.
the Ponting-Clarke-Koertzen 'relationship' is taking this game away from Pakistan.

Indeed. Both padding up, no shot offered, ball going on to hit.....not out. That Amir's was given out in record time (by Rudi's standards) and was not going on to hit makes it that much more frustrating.
Couldn't he have retired before this series!?
Good ridance, he doesnt like much of the Pakistan players, he reported Akhtar for having a "suspect action" and today he did not give Ponting out LBW, a poor decision which could cost Pakistan the match.
I had a quick chat with Rudi after todays play, as he waited for his transport to take him to the hotel.

I have to admit, It was tough not swearing at him :)

Anyway I painstakingly wished him a happy retirement. He said that he'll be doing some work for Cricket South Africa, I presume by that he means umpiring in domestic cricket.
a parting gift for Rudi:

Couldn't he have retired before this series!?

The English have a way of hand-picking umpires who will work against Pakistan. Rudi the Afrikaaner is a constant thorn just as Harper, Hair, Doctgrove and many others who have officiated against Pakistan were specifically picked to officiate matches involving Pakistan.
The English have a way of hand-picking umpires who will work against Pakistan. Rudi the Afrikaaner is a constant thorn just as Harper, Hair, Doctgrove and many others who have officiated against Pakistan were specifically picked to officiate matches involving Pakistan.

I thought the ICC was in charge of appointing umpires...
Did he give a wrong decision again on Day 2 folks?

Utterly rubbish and biased umpire.Glad that we got the chhutkara from this blind *cheat*.
Ashoka De Silva is still left though.Hope he leaves too.

Good riddance.
I knew that the most dangerous player would be SIR RUDI which he proved with giving wrong lbw to Aamer and not out to Ponting. This is his way of payback to wrong decision against Hussey
Ponting's decision was an absolute shocker and I don't believe that it is incomptency,looked purposeful.Umpires always favour Aus for some reason.

I sincerely hope that won't cost you guys.

it has already cost us.
...question is how many more shocks will this loser give us today? :younis
...question is how many more shocks will this loser give us today? :younis

was he the one who didn't give ponting out? Hope today he doesn't give him nine lives. Just remember "jiskaa naa-khudaa na ho, uska Khuda hotaa hai.":)
Lets stop making excuses for this defeat please. It's pathetic. Accept defeat graciously.

- The Ponting LBW. When the ball hits the top of the bails, it is fair enough to have it given not out and the benefit go to the batsman. Yes - it should have been out. But - NO - it was acceptable to give Ponting the benefit. The review system would have upheld the umpires decision.

- The Aamir decision was awful but in real time it looked out. And Aamir wasn't going to make many runs be honest.

- Have you forgotten that Hussey was not out in the 1st innings??

So please stop whining. These decisions balance out. We lost because we can't bat and we can't handle pressure.
The English have a way of hand-picking umpires who will work against Pakistan. Rudi the Afrikaaner is a constant thorn just as Harper, Hair, Doctgrove and many others who have officiated against Pakistan were specifically picked to officiate matches involving Pakistan.

come on, you know that's silly. all four of those names have given us shocking decisions too. England fans hate Harper in particular.
He will sorely be missed, his umpiring services can never be replaced, a legend, a true hall of famer, and my hero, Sir Rudi, take a bow sir, you have made your old man proud.
rudi do something special in your last test so that everyone remembers you. especially pak fans.