Hi all - Advice needed on some kit


May 10, 2011
Hi all, my first post on here...

Going to get some club kit from Uzi Sports tomorrow and I've got a rough idea of what I'm going to look at mainly and just wondered if anyone had experience with these products and let me know what you think

- SS Matrix 2011 http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_78&products_id=739
- SS LE 201 http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_78&products_id=738
- BAS Blaster http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_48&products_id=60
- GM 909 d3o http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_52&products_id=472
- Newbery Test http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_50&products_id=361

- BAS Enigma http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=3_61&products_id=233
- Newbery Test http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=3_67&products_id=357
- SS Matrix http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=3_186&products_id=551
- GM 909 http://uzisports.com/product_info.php?cPath=3_64&products_id=614

I'm mainly looking to see how well they wear and how long they last etc...
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Welcome to PakPassion Matt, I hope you enjoy your stay here!

As I had said;

What I have used/seen;

SS LE : Have tried these gloves and they are very good, very soft comfortable and top gloves too!

Newbery Test : Have these gloves but I have not used them, they are stiff and since they have calf palm they are good gloves but not as good as SS LE. The size of these is better than SS LEs because SS LEs I wore were a bit tight (Indian version I believe).


SS Matrix : HAve seen and worn them not bad pads, very good in fact, when I first wore didn't like knee roll area as it was a bit bulky but as you wear I'm sure it will get better.

GM 909 : A club mate bought them and he rates them very very highly.

More on SS Matrix Pads;




BAS Enigima: http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?t=123610

Newbery Test : I would say same as SS Matrix as both are similar and made at same place too!


Do you have to buy everything you have listed there or you have to pick one of each (from pads and gloves)?
Thanks, I'm sure I will.

Thanks for the links on the forum, still coming to grips with it!

Yeah I realise the Newbery Tests are made at the same place, however they're more expensive but i'm just wondering about my team mates (as it's going to be club kit) as they know newbery as a company well and would probably prefer to use these over a brand they dont know much about etc. (if you know what i mean)

I did have some SS Super Test gloves that I had ordered from onlinestockist and they came up small like a small mens/youths size. Which is main reason why I'm visiting the store to try on the sizes of the softs etc...
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I totally understand that to be honest I do that sometimes so no worries!

In that case I would say go with Newbery because I'm sure they will last long!

Exactly the SS LE gloves I tried were like that but when I wear Newbery Test gloves they are a bit big for me but the sizing on Newbery gloves is better than the SS I wore. But then SS gloves which Asad Bhai are proper UK mens size while OnlineStockists were Indian version which are generally smaller.

My club mate has GM Original D30 pads which are a lot like the 909 but 909 are a bit cheaper but regardless the model and price those GM pads are superb, they are one of the best pads in the market. They fit very well and have great protection plus its D30 which gets stiffer and harder as you hit more. People say that D30 increases the weight but believe me or not it doesn't really affect the weight I would say.

So I'm sure life will be there in Newbery and GM softs!

Personally I didn't like this years LE as they have the shiny touch which I belive is not good looking.

Also do you have to buy one of each from that list or all?

Any chance we can see picture of your lovely bats ? :D
Ah yeah, well most of the guys in my club are fairly big guys and are mainly labourers so they will prefer bigger gloves especially.
I've been really impressed by GM recently and I know I can't go wrong with them, however the GM/Newbery pads are more expensive than the Indian makes even though they are very similar and I kind of wanted a change with the gear which is why i'm inclinded to go with indian makes.

Haha, well I I'm looking to get 2 or 3 of each pads and gloves - I don't know whether to get the same of each pad/glove or get different ones. I'll probably opt for different as then it gives people more of a choice, however then there becomes favourites and so on... I'm sure Asad will have plenty of choice for me and I'll just explain what i'm looking for and then he can sort me out.

Which bats? The bats I currently own? Hopefully Peplow's SS/goose will arrive tomorrow, so I'll get a couple of pictures up of the bats tomorrow. You never know, I could leave Uzi Sports with another lovely bat haha.
In that case if I were and looking to buy club gear I would buy following;

I have 2009 GM LE softs and then my mate has 2010 GM Original D30 and my 2011 LE softs will be here on Thursday and I was highly impressed with the quality of GM softs as they were top class pads and gloves. I like Gray Nicolls too but if you compare Gray Nicolls and GM together (a fair comparison I would say) then in softs GM is miles miles ahead of Gray Nicolls this is how good GM softs are. I would say GM, Salix, Puma and Newbery softs are the best in the whole world!

Since you want gloves to last long one thing I would suggest you is that don't go with pittard palm gloves. I will tell you a story me and my friend order SS gloves from Online Stockist, these ones;


So yeah I bought them in December and I got the gloves from my friend in February I believe and since then I used those gloves once a week on average in 12 minutes (average batting) and I don't sweat a lot and no one expect me wore those gloves. In the beginning I wore inners but lately I stopped wearing them and when I wear the gloves now I see the palm is a bit rough and used up. So I shared this to tell you how long they last and my mate had a game last week and he couldn't grip the bat as they were slippery for him.

I know English such as GM are more expensive but then you get what you pay for.

Yes, I mean which bats do you currently have? Pictures would be great, I will look forward to the pictures!

Haha I had my eyes on Evo LE and Nitro LE Uzi Sports had but now its sold according to there website.

When you drop down do you mind checking out Gray Nicolls Legend for me and let me know how it is and everything? From the pictures it looks like spine is offset and this is visible in the picture he posted on his website.
For the Gloves I was mainly thinking of going for the GM 909 d3o, SS LE and SS Matrix (non-pittard), the pads I think Newbery Test, SS Matrix and GM 909. But I'll see when I'm there on how they all fit and so on and how they cost...

Yeah I realise that about Pittard Palms, I've recently bought my first pair of pittard palms - some Hawk X10 Pro Gloves which are very nice. However that's what I've always thought they don't last as long as calf palms due to their softness their more likely to wear quicker. I've got some Puma Ballistic 4000's from 2008 (I think) and they're still going strong and they are calf palms. However I spoke to Talisman about this and he was saying that Pittard Palms last longer (he did urge that he meant 'proper' pittard), however I think he meant that they stay softer for longer rather than actually staying together so that they are usable.

Well I'll speak to Asad when I'm down there, as he'll know what I'm after and I'll see what he recommends regarding wear, price and so on - I'll get some pictures of what I get anyway.

Currently I've got a Talisman Fuji(Perfect Storm Stickers), a pro GN Powerbow(old shape, just been refurbed by GN), Black Cat G1 Joker, Solitaire and a blank SS from Uzi with goose stickers on it. I'll get some pictures when they're all together.

Yeah I saw those bats, they looked lovely on the pictures that were put up on the forum! Just slightly out of my price range unfortunately! I'll have a look to see what he's got, I have asked him whether I should go on whether the products on their website are 'sold out' as meaning as they don't have them in the shop, but he didn't get back to me on that.

Sure, I'll check it out - If you ask Asad I'm sure he'll take some more pictures of the bat if you liked.
Just had a look at the pictures of the GN Legend, the spine does indeed look offset - Doesn't look like the nicest finished bat in the world to be honest.
I would say good choices mate, in fact some like GM were good!

I agree yeah they stay for a while but then in terms of useness they don't last very long. By 'proper' pittard you mean one on GM LE gloves right? If so then that's what I'm talking of as well!

Actually some calf palms are soft too my Puma Iridium gloves have calf palm and they are as soft as pittards. Also I have heard from many people that pro prefer calf than pittard due to feel and grip.

Yes definitely Asad would be better man to ask when at shop because when you buy a lot he can also sort you a deal out you know what I mean!

That Fuji is brilliant post pictures whenever you can!

Since you're going tomorroe have a look at that Legend ansd see if it is really offset
Well I'm not completely sure, Talisman knows a lot more than me about pittards and so on and I've only had one pair of pittard palms which are my current gloves so I cannot really compare them against anything. I don't know much about Pittards, but my understanding of it is that they will stay soft for a while, however the actually useage of them may be less (depending on grips/useage etc...)

Yeah I argee, I kind of prefer my old Puma Ballistics, but that's probably because I've had them for a while - it's like an old shoe (they fit like a glove as it were), so anything new is going to feel strange at first.

Yeah hopefully, I'm getting some caps made from them as well - Also if we get some sponsorship, we're going to get some shirts made there too so hopefully he will sort me out with something at least.

Sure, I'll talk to him about it as well.
True I agree, I'm not doubting his knowledge or ability :D

Again you prefer Ballistics because you used them a lot and are used to them much more than SS or any new gloves you try. But not even that Puma gloves are top notch so they will definitely feel very well!

Let me us know what you purchased from Uzi Sports.
So what did you go for Matt?

So I'm back after playing cricket this evening (and lets just say I'm annoyed as I re-aggrivated my ankle injury so I didn't get a bat/bowl). I've just got to say what a top bloke Asad is, he's a really nice friendly chap with a very good knowledge of cricket gear.

I could've literally spent all day looking at the gear, I was like a little kid in a toy store! Some of the bats that were in the store were absolutely amazing and if I had some money on me I would've loved to have come away with about a dozen bats!

Luckily I didn't end up bankrupt and my will stayed strong and I just bought the gear I went in there to get. After spending an hour or so in the store looking around and talking to Asad about the gear I finally came out with 2 x pads and 2 x gloves with some pads and gloves on order.

I got the BAS Enigma pads, Newbery Test pads with the SS Matrix pads on order due to there not being any mens RH in stock. With the gloves I decided to go with the SS LE, GM 909 d30 and also some SS Matrix on order for the same reason.

So after having an evening with some players using the kit, lets just say they loved having some new kit that was quality. Had a lot of how good the kit was and for the money I spent I don't think I could've got much better as everyone seemed happy.


Sorry for the picture not being the best, just that I only had a couple of minutes when I got back from the store to get to cricket, so now all of the kit is at the club.
Cheers for posting picture and detailed writeup Matt, I appreciate it!

Seems like you went ahead with right selection and everything you bought looks quality stuff. To be honest, all four of the items look fantastic!

Do you mind telling how good were the pads (Newbery ones) and those SS gloves? Those SS gloves look much nicer than what they are on Uzi Sport's website! How are those SS LE gloves? Are they good with calf palms?

I hope you got a good deal at the end!

Did you see the Gray Nicolls Legend?
Well the Newbery pads are very similar to most of the SS pads, as they are made by SS - so you know what you're going to get with them. They're slightly stiff to start off with, but after a couple of wears when they get more supple I would say that they'll be very nice pads. They may be every so slightly on the heavier side, but that may be because I've got some Puma Idirium 5000's and they're very light!
The BAS pads are quite big, but very protective and for the price of them I couldn't resist as they're also very rare and he only had a couple of pairs left. I had always fancied them since I saw them on the website and I decided it was either going to be those or the GM 909's. However I would've said that the 909's were heavier than the Newbery Test's so I didn't bother as they were £10 more expensive than the BAS pads as well.
The SS gloves are very nice to be honest, I'm thinking about getting a pair for myself. They aren't really 'shiney', but they are different to most other gloves as they stand out but in a classy way I think. The calf palms were very supple, I did order some SS Super Test gloves from onlinestockist and when I recieved them they were very stiff, but these SS LE gloves were very supple right from the off.
The GM 909 d30 gloves were very nice as well, very protective and bulky without feeling it when you're wearing them. Lightweight and offer great protection with a modern style glove, very good for the price!

Yeah I had a quick look at the Legend, there were too many bats to look at so I didn't get much time to look at all of them in great detail. Had a quick look at the spine of the bat and I would say it looked ever so slightly off-set, but it did look a lot better finished in person than it does on the website. The bat was huge though and picked up lovely! Personally, I don't think it is worth the price tag though. My favourite bat there was a CA TRD bat which was massive for the weight and if I had £250 on me I would've snapped that beauty up no problem.
Thanks for the writeup mate, I appreciate it!

SS no doubt is one of the best soft maker out there, but I personally think the mid range pads from both SS and Newbery are usually stiffer than the top of the line which obviously make sense.

In the picture that black looks very 'shiny' but in the picture you posted it doesn't look very shiny. I don't know if its me but lately I have been finding SS softs prices to be very high to be honest. I don't know but when I see and compare them with likes of Puma I would say SS softs are expensive.

The SS LE gloves that I have tried are also the OnlineStockist version and they are very very stiff. But again I think the one Uzi Sports have are UK version which are slightly bigger so maybe thats why we don't feel much stiffness.

Ah no worries, if you browse through this section you'll see how many TRDs are here and each and every bat I have seen (TRD) is a beauty! They are very massive for there weight and look very nice too and more importantly the pickup is a dream pickup I would say, impressive bats!! There are few at my club and when I see the players hitting sixes from the whole blade I'm stunned, they are very responsive and feel is brilliant! This shows if CA work properly then they can do wonders!!
Matt, I'm really glad you went for the BAS's they are top pads and I have them too. :D
http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/showthread.php?t=123610 that's the review.

Yeah I know at first they seemed heavy to me as well, but as time goes on and you have a couple of nets with them they will seem just fine. If you want you can try loosening the bottom strap when you wear it, it helps me a bit too. As for the protection, well it is awesome for the price you pay. I have to feel for you a bit though because I bought mine a couple of weeks ago for £5 less :p.

Anyway congrats on the new stuff and I hope it all goes really well for you throughout the season.:)
How is the gear for your club? How are those SS gloves?
For all the softs i have seen so far, the SS Gloves and pads are the best for the price you pay for them.
For SS range in UK, I had a big say as the SS agent in UK is one of my very close friend and next year SS LE gloves will be in pittard and there are few more changes in the SS range which i am not allowed to discuss for the time being.


For all the softs i have seen so far, the SS Gloves and pads are the best for the price you pay for them.
For SS range in UK, I had a big say as the SS agent in UK is one of my very close friend and next year SS LE gloves will be in pittard and there are few more changes in the SS range which i am not allowed to discuss for the time being.



What makes SS the best I mean aren't likes of GM, Gray Nicolls, Puma etc better ?

Is the design of next year SS LE going to be same as this ?
What makes SS the best I mean aren't likes of GM, Gray Nicolls, Puma etc better ?

Is the design of next year SS LE going to be same as this ?

SS makes Gloves and pads for many companies including Puma so similar gloves with S stamp will cost less money and this is what I was trying to say.

