Hello and Bat review BB blank bats


Mar 23, 2014
Hi all.

Im often looking up things on here so thought why not just register lol. I can see a wealth of experience and knowledge on here i can draw on.

Thought i would kick off with a bang and do a review.

Like many on here i have used an array of bats ranging from top line CA, Ton, bas to grays, laver and wood with varying success.

Bit of back ground i am a pain in the rear when it comes to my bats. I normally use big profile bats, not a fan of concaving or heartwood in general and like light , medium weight bats.

Was after a replacement for a lovely one off ca bat i had and was having no luck finding it without remortgaging my house as most bat firms wanted 300 plus easily for what i wanted. By chance I snooped into BB and surprisingly found exactly what i wanted!

My demands lol

Weight 2lb9ish dressed

Handle. Big fan of oval handles, medium thickness (got fed up of using medical tape, extra twine on ca and ton bats to make them oval, bit thicker, bit stiffer etc etc)

Shape, mid to low sweet spot with decent shoulder and toe but main emphasis on no concaving and so decent size sweet spot

Pickup, obviously as well balanced bat as poss for the size

Ping, often found most my bats were too hard pressed so took a fair few hundred runs to get going so wanted something pressed "in theory" best as poss.

Got in touch with the guys at BB and gosh the chap i spoke to (tam, tai) was spot on. Clear in understanding my fussy nature and was as obsessed as me in finding perfection lol. Maybe he took it as a personal challenge to see if he can please me he can please anyone lol. The dude delivered big time. Within a few days this guy sent me a stunning bat! Full profile, not as big as some ca and ton bats i have owned but defo big considering it is made fully in the UK! And that is the difference. The handle feels superb, balance and pick up sublime and ping is awesome. It literally sounds different to bats i have had in the past. Maybe because it is not dried out as much and or pressed better.

Did the usual light oil and knocking in and used it a few nets now and must say the ping is fantastic. I have had some seriously stunning ca bats and this was performing not far behind them and thats without using it half a season! Another thing that strikes me is the finish on the bat. Edge sizes were exactly the same and alovely smooth shiny finish! The stickers are perfect for me as i love minimalist classy look. (My opinion)

Almost best of all is the fact that it was a quality service, no hassle and didn't cost me a fortune. Not the cheapest bats but easily 100 pounds less than the nearest offering from other reputable names.

Defo a seriously nice bat and extremely likely this will be my match bat!

There is probably lots of bits i have forgotten to mention so don't gun me down, I'm new on here! Lol

In advance i will thank any people who help me out with any questions i have in the future :)

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s1242.photobucket.com/user/sidneyteacups/embed/slideshow/BB%20blank%20bats%20bat"></iframe>

Im hoping above is link to the pics of the bat....
If not make some noise lol
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It was not cheap but in my opinion good value for money, their normal prices are on their website but i managed to pay a bit less
Infact, it was 250 quid. Which is very fair price for it in my opinion. Looks, balance and ping is fantastic and topping it off is the brilliant quality

Salaam all.
Year on thought i would give an update.
Bat has developed really well! Very pleased.
On the back of this i have decided to get another! On its way to me and will be special!
Will post a review and pics soon as poss!