Greater Israel: A conspiracy theory or a devious future plan?

Greater Israel: A conspiracy theory or a devious future plan?

  • No, it's just a conspiracy theory

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The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
The concept of Greater Israel is too common among jews some deem it just their expansionism while other call it a meticulous plan being hatched to occupy a great chunk of land surrounding current Palestine. Many in the media term it as conspiracy theory while others cite Israel's action like it's continuous land grabbing as an indication of this long term plan.

So what it is exactly, a conspiracy theory or an actual devious plan that may unfold in future?
I do not think it is a conspiracy theory.

Look at their method in the past 70-80 years. They instigate and when opposition attacks, they attack back with the help of Britain/USA. That's one of the ways they have been grabbing lands from nearby locations (Golan Heights in Syria, Gaza, and West Bank).
The 10 agorot controversy refers to a conspiracy theory[1][2] made public by Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat's appearance at a specially convened session of the UN Security Council in Geneva on 25 May 1990. At the session, Arafat claimed that the obverse design of an Israeli ten agorot coin showed a map of "Greater Israel" that represented Zionist expansionist goals.[1][3]

Arafat's claims​

In support of his claim that the 10 agorot coins displayed a Greater Israel, Arafat also quoted a 1989 paper by Gwyn Rowley of the University of Sheffield published in GeoJournal. The paper titled "Developing Perspectives upon the Areal Extent of Israel: An Outline Evaluation" raised the question of what the maximum territorial extents of Eretz Yisrael were in the eyes of Israelis.[3] As part of this inquiry, Rowley presented a map of the Middle East with a superimposed outline based on the embossed pattern of a contemporary 10 agorot coin. In the text Rowley surmised:

Whereas Israel has never formally defined its borders one possible indication of Israel's broader territorial ambitions might be seen in the Israeli ten agorot coin which carries a map, seemingly depicting an area that would extend over to encompass present-day Amman, Beirut, Baghdad, Damascus and the N parts of Saudi Arabia. This same territorial depiction was carried on the earlier one sheqal coin.[4]

Thanks for sharing the detailed article. Actually there is much more stuff linked with it like rebuilding of third temple and the end of times event.


I also believe there is possibly a connection between Israel and Dajjal.

There is a hadith that says Dajjal will be killed by prophet Isa (PBUH) at the gate of Ludd. Gate of Ludd is in modern day Israel.


Expansionism has only one end: the ultimate implosion​


Lebanon today, Jordan tomorrow?​

An Israeli businessman close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said, “What we see in Lebanon today will happen in Jordan next.” Roni Mizrahi made his belligerent comment on an Israeli TV channel.

His words are reminiscent of what Netanyahu himself has said, as well as other politicians, military personnel and rabbis. Many have talked about the Jordanian solution, the alternative homeland, the forced displacement of the Palestinians from the West Bank, and the Palestinian Kingdom in Jordan. We can’t say that we haven’t been warned.

On Monday, Netanyahu appeared on the Jordan/Palestine border on a field visit to follow up on the project to build a barrier along the border with the Hashemite Kingdom. Between Netanyahu’s field visit and his businessman friend’s words about Jordan, doesn’t it look as if the kingdom is the missing front in the Gaza war?

After the killing of three Israeli soldiers by Jordanian truck driver Maher Al-Jazi at the King Hussein Bridge Border Crossing on 8 September, there was open talk about the seventh front in the Gaza war, to be added to the resistance fronts in Iraq, Yemen, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank. Jordan is a difficult and unmanageable front, though, as the Jordanians are rooted in their land, and their dignity does not allow compromise and bargaining. They have an underlying energy for sacrifice in defence of Palestine, Jordan, their existence and their destiny.

What does Israel have in store for Jordan?
Netanyahu and his friend are not just ordinary people in the occupation state. The prime minister has already received the green light from the extreme right lobbies and forces in Israel and beyond to implement his project for so-called “Greater Israel”.

Before the Gaza war, Netanyahu was consumed by chronic hatred of Jordan, along with a hidden desire to include the kingdom within the vocabulary of the settler-colonial project. He wants to see Jordan part of the land of Israel. This is no secret, albeit Netanyahu and the extreme far-right Jewish settlers have not made it public per se. However, in his book A Place Under the Sun, Netanyahu spoke frankly about the Israeli Biblical project, Greater Israel, and the fate of Jordan in this vision.

Roni Mizrahi’s words, not Netanyahu’s visit to the border with Jordan, require an official response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Amman, as well as the Jordanian media. The status of the Jordan-Israel relationship has reached a point where it is beyond diplomacy; Netanyahu’s words and actions are basically a declaration of war against the kingdom. What will Jordan’s response be?

I do not think that the Jordanian people will keep quiet about any Israeli plan to eliminate the kingdom and its national identity. They have no choice but to develop a strong national front internally, both socially and politically, to stand up to Israeli provocations.

What other choice do the officials in Jordan have? The 1994 Wadi Araba peace treaty is all but forgotten. The kingdom needs new options and new policies that protect Jordanian interests and curtail Israeli-Zionist ambitions. If “Lebanon today, Jordan tomorrow?” is the question, Amman needs to have the answer ready.

Source: Middle East Monitor