India Different Than In 2013: Morgan Stanley's "Transformation" Report


Local Club Regular
Mar 11, 2016
New Delhi: India, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has transformed, gaining a position in the world order and becoming a key driver for Asia and global growth, said Morgan Stanley.
In a report, Morgan Stanley said significant scepticism about India, particularly with overseas investors, ignores the significant changes that have taken place in India, especially since 2014.

India of today, the report said, is different from what it was in 2013.

"This India is different from what it was in 2013. In a short span of 10 years, India has gained positions in the world order with significant positive consequences for the macro and market outlook," it said. "India has transformed in less than a decade."

Listing the 10 big changes that have happened since Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office in 2014, the brokerage said bringing corporate tax at par with peers and infrastructure investment picking pace are one of the biggest supply-side policy reforms.

Also, the rising collection of GST -- the uniform tax that replaced more than a dozen different central and state taxes -- and the rising share of digital transactions as a percentage of GDP indicate the formalisation of the economy.

Transfer of subsidies to accounts of beneficiaries, insolvency and bankruptcy code, flexible inflation targeting, focus on FDI, government support for corporate profits, a new law for real estate sector and MNC sentiment at multi-year high were other significant changes, it said.

Manufacturing and capital spending as a percentage of GDP has continuously risen, Morgan Stanley said, adding export market share is projected to more than double to 4.5 per cent by 2031.

India, according to the report, "will emerge as a key driver for Asia and global growth." On the skepticism about India, particularly with overseas investors, who say India has not delivered its potential -- despite it being the second-fastest growing economy and among the top-performing stock markets over the past 25 years -- and that equity valuations are too rich, it said, such a view ignores the significant changes that have taken place in India, especially since 2014.

The report highlighted the 10 big changes, including supply-side policy reforms, formalisation of the economy, Direct Benefit Transfer, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, focus on FDI and flexible inflation targeting. These changes are because of India's policy choices, and their implications for its economy and market.

As a result, the report expects a new cycle in manufacturing and capex, as the share of both will rise in GDP. It also estimates that India's export market share will rise to 4.5 per cent by 2031, nearly 2 times from 2021 levels, with broadbased gains across goods and services exports and there would be a major shift in consumption basket.

"As India's per capita income increases from USD 2,200 currently to about USD 5,200 by F2032, this will have major implications for change in the consumption basket, with an impetus to discretionary consumption," it said.

In a matter of a few years, India has also become the global leader in digital transactions and real-time payments.

As per the report, inflation would remain benign and less volatile, which would imply shallower rate cycles and benign trend in current account deficit.

The share of profits in GDP has doubled from all-time lows in 2020 and are set to rise further – maybe even double from here– leading to strong absolute and relative earnings, it said, adding, this explains India's apparently rich headline equity valuations.

As India's reliance on global capital market flows has reduced, the market's sensitivity to a US recession and US Fed rate changes also seems to be fading, it added.
I agree on the policy front
Particularly Bankruptcy laws and legal environment improved in the past few years

But the single largest factor for the growth is the talent pool.

There may be issues on the quality of education but India has a very big talent pool due its education-oriented mindset.
If you come to south, even the poorer sections of the societies sole focus is educating the children. That has been driving the growth and also makes Indian economy much more resilient.

Remote working culture has been a boon for India as outsourcing have become much easier now.

Due credit to Indian parents for this I would say😁
Credit where its due. Did Modi deliver "Aache din"?

Was Modi personally responsible for any of the policy changes? He must be better read than we thought if that was the case if he understands supply side, fiscal policy, inflation etc. I've heard it said here India might be benefitting from reforms brought in under previous regime which was led by Manmohan Singh.
Was Modi personally responsible for any of the policy changes? He must be better read than we thought if that was the case if he understands supply side, fiscal policy, inflation etc. I've heard it said here India might be benefitting from reforms brought in under previous regime which was led by Manmohan Singh.

You dont need Oxford degrees to be a good PM. Modi himself might not be educated but he is one of the finest administrators anywhere in the world & he was elected solely because of the Gujarat model - in the 15 years of being Gujarat CM before he completely transformed Gujarat. And the nos. speak for themselves - the infrastructure growth has been through the roof, so has service delivery by the govt. And while Manmohan Singh govt could have had a few ideas, pretty sure they would have mired themselves in corruption cases while implementing any of them and bungled all of them (after all Congress is synonymous with corruption).
Was Modi personally responsible for any of the policy changes? He must be better read than we thought if that was the case if he understands supply side, fiscal policy, inflation etc. I've heard it said here India might be benefitting from reforms brought in under previous regime which was led by Manmohan Singh.

Manmohan Singh is the reason why India is here today. He started the change for the better, put India on a path to success, he was a brilliant economist.

However the poor guy was getting bricked by my Ammayi Sonya and company.
Oh but isn't Morgan Stanley a known Bhakt ?

This report is false, surely, gotta be.

You dont need Oxford degrees to be a good PM. Modi himself might not be educated but he is one of the finest administrators anywhere in the world & he was elected solely because of the Gujarat model - in the 15 years of being Gujarat CM before he completely transformed Gujarat. And the nos. speak for themselves - the infrastructure growth has been through the roof, so has service delivery by the govt. And while Manmohan Singh govt could have had a few ideas, pretty sure they would have mired themselves in corruption cases while implementing any of them and bungled all of them (after all Congress is synonymous with corruption).

What was it he actually did as an administrator in Gujarat? Was there anything specific he's been personally accredited with? Other than the obvious state sanctioned riots against minorities which he is best known for. This is not about that so let's not go there.
I see the Gujarat model coming up here. Yes, Modi is replicating the Gujarat model in India.

What is the Gujarat model? A few elites and business groups getting insanely rich and the poor getting pushed further down. Lots of bluster of growth, some from manipulated data and some real. But what's consistent is these are all short term growths with disastrous long-term results as has started to happen in Gujarat.

This is the reality of the Gujarat model. Walls built to hide the poor from Trump.

I see the Gujarat model coming up here. Yes, Modi is replicating the Gujarat model in India.

What is the Gujarat model? A few elites and business groups getting insanely rich and the poor getting pushed further down. Lots of bluster of growth, some from manipulated data and some real. But what's consistent is these are all short term growths with disastrous long-term results as has started to happen in Gujarat.

This is the reality of the Gujarat model. Walls built to hide the poor from Trump.

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The poverty was always there and will continue to be there- but can you give me a stat which shows that poverty is worsening in India. Because as per the recent IMF working paper, extreme poverty in India has actually decreased to sub 1 percent in 2022.

And you need a good industrial base to create jobs and the Gujarat model creates jobs and brings in FDI & FIIs. Yes, it creates billionaires but ultimately everybody benefits from it.

I work in international markets in NYC and believe me, when I say that there is extreme interest in Indian companies these days. Global investors love Modi because his government has removed hurdles and smoothened out the tax and bankruptcy laws which were earlier hindering capital investments. We are seeing insane valuations of Indian companies compared to their global peers. Even in a bearish market, India is growing at 7.2 percent and its banking system is the brightest spot in a languishing global banking. All of this augurs well for the country.
1. Gujarat was one of the more well-to-do places in India before Modi was even born. Nothing to do with him in particular.

2. Bhakts are so easy to play like a fiddle. If Morgan Stanley/Time Magazine praise them one day, they'll be the first ones to say "Look! Look! My Modiji is so cool and the white man is making be blush!". The next day they will put out a cover with "Divider-in-Chief" against his face and they will become so insecure to send the ED and CBI after their offices. Weak.
1. Gujarat was one of the more well-to-do places in India before Modi was even born. Nothing to do with him in particular.

2. Bhakts are so easy to play like a fiddle. If Morgan Stanley/Time Magazine praise them one day, they'll be the first ones to say "Look! Look! My Modiji is so cool and the white man is making be blush!". The next day they will put out a cover with "Divider-in-Chief" against his face and they will become so insecure to send the ED and CBI after their offices. Weak.

Major difference is Times is a news magazine & Morgan Stanley is a financial institute and investment bank which actually helps/ boosts the economy. The media is biased now a days. You didn't answer the question. Did Modi bring "Aache din"?
Major difference is Times is a news magazine & Morgan Stanley is a financial institute and investment bank which actually helps/ boosts the economy. The media is biased now a days. You didn't answer the question. Did Modi bring "Aache din"?

No he hasn't. One look at the additional taxes that have happened 2013 - 2023 may make you drool for the "Bure Din". More money taken away for very little in return.

Oh, newspaper or financial institute doesn't matter. Might I remind you of Bhakts destroying Moody's social media pages when they downgraded some rating a few years ago, criticizing a Modi policy. The blowback also reached Tom Moody the coach.

Bhakts have a subpar IQ and place white men on a pedestal - and are as happy to be garlanded by them as they are unhappy to be dissed by the very same people and institutes.
No he hasn't. One look at the additional taxes that have happened 2013 - 2023 may make you drool for the "Bure Din". More money taken away for very little in return.

Oh, newspaper or financial institute doesn't matter. Might I remind you of Bhakts destroying Moody's social media pages when they downgraded some rating a few years ago, criticizing a Modi policy. The blowback also reached Tom Moody the coach.

Bhakts have a subpar IQ and place white men on a pedestal - and are as happy to be garlanded by them as they are unhappy to be dissed by the very same people and institutes.

Personally I dont rate any news outlets now a days and take their opinion with pinch of salt. For tax-paying middle class its bad. But its a very small vote bank so no government actually cares. Its Bure Din year after year.
Due to work from home during Covid - there was massive boom in outsourcing and services exports. This is driving the economy. Not sure how Modi is doing anything better
Personally I dont rate any news outlets now a days and take their opinion with pinch of salt.

Except Adani owned NDTV when they push out a story by a western outlet praising your leader. Then you'll start a thread about it.
Except Adani owned NDTV when they push out a story by a western outlet praising your leader. Then you'll start a thread about it.

He is your leader too unfortunately, if you are living in India. I don't think any Western nees outlet praises Modi anymore.
1. Gujarat was one of the more well-to-do places in India before Modi was even born. Nothing to do with him in particular.

2. Bhakts are so easy to play like a fiddle. If Morgan Stanley/Time Magazine praise them one day, they'll be the first ones to say "Look! Look! My Modiji is so cool and the white man is making be blush!". The next day they will put out a cover with "Divider-in-Chief" against his face and they will become so insecure to send the ED and CBI after their offices. Weak.

Right, so why don't you bright and brilliant Modi detractors present some real credible data that rubbishes the claims that Morgan Stanley, the World Bank and IMF are putting out on the strength of the Indian economy in the Modi era? If you are so well educated unlike the bhakths, why don't you show it for a change, instead of prattling yarn about bhakts and low IQ, yada yada yada?
Right, so why don't you bright and brilliant Modi detractors present some real credible data that rubbishes the claims that Morgan Stanley, the World Bank and IMF are putting out on the strength of the Indian economy in the Modi era? If you are so well educated unlike the bhakths, why don't you show it for a change, instead of prattling yarn about bhakts and low IQ, yada yada yada?

Look in the mirror: You're an economic immigrant yourself, to a country where there are just 0.1% Indians. In part because the Indian economy hasn't shown enough "strength" to satisfy your lifestyle.

Continue looking in the mirror. You're loving Modi's economic policies even though you aren't tasting an inkling of it - good or bad.

At least my defence is steeped on the basis of living here, unlike your praise from living in a continent far away.
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Look in the mirror: You're an economic immigrant yourself, to a country where there are just 0.1% Indians. In part because the Indian economy hasn't shown enough "strength" to satisfy your lifestyle.

Continue looking in the mirror. You're loving Modi's economic policies even though you aren't tasting an inkling of it - good or bad.

At least my defence is steeped on the basis of living here, unlike your praise from living in a continent far away.

I migrated from India like many others in the 1990s when Modi was nowhere near becoming PM. And no points for guessing how the Indian economy was back then, and which government was in power. We thought that brain drain is better than brain in the drain, so we left.
You've mentioned somewhere that you grew up in Kuwait. Ask your parents why they migrated there. They'll explain better. :)

If I had been growing up in today's India, I probably would have never migrated.

But you still haven't answered my question. Show me some credible data that rubbishes the claims that Morgan Stanley, World Bank and IMF have made on the Indian economy under Modi.

Go, do it now!
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Morgan Stanley is an important US financial institution. They would care less about who the leader is of India if they think that India is a useful tool or marketplace for US interests. That's the only angle they look at. If 10 years down the line they feel that India could be a threat to US interests or a serious global competitor, they would be writing very different analyses of Modi's administrative genius.
Morgan Stanley is an important US financial institution. They would care less about who the leader is of India if they think that India is a useful tool or marketplace for US interests. That's the only angle they look at. If 10 years down the line they feel that India could be a threat to US interests or a serious global competitor, they would be writing very different analyses of Modi's administrative genius.

I am an investment banker (not Morgan Stanley) but that is far from truth..LOL.
Morgan Stanley is an important US financial institution. They would care less about who the leader is of India if they think that India is a useful tool or marketplace for US interests. That's the only angle they look at. If 10 years down the line they feel that India could be a threat to US interests or a serious global competitor, they would be writing very different analyses of Modi's administrative genius.

Completely wrong. Investors don’t care much about US interests, not unless there is an actual war. Companies kept on investing in China for years, even when the political leaders were concerned about China. The only reason that China gets lesser investment today is because of the Chinese market slowdown & CCP policies, nothing to do with US.

Investors only look for economic growth and stable politics. And people are taking a bet on India right now, that is why we are seeing insane valuations everywhere in India (not just IT outsourcing as somebody was earlier talking about). Just to give you a perspective, Asian Paints an Indian Chemical company is trading at 60x PE which is insane for a chemicals company. Even when the banking stocks globally are languishing, investors are rushing in to pour money into Indian HDFC stock.
Completely wrong. Investors don’t care much about US interests, not unless there is an actual war. Companies kept on investing in China for years, even when the political leaders were concerned about China. The only reason that China gets lesser investment today is because of the Chinese market slowdown & CCP policies, nothing to do with US.

Investors only look for economic growth and stable politics. And people are taking a bet on India right now, that is why we are seeing insane valuations everywhere in India (not just IT outsourcing as somebody was earlier talking about). Just to give you a perspective, Asian Paints an Indian Chemical company is trading at 60x PE which is insane for a chemicals company. Even when the banking stocks globally are languishing, investors are rushing in to pour money into Indian HDFC stock.

But it's still tied up to global politics, that was my point. Because China is seen as an emerging threat to US influence around the world, there have been serious moves to counter that by shifting production and recruitment to other countries like India. It has nothing to do with Modi's personal qualities, the US could not give two figs about those. Morgan Stanley is a financial institution, they will obviously look at the implications from that perspective.
But it's still tied up to global politics, that was my point. Because China is seen as an emerging threat to US influence around the world, there have been serious moves to counter that by shifting production and recruitment to other countries like India. It has nothing to do with Modi's personal qualities, the US could not give two figs about those. Morgan Stanley is a financial institution, they will obviously look at the implications from that perspective.

You are right, it’s got nothing to do with Modi’s personal qualities - but it is an endorsement of the growth under the Modi government and there is no denying of the fact that the economic policies of the Modi govt and its relatively corruption free image has helped tremendously. Nobody would have invested in India if it was not viable to do so, Chinese alternative be damned. I moved to the US in 2010 but visit India every few months and the growth and development I have seen on each trip is astounding - India is not the same it was 13 years back.
Ban BBC give Bharat Ratna to Morgan Stanley :))

I love it how you guys brush aside any praise of India with a laugh.

But If there is any criticism, then we won't hear end of it.
These are so called neutral and liberal journalist in India.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Big story of the day: India’s growth ‘slowed’ YOY but at 7.2% is higher than most estimates and India remains one of the fastest growing economies among major players. Morgan Stanley report hails ‘transformation’ in economy. <a href=""></a></p>— Rajdeep Sardesai (@sardesairajdeep) <a href="">May 31, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
I love it how you guys brush aside any praise of India with a laugh.

But If there is any criticism, then we won't hear end of it.

Lol i already said this is a well deserved applause for BJP with credit where it’s due when it was shared in Modi thread.

I am atleast consistent with praises and criticism unlike you and other BJP fans where one is West is Jealous and is wrong and other West is Praising is right