Freedom of speech or mockery? Charlie Hebdo cartoon on Turkey earthquake draws ire


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
A cartoon mocking the devastating earthquake that killed thousands in Turkey and Syria was published in the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo, triggering strong reactions on social media.


The magazine shared the cartoon by artist Pierrick Juin in a tweet on Monday. The heading of the image is: "Earthquake in Turkey".

Illustrating heaps of rubble and collapsing buildings, the cartoon is captioned: "Don't even need to send tanks!".

Many users have reacted to the cartoon with anger, criticising it for making light of the devastating earthquake that has killed at least 20,000 people and left many homeless.

Dr Omar Suleiman, a US Muslim scholar, condemned the cartoon for celebrating the tragedy, calling the French magazine a "despicable publication".

"Mocking the death of thousands of Muslims is the 'peak of how France has dehumanized us in every way'," he added.

Reactions from users on Twitter came in Turkish, French and English, denouncing the cartoon, and calling Charlie Hebdo a "disgrace to humanity" for publishing it.

Read Rescues provide glimmer of hope among Turkey quake ruins as toll tops 20,000

The cartoon was accused of promoting hate speech and was called "racist" by Twitter users.

A Turkish presidential spokesperson, Ibrahim Kalin, also reacted to the drawing. "Modern barbarians!" he tweeted. "Suffocate in your hatred and grudges."


The satirical cartoon can be interpreted as a comment on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's attacks against Kurdish militias in northern Syria, a region that corresponds to the areas affected by the earthquake, reported DW News.

The German news agency said that the cartoon could also be interpreted as an indirect reference to Europe's weapons exports. Germany's hesitation to send tanks to Ukraine has been a topic of international discussion.

In the 1990s, Germany provided hundreds of tanks to Turkey, a NATO ally, with the only condition being that it did not sell or give them to any third party. Turkey later used those tanks in a 2018 military operation against Kurds in northern Syria, added DW News.

French magazine Charlie Hebdo is infamous for its provocative illustrations that have often caused controversy.

In 2013, the magazine published a blasphemous caricature on its cover. earthquake in Italy.
French & Danish humour comes across as very inhumane.

I find that about European humor overall, I’m glad its never in English some off the things just seem mind boggling in translation.
Lack of sense and EQ. Thats a problem with many in current world specially people in power and media.
It's an appalling cartoon however this is what Charlie Hebdo wants - for everyone to talk about them and make them relevant. Opening up a thread like this does just that.
Remember, Hitler's army walked into France, and without a single bullet, took control of France.

I am so glad the UK voted to leave this racist and fascist cesspit of a political union called the EU.

Remember, the leader of France married his school teacher who is twice his age.
Oh and as a reminder, France does not have freedom of speech, it is illegal to even question the Holocaust.

I like to see Charlie Hebdo mock the Jews, but they will not, as the Zionists will shut them down instead of using them as a mouthpiece for Islamophobia.
Oh and as a reminder, France does not have freedom of speech, it is illegal to even question the Holocaust.

I like to see Charlie Hebdo mock the Jews, but they will not, as the Zionists will shut them down instead of using them as a mouthpiece for Islamophobia.

Someone should tell the Zionists just to ignore the holocaust deniers instead of shutting them down for hate speech.
France is a secular extremist country.

Its the same free speech warriors who sacked one of their journalists in 2008 for anti-antisemitism but imo because he was pro-Palestinian.

This cartoon is would only be considered by mentally unstable people with hate in their hearts.

Btw did they make any funny cartoons when their offices were shot up? I dont think they did.
Rather than satirical or funny, they just seem to be obnoxious.
Rather than satirical or funny, they just seem to be obnoxious.

Ladies and gentlemen.

If it were Jews/Isreali disaster that Charlie Hedbo was mocking, liberals would not be using the term ‘obnoxious’, but would use the term ‘racist’ or ‘anti-semetic’

The response quoted sums up the West, and the control Zionism has on the West.
It is tasteless and crass but yes it should come under freedom of speech, to answer the question in the title. Easy.
Probably a reference to Ergodan's war on the Kurdish militias, if I had to guess. It's not a clever cartoon.

If this was their intention, indeed nothing out there could be as stupid as this.

Hebdo should have made various cartoons after they were attacked and some of their staff murdered in order to have credibility in their freedom of speech crusade.
If this was their intention, indeed nothing out there could be as stupid as this.

Hebdo should have made various cartoons after they were attacked and some of their staff murdered in order to have credibility in their freedom of speech crusade.

Bruv, we know the reason, it’s because Turkey can veto Sweden’s NATO application.

Time to talk hard facts and reality.

The French are the biggest racists after Isreal.
Calling all french people racist is racist itself.

Stop with your web of words again, I didn’t say all French people are racist.

Having a Union Jack in your profile doesn’t change the fact you are an RSS supporter which is an extremist ideology itself. Get the point?

Come back when you have something to say about Turkey‘s veto on Sweden’s NATO application which in the underbelly of this thread.
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It is tasteless and crass but yes it should come under freedom of speech, to answer the question in the title. Easy.

If we make cartoons about Indian Covid casualties or deaths of the soldiers, will that also come under freedom of speech?

My point is freedom of speech should have a line. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and other animals?
If we make cartoons about Indian Covid casualties or deaths of the soldiers, will that also come under freedom of speech?

My point is freedom of speech should have a line. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and other animals?

Mere bhai, forget cartoons, there were Tweets questioning Indian covid deaths, and what was the response from the RSS government? BAN TWITTER!

There is no FoS, just an opportunity for RSS supporters to attack everything Islam.
Mere bhai, forget cartoons, there were Tweets questioning Indian covid deaths, and what was the response from the RSS government? BAN TWITTER!

There is no FoS, just an opportunity for RSS supporters to attack everything Islam.


Some of these Indians are salty because of Islamophobia. Nothing else.

They cry on social media when their antics are called out. But, when it comes to bashing Islamic issues, they hide behind "freedom of speech".
Bruv, we know the reason, it’s because Turkey can veto Sweden’s NATO application.

Time to talk hard facts and reality.

The French are the biggest racists after Isreal.

I do know.

I find it hillarious the RSS, Liberal , Athiests have no clue of the world but use their own presonal hate of some to pretend they are the sea of knowledge because they are enhanced in understanding , when in reality its a veil of hate in their mind.

France is the same land where a WOMAN is forced to remove clothing and these clowns think they are advanced humans. :))
If we make cartoons about Indian Covid casualties or deaths of the soldiers, will that also come under freedom of speech?

My point is freedom of speech should have a line. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and other animals?

I don’t know who is “we” but there have been distasteful cartoons about Indians and Hindus in many big publications.

However 2 wrongs don’t make a right and if the French language here has been translated correctly because some times in straight translations meanings can change from culture to culture. If this is the right translation, this is terrible and in poor taste.
I do know.

I find it hillarious the RSS, Liberal , Athiests have no clue of the world but use their own presonal hate of some to pretend they are the sea of knowledge because they are enhanced in understanding , when in reality its a veil of hate in their mind.

France is the same land where a WOMAN is forced to remove clothing and these clowns think they are advanced humans. :))

Women forced to remove clothing is one thing, the age of sexual consent in France is 15. This is all one needs to know about France!
I do know.

I find it hillarious the RSS, Liberal , Athiests have no clue of the world but use their own presonal hate of some to pretend they are the sea of knowledge because they are enhanced in understanding , when in reality its a veil of hate in their mind.

France is the same land where a WOMAN is forced to remove clothing and these clowns think they are advanced humans. :))

So one incident can define an entire country and it’s people, is it?

Then how about UK and Pakistan, can we talk about incidents that happened there. Should we apply the same principle and make conclusions?
Stop with your web of words again, I didn’t say all French people are racist.

Words matter. You could have said the Hebdo editors are racist but nooo .. you said the French. You are projecting the habits & behaviors of particular individuals onto an entire nation state. You see people through the prism of their identity and ethnicity. That is textbook racism.

As for me being RSS supporter, you've got me. I can't hide it no more. I am consumed by my love for him. Heil Modi !
So one incident can define an entire country and it’s people, is it?


9/11 defined an entire religion and region according to the West, but I don't see you opposing this thinking, but 9nstead supporting this narrative!

Save the drama and stop pretending.

Be upfront and speak your mind.
My point is freedom of speech should have a line. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and other animals?

Throwing people into jail for having an opinion is what makes us animals. That is what medieval societies do.
Throwing people into jail for having an opinion is what makes us animals. That is what medieval societies do.

I didn't mention anything about jail though. There are many ways of penalizing someone.

You want complete anarchy with no law and order. That's not how a civilized society works.

There should be a balance.

Again, my question is, if this is okay, will it be okay too if we make cartoons about Indian Covid victims and dead Indian soldiers? I see you ignored this question.
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Throwing people into jail for having an opinion is what makes us animals. That is what medieval societies do.

The nation France, which you support, throws people in jail for simply questioning the Holocaust.

According to your logic, France is a medieval society right?

Nice try though on insinuating Islamic nations are medieval.

You have not thought your argument through, clearly. Back to the drawing board.
Gayssot Act Of France makes it illegal to deny crimes against humanity. Not just holocaust . In my opinion the law should cancelled out. But the law is against denying crimes against humanity.
Charlie Hebdo or anyone else for that mater should be allowed to draw cartoons of whatever they like.

The cartoons, whether it is mocking earthquakes or holy figures, are all that are needed to show the nature and character of these organizations and people involved.
No such thing as freedom of speech!

Only a fool still believes it.

Only speech which the authorities allow or find acceptable, otherwise you'll be cancelled or shutdown.

This is clearly unacceptable and disgusting, like the majority of his work, but the authorities will allow it because this is one of those hate speeches accepted under the banner of "freedom of speech".
So one incident can define an entire country and it’s people, is it?

Then how about UK and Pakistan, can we talk about incidents that happened there. Should we apply the same principle and make conclusions?

Its not an incident, its a law. I dont know of any law in any nation where women can be forced to take off clothing, and not just headwear.
Charlie Hebdo or anyone else for that mater should be allowed to draw cartoons of whatever they like.

The cartoons, whether it is mocking earthquakes or holy figures, are all that are needed to show the nature and character of these organizations and people involved.

So mocking people who have died in an earthquake is claiming what of the character of these dead people?

What you have written is worrying..for you.
Its not an incident, its a law. I dont know of any law in any nation where women can be forced to take off clothing, and not just headwear.
Saudi, iran have laws for women on how to dress. Punishment can be harsh. You can be beaten to death. Also I don’t agree with france either. It’s a joke of a law.
Saudi, iran have laws for women on how to dress. Punishment can be harsh. You can be beaten to death. Also I don’t agree with france either. It’s a joke of a law.


Every country has laws on dress but these are laws which suggest you wear more clothes, nobody can walk around naked anywhere. No nation has laws apart from France which state you must remove clothing if you have too much on.

Americans fry people to death via electricity but thats ok for you.
I don’t buy into the freedom of speech argument. If Alex Jones couldnt get away with that argument, how is this not similar?
If we make cartoons about Indian Covid casualties or deaths of the soldiers, will that also come under freedom of speech?

My point is freedom of speech should have a line. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and other animals?

Many on this forum and cartoonists around the world mock India’s hungry though, i guess you have some defense for that.
French are extremist and I wouldn’t call them secular either.. how can they be secular extremist if they don’t fight for one’s right of any religion.

If anything they are extreme atheists or agnostic.
Many on this forum and cartoonists around the world mock India’s hungry though, i guess you have some defense for that.

India's hungry? What do you mean? Do you mean poor people? I never mock poor people (Indian or non-Indian).

Not sure what you meant there.
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Every country has laws on dress but these are laws which suggest you wear more clothes, nobody can walk around naked anywhere. No nation has laws apart from France which state you must remove clothing if you have too much on.

Americans fry people to death via electricity but thats ok for you.

It’s government telling you what to do. It’s the same more or less clothes. I am against both. Also I am not ok with usa executing people. You make this up to make yourself sounds humane. Not working
If not for the Hebdo attacks, no one would even know who they are outside of France may be. It was Muslim extremists who popularized these extreme atheists.
These cartoons only work if someone reacts, they become iconic if the reaction is excessive.
These cartoons only work if someone reacts, they become iconic if the reaction is excessive.

I hear you, but it’s hard not to be indifferent when we see/read about kids and entire families dead in that earthquake - a horrible fate for somebody who had already suffered so much due to war and religion. Religious differences aside, don’t think these Charlie Hebdo guys have any humanity left in them.

Every country has laws on dress but these are laws which suggest you wear more clothes, nobody can walk around naked anywhere. No nation has laws apart from France which state you must remove clothing if you have too much on.

Americans fry people to death via electricity but thats ok for you.
Sorry are you against the death penalty? I would assume no.
French are extremist and I wouldn’t call them secular either.. how can they be secular extremist if they don’t fight for one’s right of any religion.

If anything they are extreme atheists or agnostic.

French people can be of any religion.

Bug a citizen of the Fifth Republic is required to be French first, and religious second.
No such thing as freedom of speech!

Only a fool still believes it.

Only speech which the authorities allow or find acceptable, otherwise you'll be cancelled or shutdown.

This is clearly unacceptable and disgusting, like the majority of his work, but the authorities will allow it because this is one of those hate speeches accepted under the banner of "freedom of speech".

While this cartoon is obnoxious and unfunny, I think it does not meet the threshold of hate speech, therefore is protected under French freedom of expression law.
Charlie Hebdo or anyone else for that mater should be allowed to draw cartoons of whatever they like.

The cartoons, whether it is mocking earthquakes or holy figures, are all that are needed to show the nature and character of these organizations and people involved.

So why can’t Charlie Hebdo publish cartoons denying holocaust?

Or why can’t two lovers go on date on Feb 14th in some parts of India or else they risk their lives by the BJP/RSS goons?
Will Charlie Hebdo make cartoons about Holocaust, 9/11, or LGBTQ?

Will it be freedom of speech too?

Freedom of speech seems selective in France.
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So why can’t Charlie Hebdo publish cartoons denying holocaust?

Or why can’t two lovers go on date on Feb 14th in some parts of India or else they risk their lives by the BJP/RSS goons?

First question : you missed a very simple concept . No one is supporting Charlie Hebdo cartoons but the point being made is they used to be irrelevant before some sensitive people made a big ruckus till it ended up with killings. No one even knew about them before that.

2nd point: very random point that came out of nowhere but if you ever visit india with GF or Mrs during Valentine’s Day let us know. There are a lot more fun things to do in big cities in India than in Bradford or Pakistan . I will guarantee you that.
Turkish authorities have issued more than 100 arrest warrants over collapsed buildings, amid warnings that the death toll from the earthquake that struck parts of Turkey and Syria could double from the current tally of 28,000.

State media reported that at least 12 people were in custody, including contractors, architects and engineers connected to some of the tens of thousands of buildings destroyed or seriously damaged in Monday’s 7.8- and 7.6-magnitude quakes.

The situation in stricken north-west Syria, already ravaged by more than a decade of civil war and where international aid has been agonisingly slow to arrive, is becoming increasingly desperate, the United Nations has warned.

Related: Turkey-Syria earthquake: young girl rescued alive from rubble after 150 hours, Turkish health minister says – latest updates

As public anger continued to mount in Turkey at the scale of the destruction and the pace of the rescue efforts, the arrests are likely to be seen as an attempt by the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who faces tough elections in May, to deflect blame.

Turkey’s vice-president, Fuat Oktay, said early on Sunday that 131 suspects had so far been identified as responsible for the collapse of some of the thousands of buildings flattened and that detention orders had been issued for 113 of them.

“We will follow this up meticulously until the necessary judicial process is concluded, especially for buildings that suffered heavy damage and caused deaths and injuries,” Oktay said. Special investigation units have been set up in the 10 provinces affected.
Erdogan had a terrible response to the event. Also it’s bitterly cold. Poor people
First question : you missed a very simple concept . No one is supporting Charlie Hebdo cartoons but the point being made is they used to be irrelevant before some sensitive people made a big ruckus till it ended up with killings. No one even knew about them before that.

2nd point: very random point that came out of nowhere but if you ever visit india with GF or Mrs during Valentine’s Day let us know. There are a lot more fun things to do in big cities in India than in Bradford or Pakistan . I will guarantee you that.

Nice effort to derail and clutching to the straws now.

Lets review you again.

You said

Charlie Hebdo or anyone else for that mater should be allowed to draw cartoons of whatever they like.

Yes, you are NOT defending Charlie Hebdo, but you ARE defending an ideaology. And that is "Freedom of speech"

I inquired, why can't Charlie Hebdo (or anyone else) make a cartoon on Holocaust under the right of "Freedom of speech" that YOU are defending?

Then you said

The cartoons, whether it is mocking earthquakes or holy figures, are all that are needed to show the nature and character of these organizations and people involved.

And again, why can't Charlie Hebdo mock Holocaust or 9/11 because "are all that are needed to show the nature and character of these organizations and people involved"?

And under the very same exact defense of freedom of speech, why can't two adults date on Halloween in some parts of India or else they will risk their lives? Do you support BJP/RSS in this regard to beat such couples?
And no, I don't have any intentions to visit India. Many who went, state that the entire country stinks with a subtly obnoxious odor. Especially, the cities are worse.
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The sad thing is that the Turkish President marched in Paris with world leaders after the Charlie Hedbo attack.

These French extremists view any Muslim as subhuman. When they are attacked they expect everyone to stand with them, when muslims are feeling sorrow then they stick the knife in.
The sad thing is that the Turkish President marched in Paris with world leaders after the Charlie Hedbo attack.

These French extremists view any Muslim as subhuman. When they are attacked they expect everyone to stand with them, when muslims are feeling sorrow then they stick the knife in.
Sorry what is this in reference to?
French people can be of any religion.

Bug a citizen of the Fifth Republic is required to be French first, and religious second.

They can be of any religion but they cannot follow their religion, even a cloth on head scares them, in France or Quebec.
Will Charlie Hebdo make cartoons about Holocaust, 9/11, or LGBTQ?

Will it be freedom of speech too?

Freedom of speech seems selective in France.

Dave Chappell makes fun constantly of LGBTQ.. but you wont see America making fun of earth quake, and US has freedom of speech not Europe.
Dave Chappell makes fun constantly of LGBTQ.. but you wont see America making fun of earth quake, and US has freedom of speech not Europe.

I was referring to Charlie Hebdo and France.

Will France allow it if Charlie Hebdo makes a funny cartoon about 9/11, Holocaust, or LGBTQ? I think we know the answer.
I was referring to Charlie Hebdo and France.

Will France allow it if Charlie Hebdo makes a funny cartoon about 9/11, Holocaust, or LGBTQ? I think we know the answer.

There is no law against. You can go ahead make cartoons. They have made nasty cartoons about Jews. Just google it. The thing is they did not get much reaction so they moved ahead. They are looking for a reaction. And Muslims provide one every time.
So why can’t Charlie Hebdo publish cartoons denying holocaust?

Because that would put them in breach of French law. Vichy France supported the Holocaust, and the Fifth Republic insists on facing her past honestly.
The post above mine clearly shows the double standard of French law.

So, French government is okay with Charlie Hebdo mocking Turkish earthquake (where over 20,000 people died). But, it is apparently against "French law" to make fun of Holocaust.

So, Jewish life is more valuable than Turkish Muslim life as per French laws. It again highlights the grip of Zionism over Europe and beyond.
Because that would put them in breach of French law. Vichy France supported the Holocaust, and the Fifth Republic insists on facing her past honestly.

So the French law allows the making fun of the tragedy where Muslim lives are lost. under the premise of “Freedom of speech”. But it won’t allow making fun of a tragedy that involves the loss of Jewish lives?
So the French law allows the making fun of the tragedy where Muslim lives are lost. under the premise of “Freedom of speech”. But it won’t allow making fun of a tragedy that involves the loss of Jewish lives?

1. Because the nation of France was not complicit in the earthquake as it was in the Holocaust

2. Because the cartoon attacks the Erdoyan government, not the victims, so is punching up not down.

Come on, this is really straightforward stuff. It’s astonishing that I have to explain it.
I advise everyone not to fall for the liberal version of History, and verify the information yourself.

The French were complicit in the Holocaust, BUT, during 1940 and 1944 in occupied France by the Nazis. In other words, it was the Nazis in France whom were responsible - not the French government.

Questioning or denying the Holocaust in France is ILLEGAL.

Holocaust denial is also ILLEGAL in countries such as Canada and Greece; neither were complicit in the holocaust.

You do not need a law to protect the truth.
The post above mine clearly shows the double standard of French law.

So, French government is okay with Charlie Hebdo mocking Turkish earthquake (where over 20,000 people died). But, it is apparently against "French law" to make fun of Holocaust.

So, Jewish life is more valuable than Turkish Muslim life as per French laws. It again highlights the grip of Zionism over Europe and beyond.

What I find remarkable is the callous and inhumane nature of so called liberals who claim the cartoon is a dig at the Turkish government, when it is insulting to the victims of the earthquake. There were cartoons in Amreeka mocking Floyd's death - lets claim it was a dig at police brutality and not an insult to Floyd's family.

All because Turkey may veto Sweden's NATO application.

Pathetic beyond words.
The usual suspects hyperventilating and giving Hebdo more publicity, nothing to see here.

Hope there is no incident on the ground like the last few times.