Explanation for why the Qur'an is a literary miracle - Hamza Tzortzis

I hope this time you actually respond to my points...

The initial point raises something interesting...he judges the book based on proper Arabic as opposed to ancient Arabic...this makes the notion of a linguistic challenge even more ridiculous...to observe and understand this linguistic miracle one needs to understand ancient Arabic not the Arabic that people know today...these makes it an even more closed religion...

His point about criticisms is also interesting...he rightly mentions that the Quran was accused of being the work of a soothsayer or simply poetry...

One has to ask why Allah had a linguistic miracle when Nouman himself acknowledges that Ancient Arabic understanding declined so quickly...

His point about a new literary form is weak...Haiku's are unique...Hip Hop is unique...these are innovative structures with different orders...the idea that the Quran has no chronological order and lacks structure doesnt make it strong...having a unique form isn't godly which he admits...

His point about the ayats about witnessing isn't great...he just says Muhammad mentions two versions of it at different times...placement and sequence of words he calls 'perfection'...its a device...

He continues to speak about stunning speech as being 'perfect'...

His point about tenses is ridiculous...switching tenses is impressive?...this idea that this doesn't exist anywhere else is nonsense tbf...

He repeats his middle nation point which is wrong...143 is not the middle Ayah...you can't have a middle ayat when there is an even number...286/2 is 143...287 would make more sense...144 would be the middle ayat in that instance...

He then speaks about partial and complete...thats subtlety of language which is fair...but he calls it a miracle...

Then he mentions idioms...he speaks about a powerful example which again one can argue subjectively is a nice phrase...miraculous no...

Herein lies the issue of the whole talk...its an hour of him speaking about how impressive the Quran is...but there is absolutely nothing to suggest anything is miraculous...anyone studying anyone in literature may attend a similar talk about how a literary figure does fantastic things with language...

He finishes off by labeling the Quran marvelous and beautiful...one can make that argument...and that is it...

I want to make it clear, that I am not engaging in any debate.

Although, honestly most of your arguments in this regard are very flimsy. You are just clutching at straws (i.e. your whole middle nation argument).

You need to understand that Quran was an oral tradition and it didn't come down written. So, yes placement of words, the words used, switching of tenses, they are all devices. But the precision with, which the Quran uses them is mind-boggling, especially given that it was a oral traditional and once you said something it is out there, you can't change it, there is no 'edit' option.

The argument that Quran doesn't have a structure is complete Bogus, again Nouman Ali Khan has done a series on it, but that is not the subject at hand.

Also, maybe you missed the palindrome, he was talking about. But that is one example that completely personally boggles my mind.

I want to make it clear, that I am not engaging in any debate.

Although, honestly most of your arguments in this regard are very flimsy. You are just clutching at straws (i.e. your whole middle nation argument).

You need to understand that Quran was an oral tradition and it didn't come down written. So, yes placement of words, the words used, switching of tenses, they are all devices. But the precision with, which the Quran uses them is mind-boggling, especially given that it was a oral traditional and once you said something it is out there, you can't change it, there is no 'edit' option.

The argument that Quran doesn't have a structure is complete Bogus, again Nouman Ali Khan has done a series on it, but that is not the subject at hand.

Also, maybe you missed the palindrome, he was talking about. But that is one example that completely personally boggles my mind.

The palindrome makes something godly?...the fact that it exists as a rhetorical device means people do it...

Tbf the ones clutching at straws are the likes of Nouman and yourself...the middle example is rubbish in the first place...

But that aside...one can mention this oral tradition thing as much as they want...thats how things were delivered back then...i am impressed at how well battle rappers can prepare 30 minutes of material without forgetting anything...also how they can come up with rebuttals yet not let that interfere with their flow...

Muhammad took 23 years to come up with this stuff...he had time to structure and memorise what he would say...people discuss this as if he freestyled this poetry...

You haven't been able to come close and neither has Nouman to explaining why doing something well...or forming beautiful poetry...as stated you dropped the palindrome example yourself...does producing a palindrome make one Godly?...
Bible talks about miracles also which came before the Quran. But lol @ Hamza he is a funny guy, his debate with Lawrence Kraus was out of this planet, I have yet to see anyone make a fool out of himself like Hamza did that day...
Bible talks about miracles also which came before the Quran. But lol @ Hamza he is a funny guy, his debate with Lawrence Kraus was out of this planet, I have yet to see anyone make a fool out of himself like Hamza did that day...

Tbf Krauss isn't good at debate...he has knowledge of physics...and Hamza was stupid to actually debate Krauss on Krauss's area of expertise...but Krauss knows very little about Islam...isn't the best of orators nor has he much knowledge on philosophy...

You will never see any of these Islamic speakers accept a debate with someone who actually has knowledge of Islam...an apostate fluent in Arabic language challenged Tzortzis to a debate and Hamza turned him down...instead Hamza chose the guy who had no knowledge of Islam and debated him...in boxing we would call that a cherry pick...
Man I'm surprised Hamza would take the time to log out of AshleyMaddison and actually write something that long

Some of the fb replies to his 'excuse' are brilliant:

So Hamza, you are claiming that some guy knew all of your private information and wanted to screw with you so he created a fake account on Ashley Madison. This guy then paid hundreds of dollars to maintain the account for 9 months. This account was then used to make transactions at locations where you were also present at the time. Then the ultimate plan was to hack the Ashley Madison database and release 40 million users so you could be exposed. Am I getting this right?

So in summary, a profile that fits you quite well was made and transactions made that match your whereabouts. As you say the australian transactions were made when you were there. Either its someone in your inner circle or you. Anthony weiner also claimed hackers had stolen his identity
Man I'm surprised Hamza would take the time to log out of AshleyMaddison and actually write something that long

Islamic preachers have had a history of turning out to be hypocritical. However, in this case he might just be looking for another wife which is allowed in this "perfect" religion.
open challenge to anyone to write another play like Shakespeare or draw a Pcaso


God dosnt like "Space" in the law of nature. someone have to fill that Space.
Its Law of the God. he sent people with different Intellect-Intelligence in every age.
In simple words, Better thn the Previous Ones.

for example:
In cricket no one ever thought about that someone will come close to Bradman.
but people witnessed Tendulkar. who knows someone will take over all the records of both Tendulkar and Bradman in next decade.
It may look like Impossible for this era.
but no one knows, except God.

Similarly every Part of life ha changed, wether its Art,Craft, Culture,Music,Science,Law,literature, etc etc everything is still in evolving stages.
Nothing is in static mood.

when i say evolving it doesnt mean about Darwins theory of Monkey.(its different topic)

Human mind evolves with every ages, thats why God said he sent books for every ages, according to thre understanding of that time.

thre were total 4 books were sent to the people of every ages.
But God didnt take the responsibility of others except Quran.

Your challenge about shakespare work dosnt hold the ground becoz the shakespare wasnt the only one who works for the Writing.
many people says milton was the better writer thn Shakespear.

If you still says shakespare is the only one who takes the Writing concept to a whole new level.
thn that is wrong. he wasnt the only one. and he wont be the only one.

As i said, God doesnt like space. so you mean after shakespare death no one changes the concept of Writing till this date ?

thn do check about Jhon Milton work. Milton have more or less same followers thn shakespear.
So, In your case anyone can deabte about Shakespear vs Milton. neck to neck.

Now, about The Quran, the Same God have said that 1430 years ago, the words of Quran cannot be changed becoz God takes himself the responsibility to safe Quran from manipulation or fabrication.

tell me ONE Book which ha survived in pure form till this date ?

No other book in this world have the pure form after so many centuries.
nothing is changed, not a single sentence even not a single word.

what others have to debate about Quran thn ?
So, Quran vs ...... ?


and God Knows Best.
1)You say God doesn't like space, but for over 5 billion years earth was nothing but space. Human beings have been on earth only for few thousand years. So there was space for 99.99% of earth's life

2) It is really, really, really sad when an educated youth talks about "theory of monkeys" which shows that a) he doesn't even know what that theory is even about and b)he holds one of the biggest theories of human beings in disdain. This is the kind of severe harm religion can do to thinking and humanity's progress. You are already approaching this subject with a biased mind, and such a biased mind prevents education and free learning

3) Shakespeare was a genius in his own style, Milton was in his own. Which is how geniuses are. There is no competition. Both are inimitable.

4) I will believe that Quran has survived in pure form, nothing has changed, nothing can be imitated, nothing is wrong, etc, etc the day when people are allowed to question it with freedom and without fear. Forgive me for not believing these tall claims when I know that for centuries people who questioned a word, even accidentally, were killed or tortured. So of course, ONLY the good things will be accepted. For example, if there are two scholars in Pakistan today, one who makes videos like the one in this thread and says everything is a miracle and another says that no, he is finding error, who will be treated how? The former will be a hero, the later will have to leave the country or even be killed. Heck rationalists are being killed in broad daylight in Bangladesh. In such a scenario, please forgive me for not believing these tall claims or thinking that these claims have been studied with a free mind. When you have only one narrative, you will get only one result. When you go in any experiment with a biased mind, you will always get the results you wanted.

Do you think the things I am typing, I would dare say these things aloud anywhere, even in India? This is the atmosphere of fear around this topic and in such an atmosphere there cannot be any rational debate on this topic
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The palindrome makes something godly?...the fact that it exists as a rhetorical device means people do it...

Tbf the ones clutching at straws are the likes of Nouman and yourself...the middle example is rubbish in the first place...

But that aside...one can mention this oral tradition thing as much as they want...thats how things were delivered back then...i am impressed at how well battle rappers can prepare 30 minutes of material without forgetting anything...also how they can come up with rebuttals yet not let that interfere with their flow...

Muhammad took 23 years to come up with this stuff...he had time to structure and memorise what he would say...people discuss this as if he freestyled this poetry...

You haven't been able to come close and neither has Nouman to explaining why doing something well...or forming beautiful poetry...as stated you dropped the palindrome example yourself...does producing a palindrome make one Godly?...

How do you explain that someone who can't read or write, came with such an amazing palindrome. But to each his own. I find this miraculous, but you might not.
How many literary devices did Hamza manage to fit in his Ashley Maddison messages?
WHY WOULD A HACKER SIGN YOU UP FOR A SITE ??? AND THEN USE IT??? If you were trying to get laid would you go with annoying salafist preacher as your persona or Brad Pitt?

It just annoys me the difference in standards of justice towards the ordinary man and celebrities. It's even worse with these Mullahs getting away (JJ, this tortoise, etc etc) because they command a sizeable following and that gives them the right to benefit of the doubt. If life is a game of cricket, then the mullahs and the politicians are the batsmen and we're all Ishant Sharma.
How do you explain that someone who can't read or write, came with such an amazing palindrome. But to each his own. I find this miraculous, but you might not.

I have explained it already...you're looking at the society through your glasses of today...illiteracy was common back then...being unable to read or write doesn't mean your language isn't sophisticated...a lot of languages past and present have no written form but have a literary tradition...palindromes are commonplace in literature...its a device yet you are acting as though this something impossible...

Anyhow there are examples in history of people doing extraordinary things...should we worship this woman?...


She wrote 12 books despite being deaf and blind...that's a lot more impressive than a wealthy Arab with all his physical faculties living in an era where oral tradition was commonplace creating one piece of work in 23 years...

There are lots of examples of writers being able to produce impressive pieces of literature despite some kind of drawback...Milton completed Paradise Lost when he was blind...he had no braille to assist him...he dictated everything to his scribe...

Doing something brilliant is different to miraculous...how do you define a miracle?...
I have explained it already...you're looking at the society through your glasses of today...illiteracy was common back then...being unable to read or write doesn't mean your language isn't sophisticated...a lot of languages past and present have no written form but have a literary tradition...palindromes are commonplace in literature...its a device yet you are acting as though this something impossible...

Anyhow there are examples in history of people doing extraordinary things...should we worship this woman?...


She wrote 12 books despite being deaf and blind...that's a lot more impressive than a wealthy Arab with all his physical faculties living in an era where oral tradition was commonplace creating one piece of work in 23 years...

There are lots of examples of writers being able to produce impressive pieces of literature despite some kind of drawback...Milton completed Paradise Lost when he was blind...he had no braille to assist him...he dictated everything to his scribe...

Doing something brilliant is different to miraculous...how do you define a miracle?...

Again clutching at straws. All those blind and deaf people, I am pretty sure were not unlettered.

The prophet (pbuh) was unlettered. So, how could he come up with a palindrome such as this? He could not even write one letter.
Again clutching at straws. All those blind and deaf people, I am pretty sure were not unlettered.

The prophet (pbuh) was unlettered. So, how could he come up with a palindrome such as this? He could not even write one letter.

Lol and he never wrote a letter...he never wrote a thing...his scribes wrote down his words...

You honestly seem to be confused over what being illiterate means...it means he couldn't read or write...something many Arabs didnt do during his time...it didn't mean he couldn't communicate or express himself effectively...he was a wealthy aristocratic trader...

But since you think that work can only be transmitted by writing...how do you account for works like Gilgamesh which was transmitted orally?...
Nothing like that at all :) ...just someone who explored the notion of a linguistic miracle in detail...

I don't need to know Arabic to know that an ambiguous challenge that sets no clear criteria is a false challenge...

Oh, thought you did because you were questioning the KKWC for holding certain views whilst not being fluent in arabic etc. Doesn't it work both ways then? it's his word against yours as far as Quran being a Literary Miracle is concerned.
Lol and he never wrote a letter...he never wrote a thing...his scribes wrote down his words...

You honestly seem to be confused over what being illiterate means...it means he couldn't read or write...something many Arabs didnt do during his time...it didn't mean he couldn't communicate or express himself effectively...he was a wealthy aristocratic trader...

But since you think that work can only be transmitted by writing...how do you account for works like Gilgamesh which was transmitted orally?...

The prophet was very intelligent no doubt; this is evident in his prowess as a battle tactician. But the crux of the Quran being a miracle isn't based on the prophet being illiterate although it is said quiet often.
I would like to mention a miracle that is based on my personal experience - every time I open the Quran, I find something that has to do with whatever problem/issue I'm facing during that time.

These days, I like to open the Quran randomly and read any verse that comes up, and I feel like this exactly what I needed to read in light of my situation at that time.

Now I don't know if this can be classified as a miracle or not but I have certainly experienced it. It doesn't feel random at all - as if it was meant for me to read that verse at that time and is a direct message from Allah swt for me.
Lol and he never wrote a letter...he never wrote a thing...his scribes wrote down his words...

You honestly seem to be confused over what being illiterate means...it means he couldn't read or write...something many Arabs didnt do during his time...it didn't mean he couldn't communicate or express himself effectively...he was a wealthy aristocratic trader...

But since you think that work can only be transmitted by writing...how do you account for works like Gilgamesh which was transmitted orally?...

Lol I am not saying that work can only be transmitted in writing, what I am saying is that for him to know about the palindrome, he would have had to write it down. Otherwise, how would he know that it was a palindrome?
I would like to mention a miracle that is based on my personal experience - every time I open the Quran, I find something that has to do with whatever problem/issue I'm facing during that time.

These days, I like to open the Quran randomly and read any verse that comes up, and I feel like this exactly what I needed to read in light of my situation at that time.

Now I don't know if this can be classified as a miracle or not but I have certainly experienced it. It doesn't feel random at all - as if it was meant for me to read that verse at that time and is a direct message from Allah swt for me.

This has happened with me a lot as well. But of course people here will argue that it's just pure luck :))
This has happened with me a lot as well. But of course people here will argue that it's just pure luck :))

To be fair people can say the same about Music not that I intended to be a buzz kill :)) I do believe there are certain miracles that come from the heavens although I've not experienced one but come to think of it on a personal level my duas at times have been answered to a certain extent despite going through certain struggles I have hope that things in the future will be better.
I think it's a Miracle in a way when Evil people triumph all the time and screw you while managing to get away with it.
Lol I am not saying that work can only be transmitted in writing, what I am saying is that for him to know about the palindrome, he would have had to write it down. Otherwise, how would he know that it was a palindrome?

So only people who can read and write know what a metaphor is?...or a palindrome?...or any sort of literary device?...

Are you suggesting that before writing nothing like this existed?...
To be fair people can say the same about Music not that I intended to be a buzz kill :)) I do believe there are certain miracles that come from the heavens although I've not experienced one but come to think of it on a personal level my duas at times have been answered to a certain extent despite going through certain struggles I have hope that things in the future will be better.

Well I am sure that you don't switch up a random music national and you find that this is exactly what you need to read.

But yes, this opening up the Quran (with sincerity to search for guidance) and finding exactly what you needed to know relevant to your situation, might not be seen as a miracle by some.
So only people who can read and write know what a metaphor is?...or a palindrome?...or any sort of literary device?...

Are you suggesting that before writing nothing like this existed?...

No, but a palindrome only works in a written form.
I would like to mention a miracle that is based on my personal experience - every time I open the Quran, I find something that has to do with whatever problem/issue I'm facing during that time.

These days, I like to open the Quran randomly and read any verse that comes up, and I feel like this exactly what I needed to read in light of my situation at that time.

Now I don't know if this can be classified as a miracle or not but I have certainly experienced it. It doesn't feel random at all - as if it was meant for me to read that verse at that time and is a direct message from Allah swt for me.

that is a known fact. Check out a vid by Nouman Ali khan where he actually does the same thing when he cant think of a topic for a lecture. The QUraan is nuanced, deep and beyond anything. By the way i did this the other day. I'm still studying the nuances of the reply.
that is a known fact. Check out a vid by Nouman Ali khan where he actually does the same thing when he cant think of a topic for a lecture. The QUraan is nuanced, deep and beyond anything. By the way i did this the other day. I'm still studying the nuances of the reply.

Yes, and it is very inspiring indeed.
Yes, and it is very inspiring indeed.

to be honest I'm still grasping what Allah swt was trying to say. Multiple things and such nuance, really enlightening. My wife did the same but she got a pretty straight forward one lol..
I know sometime you seem to lose heart and I can understand but always stay close to the Quraan and have faith.

I was drawn away from religion a few years ago, but then I saw things that affirmed my belief. I know if I share them with people, they will not believe them and will say that I am making them up, but my advice to anyone is that if you ask Allah swt to help you and guide you in your weak faith, He will give you signs and indications. No doubt about it, because nothing beats personal experience.
to be honest I'm still grasping what Allah swt was trying to say. Multiple things and such nuance, really enlightening. My wife did the same but she got a pretty straight forward one lol..

Yeah, every time it seems to give a different meaning, depending on how you perceive it.
At the end of the day, you cannot prove or disprove any faith - if you believe it, you will believe and if you close your heard and mind, you will not be able to embrace it. That is why it is futile to discuss religion and ultimately it is a personal matter.

I used to engage in a lot of religious discussions but now I do not believe that it is worth it.
I was drawn away from religion a few years ago, but then I saw things that affirmed my belief. I know if I share them with people, they will not believe them and will say that I am making them up, but my advice to anyone is that if you ask Allah swt to help you and guide you in your weak faith, He will give you signs and indications. No doubt about it, because nothing beats personal experience.

same here..I too drifted away then came back..
Well I am sure that you don't switch up a random music national and you find that this is exactly what you need to read.

But yes, this opening up the Quran (with sincerity to search for guidance) and finding exactly what you needed to know relevant to your situation, might not be seen as a miracle by some.

What I meant was that when someone is listening to a song, they often can relate their situation to the lyrics. Not saying that the same can not apply when reading the Quran it surely can as you and Mamoon have said.
Something interesting which i hadn't pondered before...you can always learn something new...

The discussion over Muhammads literacy in an interesting one...

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 763:
Narrated Anas:

The Prophet got a ring made for himself and said, "I have got a ring made (for myself) and engraved a certain engraving on it so none of you should get such an engraving on his ring." I saw the glitter of the ring on his little finger.

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 191:
Narrated Abdullah bin Abbas:

Allah's Apostle wrote to Caesar and invited him to Islam and sent him his letter with Dihya Al-Kalbi whom Allah's Apostle ordered to hand it over to the Governor of Busra who would forward it to Caesar. Caesar as a sign of gratitude to Allah, had walked from Hims to Ilya (i.e. Jerusalem) when Allah had granted Him victory over the Persian forces. So, when the letter of Allah's Apostle reached Caesar, he said after reading it, 'Seek for me any one of his people! (Arabs of Quraish tribe) if present here, in order to ask him about Allah's Apostle�

These are both Bukhari hadith...

And even on his deathbed there are hadith that speak about Muhammads writing...

Volume 5, Book 59, Number 717:
Narrated Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah:

Ibn Abbas said, "When Allah's Apostle was on his deathbed and there were some men in the house, he said, 'Come near, I will write for you something after which you will not go astray.

There are a shedload of hadith actually which refer to the Prophet 'writing'...

These hadith are classified as Sahih...

If the Prophet was illiterate why do we presume he remained that way?...hadith would suggest he was openly reading and writing...
1)You say God doesn't like space, but for over 5 billion years earth was nothing but space. Human beings have been on earth only for few thousand years. So there was space for 99.99% of earth's life


as I said he doesnt like space.
Earth was never Empty Space, Before humans The Jinns (i know you dont belive on spirits, so never mind) existed in this earth, and thn Animals/Jurrasic etc and so on ...

2) It is really, really, really sad when an educated youth talks about "theory of monkeys" which shows that a) he doesn't even know what that theory is even about and b)he holds one of the biggest theories of human beings in disdain. This is the kind of severe harm religion can do to thinking and humanity's progress. You are already approaching this subject with a biased mind, and such a biased mind prevents education and free learning

Thre were loopholes in his theory, you cant say that its as "fact of Human Evolution". many people of Science rejected his theory.
sure it helps us to understand about how things evolve.
but Human Evolution thoery is not completed yet.

Its the theory about evolution, I got it, things evolve,but it doesnt mean Human are descended of apes.
thre are other theories which says Humans are descended of dolphins and what not.
thn whos Right ?

Science is not static. Its evolving. today is Darwin's, tomorws will be someone else.


as someone says in this forum that Universe comes from nothing. Becoz it was nothing before Universe.
thn why not a Human being comes from nothing.

In other words:
'Be,' and it is”.

3) Shakespeare was a genius in his own style, Milton was in his own. Which is how geniuses are. There is no competition. Both are inimitable.

but still people compare both with each other. Its fact.
tell me about Quran ? can someone compare it with any Book ?

4) I will believe that Quran has survived in pure form, nothing has changed, nothing can be imitated, nothing is wrong, etc, etc the day when people are allowed to question it with freedom and without fear. Forgive me for not believing these tall claims when I know that for centuries people who questioned a word, even accidentally, were killed or tortured. So of course, ONLY the good things will be accepted. For example, if there are two scholars in Pakistan today, one who makes videos like the one in this thread and says everything is a miracle and another says that no, he is finding error, who will be treated how? The former will be a hero, the later will have to leave the country or even be killed. Heck rationalists are being killed in broad daylight in Bangladesh. In such a scenario, please forgive me for not believing these tall claims or thinking that these claims have been studied with a free mind. When you have only one narrative, you will get only one result. When you go in any experiment with a biased mind, you will always get the results you wanted.

Do you think the things I am typing, I would dare say these things aloud anywhere, even in India? This is the atmosphere of fear around this topic and in such an atmosphere there cannot be any rational debate on this topic

Sorry, Bro. I am an open minded person. I cant talk about others.

Does the Quran object to thinking and asking questions? Is Islam against thinking and asking?

The answer is absolutely: No!

Islam was and still is the religion that never put hindrances in the face of the people of knowledge, whether they were students or scholars. Rather, Islam encourages research and investigation. The Qur'an is full of so many verses calling upon people to make up their minds and explore the universe and its beauties.

Islam never said that people should stop asking questions or avoid research. It always says that people should use their minds to realize the existence of God. People are to use the faculties given to them by Allah to think and contemplate upon the heavens and the earth, the remains of the previous nations, the creation around them and see how beautiful all creation is. This is also to realize how great are the favors of Allah and to know that He is the sole Creator of the whole universe.

and thre is also a term of Ijtihad ....
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.<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/vQ0VI95OzB4" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You cannot reason faith.

If you scrutinize religion and scriptures, all of them will fall flat on their faces. Some take criticism and some cannot and make you pay for questioning their faith and God.

The only miracle is meditation and Science. You do not need God to meditate and Science is there to explain the real world phenomenon.

I don't understand the miracles of Science we are seeing and using everyday. If Science was a religion, then Scientists are Gods and nothing can beat them. Me discussing with other random people on internet and exchanging ideas and views is a miracle. Us flying from one continent to other is a miracle.

If there was an airplane back in medieval times, the guy flying it would have been a God.