Hooters or Vuvuzelas Banned in Sri Lanka


Dec 28, 2011
I just a tweet from tony greig about this. I am relieved used to hate that noise. I couldn't even hear the commentary at times.

"Hooters or Vuvuzelas banned in SL. They are seven times louder than a chainsaw and can go over pain threshold of 125 decibels. Well done SLC"

I can watch Twenty Twenty WC in peace.
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I watch cricket on mute anyway with commentary these days. :facepalm:

I think it's good move. It's basically a noise pollution.
About time!

I'm sure SL crowd still have no idea why they finally got banned.
good decision. extremely annoying ''instruments''. made watching 2010 wc somewhat difficult.

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Good news for the world t20, I was fearing the worst for the world cup.

lolz at "hooters" banned in Sri Lanka
and what about the whole band they bring to the ground ???
I am sure Tony the Greig must've got a hand in this.
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Thank God, couldn't stand this constant blaring of horns in the background.
Great news. Watching cricket in SL has always been a pain because of these vuvuzelas etc. Good work by SLC.
What are hooters??
For a second i thought "Hooters - the exotic restaurant"...never been there though but heard a lot about their waitresses
Game is sounding a lot better, just need to ban the singing or what ever they do..
I disagree, I think it adds to the atmosphere within the ground
pathetic stuff from PCB to allow this medieval instrument. Really gets annoying and have to watch on mute.
[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] please give our message to Wasim Khan and PCB to ban hootees.
Great news. Watching cricket in SL has always been a pain because of these vuvuzelas etc. Good work by SLC.
now it's pain watching these games in Pakistan. PCB has really some incompetent people running matters. You can see it when they hire people to give us mental torture instead of making a better viewing experience.
There is a god lol Oh my god i was absolutely annoyed with those noises
It's not even natural. Looks like someone in the PCB thought of an idea of hiring people for constantly hooting to make the so called atmosphere better. It's painful on tv. Imagine people who enjoy quietness having to sit through that. must be a big torture.
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As is we dont have any crowds - let them have their fun.
pathetic stuff from PCB to allow this medieval instrument. Really gets annoying and have to watch on mute.

[MENTION=9]Saj[/MENTION] please give our message to Wasim Khan and PCB to ban hootees.

If you thought the sound on TV was bad, you clearly don't know how it was in the stadium.

They literally sell these things for Rs. 50 in the stands and for some reason every spectator buys one!
As is we dont have any crowds - let them have their fun.

I dunno about this. This was my second time to see a test match in Pindi and the crowd was pretty vibrant. Even more so than the last time. They were having fun, cracking jokes and regularly poking fun at players. And I think the same would happen even if we took out the deafening sounds.