how to play short pitch bowling


watch the ball till very last moment , if you are scared of short pitch try to play away from ur body, ie cut, hook ect. and not to pull..
help please

- Watch the ball till the very last second
- Quick back and across feet movement to gain maximum time before you hit the ball (either defense or attack)
- Get behind the ball line and don’t run away or fear the ball, it won’t help your cause

Practice this in nets with slower pace first making sure your feet movement is quick and accurate; gradually increase the speed (ideally use bowling machine with fix feed of balls on same spot). You’ll gain confidence and eventually would be comfortable :)

(you can also do the same drill with tennis ball to begin with, this way you’ll learn the feet/body movement without fear, then use it with cricket ball)
ask Suresh Raina and you'll be set if you don't do whatever he does
- Watch the ball till the very last second
- Quick back and across feet movement to gain maximum time before you hit the ball (either defense or attack)
- Get behind the ball line and don’t run away or fear the ball, it won’t help your cause

Practice this in nets with slower pace first making sure your feet movement is quick and accurate; gradually increase the speed (ideally use bowling machine with fix feed of balls on same spot). You’ll gain confidence and eventually would be comfortable :)

(you can also do the same drill with tennis ball to begin with, this way you’ll learn the feet/body movement without fear, then use it with cricket ball)

when :akhtar bowls to you ... you forget all the feet movements you have ever learned..
^haha,Suresh Raina doesn't even have the answer for that I guess....

Two things are required to play the short ball:

1.Courage & being fearless

2.Technique(Not playing the ball in the air,use the wrists during impact so that the ball will roll across the boundary).....

If you not that good then just sway or duck away from the ball,while keeping the bat down....

You can also learn how to play the Uppar Cut when the ball is in the right zone...
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You have to be confident and fearless, If your religous then a prayer always helps! Mine goes like this when i arrive at the crease, Bismillah irahman nirahemm Ya Allah! Ya Muhammad! Ya Ali!

It helps a lot.
trigger movement with weight on back foot and toes of front foot (on the pitch) in position to drive it is an easy trigger movement and allows tou to back or forward very easily
Practice short pitched bowling with tennis balls first.

Then use the bowling machine for short pitched outside off which you can pull, cut or back foot check.

Also, you dont have to go back every time if its too quick, its about balance; lift your left leg up (if youre right handed) and swivel (hope I explained it clearly) and DO NOT be scared insha'Allah (wear a lid).
Practice short pitched bowling with tennis balls first.

Then use the bowling machine for short pitched outside off which you can pull, cut or back foot check.

Also, you dont have to go back every time if its too quick, its about balance; lift your left leg up (if youre right handed) and swivel (hope I explained it clearly) and DO NOT be scared insha'Allah (wear a lid).

good advice, practice someone throwing a tennis ball from a short distance and 1st concentrate on either defending, or leaving the ball. You can either duck or slant your back to avoid playing the ball.

When ducking, don't leave your bat pointing like a perescope and when weaving out of the way, ensure your hands stay low.

As an attacking option, avoid the hook or pull for now, concentrate on cutting the ball. If the ball is aimed at the body, then try getting inside the line and glancing it behind square.

Through all this, remember that you should always be looking to get forward, as it is easier to get on the backfoot from that position. If you are stuck on the backfoot, then it is harder getting forward and LBW comes into play.

Hope this helps, any questions please ask.
Practice short pitched bowling with tennis balls first.

Then use the bowling machine for short pitched outside off which you can pull, cut or back foot check.

Also, you dont have to go back every time if its too quick, its about balance; lift your left leg up (if youre right handed) and swivel (hope I explained it clearly) and DO NOT be scared insha'Allah (wear a lid).

spot on... start with a tennis ball
Dont worry more about footwork... more to do with hand and eye co-ordination.... see hit- get to position -- hit it
Critical- get a helmet.

If the professionals use them how do you think you are going to fare not using one? It only takes one poor shot and if you get hit in the temple you can die. I've seen what a 140kph bouncer does to teeth so do not risk it.

As mentioned, if it is short you need to move inside it or at least get your momentum moving inside. Your footwork needs to be precise, and you need to rotate either over your front leg or with one foot lifted spin as you connect.

Eyes on the ball of course. You shuld be trying to hit the ball downwards as well.