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How forgiving are you?


T20I Captain
Mar 30, 2016
I like to see myself as a forgiving person. I prefer to forgive people 9 out of 10 times.

A friend of mine once failed to deliver a product even though he took around $150 from me. But, I forgave him because I thought he had a good heart.

On the other hand, I have an aunt who caused a lot of conflicts in my family and also spread rumors about me. I do not forgive her and I hope she will be punished by God.

How about you? How forgiving are you?
You are forgiving only when it suits your agenda .

Your words:
1. Bangladeshis should forget 1971 and Rehman’s killing.
2. Awami League should pay for their violence.


On the thread I don’t think i forgive betrayal, as that is bound to repeat.
Once is a mistake twice is a mistake, thrice is a habit.
You are forgiving only when it suits your agenda .

Your words:
1. Bangladeshis should forget 1971 and Rehman’s killing.
2. Awami League should pay for their violence.


On the thread I don’t think i forgive betrayal, as that is bound to repeat.
Once is a mistake twice is a mistake, thrice is a habit.

Addressing your point #1:

I never said Bangladeshis should forget 1971. I wrote everybody should move on. No point in milking 1971 in year 2024.

Regarding Mujeeb's killing, he was killed by a section of Bangladeshi army. Mujeeb tried to do the same thing Hasina did. BD army didn't let it happen.

I don't support the whole Mujeeb's family assassination thing. I think they could've jailed Mujeeb for the offenses or at least tried him in court. Anyway, what's done is done.

Addressing your point #2:

What Hasina did was unforgivable. They killed thousands of innocents and looted Billions of Dollars.
Jesus Christ asked us to forgive those who have sinned against us, so that our heavenly Father may forgive us.

Unfortunately, I fail miserably at it. I basically have no ability to forgive people who have hurt me the slightest.
We all make mistakes. Among those who make mistakes, some have good hearts and some have evil hearts. You can kind of tell at times.

I forgive if I sense the person has a good heart. Otherwise, I may not forgive.

I would like to believe most people on Earth are good people.
Jesus Christ asked us to forgive those who have sinned against us, so that our heavenly Father may forgive us.

Unfortunately, I fail miserably at it. I basically have no ability to forgive people who have hurt me the slightest.

After observing you on PP for many years, I feel like you are quite vengeful. LOL.
i can forgive someone, but they cant expect the relationship to be the same after they've wronged me. i invest too much into the people that are dear to me to tolerate disrespect. if you wrong me i will cut u off, and tbh to me that's the best revenge cos theres no more effort or time spent on that person.
A man should never be angry and should rather practice living a joyous stress free life but if by chance he has to be angry it must terrify people. Living by this one code has ensured i don’t hold grudges or seek vengeance against anyone who’s wronged me because those who crossed the line already faced my wrath. My retaliation is instant, devastating & decisive.
Addressing your point #1:

I never said Bangladeshis should forget 1971. I wrote everybody should move on. No point in milking 1971 in year 2024.

Regarding Mujeeb's killing, he was killed by a section of Bangladeshi army. Mujeeb tried to do the same thing Hasina did. BD army didn't let it happen.

I don't support the whole Mujeeb's family assassination thing. I think they could've jailed Mujeeb for the offenses or at least tried him in court. Anyway, what's done is done.

Addressing your point #2:

What Hasina did was unforgivable. They killed thousands of innocents and looted Billions of Dollars.
Everyone should move on from Hasina too she is past.
BD has gotten rid of Hasina and her stooges, now move on.
Fortunately for those that have wronged me, I have forgiven them but justice still needs to be served. To those individuals, all I will say is, be careful. But know that you are forgiven. This isn’t personal. It’s just part of the job.
As a muslim forgiveness is the key part of the Religion. We can't expect Mercy from the Almighty Allah, if we can't forgive others.

Islam indeed gives emphasize on forgiveness.

But, you are allowed to make dua against someone if you have been oppressed. But, there are certain boundaries.

See below:

2. Making du’a against someone who has oppressed or unduly wronged one is permissible, but only to the extent that the person has wronged one. It is not permissible to make du’a beyond this limit.

Allah Most High says, “And if you were to harm (them) in retaliation, harm them to the measure you were harmed. And if you opt for patience, it is definitely much better for those who are patient.” (Qur’an 16:126)

For example, if a man stole money from a woman and he vows to not return it to her, she can make du’a against him for Allah Most High to take vengeance on him for this crime. She cannot make du’a that Allah Most High destroys all his wealth, ruins his children, or punishes him without limit.

With that being said, what is preferred is that one not make du’a against the oppressor. Rather, one practices patience, or pardons the oppressor, or consigns the affair to Allah Most High to deal with the matter justly. One can also make du’a for the person to change for the good and stop their wrongdoing.

Reference: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/muslimac...t-me/#:~:text=1.,right, or abused one's honor..

Also, here is what Shaykh Assim has to say regarding this:

I'm as vengeful as they come. At least by nature.

Nothing feels better than well planned revenge come to fruition

Unfortunately, it's also quite destructive once you get consumed by it.

So, tend to forgive nowadays :inti
I used to be really vengeful but somewhere down the line, I started noticing that anyone who wrongs me gets into serious trouble sooner or later. So now I don't bother about being vengeful anymore. I let the universe take care of it.