General Ayub Khan or General Musharraf - Who is better?


First Class Player
Feb 10, 2008
General Ayub Khan oR General Musharraf Who Is Better??

Dictatorship is better than Democracy or democracy is better

tell me any 10 important things he has done in their rule in power

tell me their qualities...

for me Ayub khan was best pakistan leader he so done so much for pakistan then mushy

This should be in the lame jokes thread,

Better and the above two names should not go together.
Ayyub said:
General Ayub Khan oR General Musharraf Who Is Better??

Dictatorship is better than Democracy or democracy is better

tell me any 10 important things he has done in their rule in power

tell me their qualities...

for me Ayub khan was best pakistan leader he so done so much for pakistan then mushy

don't tell me you liked him so much you made your PP name ayyub as well :))) ...

In regards to whose better, I think they both were about the same although perhaps Mushy did a bit more in regards to the relationship with India and other domestic matters. They both had the same amount of flaws, although Mushy seemed to really become flawed near the end of his term.
Musharraf. Ayub also bought in economic growth but his policies were the main factor leading upto the break up of the country. In any case, i feel no matter who the ruler or dictator is, he has a shelf life.
None of them:|! I´m better:26:!
Ayyub said:
General Ayub Khan oR General Musharraf Who Is Better??
Both deserved capital punishment. Unfortunately both were able to retire peacefully.

P.S. Ayyub, I wonder who are you named after.
Who ever favors Mush over Ayub should seriously get their heads checked out by professionals...

Pakistanis dabble in collective amnesia and cult of personalities with total aversion of facts...
Cheguvera said:
Who ever favors Mush over Ayub should seriously get their heads checked out by professionals...

Pakistanis dabble in collective amnesia and cult of personalities with total aversion of facts...

I favour Musharraf... i shall now head to the nearest psychiatrist...
Ayub Khan was lucky enough to be a leader in a great era of prosperity 1958 to 1969. The late 50's and 60's were a boom era all over. Unfortunately his legacy is forever tainted due to three reasons:
(1) he was the Pakistani military general to seize power through a coup thereby establishing a recurring cycle in Pakistan history
(2) he directly promoted the ethnic differences within Pakistan citizens especially downgrading muhajirs, something which is still in effect today and which is having repercussions in the violence in Karachi these days
(3) he was responsible for nepotism pushing the interests of his family and sons

Per wikipedia: Government corruption and nepotism, in addition to an environment of repression of free speech and political freedoms increased unrest. Criticisms of his sons and family's personal wealth increased, especially his son's actions after his father's election in the allegedly rigged 1964 Presidential elections against Fatima Jinnah is a subject of criticism by many writers. Gohar Ayub, it is said led a victory parade right into the heartland of Opposition territory in Karachi, in a blatantly provocative move and the civil administrations failure to stop the rally led to a fierce clashes between opposing groups with many locals being killed
This question is like "Is lung cancer better than prostate cancer ?" ....... makes no sense.
i would say Ayub Khan for the following reasons


HIT, HEC(heavy eng. complex), PICO etc

Friendship with China, Iran

Tarbela dam

Green revolution in agriculture sector --> introduction of tractors, fertilizers and modern methods of farming

Indus Water Treaty

Adding Gawadar to the map of Pakistan
Mush's amaal naama

1. Using NAB and corruption cases against some of the most egregious individuals as political quid pro quo to consolidate his own power. Allowing the same corrupt and crooked politicians to renter the fray and resume their criminal activities.
2. Expanding the stranglehold of military on civilian institutions by appointing serving and retired high ranking officer of the military to pull double duty, having little to negative affect on the performance of these departments.
3. Usurped prime real estate of the country. The plans to build a massive GHQ in Islamabad on 2438 acres as well as taking over the hingol national park are some of the spin-offs of this.
4. Propped up cronies through high profile and lucrative appointments, PCB chairman was a prime example.
5. Giving a free reign to the crime syndicate of MQM to engage in extortion, murder, kidnapping, and looting while controlling the city of Karachi.
6. Handing over the citizens of Pakistan to the US without and any due process for $5000.
7. Selling many innocent citizens of other countries (students studying invarious unis and legit madressas of Pakistan) to US for $5000 a pop.
8. Taking and distributing payoff from Pentagon to the tune billion dollar a month (half through official channel and rest under the table) to buy the support for the US war on terror from the top echelon of the pak military.
9. Using Pakistan Airforce to Bomb and strafe its own citizens and populations centers.
10. Allowing NATO and US to violate Pakistan’s airspace and sovereignty by conducting operations and missile strikes against the civilians of Pakistan, resulting in cold blooded murder.
11. Massively cooking up the economic numbers and figures, thereby giving a false impression that economy improved due to the sustainable structural reforms.
12. Suspending the constitution of Pakistan
13. Dismantling the judiciary and appointing castrated yes-men as replacement.
14. Imposing emergency and suspending free speech.
15. Letting inflation run amock thereby breaking the backs of the poor.
16. Despite all the hype doing zilch for poverty allieviation and letting his criminal feudal cohorts hord up and smuggle food items thereby leading to shortages to the profound detriment of the poor.
17. Failure to setup a single industry/factory producing value added capital goods.
18. Failure to add a single megawatt of energy to national grid.
19. Wrongfully attributing the economic and FDI growth to his policies when US/European aid as well as the capital movement back to pakistan to the tune of $30 bn (pakistanis in US/Europe were afraid that assets might be frozen) through official channels after 9/11.
20. Bombing the civilian poplulation of tribal belt leading to hundreds if not thousands of deaths, injuries, and profound misery. Also lead to displacement of hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis within their own country.
21. Failing to properly utilize, read embezzelling the aid recieved after the Oct 8th earthquake. Many are still homeless
22. Lal Masjid massacre.
22. Lal Masjid massacre.

I thought it was the terrorist within the mosque who were to blame. But to an extent I agree, Musharaf was too soft on them.
Hasan said:
I thought it was the terrorist within the mosque who were to blame. But to an extent I agree, Musharaf was too soft on them.

I thought it was the terrorist within the mosque who were to blame. But to an extent I agree, Musharaf was too soft on them.

yes Musharraf's yes men allowed them to pile up weapons and when arrested Musharraf's men bailed these two brothers out.

That is being too soft on them.

However the later backstabbing was harsh.
Hasan said:
I thought it was the terrorist within the mosque who were to blame. But to an extent I agree, Musharaf was too soft on them.

On the low end of the most conservative "official" estimates, hundreds girls some as young as 3 and 4 were killed...the most sickest of individuals even the most ardent supporters of mush the sharabi and kababi would not call them terrorists....unless off course they are bigots filled with religious and ethnic hatred as most barelvi, secularist and ethnic supporters of mush tend to be...
Rember Mush came when PK was on the brink of bankruptcy, he came when the whole region was in turmoil due to war on terror and most importantly he created and the biggest check and surveilence on any leader or gov. in the form of the media.

Ayub on the other hand ruled in times of much more peace and secrecy.