"Imran Khan told us get out or get hit but dont shy away" : Waqar Younis


Test Debutant
Jun 27, 2013
Post of the Week
Waqar Younis discussing tailenders, said that Imran Khan absolutely hated it if a batsman shied away from the ball saying "if you do don't come back to the dressing room".

Discuss !
The role of a tailender has changed. While being able to throw some lusty blows, they should also be competent enough to hold up their end and help the more accomplish batsman. I mean, the opposition should never think, ok, if we can reduce them for 204/7, they'll be all out for 230.
That doesn't work now. You need to play like a batsman.

Not even a question of getting out.

Not just hit out.

But play like a batsman.
Well seems that Tailenders who can stand their ground more often than not are more important than one-hit wonders