Holes in tape ball bats in Pakistan: Anybody seen this?


Test Debutant
Nov 28, 2008
I came across a number of bats recently arrived from Pakistan (softball or tapeball bats)

A number of them had horizontal holes drilled through the breadth of the bats starting from the middle section where the handle ends all the way down to the toe.

I am not sure if any of you have seen this. What could be the logic or science behind this? How can this help? To make it lighter? Why not just use lighter bats? or does it have some other significance? Anybody else seen this lately?
Bat acceleration will be higher if batting against the wind ...wind will be able to pass through the holes and eventually there will be less friction....
:D :D :D

Physics Zindabad....:D
I've heard of custom officials drilling holes in bats to check for drugs and other such objects.
Bat acceleration will be higher if batting against the wind ...wind will be able to pass through the holes and eventually there will be less friction....
:D :D :D

Physics Zindabad....:D

I dont buy that.

The holes run horizontally, parallel to the face of the bat across its width, not perpendicular to the face. How can that help with air friction?
Some person was in the news a few years ago because he ordered bats from Pakistan and they had holes in them . Write to the customs authority and then sue them .
Did you mean this?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/l0ZapsPCUgY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I dont buy that.

The holes run horizontally, parallel to the face of the bat across its width, not perpendicular to the face. How can that help with air friction?

so that when the bowler is at the top of his run up you can quickly place you lit cigarette into one of the slots, play your stroke, remove the cigarette and continue puffing.
here's what he is talking about! (pic)
and the reason for these holes is to lighten the weight! and as you asked y don't use light weight bats? i'd say what if one wants even lighter ones? becoz in tape ball you know its all about hitting sixes to the bowlers bowling at around 160ks.....
another minor reason for these holes is that less resistance of friction in the air! but above a frnd said that the holes are vertical, not horizantal, but i don't believe all the shots are played with 100% vertical bats! lolzzz...
but i'll have to admit, main reason is to lighten the weight!
my source of information is authentic as i play professional tape ball cricket all over the punjab! alhamdulillah
and this famous bat maker and the inventor of these holes in tape ball cricket bats (Ali Sports) is a decent friend of mine!

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Awesome idea!!! Wouldnt work of course for proper cricket bats but makes a lot of sense for Tape Ball cricket!!
what is tape ball cricket?

You will have to be in India / Pakistan / Sri Lanka/ Bangladesh to know about it... lol...
Cricket played with Tennis ball taped with Electrical tape (used as seam) with lean and mean cricket bat....
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Tape Tennis cricket is a lot about Slogs really....

You don't get value for good shots like the straight drive or any other kind of drives...
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SO tape ball only has electrical tape for the Seam (the whole ball isn't covered)?
As far as my understanding, and from what I've seen, the whole ball is covered with the tap, not just the middle for seam. It's basically a tennis ball covered in tap. It's great fun, I've never played it on a seriously level, just a little laugh here and there with mates, but it's fun and not as easy at it seems either.
As far as my understanding, and from what I've seen, the whole ball is covered with the tap, not just the middle for seam. It's basically a tennis ball covered in tap. It's great fun, I've never played it on a seriously level, just a little laugh here and there with mates, but it's fun and not as easy at it seems either.

yes you are right the entire ball's surface is covered with for a couple of reason, 1 to make the very light tennis ball a bit heavier, 2. to minimize its super bounce, once minimized the bounce becomes closer to a normal cricket ball's bounce!

I've not seen anyone do that, maybe because I've only played a few games here and there with mates in a non competitive manner.

I've not seen anyone do that, maybe because I've only played a few games here and there with mates in a non competitive manner.

Hmm....Sometimes when people are in a hurry they don't roll their tapes to make the seam....:yk
thats how i used to do it as a kid. because i liked to bowl spin i taped all three axes, so if i was providing the ball, i would be at an advantage. :)) :yk
beside adding weight and a seam to the tennis ball, the electrical tape serves another purpose, it smooths the surface of an otherwise furry tennis ball, thus reducing the air friction and making the ball travel even faster through the air. :wasim
FACT: taped ball travels faster than non-taped ball, given other factors are constants
I bought the bat (with holes). I haven't tried it out yet coz itz still a bit chilly in Toronto but hopefully in couple of week I will be playing outside.
ppl asking about tape cricket- there are a lot of tape ball videos on youtube. feel free to have a look. explains a lot about Afridi's technique or lack of ...lol

(quickly hides)
i've witnessed that dude! so definitely serious!

160s? :akhtar


How do judge the pace of the balls?:20:

I agree that the ball comes fast especially when the ball skids(In slippery surface) & turn trundlers :nehra into :gul.............
160s is a stretch if you pick a random tape ball game although there may be a few who can, 90 mph tape ball bowlers arent uncommon though.
160s? :akhtar


How do judge the pace of the balls?:20:

I agree that the ball comes fast especially when the ball skids(In slippery surface) & turn trundlers :nehra into :gul.............

hmmmm, try a speed gun on a bowler who balls around 140 kph with cricket ball, he would definitely ball around 160 or more in tape ball! :D
Have experienced it my self! :)